R. Meiggs [25]Russell Meiggs [16]
  1.  24
    A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions to the End of the Fifth Century B. C.Michael H. Jameson, Russell Meiggs & David Lewis - 1972 - American Journal of Philology 93 (3):474.
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  2.  48
    A Defence of Catiline Eugenio Manni : Lucio Sergio Catilina. Pp. 264. Florence: 'La Nuova Italia', 1939. Paper, L. 15.R. Meiggs - 1940 - The Classical Review 54 (03):162-163.
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  3.  33
    A Note on Athenian Imperialism.Russell Meiggs - 1949 - The Classical Review 63 (01):9-12.
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  4.  44
    Inscriptions of Ostia.Russell Meiggs - 1954 - The Classical Review 4 (02):157-.
  5.  24
    Municipia.Russell Meiggs - 1951 - The Classical Review 1 (01):38-.
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  6.  89
    Ostia.R. Meiggs - 1974 - The Classical Review 24 (02):268-.
  7. Robert Maxwell Ogilvie 1932-1981.R. Meiggs - 1983 - In Meiggs R., Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 68: 1982. pp. 627-636.
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  8.  59
    Papers of the British School at Rome. Vol. XIV. (New Serie Vol. I.) Pp. 168; 19 plates. London: Macmillan, 1938. Cloth.R. Meiggs - 1939 - The Classical Review 53 (04):155-.
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  9.  62
    The Athenian Calendar.R. Meiggs - 1963 - The Classical Review 13 (03):334-.
  10.  39
    Tiberius D. M. Pippidi: Autour de Tibère. Pp. 201. Bucarest: Institutul di Istorie universală 'N. Iorga', 1944. Paper.Russell Meiggs - 1947 - The Classical Review 61 (01):27-28.
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  11.  36
    The Navy.Russell Meiggs - 1977 - The Classical Review 27 (02):208-.
  12.  13
    The public a fames of ad. 68 (suetonius, nero 45.1).R. Meiggs - 2000 - Classical Quarterly 50:210-222.
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  13.  46
    Ancient Charities Hendrik Bolkestein: Wohltätigkeit und Armenpflege im vorchristlichen Altertum. Ein Beitrag zum Problem 'Moral und Gesellschaft'. Pp. xvi+492. Utrecht: Oosthoek, 1939. Paper, fl. 13.50. [REVIEW]R. Meiggs - 1940 - The Classical Review 54 (02):106-107.
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  14.  52
    Ancient Forestry Olli Makkonen: Ancient Forestry, an historical study. Part i: Facts and Information on Trees. Part ii: The Procurement and Trade of Forest Products. (Acta Forestalia Fennica, 82, 95.) Pp. 84, 46. Helsinki: Akateeminen Kirjakauppa, 1967, 1969. Paper. [REVIEW]R. Meiggs - 1971 - The Classical Review 21 (03):446-448.
  15.  49
    Attic Inscriptions - Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum. Vol. X. Adiuvantibus G. Klaffenbach, M. N. Tod, redigendum curaverunt J. J. E. Hondius, A. E. Raubitschek. Pp. 176. Leiden: Sijthoff, 1949. Paper. [REVIEW]Russell Meiggs - 1951 - The Classical Review 1 (02):96-98.
  16.  51
    B. D. Meritt, H. T. Wade-Gery, and M. F. McGregor: The Athenian Tribute Lists, Vol. iv. Pp. 278. Princeton, N.J.: American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1953. Cloth, $10. [REVIEW]Russell Meiggs - 1955 - The Classical Review 5 (01):113-.
  17.  39
    Cicero in Catilinam- Giovanni Pavano Amato: Ciceronis Orationes in Catilinam. 4 vols. Pp. 41, 45, 47, 47; I photograph in each. Turin: Lattes, 1938. Paper, L. 3, 3, 3, 3.50. [REVIEW]R. Meiggs - 1938 - The Classical Review 52 (06):226-.
  18.  57
    Giovanni Becatti: I Mitrei. (Scavi di Ostia, ii.) Pp. 139; 25 plans, 39 plates. Rome: Libreria dello Stato, 1954. Cloth, L. 10,000. [REVIEW]R. Meiggs - 1956 - The Classical Review 6 (01):77-.
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  19.  54
    Helen H. Tanzer: The Letters of Pliny the Younger, Selected and Edited together with a Companion to Pliny's Letters. Pp. xxiv+292; 45 photographs and drawings. New York: Stechert, 1936. Cloth, $2. [REVIEW]R. Meiggs - 1937 - The Classical Review 51 (04):149-.
  20.  44
    Helen H. Tanzer: The Common People of Pompeii. A Study of the Graffiti. Pp. xii+113; 49 photographs and sketches. (The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Archaeology, No. 29.) Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press (London: Milford), 1939. Cloth, 14s. [REVIEW]R. Meiggs - 1940 - The Classical Review 54 (02):117-118.
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  21.  41
    Municipia Eugenio Manni: Per la Storia dei Municipi fino alla Guerra Sociale. (Studi pubblicati dall' Istituto Italiano per la Storia Antica, V.) Pp. viii+260. Rome: Signorelli, 1947. Paper, L. 1000. [REVIEW]Russell Meiggs - 1951 - The Classical Review 1 (01):38-40.
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  22.  53
    The Navy Jean Rougé: La Marine dans l'antiquité. Pp. 216; 22 line drawings. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France (collection S.U.P.), 1975. [REVIEW]Russell Meiggs - 1977 - The Classical Review 27 (02):208-209.
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  23. (1 other version)Athenian Tribute Lists. [REVIEW]Russell Meiggs - 1950 - The Classical Review 64 (2):63-65.
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  24.  31
    Athenian Financial Documents. [REVIEW]R. Meiggs - 1933 - The Classical Review 47 (5):176-177.
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  25.  22
    Aspects of the Ancient World. [REVIEW]Russell Meiggs - 1947 - The Classical Review 61 (3-4):109-110.
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  26.  31
    Übersiedlungund Verpflanzung von Bevölkerungen in der Geschichte der Griechen bis 362 v. Chr. [REVIEW]R. Meiggs - 1949 - The Classical Review 63 (1):36-36.
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  27.  36
    Caesaris Augusti Res Gestae et Fragmenta. [REVIEW]R. Meiggs - 1936 - The Classical Review 50 (1):38-38.
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  28.  33
    Fifth-Century Attic Epigraphy. [REVIEW]Russell Meiggs - 1976 - The Classical Review 26 (1):108-109.
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  29.  23
    Largess to the Commons. [REVIEW]R. Meiggs - 1939 - The Classical Review 53 (5-6):211-212.
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  30.  29
    Social History of the Roman Empire. [REVIEW]Russell Meiggs - 1959 - The Classical Review 9 (2):160-161.
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  31.  45
    Selected Letters of Pliny. Edited by Hubert McNeill Poteat. Pp. x + 224. New York, etc.: Heath (London, Harrap), 1937. Cloth. 3s. [REVIEW]R. Meiggs - 1938 - The Classical Review 52 (4):147-148.
  32.  26
    Town and State in Roman Italy. [REVIEW]R. Meiggs - 1935 - The Classical Review 49 (6):235-237.
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  33.  45
    The Spread of Roman Citizenship. [REVIEW]R. Meiggs - 1936 - The Classical Review 50 (4):141-142.
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  34.  31
    The Treasurers of Athena. [REVIEW]R. Meiggs - 1932 - The Classical Review 46 (6):259-260.
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