Results for 'Radiography'

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  1.  20
    Radiography image analysis using cat swarm optimized deep belief networks.Sura Khalil Abd, Mustafa Musa Jaber & Amer S. Elameer - 2021 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):40-54.
    Radiography images are widely utilized in the health sector to recognize the patient health condition. The noise and irrelevant region information minimize the entire disease detection accuracy and computation complexity. Therefore, in this study, statistical Kolmogorov–Smirnov test has been integrated with wavelet transform to overcome the de-noising issues. Then the cat swarm-optimized deep belief network is applied to extract the features from the affected region. The optimized deep learning model reduces the feature training cost and time and improves the (...)
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    Radiographie de l’ennemi : Carl Schmitt et le romantisme politique.Christian E. Roques - 2009 - Astérion 6 (6).
    C’est grâce à son essai Politische Romantik, publié en 1919, que Carl Schmitt fait une entrée remarquée sur la scène intellectuelle allemande. L’ouvrage se présente comme une charge systématique et radicale contre la tradition allemande du « romantisme politique », et fut vivement discuté dans les années qui suivirent sa publication. Mais aujourd’hui il se trouve relégué parmi les œuvres de jeunesse de Schmitt et reste rarement étudié par la recherche, qui le lit au mieux comme une belle contribution à (...)
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  3. La radiographie des peintures de chevalet.Elisabeth Martin & Elisabeth Ravaud - 1995 - Techne 2:158-164.
  4.  14
    Radiographie du commandantisme vénézuélien.Jeudiel Martínez & Fabrice Andréani - 2021 - Multitudes 81 (4):183-189.
    Né du culte militaire et d’un coup d’État raté, le « chavisme » est devenu un phénomène politique. Après avoir survécu au coup d’État de 2002, il a commencé à coloniser l’État dans un processus progressif mais continu dans lequel est apparu un nouveau type de militarisme de gauche que l’on pourrait appeler le « comandantismo ». Ce régime est entré en crise avec la mort de Chavez et la chute des prix du pétrole. Avec Maduro, son successeur, une tentative (...)
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    Epigenesis and pre-formationism: radiography of an inconclusive antinomy.Davide Vecchi & Isaac Hernández - 2015 - Scientiae Studia 13 (3):577-597.
    RESUMENEl desarrollo embriológico es un fenómeno que ha inspirado la especulación filosófica desde temprano en la historia del pensamiento. Desde los tiempos de Aristóteles dos modelos conceptuales antitéticos se han utilizado tradicionalmente para comprender la embriogénesis: o el embrión posee ya una forma o estructura, o ésta se forma de nuevo en cada generación. Nuestro objetivo en este artículo es mostrar que el contraste entre la posición preformacionista y epigenética persiste a pesar de los formidables avances teóricos y experimentales de (...)
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    Navigating the ethical landscape of artificial intelligence in radiography: a cross-sectional study of radiographers’ perspectives.Faten Mane Aldhafeeri - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-8.
    Background The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in radiography presents transformative opportunities for diagnostic imaging and introduces complex ethical considerations. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to explore radiographers’ perspectives on the ethical implications of AI in their field and identify key concerns and potential strategies for addressing them. Methods A structured questionnaire was distributed to a diverse group of radiographers in Saudi Arabia. The questionnaire included items on ethical concerns related to AI, the perceived impact on clinical (...)
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    Causal Mechanisms Generating Writing Competency Discourses in a Radiography Curriculum in Higher Education: A Critical Realist Perspective.Jennifer Wright - 2011 - Journal of Critical Realism 10 (2):163-191.
    When education is jointly managed by a workplace and academia, causal mechanisms in the culture, structure and agency of these two contexts may unintentionally generate discourse that conveys conflicting messages for learners regarding some of the priorities of the profession. Using the concepts of culture, structure and agency as they are used in critical realism to analyse the discourse generated in two teaching and learning contexts (a radiography division in a university and a radiography workplace in a large (...)
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  8. A necessary radiography: Orthodoxy and globalisation.I. Cordoneanu - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (7):182-191.
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    O radiografie necesara – Ortodoxie si Globalizare/ A Necessary Radiography: Orthodoxy And Globalisation.Ion Cordoneanu - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (7):182-191.
