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Roland Mayer [101]Robert Mayer [33]Reinhold Mayer [6]Ralf Mayer [6]
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  1.  16
    An integrative model of organizational trust.R. C. Mayer, J. H. Davis & F. D. Schoorman - 1995 - Academy of Management Review 20.
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  2.  9
    Human reasoning.Russell Revlin & Richard E. Mayer (eds.) - 1978 - New York: distributed solely by Halsted Press.
  3. What's wrong with exploitation?Robert Mayer - 2007 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 24 (2):137–150.
    This paper offers a new answer to an old question. Others have argued that exploitation is wrong because it is coercive, or degrading, or fails to protect the vulnerable. But these answers only work for certain cases; counterexamples are easily found. In this paper I identify a different answer to the question by placing exploitation within the larger family of wrongs to which it belongs. Exploitation is one species of wrongful gain, and exploiters always gain at the expense of others (...)
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  4. An information processing framework for research on human reasoning.Richard E. Mayer & Russell Revlin - 1978 - In Russell Revlin & Richard E. Mayer, Human reasoning. New York: distributed solely by Halsted Press.
  5. Sweatshops, exploitation, and moral responsibility.Robert Mayer - 2007 - Journal of Social Philosophy 38 (4):605–619.
  6. Is There a Moral Right to Workplace Democracy?Robert Mayer - 2000 - Social Theory and Practice 26 (2):301-325.
  7.  47
    Guestworkers and exploitation.Robert Mayer - 2005 - Review of Politics 67 (2):311--334.
    Are guest-worker programs exploitative? Egalitarian and neoclassical theories of exploitation agree that they always are. But these judgments are too indiscriminate. Privileged guests are the exception, and the exception points toward a more sensitive standard for identifying exploitation. This more sensitive standard, the sufficiency theory of exploitation, is used to analyze several guest-worker programs. Even when guest-worker programs are exploitative, it is argued that the unfairness should be tolerated if the exploitation is modest, not severe, and if the most likely (...)
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  8.  56
    When and Why Usury Should be Prohibited.Robert Mayer - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (3):513-527.
    Usury ceilings seem indefensible. Their opponents insist these caps harm the consumers they are intended to help. Low ceilings are said to prevent the least advantaged agents from accessing legal credit and drive them into the black market, where prices are higher and collection methods are harsher. But in this paper, I challenge these arguments and show that the benefits of interest-rate limitations in the most expensive credit markets clearly outweigh the costs. The test case is payday lending. Deregulated pricing (...)
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  9.  86
    Payday loans and exploitation.Robert Mayer - 2003 - Public Affairs Quarterly 17 (3):197--217.
    This paper uses the example of payday loans to identify two standards of exploitation that better accord with intuitions about taking unfair advantage than neoclassical or neo-Marxian exploitation theory. These two standards are derived from ongoing policy debates about the regulation of payday loans. The sufficiency standard is more restrictive than relative-advantage theory, but the latter indicates when exceptions to the prohibition on exploitation should be made for the sake of the disadvantaged party.
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  10.  42
    (1 other version)The influence of boron on the clustering of radiation damage in graphite.A. Kelly & R. M. Mayer - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (160):701-719.
  11.  4
    Social Action and Human Nature.Raymond Mayer (ed.) - 1989 - Cambridge University Press.
  12.  35
    Tibetan Medical Paintings: Illustrations to the Blue Beryl Treatise of Sangye Gyamtso.Paul Nietupski, Yuri Parfionovitch, Gyurme Dorje, Fernand Meyer, Vilena Dylykova-Parfionovitch, Donatus Butkus, Robert Mayer, Sergey Klokov, Helena Bespalova & Anthony Aris - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (4):651.
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  13. Aspects of the Language of Latin Poetry.J. N. Adams & R. G. Mayer - unknown - Proceedings of the British Academy 93.
    International array of contributors, bringing together both traditional and more recent approaches to provide valuable insights into the poets’ use of language.Covers authors from Lucilius to Juvenal.Of the peoples of ancient Italy, only the Romans committed newly composed poems to writing, and for 250 years Latin-speakers developed an impressive verse literature.The language had traditional resources of high style, e.g., alliteration, lexical and morphological archaism or grecism, and of course metaphor and word order; and there were also less obvious resources in (...)
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  14.  72
    Lenin and the Practice of Dialectical Thinking.Robert Mayer - 1999 - Science and Society 63 (1):40 - 62.
    What did Lenin mean when he claimed to be thinking dialectically about questions of political practice? Renewed interest has been expressed in this subject, but the tendency of most studies is to treat Lenin's dialectic as a metaphysical doctrine consisting of universal laws such as transformation into opposite, and so forth. Emphasizing Lenin's Hegel Notebooks, commentators have argued that his tactical innovations after 1914 were simply applications of these dialectical laws. Examination of Lenin's conception of the dialectic as set forth (...)
