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  1. Doing things for reasons.Rüdiger Bittner - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What exactly are the reasons we do things, and how are they related to the resulting actions? Bittner explores this question and proposes an answer: a reason is a response to that state of affairs. Elegantly written, this work is a substantial contribution to the fields of rationality, ethics, and action theory.
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  2. Is It Reasonable to Regret Things One Did?Rüdiger Bittner - 1992 - Journal of Philosophy 89 (5):262.
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    Good Things to Do: Practical Reason without Obligation.Rüdiger Bittner - 2023 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    Rüdiger Bittner argues that the aim of thinking about what to do, of practical reason, is to find, not what we ought to do, but what it is good to do under the circumstances. Neither under prudence nor under morality are there things we ought to do. There is no warrant for the idea of our being required, by natural law or by our rationality, to do either what helps us attain our ends or what is right for moral reasons. (...)
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    Maximen.Rüdiger Bittner - 1974 - In Gerhard Funke, Akten des 4. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses: Mainz, 6.–10. April 1974, Teil 2: Sektionen 1,2. De Gruyter. pp. 485-498.
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  5. Autonomy, and then.Rüdiger Bittner - 2002 - Philosophical Explorations 5 (3):217 – 228.
    Among the numerous conceptions of autonomy, three are particularly important: Kant's notion of humans' being subject, and subject only, to moral laws they gave themselves, Frankfurt's idea of persons' willing and acting deriving from the essential character of their wills, and the popular conception of persons' being master over whether others do or do not certain things to them. Kant's moral conception of autonomy, it is argued, is untenable because the moral character of a law and its self-givenness are incompatible. (...)
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    Moralisches Gebot oder Autonomie.Rüdiger Bittner - 1983
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    Autonomy Modest.Rüdiger Bittner - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (S7):1-11.
    Recent philosophy has developed an overblown concept of autonomy. In fact we do not have moral autonomy, and personal autonomy we only have in the sense of being able to decide some things that affect the course of our lives, not in the sense of shaping these lives and being master over them; nor ought we to have autonomy in the latter sense, or come closer to having it. As for our political institutions, they do not presuppose, as prevailing doctrines (...)
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    Mortality and World Hunger.Rüdiger Bittner - 2001 - Metaphilosophy 32 (1&2):25-33.
    Why does world hunger hold an inferior place on the contemporary moral agenda? Proposed answer: because it is a political, not a moral problem. It is not a moral problem, because morality needs two conditions fulfilled: that those be in some way close to the agent unto whom that agent is doing something that is to be morally assessed; and that the relevant good or bad states or events can be clearly credited to some particular agent or agents. Neither condition (...)
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    Spinozas Gedanke, daß Einsicht befreit.Rüdiger Bittner - 1994 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 42 (6):963-971.
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    What Is Enlightenment?Rüdiger Bittner - 1996 - In James Schmidt, What is Enlightenment?: Eighteenth-Century Answers and Twentieth-Century Questions. University of California Press.
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    Aus Gründen Handeln.Rüdiger Bittner - 2005 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Was genau sind die Gründe für unser Handeln, und wie hängen sie zusammen mit den Resultaten dieses Handelns? Gegen die gängige Lehre, wonach Gründe geistige Zustände des Handelnden wie Wollen und Meinen sind, wird hier eine neue These entwickelt: Unser Handeln begründet sich nach Bittner in Zuständen oder Ereignissen in der Welt. Diese Antwort, im Detail ausgearbeitet und gegen Einwände verteidigt, führt zu einer radikalen Neu-Konzeption von uns selbst als Handelnden. Verkaufsargumente: - dt. übersetzung des viel gerühmten "Doing Things for (...)
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    A Desirer’s Reason.Rüdiger Bittner - 2015 - In Ralf Stoecker & Marco Iorio, Actions, Reasons and Reason. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 5-26.
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    Hypothetische Imperative.Rüdiger Bittner - 1980 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 34 (2):210 - 226.
  14. Ulrich BALTZER Assistant Professor at Philosophy Department, Technical University of Dresden.Peter Baumann, Rudiger Bittner, Margaret Gilbert, Boris Hennig & Frank Hindriks - 2002 - Edited by Georg Meggle.
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    Agents as Rulers.Rüdiger Bittner - 2001 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 61 (1):143-158.