    The two works this paper focuses on (Anastasios Yannopoulos, Orthodoxy and the Problems of Contemporary World and Georgios Mantzaridis, Globalization and Universality. Phantom and Truth) represent a thorough analysis of contemporary history, in which globalization is the direction and purpose of the new vision in human relations and community. The lost of the individuality of these relations is considered to be a disease which has very strong religious and anthropological effects. The common feature is the reaffirmation of community in the (...)
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    In situobservation of pore evolution during melting and solidification of Al–Pd–Mn quasicrystals by synchrotron X-ray radiography.J. Gastaldi *, T. Schenk, G. Reinhart, H. Klein, J. Härtwig, N. Mangelinck-Noël, B. Grushko, H. Nguyen Thi, P. Pino, B. Billia & J. Baruchel - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (3-5):335-340.
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  11. Les supports utilisés par Poussin à travers l'étude des radiographies du Laboratoire de recherche des musées de France: analyse et étude comparative.Elisabeth Ravaud & Bénédicte Chantelard - 1994 - Techne 1:23-34.
  12. 10 khz microsecond pulsed X-Ray generator utilising a hot-cathode triode with variable durations for biomedical radiography.E. Sato, M. Sagae, K. Takahashi, A. Shikoda, T. Oizumi, Y. Hayasi, Y. Tamakawa & T. Yanagisawa - 1994 - Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 32 (3).
    A 10 kHz pulsed X-ray generator utilising a hot-cathode triode in conjunction with a new type of grid control device for controlling X-ray duration is described. The energy-storage condenser was charged up to 70 kV by a power supply, and the electric charges in the condenser were discharged to the X-ray tube repetitively by the grid control device. The maximum values of the grid voltage, the tube voltage, and the tube current were −1.5 kV, 70 kV, and 0.4 A, respectively. (...)
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    Towards the Adoption of A Novel More Integral Model for Teaching Entrepreneurship in Higher Education Institutions.Andrés Ramírez Portilla, Oscar Everardo Flores Choperena, Diego Martínez de Velasco Amaro, Isabel Rodríguez López & Alan Joel Ochoa Ramos - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:733-766.
    The “Radiography of the Teaching of University Entrepreneurship in Mexico” is situated within the context of the necessity to comprehend and enhance the pedagogical practices associated with entrepreneurship in Mexican universities. This context encompasses a global examination of entrepreneurship and its prevailing trends, as well as a detailed analysis of the entrepreneurial landscape in Mexico. The principal objective of this study is to conduct a comprehensive examination of the pedagogical approaches employed in higher education institutions (HEIs) in Mexico with (...)
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  14. Bioethics and physiotherapy.I. Poulis - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (8):435-436.
    Physiotherapy raises serious bioethical questions that are far too little discussed. Concerns include the lack of a clearly defined end point, the closeness of interaction between therapist and patient, the patient’s own share of responsibility, and the common failure to refer patients for rehabilitation.Physiotherapy has evolved dramatically in recent years, to the point where it is now a major healthcare profession offering assessment, diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of conditions, from sports injuries to rehabilitation for major injuries and (...)
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    Reconsidering cameraless photography.Tomáš Dvořák - 2022 - Philosophy of Photography 13 (1):3-15.
    This article introduces the Special Issue on cameraless photography and the translation of Georg Christoph Lichtenberg’s treatise on electrical figures. It summarizes previous discussions on cameraless photography, namely those by Geoffrey Batchen and suggests relating the photogram to current post-lenticular technologies such as radiography, digital scanning or machine vision. It outlines the emergence of cameraless imaging in late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century scientific research, taking Lichtenberg’s figures as an emblem of automatically generated images situated between duration and instantaneity, between (...)
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    Leadership in Ethical Practice: Students Learning Outcomes.Caitlyn Blaich, Belinda Kenny & Yobelli Jimenez - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (4):719-741.
    Health science students frequently experience ethical dilemmas on clinical placements, yet ethics education rarely prepares students with the ethical leadership skills required. The Leadership in Ethical Practice (LEP) program is an ethics education resource designed to enhance health science students’ knowledge and skills in ethical leadership to prepare them for clinical placements and future professional practice. This qualitative study aimed: to explore the nature of students’ ethical leadership goals; determine whether a specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) format was (...)
