Rita Kielstein [5]R. Kielstein [1]
  1.  78
    Right Not to Know or Duty to Know? Prenatal Screening for Polycystic Renal Disease.R. Kielstein & H. -M. Sass - 1992 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 17 (4):395-405.
    New dimensions in different ethical scenarios following genetic information require new medical-ethical Action Guides for physician-patient interaction. This paper discusses the ambiguity in moral choice between a “right not to know” and “a duty to know”, regarding parental decisionmaking pro or contra selective abortion following prenatal screening for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (Potter III) and related public policy issues.
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  2. Advance Health Care Documents In Multicultural Perspectives.Hans-Martin Sass, Frederick Bonkovsky, Akira Akabayashi, Rita Kielstein & Robert Olick - 1996 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 4.
    In der modernen Medizin kommt es zunehmend zu Entscheidungskonflikten zwischen Intervention und Interventionsverzicht dort, wo nicht die medizinisch-technischen Möglichkeiten handlungsleitend sein sollen, sondern die am individuellen Patientenwohl sich orientierende bioethische Prognose entsprechend den klassischen arztethischen Prinzipien des primum nil nocere und des salus aegroti suprema lex. Schadensverbot und Heilauftrag sollen nicht heteronom und uniform vorgegeben werden, sondern sich am Willen des Patienten orientieren. Nicht selten macht jedoch die Ermittlung des mutmaßlichen Patientenwillens große Schwierigkeiten, vor allem bei Demenz, Koma, schwerem Trauma (...)
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    Transplantation medicine.Rita Kielstein - 2001 - In H. Ten Have & Bert Gordijn (eds.), Bioethics in a European perspective. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 8--157.
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    Using Stories to Assess Values and Establish Medical Directives.Rita Kielstein & Hans-Martin Sass - 1993 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 3 (3):303-325.
    While still developing in Germany, a consensus has emerged in the United States on the use of advance directives for guiding future medical decision making. This article outlines three phases in the evolution of advance directive forms—the legal phase, the checklist phase, and the story phase. The story-based approach is discussed as the best method for assessing patient values and incorporating them into advance directives, and a story-based advance directive form, which has been developed and tested during the past two (...)
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    Dementia and Advance-Care Planning: Perspectives from Three Countries on Ethics and Epidemiology.Joanne Lynn, Joan Teno, Rebecca Dresser, Dan Brock, H. Lindemann Nelson, J. Lindemann Nelson, Rita Kielstein, Yoshinosuke Fukuchi, Dan Lu & Haruka Itakura - 1999 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 10 (4):271-285.
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