Results for 'Psychoanalysis, Flesh, Intercorporeity, Unconscious, Ontology'

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  1.  37
    La « promiscuité » Merleau-Ponty à la recherche d'une psychanalyse ontologique.Emmanuel de Saint Aubert - 2006 - Archives de Philosophie 1 (1):11-35.
    Nous étudions ici l’une des figures les plus originales et les plus complexes de l’univers du dernier Merleau-Ponty, l’une des moins bien comprises aussi : la « promiscuité ». Aussi polymorphe que la célèbre figure de l’«empiétement », la «promiscuité » appartient en propre au complexe de la psychanalyse ontologique de Merleau-Ponty. Elle décrit d’abord la logique des rapports archaïques avec autrui, et se situe en cela dans la ligne du travail sur l’intercorporéité. Elle désigne aussi la modalité connaissante de (...)
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    The Flesh Between.Luca Vanzago - 2016 - Chiasmi International 18:49-61.
    In this paper I aim to discuss an essay written by the French psychoanalyst André Green on occasion of the publication in 1964 of The Visible and the Invisible, in order to frame it within the context of Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy for the sake of letting emerge both the critical importance and some structural issues implied in Green’s reading.Green’s study clearly points out that the question concerning Merleau-Ponty’s notion of “flesh” represents a fundamental theme for psychoanalysis, in connection with Lacan’s interpretation (...)
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  3.  15
    Introduction. Another Unconscious.Federico Leoni - 2016 - Chiasmi International 18:25-27.
    This article examines Merleau-Ponty’s idea of an “ontological psychoanalysis” and extends it in a close dialogue both internal to Merleau-Ponty (his reflection on fetishism and the Kleinian partial object, the phenomenology of hallucination, his dissolution of ontology and the resolution of the flesh in a framework of events or a becoming of becomings) and external to Merleau-Ponty: on the one hand, with Lacan and his Seminar X (the idea of the object little-a, its possible double reading as object-divergence and (...)
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    The flesh made word: critical realism, psychoanalysis, and the ontology of love.Alan Norrie - 2020 - Journal of Critical Realism 19 (4):341-361.
    This essay considers the two-way relation between critical realism and psychoanalysis. Critical realism vindicates and deepens our understanding of ontology by drawing on the sciences for which it...
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  5. Psychoanalysis as Experimental Ontology.Federico Leoni - 2016 - Chiasmi International 18:105-114.
    This article examines Merleau-Ponty’s idea of an “ontological psychoanalysis” and extends it in a close dialogue both internal to Merleau-Ponty (his reflection on fetishism and the Kleinian partial object, the phenomenology of hallucination, his dissolution of ontology and the resolution of the flesh in a framework of events or a becoming of becomings) and external to Merleau-Ponty: on the one hand, with Lacan and his Seminar X (the idea of the object little-a, its possible double reading as object-divergence and (...)
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    Is the unconscious really all that unconscious?M. Guy Thompson - 2004 - In Paul Gordon & Rosalind Mayo (eds.), Between Psychotherapy and Philosophy: Essays From the Philadelphia Association. Wiley. pp. 141-178.
    This paper explores the psychoanalytic conception of the unconscious and critiques it from a phenomenlogical perspective, especially Sartre and Heidegger, with a view to conceptualizing the unconscious from an ontological rather than psychological mindset.
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    The phenomenology of self-presentation: describing the structures of intercorporeality with Erving Goffman.Luna Dolezal - 2017 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 16 (2):237-254.
    Self-presentation is a term that indicates conscious and unconscious strategies for controlling or managing how one is perceived by others in terms of both appearance and comportment. In this article, I will discuss the phenomenology of self-presentation with respect to the phenomenological insights of Edmund Husserl and Merleau-Ponty regarding the visibility of the body within intercorporeal relations through ‘behaviour’ and ‘expression.’ In doing so, I will turn to the work of the Canadian sociologist and social theorist Erving Goffman. Goffman’s account (...)
