Results for 'Ralph Heintzman'

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  1.  14
    The Human Paradox: Rediscovering the Nature of the Human.Ralph Heintzman - 2022 - London: University of Toronto Press.
    "What is a human being? What does it mean to be human? How can you lead your life in ways that best fulfill your own nature? In The Human Paradox, Ralph Heintzman explores these vital questions and offers an exciting new vision of the nature of the human. The Human Paradox aims to counter or correct several contemporary assumptions about the nature of the human, especially the tendency of Western culture, since the seventeenth century, to identify the human (...)
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  2. The human paradox: rediscovering the nature of the human: an essay on the metaphysics of the virtues.Ralph Heintzman - 2022 - London: University of Toronto Press.
    What is a human being? What does it mean to be human? How can you lead your life in ways that best fulfill your own nature? In The Human Paradox, Ralph Heintzman explores these vital questions and offers an exciting new vision of the nature of the human. The Human Paradox aims to counter or correct several contemporary assumptions about the nature of the human, especially the tendency of Western culture, since the seventeenth century, to identify the human (...)
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  3. The moral evil demons.Ralph Wedgwood - 2010 - In Richard Feldman & Ted A. Warfield (eds.), Disagreement. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Moral disagreement has long been thought to create serious problems for certain views in metaethics. More specifically, moral disagreement has been thought to pose problems for any metaethical view that rejects relativism—that is, for any view that implies that whenever two thinkers disagree about a moral question, at least one of those thinkers’ beliefs about the question is not correct. In this essay, I shall outline a solution to one of these problems. As I shall argue, it turns out in (...)
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    Are we ready to bootstrap neurophysiology into an understanding of perception?Ralph Norman Haber - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (2):263-264.
  5. The Fundamental Argument for Same Sex Marriage.Ralph Wedgwood - 1999 - Journal of Political Philosophy 7 (3):225–242.
    This paper offers an argument in favour of the conclusion that it is seriously unjust to exclude same-sex couples from the institution of civil marriage. The argument is based on an interpretation of what the institution of marriage essentially is, and of its essential rationale; the crucial claim is that although marriage is a legal institution, it is also a social institution, involving a "social meaning" -- a body of common knowledge and expectations about marriage that is generally shared throughout (...)
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  6. Sensing values?Ralph Wedgwood - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 63 (1):215-223.
    This is a reply to Mark Johnston's paper "The Authority of Affect", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (2001).
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    Charity Begins at Home.Ralph H. Johnson - 1980 - Informal Logic 3 (3).
  8.  37
    Perception and Reality: From Descartes to the Present.Ralph Schumacher (ed.) - 2004 - Mentis.
    This book is about the nature of sensory perception. Contributions focus on five questions, i.e.: (1) What distinguishes sensory perception from other cognitive states? Is it true, for instance, that perceptual content, in contrast to the phenomenal content of sensations like pain, always depends on the perceivers conceptual resources? (2) How do we have to explain the intentionality of perceptual states? (3) What is the nature of perceptual content? (4) In which sense do the objects of sensory perception depend on (...)
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  9.  27
    Effects of repeated brief exposures on the growth of a percept.Ralph N. Haber & Maurice Hershenson - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (1):40.
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    Gauguin: The Oscillating Structure of Disguise.Ralph Hajj - 2001 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 8 (1):167-184.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:GAUGUIN: THE OSCILLATING STRUCTURE OF DISGUISE Ralph Hajj University ofMontreal In this essay we will examine Gauguin's self-portraits as ritualistic activity. Through them we will attempt to determine the formal and iconographical consequences ofhis extensive use ofdisguise and how this use can illuminate the nature ofart in general. The ritualistic function of disguise Within the framework ofa given social order, disguise functions as a ritualistic activity. Ritual is (...)
