Results for 'Ramon Caiffa'

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  1.  11
    Life as a gift and donation: from the consensus to the life.Ramon Caiffa - 2018 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 27 (54):277-294.
    A conceção da vida como fonte de júbilo não é óbvia, porque pressupõe uma ação concreta do sujeito: o homem deve consentir a sua vida. Há, portanto, necessidade de experimentar a alegria da vida, para aprender a amar e observar cuidadosamente a aceitá‑latotalmente. O conceito de consentimento, no entanto, pode causar dúvidas, porque pode ser confundido com resignação. O artigo analisa a vida como um dom, para explicar os principais conceitos de reflexão de Martin Steffens, a saber: os pares conceptuais (...)
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    “L’infini derrière la haie”. L’homme comme exigence ontologique et humilité chez G. Marcel.Ramon Caiffa - 2017 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 1 (2).
    On tachera d’exposer, dans ce bref texte, tout d’abord, les motivations qu’on a pouraffirmer que la subjectivité demande un effort pour satisfaire l’exigence ontologique quiest constitutive de son être. Ceci demandera, d’abord, l’explication de certains motscomme exigence ontologique, recueillement et humilité. Ensuite, on verra si, et comment,une telle exigence peut être satisfaite. On s’appuiera, pour faire ceci, sur les réflexions duphilosophe français Gabriel Marcel, qui a avancé, notamment dans Le mystère de l’être etHomo Viator, des importantes contributions à ce sujet. (...)
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    Logic Based Merging.Sébastien Konieczny & Ramón Pino Pérez - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (2):239-270.
    Belief merging aims at combining several pieces of information coming from different sources. In this paper we review the works on belief merging of propositional bases. We discuss the relationship between merging, revision, update and confluence, and some links between belief merging and social choice theory. Finally we mention the main generalizations of these works in other logical frameworks.
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  4. Estrategia de intervención sanitaria en pacientes con glaucoma neovascular.Matilde Landín Sorí & Ramón Ezequiel Romero Sánchez - 2012 - Humanidades Médicas 12 (1):1-8.
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  5. La ilustración en el pensamiento de John Stuart MIll.Juan Ramón Fuentes Jiménez - 2013 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 40:307-321.
    El artículo trata de mostrar las influencias de los ideales de la Ilustración en el pensamiento de John Stuart Mill. Así, puede comprobarse como en esos ideales de libertad, igualdad, tolerancia, respeto a la diferencia que propugna la Ilustración están presentes en el pensamiento de Mill y vertebran su filosofía.
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  6. Influencias filosóficas en la encíclica Laudato si´.Juan Ramón Fuentes Jiménez - 2023 - Salmanticensis 70 (Philosophy):385-412.
    The work presented has the following approach: starting from the Pope's reflection on the planet and ecological problems, it is intended to show the philosophical influences that underlie Francisco's exposition. These influences make it possible to describe a philosophical profile present in the encyclical Laudato si’. In addition, since philosophy claims to know, it is not exhausted only in knowledge, but tries to know in order to act; therefore, the presence of an ethical proposal follows; and since all ethics leads (...)
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  7. Educación para la libertad en Stuart Mill.Juan Ramón Fuentes Jiménez - 2010 - Magister: Revista Miscelánea de Investigación - Universidad de Oviedo (España) 23 (Philosophy of education in John):139-164.
    El presente artículo es un extracto de la Tesis Doctoral leída en la Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad de Oviedo el 16 de abril de 2010 titulada Educación para la Libertad en el pensamiento de John Stuart Mill. Este artículo recoge de forma resumida, a lo largo de sus páginas, los aspectos más destacables de dicha Tesis Doctoral. Se subraya el aspecto de la educación como elemento fundamental en el pensamiento del filósofo inglés John Stuart Mill, en el sentido (...)
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  8. John Stuart Mill y la Ética Cívica de la Libertad.Juan Ramón Fuentes Jiménez - 2013 - 33817 Siero, Asturias, España: La Fábrica de Libros - Siero (España).
    El presente texto muestra, dentro del pensamiento de John Stuart Mill, una idea de ser humano diverso y distinto que vive en una realidad también diversa. La convivencia de seres diversos en las distintas sociedades requiere de una organización política en la que la democracia representativa juega un papel importante, pero también unida a la política está la ética, la cual en Stuart Mill ha de ser una ética cívica, esto es, una ética en la que los ciudadanos, sujetos de (...)
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  9. Reduccionismo clasificatorio y tipologías históricas en el pensamiento geográfico.Juan Ramon Alvarez - 1981 - El Basilisco 12:59-68.