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  15. The dictatorship of the proletariat from Plekhanov to Lenin.Robert Mayer - 1993 - Studies in East European Thought 45 (4):255 - 280.
  16. Roman Historical Exempla in Seneca.Roland G. Mayer - 2008 - In John G. Fitch, Seneca. New York: Oxford University Press.
  17. Lenin, Kautsky and working-class consciousness.Robert Mayer - 1994 - History of European Ideas 18 (5):673-681.
  18.  13
    Influence of boron on the clustering of radiation damage in graphite.R. M. Mayer - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (160):743-756.
  19.  67
    Michael Walzer, Industrial Democracy, and Complex Equality.Robert Mayer - 2001 - Political Theory 29 (2):237-261.
  20. Der Mensch und sein Werk, Gesammelte Schriften, Bd. III, Zweistromland -Kleinere Schriften zu Glauben und Denken.Franz Rosenzweig, Reinhold Mayer & Annemarie Mayer - 1986 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 48 (3):518-519.
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  21. The Instructive Metaphor: Metaphoric Aids to Students' Understanding of Science.Richard E. Mayer - 1993 - In Andrew Ortony, Metaphor and Thought. Cambridge University Press. pp. 561-578.
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  22. Personata stoa: Neostoicism and senecan tragedy.Roland Mayer - 1994 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 57 (1):151-174.
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  23. Is Embryo Adoption a Form of Surrogacy?Ryan C. Mayer - 2011 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 11 (2):249-266.
    The author applies the definitions of surrogacy offered by Donum vitae to the question of embryo adoption and shows that embryo adoption does not in fact constitute an act of surrogacy. The author shows that neither Donum vitae nor Dignitas personae condemns heterologous embryo transfer or embryo adoption per se but only when these acts also involve illicit forms of artificial fertilization or surrogacy. The author suggests that the apparent reason for a lack of endorsement of embryo adoption by Donum (...)
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  24.  68
    C. D. N. Costa: Seneca, 17 Letters. Pp. v + 234. Warminster: Aris & Phillips, 1988. £28.Roland Mayer - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (1):162-162.
  25. One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: On Lars Lih’s Lenin.Robert Mayer - 2010 - Historical Materialism 18 (3):47-63.
    Lars Lih’s Lenin Rediscovered seeks to replace the textbook-myth of Leninism with a painstaking reconstruction of ‘Lenin’s Erfurtian drama’. That reconstruction is more accurate than the Lenin-myth, but Lih’s step forward is marred by two steps back. One is his account of Lenin’s ‘worry about workers’. The other is Lih’s new translation of What Is to Be Done?.
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  26.  19
    A noble noose of methods, the Lotus Garland synopsis: a Mahāyoga tantra and its commentary.Cathy Cantwell & Robert Mayer - unknown
    A detailed study of a probably 10th century Tibetan tantric text, including critical editions, diplomatic transcriptions, introductory materials, and other historical analysis.
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  27.  25
    A Critique of the Educational Imagination in EvaluationThe Educational Imagination.Ernest R. House, Rochelle S. Mayer & Elliot W. Eisner - 1981 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 15 (1):117.
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  28. Substanzbegriff und Energieproblem in der modernen Physik.Walter Israel, Robert Mayer, Hermann von Helmholtz & Max Planck - 1923 - Annalen der Philosophie 3 (4):630-631.
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  29. El desarrollo del educando como finalidad de la educación.Lawrence Kohlberg & Rochelle Mayer - 2012 - Postconvencionales: Ética, Universidad, Democracia 5:118-162.
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  30.  29
    Aeneid 8.573 and Callimachus' Hymn to Zeus.Roland Mayer - 1988 - Classical Quarterly 38 (01):260-.
    In his final words to his son, Pallas, Evander interposes a prayer: ‘At uos, o superi, et diuum tu maxime rector Iuppiter, Arcadii, quaeso, miserescite regis…’ Of recent commentators, C. J. Fordyce alone is bothered by the reference to Evander's Arcadian origin; he reckons that it alludes to his exiled condition and so establishes a claim on Jupiter's mercy. That may be so, but it is worth suggesting that this is rather a piece of Virgil's Callimachean learning. For at the (...)
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  31.  35
    A New Thebaid.Roland Mayer - 1985 - The Classical Review 35 (02):289-.
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  32.  84
    Classicism at Rome.Roland Mayer - 1981 - The Classical Review 31 (02):222-.
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  33.  29
    Catullus' Divorce.Roland Mayer - 1983 - Classical Quarterly 33 (01):297-.