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  11. Kaufmann, Paulus (2018). Ogyū Sorai and the End of Philosophy. In: Steineck, Raji C; Weber, Ralph; Gassmann, Robert; Lange, Elena L. Concepts of Philosophy in Asia and the Islamic world (Vol. 1: China and Japan). Leiden: Brill, 607-629.Paulus Kaufmann, Raji C. Steineck, Ralph Weber, Robert Gassmann & Elena L. Lange (eds.) - 2018
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    The "scholastic" realism of C. S. Peirce.S. J. Ralph J. Bastian - 1953 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 14 (2):246-249.
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    Ennoēmata, Prolēpseis, and Common Notions.Ralph Doty - 1976 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 7 (3):143-148.
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    Non-strictly positive fixed points for classical natural deduction.Ralph Matthes - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 133 (1):205-230.
    Termination for classical natural deduction is difficult in the presence of commuting/permutative conversions for disjunction. An approach based on reducibility candidates is presented that uses non-strictly positive inductive definitions.It covers second-order universal quantification and also the extension of the logic with fixed points of non-strictly positive operators, which appears to be a new result.Finally, the relation to Parigot’s strictly positive inductive definition of his set of reducibility candidates and to his notion of generalized reducibility candidates is explained.
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  15.  32
    A test and analysis of "set.".Ralph Gundlach, Donald A. Rothschild & Paul Thomas Young - 1927 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 10 (3):247.
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    Effects of coding strategy on perceptual memory.Ralph Norman Haber - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 68 (4):357.
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    When is sensory-motor information necessary, when only useful, and when superfluous?Ralph Norman Haber - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (1):68-70.
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    Memory for physical and semantic features of visual material in a shadowing task.Ralph Hall, Diana Swane & R. A. Jenkins - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 100 (2):426.
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    The question of bidirectional associations in pigeons’ learning of conditional discrimination tasks.Ralph W. Richards - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):577-579.
  20. The logic of analogy.Ralph McInerny - 1961 - The Hague,: Martinus Nijhoff.
    CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM OF ANALOGY "Let lu start with a review of the theories of other thinkers; for the proofs of a theory are difficulties for the contrary ...
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    The joyful wisdom of ecology on perspectival and relational contact with nature and animality.Ralph Acampora - 2003 - New Nietzsche Studies 5 (3/4/1/2):22-34.
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    Laszlo's "case for systems philosophy".Ralph Wendell Burhoe - 1972 - Metaphilosophy 3 (2):154–155.
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    A division of the problem of epistemology.Ralph Barton Perry - 1909 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 6 (26):709-718.
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    Dr. Schiller on William James and on realism.Ralph Barton Perry - 1915 - Mind 24 (94):240-249.
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    Realism and pragmatism.Ralph Barton Perry - 1913 - Mind 22 (88):544-548.
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    The cognitive interest and its refinements.Ralph Barton Perry - 1921 - Journal of Philosophy 18 (14):365-375.
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    The mind within and the mind without.Ralph Barton Perry - 1909 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 6 (7):169-175.
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    The philosophy of William James.Ralph Barton Perry - 1911 - Philosophical Review 20 (1):1-29.
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    Report on the First Annual Meeting of the Mediaeval Academy of America.Ralph Adams Cram - 1926 - Speculum 1 (4):451-453.
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    Taxes for Treatment.Ralph Crawshaw - 1975 - Hastings Center Report 5 (1):55-55.
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    The Grand Titration: Science and Society in East and West.Ralph Croizier - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (2):333.
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    Anxiety and verbal concept learning.Ralph F. Dunn - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 76 (2p1):286.
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  33.  36
    Argumentation: A Pragmatic Perspective.Ralph H. Johnson - 1994 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 13 (3-4):3-8.
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    Definability in lattices of equational theoris.Ralph McKenzie - 1971 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 3 (2):197-237.
  35.  4
    Kant: Kant and the Moral Law.Ralph Walker - 1998 - Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
    'Dry,obscure...Prolix.' That was Kant's own critique of his first Critique - and exasperated students since having it extended to the rest of his work. Yet despite it's sprawling for and forbidding content, Kant's moral philosophy has continued to compel the attention of every serious thinker in the field. Clear, Concise - and overwhelmingly convinvcing - Ralph Walker's brilliant guide spells out the power and renewed relevance of histhinking : a genuinely objective, absolute basis for a modern moral law.