    Se plantea el problema de la existencia de una campo científico -el geográfico - para el cual existen candidaturas e disciplinas determinadas como la Geografía Física, La Humana, la R egional y la Universal, etc. Se plantea la diferencia entre ciencias naturales y humanas, así como entre ciencias texonómicas y ciencias mereológicas, como marcos de análisis para las ciencias geográficas.
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  10. Por una estética apegada a la vida.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2010 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 66 (3):89-100.
    Los actuales procesos de estetización del mundo de la vida y de transformación de objetos cotidianos en obras de arte tienden a ser interpretados teóricamente como una difuminación de las fronteras entre arte y vida. Cualquier cosa puede ser arte -afirma Arthur C. Danto, uno de los más reconocidos filósofos del arte de la actualidad-, pero ¿lo puede ser en realidad? Este ensayo se cuestiona esa afirmación basado en los límites axiológicos de la misma.
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    Filosofar sobre el derecho en españa: Una aportación personal al margen.Juan-Ramón Capella - 2010 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 44:509-522.
    Los Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez se han ganado a pulso, a lo largo de los años, sobre todo gracias a la tenacidad de Nicolás López Calera y al equipo formado en torno a él en la Facultad de Derecho de Granada, el mérito de ser la principal referencia bibliográfica de la Filosofía del Derecho en España junto al Anuario de Filosofía del Derecho en la etapa en que J. J. Gil Cremades fue su director. Otras revistas se han (...)
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  12. Pragmatismo reformista, pragmatismo radical. Respuesta a" Viejo y nuevo pragmatismo".Ramón del Castillo Santos - 2003 - Dianoia 50:145-180.
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    Análisis económico de proyectos de inversión.Tito Duarte, Ramón Elías Jiménez Arias & Myriam Ruíz Tibaná - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  14. La situación de las drogas en España.José Ramón Hevia Fernández - 2010 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 60 (967):22-27.
    De acuerdo con los informes del Observatorio Español sobre Drogas, organismo institucional responsable del análisis del fenómeno de las drogodependencias en el conjunto de España, en los últimos años de la década del 2000 viene registrándose un descenso general en los consumos de sustancias psicoactivas, tanto de comercio legal como ilegal, tal vez con la única excepción de los hipnosedantes y antidepresivos. Ciertamente esta primera afirmación genérica debe matizarse, ya que este fenómeno no se da de forma similar para todas (...)
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    Avicena: sobre el amor.Rafael Ramón Guerrero - 2008 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 25:243-260.
    El amor ha estado presente en las diversas manifestaciones en que se ha expresado el pensamiento del Islam. Avicena escribió una Epístola sobre el amor, que ha sido considerada como un escrito místico. Una lectura atenta de esta obra muestra que su contenido no es místico ni gnóstico, sino que coincide con las doctrinas filosóficas avicenianas expuestas en otras de sus más importantes obras. Se describe aquí el contenido de esa Epístola.
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    AQUINO, Tomás de: Comentarios a los libros de Aristóteles "Sobre el sentido y lo sensible" y "Sobre la memoria y la reminiscencia".Rafael Ramón Guerrero - 2001 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 18:293.
    Love has been present in several manifestations in that Islamic thought has been expressed. Avicena wrote a Treatise on Love that has been considered as a mystic writing. An attentive reading of this work shows that its content is not mystic neither gnostic, but it rather agrees with the Avicenna’s philosophical doctrines exposed on other of his most important works. The content of that Treatise is described on this paper.
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  17. Discurso filosófico y discurso místico: divergencias.Rafael Ramón Guerrero - 2000 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 17:53-76.
    En esta ponencia se exponen los diversos caminos de acceso a la Verdad que históricamente se han dado en el Islam: la tradición, la razón y el corazón. Estos dos últimos dan lugar a la filosofía y a la mística. A la vez que se señalan algunas coincidencias entre ellas, también se ponen de relieve las divergencias que las separan.
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    De nuevo sobre Al-Fârâbî y Maimónides: nota sobre los "Ocho capítulos" o Ética de Maimónides.Rafael Ramón Guerrero - 2005 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 12:43-48.
    En esta nota sólo se pretende apuntar la influencia que Al-Fârâbî ejerció sobre Maimónides, especialmente en la obra de éste titulada Los ocho capítulos.
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  19. La vida de Aristóteles de Abu Sulayman al-Siyistani.Rafael Ramón Guerrero & José Antonio García Junceda - 1989 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 7:25-36.
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    Un tratado pseudo-aristotélico sobre el alma en versión árabe.Rafael Ramón Guerrero - 1980 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 1:9-20.
    Love has been present in several manifestations in that Islamic thought has been expressed. Avicena wrote a Treatise on Love that has been considered as a mystic writing. An attentive reading of this work shows that its content is not mystic neither gnostic, but it rather agrees with the Avicenna’s philosophical doctrines exposed on other of his most important works. The content of that Treatise is described on this paper.
