Richard Latto [8]R. Latto [1]
  1.  78
    Is blindsight an effect of scattered light, spared cortex, and near-threshold vision?John Campion, Richard Latto & Y. M. Smith - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (3):423-86.
    Blindsight is the term commonly used to describe visually guided behaviour elicited by a stimulus falling within the scotoma (blind area) caused by a lesion of the striate cortex. Such is normally held to be unconscious and to be mediated by subcortical pathways involving the superior colliculus. Blindsight is of considerable theoretical importance since it suggests that destriate man is more like destriate monkey than had been previously believed and also because it supports the classical notion of two visual systems. (...)
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  2.  33
    What is blindsight?John Campion & Richard Latto - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (4):755-757.
  3.  47
    Consciousness as an experimental variable: Problems of definition, practice, and interpretation.Richard Latto - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (4):545-546.
  4.  38
    Approaches to consciousness: Psychophysics or philosophy?Richard Latto & John Campion - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (1):36-37.
  5.  26
    Structure, function, and consciousness in residual vision and blindsight.John Campion, Richard Latto & Y. M. Smith - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (3):469.
  6.  21
    Form follows function in visual information processing.Richard Latto - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (1):43-44.
    Understanding neural anatomy and physiology depends on first understanding the behaviour being mediated. Glover, in his review of earlier work suggesting various dichotomies in visual processing, shows how there is a tendency to oversimplification if this approach is ignored. His own new proposals demonstrate the advantages of allowing function to drive anatomical analysis. Nevertheless, the new planning–control dichotomy he proposes, though a valuable advance, is itself an oversimplification of what must be a multi-channel system.
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  7.  27
    Problems in comparing the behavioural effects of parietal contex lesions in man and monkey and of integrating these with electrophysiological data.Richard Latto - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (4):508-509.
  8.  6
    The Mind in the Laboratory.Richard Latto - 1991 - In Raymond Tallis & Howard Robinson (eds.), The Pursuit of mind. Manchester: Carcanet. pp. 57.
  9. The question of animal consciousness.R. Latto - 1986 - Psychological Record 36:309-14.