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    Introduction au Symposium sur Mathias Girel, L’esprit en acte. Psychologie, mythologies et pratique chez les pragmatistes, Paris, Vrin, 2021.Michela Bella & Angelique Thébert - 2022 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 14 (2).
    Dans L’esprit en acte, Mathias Girel propose une radiographie non pas d’un courant (le pragmatisme), non pas d’un auteur (James, Peirce ou Dewey), mais d’un moment clé de l’histoire du pragmatisme (les années 1870 à 1900). L’ambition de l’ouvrage est de montrer que les débats actuels sur la nature du rapport entre nos croyances et notre conduite étaient vifs dès la genèse du pragmatisme. Loin d’être dus à une complexification croissante du mouvement pragmatiste, qui verrait l’unité initiale ê...
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  18.  20
    A pesquisa em teopoética no Brasil: pesquisadores e produção bibliográfica.Antonio Geraldo Cantarela - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (36):1228-1251.
    The field of knowledge named Theopoetics, associated with the interfaces between literature and the general scope of the sciences that study religion and the spiritualties, has produced a large number of events and publications in the last three or four decades in Brazil. This paper presents radiography of bibliographic output within Theopoetics, focusing on four aspects: i) gender, age and institutional affiliation of the researchers; ii) their academic background and titling; iii) publications in the area and main investigators; iv) (...)
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  19.  13
    Philosophie de l'image.François Dagognet - 1984 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    Ce livre traite de l'image, mais aussi, plus generalement, de la copie, du double, de la representation, du calque, du sosie... La philosophie, a juste titre, a mis en garde contres ces si dangereux reflets. Ne doit-on pas preferer ce qui est a ce qui l'imite ou le mime? Mefions-nous des leurres! Cependant, on est revenu sur cette seculaire et injuste condamnation. La technologie moderne a peu a peu sauve celle qu'on avait trop inferiorisee et eloignee. Et quelle victoire! L'image (...)
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  20.  19
    Formes rapides de restitution.Clémentine Deliss & Priscilla De Roo - 2020 - Multitudes 78 (1):185-189.
    La restitution des artefacts pillés lors des conquêtes coloniales ou abritées dans les musées « coloniaux » suscite des réactions antagoniques. Faut-il « tuer » le modèle du musée ethnographique, comme le préconise le président du Mali, ou bien purifier les collections témoins de pratiques génocidaires, en les radiographiant ou les cachant dans les réserves muséales, à l’abri des regards critiques? La complicité entre le pouvoir académique et le principe d’inaliénabilité de la propriété muséologique rendent le processus de restitution particulièrement (...)
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  21.  18
    Roumanie : La dimension d'un drame national.Cristina Hermeziu - 2006 - Hermes 46:101.
    Cet article constitue l'un des éléments d'un dossier comparatif international sur le traitement médiatique de l'attentat survenu à la gare d'Atocha à Madrid en mars 2004. Centré sur la Roumanie et basé sur l'étude d'un corpus de trois quotidiens nationaux, il analyse les orientations du discours développé par la presse de cet état dans les jours qui ont suivi cet événement dramatique. Il montre que le mode de traitement journalistique développe une vision fataliste et tragique de l'événement. Il met en (...)
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  22.  10
    Réflexions de philosophie du droit international: problèmes fondamentaux du droit international public : théorie et philosophie du droit international.Robert Kolb - 2003 - Bruxelles [Belgium]: Emile Bruylant.
    Cet ouvrage ne présente pas un système complet et cohérent, méritant le nom d'une philosophie du droit international. Une telle entreprise serait à la fois trop vaste face à une société internationale de haute complexité et aussi un peu anachronique au regard de la perte de foi dans les systèmes trop parfaits et dès lors trop réductifs. C'est plutôt une série de réflexions personnelles sur les points de droit international qui m'ont paru importants au fil des années d'étude de cette (...)
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    Correlation of Necrotizing Enterocolitis (Nec) on Radiology Examination of Plain Abdomen Photo and Ultrasonography (USG).Syarifuddin Lubis & Harry Galuh Nugraha - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1430-1441.
    Introduction: Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is an inflammatory condition caused by infectious agents with a background of immaturity of local defense mechanisms and hypoxic-ischemic damage to the intestinal mucosa. Plain abdominal radiography can be used to examine this condition. The results of diagnostic imaging of the neonatal gastrointestinal tract have relatively limited accuracy, and limit improvements in diagnostic efforts and determine the severity. The results of the examination can also be used with ultrasound. This study aims to analyze the correlation (...)