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  36. „Einleitung, Neue Theoriepraxis des Rechts “.Sonja Buckel, Ralph Christensen & Andreas Fischer-Lescano - 2006 - In Sonja Buckel, Ralph Christensen & Andreas Fischer-Lescano (eds.), Neue Theorien des Rechts. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius.
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    Carlyle and Scottish Thought.Ralph Jessop - 1997 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book initiates a new interdisciplinary approach in the literary and philosophical treatment of Carlyle, challenging the long-held notion that his work was solely influenced by German idealism. Tracing Carlyle's intellectual inheritance through Hume, Reid, and Hamilton, Jessop argues that Carlyle was crucially influenced by Scottish philosophy and that this philosophical discourse can in turn be used to inform critical readings of his texts. The book will be of interest to readers of Carlyle, philosophers, and specialists in the literature and (...)
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  38.  53
    Charity Again.Ralph H. Johnson - 1981 - Informal Logic 4 (2).
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    Commentary on Kvernbekk.Ralph H. Johnson - unknown
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    (1 other version)Philosophy and Christian Theology.Ralph H. Johnson - 1970 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 44:99-107.
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  41. ¿filosofía Y O Como Literatura? Sobre La Posibilidad De Un Cambio De Paradigma De La Crítica De La Razón A La Crítica Literaria.Ralph Buchenhorst - 2006 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 32 (1):3-36.
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  42.  11
    Walter Benjamin als Gemeinplatz. Auswege aus der Kristallisation der Benjamin-Rezeption von Lateinamerika aus.Ralph Buchenhorst - 2013 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 61 (2):301-312.
    The study at hand critically approaches tendencies of routine and sluggishness in the recent reception of Walter Benjamin’s writings, highlighting and explaining apologetic interpretations in studies which limit themselves to explain the internal logic of Benjamin’s concepts. To that end, it first casts a glance at the debate on how to faithfully translate these concepts. In a second step, it scrutinizes contributors to subaltern studies who use elements of Benjamin’s “pre-history of modernity” in their attempt to uncover historical differences in (...)
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  43.  44
    In the Periodicals.Ralph Wendell Burhoe - 1973 - Zygon 8 (2):168-171.
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    On Behalf of Natural Theology.Ralph Mcinerny - 1980 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 54:63.
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    Attention, saccade programming, and the timing of eye-movement control.Ralph Radach, Heiner Deubel & Dieter Heller - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (4):497-498.
    E-Z Reader achieves an impressive fit of empirical eye movement data by simulating core processes of reading in a computational approach that includes serial word processing, shifts of attention, and temporal overlap in the programming of saccades. However, when common assumptions for the time requirements of these processes are taken into account, severe constraints on the time line within which these elements can be combined become obvious. We argue that it appears difficult to accommodate these processes within a largely sequential (...)
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    Correspondence.Ralph Blunden & Alan J. Holland - 1986 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 3 (1):145-148.
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    Correction of the semantics for ${\rm S}4.03$ and a note on literal disjunctive symmetry.Ralph H. Moon - 1983 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 24 (3):337-345.
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    Growth‐related protein kinases.Ray K. Ralph, Sandra Darkin-Rattray & Phillip Schofield - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (3):121-124.
    A protein kinase cascade is involved in the action of some mitogens. The cascade begins with receptor tyrosine kinase activation by growth factors. The resulting signal is transmitted into cells via phospholipid metabolism which produces a variety of second messengers and by intracellular protein kinase activation. The signal is then propagated and disseminated via a network of other proteln kinases and protein phosphatases. Recent research suggests that ribosomal protein S6 kinase and casein kinase II are two important elements in the (...)
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    Notice.Ralph Davis - 1979 - Philosophical Investigations 2 (1):68-68.
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    Streak contrast in field-ion micrographs.B. Ralph & K. M. Bowkett - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 13 (126):1283-1284.
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