    Why does Catullus in his eleventh poem tell Furius and Aurelius to take an unpleasant message to his girl-friend? After all, in the eighth poem he imagines himself able to do the job alone: ‘uale puella’ . Has his courage just evaporated? Or is it that he wants to put his messengers, whom he perhaps does not like, in an awkward position ? Kroll is not sure why the poet chooses intermediaries. Some think they came in the first place from (...)
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  34.  33
    Das Institutum Judaicum in Tübingen.Reinhold Mayer - 1960 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 12 (1):79-80.
  35.  11
    Franz Rosenzweig: eine Philosophie d. dialog. Erfahrung.Reinhold Mayer - 1973 - München: Kaiser.
  36. Grecism.Roland George Mayer - 1999 - In Mayer Roland George, Aspects of the Language of Latin Poetry. pp. 157-182.
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  37.  14
    Huc et huc.Roland Mayer - 1994 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 138 (1):139-144.
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  38.  24
    Horace's Epistles I and Philosophy.Roland Mayer - 1986 - American Journal of Philology 107 (1).
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  39.  55
    Judaica.Reinhold Mayer - 1971 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 23 (1):186-188.
  40. Lenin and the jacobin identity in russia.Robert Mayer - 1999 - Studies in East European Thought 51 (2):127-154.
    By what process was the Jacobin identity transplanted into nineteenth-century Russian radical culture? According to the conventional account, the Jacobin label was coined by proponents like Zainevskij and Tkaev. Lenin, in turn, is said to have derived his Jacobin identity from them, thus revealing the non-Marxian source of his political ideas. This article contests that interpretation through a study of the origin and spread of the Jacobin terminology in post-emancipation Russia. I show that the Jacobin identity in Russia was invented (...)
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  41. Lenin and the Concept of the Professional Revolutionary.Robert Mayer - 1993 - History of Political Thought 14 (2):249-263.
  42. Latin or the Empire of a Sign. From the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Centuries.R. Mayer - 2002 - Classical Review 1:148-150.
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  43. Martin Buber et Franz Rosenzweig : leur position à l'égard d'Israël.Reinhold Mayer - 1994 - In Arno Münster, La pensée de Franz Rosenzweig: actes du colloque parisien organisé à l'occasion du centenaire de la naissance du philosophe. Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
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  44.  10
    Moral und christliche Ethik.Rainer Mayer - 1976 - Stuttgart: Calwer Verlag.
  45.  50
    Noncombatant Immunity and the Ethics of Blockade.Robert Mayer - 2019 - Journal of Military Ethics 18 (1):2-19.
    ABSTRACTThis article counters Michael Walzer's argument against tight blockades. It shows that the interdiction of food shipments need not violate the principle of noncombatant immunity. Whether it...
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  46.  31
    Notes on Seneca Tragicus.Roland Mayer - 1991 - Classical Quarterly 41 (01):267-.
    Ajax is the subject of intonat, but little else is certain. Various punctuations are on offer, and even the authenticity of lines 545 and 546 is questioned; the difficulties are set out in Professor Tarrant's commentary . My concern is focused solely on 545 and the word nunc, printed in the text of the recent Oxford Classical Text and obelized by Professor Zwierlein. I suggest that the original word in this part of the line was saeuum, a standing epithet of (...)
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  47.  8
    Ontologische Aspekte der Nominalsemantik.Rolf Mayer - 1981 - Tübingen: de Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Ontologische Aspekte der Nominalsemantik" verfügbar.
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  48.  45
    Ovid in Seneca's Tragedies.Roland Mayer - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (02):276-.
  49.  74
    On Martial 3.44.15.Roland Mayer - 1993 - Classical Quarterly 43 (02):504-.
    So far as I can tell from the editions of Friedländer, Gilbert, Izaac, and Shackleton Bailey, no one has questioned or defended the pointless repetition of cenam in 15. It is, however, to the credit of the Loeb translator, Walter C. A. Ker, that he could not bring himself to render the word twice and in 15 he translates with ‘table’. Mensam would in fact not be a bad conjecture, especially since it has a number of letters in common with (...)
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  50. Plekhanov, Lenin and working-class consciousness.Robert Mayer - 1997 - Studies in East European Thought 49 (3):159-185.
    According to the prevailing scholarly view, made popular by Neil Harding, Lenin is said to have derived his well-known theory of working-class consciousness in What Is To Be Done? from G. V. Plekhanov, the father of Russian Marxism. Is this article I demonstrate, however, that Plekhanov and Lenin disagreed quite sharply on this question. Plekhanov did not believe that workers would fail to develop a socialist consciousness in the absence of external intervention. Indeed, Plekhanov was a thorough-going optimist about proletarian (...)
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