    Two broad views on how agents are related to their actions are distinguished, agents as origins and agents as rulers. This paper focusses on the second. First it argues that a view of agents as rulers is attractive because a view of agents as origins seems incapable of accounting for the difference between actions and mere doings. Second, various attempts to spell out the idea of agents as rulers are examined, none of them proving successful. Thus the final suggestion is (...)
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    A Horse in the Basement Nietzschean Reflections on Political Philosophy.Rüdiger Bittner - 2010 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 7 (3):321-333.
    Political philosophers often see their task in providing a justification of states, with 'justification' understood, in analogy to the theological use of the term, as an argument showing states to be right, or unobjectionable. Political philosophers disagree on what property of a state it is that is required for its being right. In fact, it is difficult to see what could give this or that property of a state its right-making power. Since there is nothing that states as such are (...)
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    Acting on Principle.Rüdiger Bittner - 2001 - In Doing things for reasons. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Examines an alternative understanding of doing things for reasons, Kant's conception of acting on a maxim. Having explained the Kantian idea of maxims and having defended the claim that this is indeed Kant's conception of agency, the chapter tries to find viable accounts of, first, holding a maxim and, second, acting on a maxim, in either case without success. How the agent who holds a maxim differs from an agent who does not cannot be made out. As for acting on (...)
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    A Rational Agent.Rüdiger Bittner - 2001 - In Doing things for reasons. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The chapter develops the main consequences the present conception of reasons for which people do things has for our status as rational agents. One is that rational agents only need an awareness of things going on around them and the ability to act in response to them, but no faculty of governing themselves. This does away with inner opposition and domination as well as with the restriction of rational agency to the human species. It also does away with activity as (...)
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    Are Reasons Internal? and Are They Normative?Rüdiger Bittner - 2001 - In Doing things for reasons. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The chapter defends the present account of reasons one has against challenges by internalism and normativism. Internalists like Bernard Williams hold that one does not have a reason for doing something unless one has also a motivation to do it or could acquire such motivation by sound deliberation on the basis of the motivation one has. However, the argument for this claim is based on the premise that only what motivates agents can explain actions, and nothing speaks in favor of (...)
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    Any State or Event May Be a Reason for Which Somebody Does Something.Rüdiger Bittner - 2001 - In Doing things for reasons. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Given that reasons for which people do things are states of affairs and events in the world, are there additional restrictions on what can be a reason for what? Many writers have claimed that there are, arguing that actions and the reasons for which they are done derive from particular systems of meaning. The pivot on which their argument turns is the notion of a constitutive rule, introduced by Rawls and taken up by writers like Charles Taylor and Searle; i.e., (...)
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  21.  30
    Autorinnen und Autoren.Rüdiger Bittner - 2006 - In Barbara Bleisch & Jean-Daniel Strub, Pazifismus: Ideengeschichte, Theorie und Praxis. Bern: Haupt. pp. 343.
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    Achtung und ihre moralische Bedeutung: Erwiderung auf Peter Schaber.Rüdiger Bittner - 2009 - Analyse & Kritik 31 (2):363-365.
    The present reply to Peter Schaber’s critique of my paper Achtung und ihre moralische Bedeutung argues, first, that Schaber has no good grounds for maintaining that we have an obligation to respect every human being. Second, it explains why respect is not a fruitful attitude to take in the face of social divisions.
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    Dank.Rüdiger Bittner - 2017 - In Rüdiger Bittner, Bürger Sein: Eine Prüfung Politischer Begriffe. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 192-192.
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    Desire and Belief.Rüdiger Bittner - 2001 - In Doing things for reasons. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Examines the desire‐belief‐theory, as presented, for example, in the work of Donald Davidson, which holds that a reason for which somebody does something is a combination of a desire and a belief of the agent. Widely accepted, this theory is seldom defended, the most explicit argument being due to Michael Smith. However, not only is his argument found wanting on a number of counts but the desire‐belief‐theory also gives desire and belief incompatible roles to fulfill. Desire is asked both to (...)
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    Das ästhetische Urteil: Beiträge zur sprachanalytischen Ästhetik.Rüdiger Bittner & Peter Pfaff (eds.) - 1977 - Köln: Kiepenheuer & Witsch.
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    Doing Things for Reasons—The Idea.Rüdiger Bittner - 2001 - In Doing things for reasons. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The central idea of the book is this: a reason for which people do things is a state of affairs or event in the world, and the action is a response to that state of affairs or event. The present chapter introduces this idea by means of examples. It explains the term “response” and argues that it is historical knowledge that allows us to tell what some action is a response to. It argues, moreover, that this idea makes the best (...)
