R. I. Arshansky [3]R. Arshansky [2]Rafael I. Arshansky [1]
  1.  68
    Off-shell electromagnetism in manifestly covariant relativistic quantum mechanics.David Saad, L. P. Horwitz & R. I. Arshansky - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (10):1125-1149.
    Gauge invariance of a manifestly covariant relativistic quantum theory with evolution according to an invariant time τ implies the existence of five gauge compensation fields, which we shall call pre-Maxwell fields. A Lagrangian which generates the equations of motion for the matter field (coinciding with the Schrödinger type quantum evolution equation) as well as equations, on a five-dimensional manifold, for the gauge fields, is written. It is shown that τ integration of the equations for the pre-Maxwell fields results in the (...)
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  2.  45
    The Landau-Peierls relation and a causal bound in covariant relativistic quantum theory.R. Arshansky & L. P. Horwitz - 1985 - Foundations of Physics 15 (6):701-715.
    Thought experiments analogous to those discussed by Landau and Peierls are studied in the framework of a manifestly covariant relativistic quantum theory. It is shown that momentum and energy can be arbitrarily well defined, and that the drifts induced by measurement in the positions and times of occurrence of events remain within the (stable) spread of the wave packet in space-time. The structure of the Newton-Wigner position operator is studied in this framework, and it is shown that an analogous time (...)
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  3.  67
    Selection rules for dipole radiation from a relativistic bound state.M. C. Land, R. I. Arshansky & L. P. Horwitz - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (4):563-578.
    Recently, in the framework of a relativistic quantum theory with invariant evolution parameter, solutions have been found for the two-body bound state, whose mass spectrum agrees with the nonrelativistic Schrödinger energy spectrum. In this paper, we study the radiative transitions of these states in the dipole approximation and find that the selection rules are identical with those of the usual nonrelativistic theory, expressed in a manifestly covariant form. In addition to the transverse and longitudinal polarizations of the nonrelativistic theory, we (...)
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    Lorentz Invariant Berry Phase for a Perturbed Relativistic Four Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator.Yossi Bachar, Rafael I. Arshansky, Lawrence P. Horwitz & Igal Aharonovich - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (11):1156-1167.
    We show the existence of Lorentz invariant Berry phases generated, in the Stueckelberg–Horwitz–Piron manifestly covariant quantum theory (SHP), by a perturbed four dimensional harmonic oscillator. These phases are associated with a fractional perturbation of the azimuthal symmetry of the oscillator. They are computed numerically by using time independent perturbation theory and the definition of the Berry phase generalized to the framework of SHP relativistic quantum theory.
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    On the two aspects of time: The distinction and its implications. [REVIEW]L. P. Horwitz, R. I. Arshansky & A. C. Elitzur - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (12):1159-1193.
    The contemporary view of the fundamental role of time in physics generally ignores its most obvious characteric, namely its flow. Studies in the foundations of relativistic mechanics during the past decade have shown that the dynamical evolution of a system can be treated in a manifestly covariant way, in terms of the solution of a system of canonical Hamilton type equations, by considering the space-time coordinates and momenta ofevents as its fundamental description. The evolution of the events, as functions of (...)
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  6.  45
    Particles vs. events: The concatenated structure of world lines in relativistic quantum mechanics. [REVIEW]R. Arshansky, L. P. Horwitz & Y. Lavie - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (12):1167-1194.
    The dynamical equations of relativistic quantum mechanics prescribe the motion of wave packets for sets of events which trace out the world lines of the interacting particles. Electromagnetic theory suggests thatparticle world line densities be constructed from concatenation of event wave packets. These sequences are realized in terms of conserved probability currents. We show that these conserved currents provide a consistent particle and antiparticle interpretation for the asymptotic states in scattering processes. The relation between current conservation and unitarity is used (...)
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