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    Cambiamento religioso e cambiamento politico in Spagna.José Ramòn Montero - 1999 - Polis 13 (1):25-44.
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  22. Lectura creyente de la realidad. Un método teológico.Ramon Prat I. Pons - 2001 - Verdad y Vida 59 (232):485-504.
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  23.  11
    Doctor Illuminatus: A Ramon Llull Reader.Ramón Llull - 1993 - Princeton University Press.
    For this new anthology, Anthony Bonner has chosen central texts from his acclaimed two-volume compilation Selected Works of Ramon Llull. Available for the first time in an affordable format, these works serve as an introduction to the life and writings of the Catalan philosopher, mystic, and theologian who lived from 1232 to 1316. Founder of a school of Arabic and other languages, Llull was also a poet and novelist and one of the creators of literary Catalan. This volume contains (...)
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    Juan ARANA, Filosofía Natural (Sapientia Rerum), Madrid, Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 2023, 480 pp. 33 €. ISBN 978-84-220-2276-3. [REVIEW]Miguel Ramón Fuentes - 2024 - Isidorianum 33 (1):281-283.
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    Ramon XIRAU, Graons.Ramon Alcoberro - 1984 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 10:202.
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    Chesterton pour mémoire: textes de Ramon Fernandez, Gabriel Marcel et Georges Cattaui.Ramon Fernandez, Gabriel Marcel & Georges Cattaui - 2007 - Pierre D'Angle 13:109-128.
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    PÉREZ - ILZARBE, Paloma: El significado de las proposiciones. Jerónimo Pardo (+1502) y las teorías medievales de la proposición. [REVIEW]Rafael Ramón Guerrero - 2000 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 17:315.
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    Ramon Llull: a contemporary life.Ramon Llull - 2010 - New York: Tamesis. Edited by Anthony Bonner.
    The autobiography of an influential medieval Catalan intellectual.
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    Obras de Ramon Lull..Ramon Llull - 1901 - [n.p.]:
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  30. Pàgines escollides de Ramon Llull.Ramon Llull - 1932 - Barcelona,: Editorial Barcino. Edited by Ramón D' Alós-Moner.
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    Selfextensional Logics with a Conjunction.Ramon Jansana - 2006 - Studia Logica 84 (1):63-104.
    A logic is selfextensional if its interderivability (or mutual consequence) relation is a congruence relation on the algebra of formulas. In the paper we characterize the selfextensional logics with a conjunction as the logics that can be defined using the semilattice order induced by the interpretation of the conjunction in the algebras of their algebraic counterpart. Using the charactrization we provide simpler proofs of several results on selfextensional logics with a conjunction obtained in [13] using Gentzen systems. We also obtain (...)
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    XIRAU, Ramon. Graons.Ramon Alcoberro I. Pericay - 1984 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 10:202-205.
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  33. Ambassador Ramon del Rosario, Sr.: A Lifetime Legacy.Ramon R. del Rosario Jr, Oscar J. Hilado & Jocelyn Perez - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2 & 3):125-130.
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  34. Carnap and the Vienna Circle: Empiricism and Logical Syntax.Ramon Cirera (ed.) - 1994 - Rodopi.
    In Rudolph Camap (,) established himself as a professor in Vienna. The philosophical atmosphere awaiting him there was not new to him: the year before he ...
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  35. AI as an Epistemic Technology.Ramón Alvarado - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (5):1-30.
    In this paper I argue that Artificial Intelligence and the many data science methods associated with it, such as machine learning and large language models, are first and foremost epistemic technologies. In order to establish this claim, I first argue that epistemic technologies can be conceptually and practically distinguished from other technologies in virtue of what they are designed for, what they do and how they do it. I then proceed to show that unlike other kinds of technology (_including_ other (...)
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  36. Bearers of value.Ramon M. Lemos - 1991 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 51 (4):873-889.
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    Should we replace radiologists with deep learning? Pigeons, error and trust in medical AI.Ramón Alvarado - 2021 - Bioethics 36 (2):121-133.
    Bioethics, Volume 36, Issue 2, Page 121-133, February 2022.
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  38. Computer Simulations as Scientific Instruments.Ramón Alvarado - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (3):1183-1205.
    Computer simulations have conventionally been understood to be either extensions of formal methods such as mathematical models or as special cases of empirical practices such as experiments. Here, I argue that computer simulations are best understood as instruments. Understanding them as such can better elucidate their actual role as well as their potential epistemic standing in relation to science and other scientific methods, practices and devices.
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    On representation theorems for nonmonotonic consequence relations.Ramon Perez & Carlos Uzcategui - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (3):1321-1337.