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    Doing Things for a Purpose, Doing Things for Fun.Rüdiger Bittner - 2001 - In Doing things for reasons. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The chapter tries to account for two kinds of cases that raise difficulties for the present conception of reasons for which people do things, namely, things done for a purpose, where the reason seems to be a future state or event, and things done for fun, which do not seem to be supported by reasons at all. As for things done for a purpose, it is argued here that we do not need teleological explanation as a special kind of explanation (...)
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    Einleitung.Rüdiger Bittner - 2005 - In Aus Gründen Handeln. Walter de Gruyter.
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  29. Es gibt kein Dezisionismusproblem.Rüdiger Bittner - 1992 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 3 (1):43.
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  30. Einige Klärungen.Rüdiger Bittner - 1992 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 3 (1):98.
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    Frontmatter.Rüdiger Bittner - 2017 - In Rüdiger Bittner, Bürger Sein: Eine Prüfung Politischer Begriffe. Berlin: De Gruyter.
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    Freiheit durch Erkenntnis der Notwendigkeit bei Spinoza.Rüdiger Bittner - 2005 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 8 (1):123-132.
    Spinoza holds that we can become free by recognizing that everything happens with necessity. His own reasons for this claim do not stand scrutiny. More promising appears the idea that he who considers things necessary is not subject to affects that deprive him of his freedom. On this line, however, recognizing necessity also destroys joy, contrary to Spinoza’s maxim ”Do good and be joyful”. More importantly, what is necessary may in fact be a reasonable object of affective reactions. Thus, Spinoza (...)
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    Humanitarian Interventions are Wrong.Rüdiger Bittner - 2004 - In Georg Meggle, Ethics of humanitarian interventions. Ontos. pp. 207-214.
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    Inhaltsübersicht.Rüdiger Bittner - 2017 - In Rüdiger Bittner, Bürger Sein: Eine Prüfung Politischer Begriffe. Berlin: De Gruyter.
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    I. Einleitung.Rüdiger Bittner - 2017 - In Rüdiger Bittner, Bürger Sein: Eine Prüfung Politischer Begriffe. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 1-7.
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    II. Freiheit.Rüdiger Bittner - 2017 - In Rüdiger Bittner, Bürger Sein: Eine Prüfung Politischer Begriffe. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 8-52.
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    IV. Menschenrechte.Rüdiger Bittner - 2017 - In Rüdiger Bittner, Bürger Sein: Eine Prüfung Politischer Begriffe. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 65-83.
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    III. Menschenwürde.Rüdiger Bittner - 2017 - In Rüdiger Bittner, Bürger Sein: Eine Prüfung Politischer Begriffe. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 53-64.
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    Kapitel 12.Rüdiger Bittner - 2005 - In Aus Gründen Handeln. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Kausalität aus Freiheit und kategorischer Imperativ.Rüdiger Bittner - 1978 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 32 (2):265 - 274.
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    Kapitel 1. Begehren und Meinung.Rüdiger Bittner - 2005 - In Aus Gründen Handeln. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Kapitel 6. Beliebige Zustände oder Ereignisse können Gründe sein, aus denen jemand etwas tut.Rüdiger Bittner - 2005 - In Aus Gründen Handeln. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Kapitel 5. Die Erklärungskraft von Gründe-Erklärungen.Rüdiger Bittner - 2005 - In Aus Gründen Handeln. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Kapitel 4. Etwas aus einem Grund tun - die Idee.Rüdiger Bittner - 2005 - In Aus Gründen Handeln. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Kapitel 11. Etwas zu einem Zweck tun, etwas aus Spaß tun.Rüdiger Bittner - 2005 - In Aus Gründen Handeln. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Kapitel 7. Gründe, aus denen jemand etwas tut, sind normalerweise nicht Eigenschaften des Handelnden.Rüdiger Bittner - 2005 - In Aus Gründen Handeln. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Kapitel 8. Gründe, die man hat.Rüdiger Bittner - 2005 - In Aus Gründen Handeln. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Kapitel 2. Herkunft der Begehren/meinungs-these.Rüdiger Bittner - 2005 - In Aus Gründen Handeln. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Kapitel 3. Handeln nach Grundsätzen.Rüdiger Bittner - 2005 - In Aus Gründen Handeln. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Kapitel 9. Sind Gründe intern? Sind sie normativ?Rüdiger Bittner - 2005 - In Aus Gründen Handeln. Walter de Gruyter.
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