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  24. La articulación de los saberes en la "Enciclopedia".Víctor Sanz Santacruz - 2000 - Anuario Filosófico 33 (68):859-890.
    This article analyzes the structure and the aims of the Encyclopaedia. The Encyclopaedia presented itself as an attempt to give a systematic and complete account of all knowledge of its time. By doing this, it really became an intellectual radiography of the Enlightenment, and from that perspective is presented in this article.
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  25. From "Lives" to Biography: the Twilight of Parnassus.Marc Fumaroli & Jeanne Ferguson - 1987 - Diogenes 35 (139):1-27.
    “Biography” is a sober, precise and modern word. Like other words formed from a Greek root, it has a competent and knowing air. It makes a good appearance in the summary of reviews, on the platform at conferences, between “biology” and “bibliography,” between “necrology” and “radiography,” in that scientific elite of the lexicon that travels in “business” class from one language to another, always at home in the time belts, hotel lobbies, conference rooms or amphitheaters. Compared with this prosperity, (...)
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    Les attentats de Madrid du 11 mars 2004 et leurs lectures nationales.Guy Lochard - 2006 - Hermes 46:69.
    Cet ensemble d'articles constitue une étude de cas exemplifiant le processus d'internationalisation d'un événement. Fondés sur une grille d'analyse commune et des critères homologues dans la constitution des corpus examinés, six articles signés par des collègues étrangers examinent la façon dont un même événement, les attentats de Madrid du 11 mars 2004, a été traité et mis en débat dans la presse écrite de six pays choisis en fonction de leurs liens directs et indirects avec les faits et la situation (...)
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    What's new?: The AMBIS beta scanning system.Ivor Smith - 1985 - Bioessays 3 (5):225-229.
    AMBIS is a complete identification system which includes (1) a highly reproducible electrophoresis unit; (2) a beta‐scanner with the ability to rapidly locate and measure beta particle emission data from a variety of isotopes and surfaces; and (3) an IBM computer with a massive data storage capacity for the emission data plus subsequent manipulation of that data. Hence it provides a rapid facility for (1) classification of all types of micro‐organisms, (2) examination of cells of multicellular plants and animals, (3) (...)
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  28.  9
    Walter Benjamin: les maisons oniriques.Georges Teyssot - 2013 - Paris: Hermann.
    A la recherche des "images de pensée" (Denkbilder), Walter Benjamin instaure un procédé efficace de correspondance entre rêve et architecture, une idée qu'il tenait du surréalisme. On a pu parler d'oniromancie à l'envers, car son point de départ est matériel : il part des choses, des objets, des lieux, des endroits, des atmosphères pour mettre en lumière leurs qualités irrationnelles. Une telle théorie décrit précisément les relations fantastiques se créant par l'assemblage d'articles luxueux, d'objets d'art anciens, de pièces de collection, (...)
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    Degree of structural perfection of icosahedral quasicrystalline grains investigated by synchrotron X-ray diffractometry and imaging techniques.J. Gastaldi, S. Agliozzo, A. Létoublon, J. Wang & L. Mancini - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (1):1-29.
    A study of the structural perfection of icosahedral quasicrystalline grains of various alloys and Al-Cu-Fe), grown by different slow solidification techniques was performed using high-resolution diffraction, including recording rocking curves combined with X-ray topography and phase contrast radiography, at a third-generation synchrotron radiation source . For Al-Pd-Mn, additional coherent diffraction and diffuse scattering measurements were also carried out. After evaluating the potentialities of the techniques used, in the light of the criteria defined for crystals, it is shown that the (...)
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  30. Les triptyques reliquaires Dutuit: de l'oeil du connaisseur à l'examen en laboratoire. Histoire d'une réhabilitation.Isabelle Biron, Dominique Morel & Thierry Borel - 1998 - Techne 8:97-106.
  31. Matériaux et techniques des peintures de Nathalie S. Gontcharova et de Michel F. larionov du Musée national d'art moderne.Jean-Paul Rioux, Geneviève Aitken & Alain Duval - 1998 - Techne 8:16-32.