    One of the main tools in the study of nonmonotonic consequence relations is the representation of such relations in terms of preferential models. In this paper we give an unified and simpler framework to obtain such representation theorems.
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    Error, Reliability and Health-Related Digital Autonomy in AI Diagnoses of Social Media Analysis.Ramón Alvarado & Nicolae Morar - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (7):26-28.
    The rapid expansion of computational tools and of data science methods in healthcare has, undoubtedly, raised a whole new set of bioethical challenges. As Laacke and colleagues rightly note,...
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  41. A Closer Look at Some Subintuitionistic Logics.Ramon Jansana & Sergio Celani - 2001 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 42 (4):225-255.
    In the present paper we study systematically several consequence relations on the usual language of propositional intuitionistic logic that can be defined semantically by using Kripke frames and the same defining truth conditions for the connectives as in intuitionistic logic but without imposing some of the conditions on the Kripke frames that are required in the intuitionistic case. The logics so obtained are called subintuitionistic logics in the literature. We depart from the perspective of considering a logic just as a (...)
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  42.  74
    Abstract modal logics.Ramon Jansana - 1995 - Studia Logica 55 (2):273 - 299.
    In this paper we develop a general framework to deal with abstract logics associated with a given modal logic. In particular we study the abstract logics associated with the weak and strong deductive systems of the normal modal logicK and its intuitionistic version. We also study the abstract logics that satisfy the conditionC +(X)=C( in I n X) and find the modal deductive systems whose abstract logics, in addition to being classical or intuitionistic, satisfy that condition. Finally we study the (...)
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    Hores de nostra dona Santa Maria.Ramon Llull - 2012 - Palma: Patronat Ramon Llull. Edited by Simone Sari.
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    De Menute a Abukir. La suplantación cristiana de los ritos de la incubatio en el templo de Isis en Menute (Alejandría).Ramón Teja - forthcoming - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones.
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    The Poset of All Logics III: Finitely Presentable Logics.Ramon Jansana & Tommaso Moraschini - 2020 - Studia Logica 109 (3):539-580.
    A logic in a finite language is said to be finitely presentable if it is axiomatized by finitely many finite rules. It is proved that binary non-indexed products of logics that are both finitely presentable and finitely equivalential are essentially finitely presentable. This result does not extend to binary non-indexed products of arbitrary finitely presentable logics, as shown by a counterexample. Finitely presentable logics are then exploited to introduce finitely presentable Leibniz classes, and to draw a parallel between the Leibniz (...)
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    Autocontrol: A Critical Study of Achievements and Challenges in the Pursuit of Ethical Advertising Through an Advertising Self-Regulation System.Ramón A. Feenstra & Elsa González Esteban - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (2):341-354.
    The theory and practice of advertising self-regulation have been evolving for decades in pursuit of basic standards for advertising quality. In Spain, this discipline was put into practice in 1995, the year the Association for the Self-Regulation of Commercial Communication was created. This article aims to examine in depth the functioning of the Spanish advertising self-regulation system, with special emphasis on the Advertising Jury, and explore to what extent some of the normative requirements of rigour, independence and participation can be (...)
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    ChatGPT’s Relevance for Bioethics: A Novel Challenge to the Intrinsically Relational, Critical, and Reason-Giving Aspect of Healthcare.Ramón Alvarado & Nicolae Morar - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (10):71-73.
    The rapid development of large language models (LLM’s) and of their associated interfaces such as ChatGPT has brought forth a wave of epistemic and moral concerns in a variety of domains of inquiry...
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    On the Deductive System of the Order of an Equationally Orderable Quasivariety.Ramon Jansana - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (3):547-566.
    We consider the equationally orderable quasivarieties and associate with them deductive systems defined using the order. The method of definition of these deductive systems encompasses the definition of logics preserving degrees of truth we find in the research areas of substructural logics and mathematical fuzzy logic. We prove several general results, for example that the deductive systems so defined are finitary and that the ones associated with equationally orderable varieties are congruential.
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    Measurement and correlates of social attitudes.Ramon J. Aldag & Donald W. Jackson - 1984 - Journal of Business Ethics 3 (2):143 - 151.
    A review of research addressing correlates of attitudes toward social responsibility of business leads to the conclusion that little can currently be confidently stated concerning such correlates and that progress toward the understanding of relevant linkages is largely dependent on the development of psychometrically adequate indices of social attitudes. Using a sample of high level executives from a large number of industries, this paper examines various psychometric properties of an index of social attitudes, the Social Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ) (Aldag and (...)
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    A Moral Argument for Democracy.Ramon Lemos - 1976 - Social Theory and Practice 4 (1):57-74.
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