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  8.  22
    Unconscious Incarnations: Psychoanalytic and Philosophical Perspectives on the Body.Brian W. Becker & John Panteleimon Manoussakis (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    Unconscious Incarnations considers the status of the body in psychoanalytic theory and practice, bringing Freud and Lacan into conversation with continental philosophy to explore the heterogeneity of embodied life. By doing so, the body is no longer merely an object of scientific inquiry but also a lived body, a source of excessive intuition and affectivity, and a raw animality distinct from mere materiality. The contributors to this volume consist of philosophers, psychoanalytic scholars, and practitioners whose interdisciplinary explorations reformulate traditional psychoanalytic (...)
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  9. Clinical Practice, Science, and the Unconscious.Douglas McConnell & Neil Pickering - 2005 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12 (1):1-7.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 12.1 (2005) 1-7 [Access article in PDF] Clinical Practice, Science, and the Unconscious Douglas McConnell Neil Pickering Keywords psychotherapy, cognitive science, neuroscience, computational view of mind. This volume of Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology is devoted to questions about the unconscious mind. The philosophical complexities and difficulties associated with the unconscious are many and, despite widespread confusion and disagreement as to the nature of the unconscious (...)
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  10.  96
    Topographies of Flesh: Women, Nonhuman Animals, and the Embodiment of Connection and Difference.Jennifer McWeeny - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (2):269-286.
    Because of risks of essentialism and homogenization, feminist theorists frequently avoid making precise ontological claims, especially in regard to specifying bodily connections and differences among women. However well-intentioned, this trend may actually run counter to the spirit of intersectionality by shifting feminists' attention away from embodiment, fostering oppressor-centric theories, and obscuring privilege within feminism. What feminism needs is not to turn from ontological specificity altogether, but to engage a new kind of ontological project that can account for the material complexity (...)
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  11.  61
    Autobiographical and theoretical reflections on the "ontological unconscious".Robert D. Stolorow - 2006 - Contemporary Psychoanalysis 42 (2):233-241.
    In this article I draw on some personal experiences of my own as a springboard for a theoretical discussion of the contextuality of the several varieties of unconsciousness and, in particular, of a form of unconsciousness that I propose to call the ontological unconscious.
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  12.  25
    Flesh and the Machine.Stefan Kristensen - 2016 - Chiasmi International 18:169-182.
    This essay is a second attempt to reconcile the perspectives of Merleau-Ponty and Guattari, following on the examination of the unconscious in a previous issue of Chiasmi. Here the focus concerns an ontology that overcomes the dualistic heritage of Western metaphysics. More precisely, I compare the concept of flesh as Merleau-Ponty employs it in his later texts with that of the machine as Guattari uses this from the end of the 1960s until his last writings in the early 1990s. (...)
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  13.  14
    Being Unconscious.Jensen Farquhar & Richard Askay - 2013 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Martin Davies, Richard Gipps, George Graham, John Sadler, Giovanni Stanghellini & Tim Thornton (eds.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy and psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter argues for a rapprochement between Heidegger and Freud to gain a more unified, comprehensive, and holistic account of the human condition. While doing so, it explores the impact of Heidegger's philosophy on existential analysis and therapy by considering his global critique of Freudian psychoanalysis, and more specifically Freud's concepts of the Unconscious and the body. After a brief synopsis of his philosophy and its relevance for existential analysis, the chapter delineates Heidegger's critique of Freud's unconscious and considers how (...)
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  14.  25
    Psychoanalysis as Natural Philosophy.R. D. Hinshelwood - 2005 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12 (4):325-329.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 12.4 (2005) 325-329 [Access article in PDF] Psychoanalysis as Natural Philosophy R. D. Hinshelwood Keywords evolution, psychopathology, ethics, unconscious phantasy Andreas De Block has offered us a most fascinating paper. We do not have to agree with all his points to be profoundly stimulated by them. His core proposition is that Freud pathologizes ordinary psychology and personalities, as well as the abnormal. There has been (...)
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  15.  52
    Foreign Food, Foreign Flesh: Apathetic Anthropophagy and Racial Melancholia in Houellebecq’s Submission.Luke F. Johnson - 2020 - Substance 49 (1):25-40.
    This article explores the cannibalistic dimensions of racial disgust and desire in Michel Houellebecq’s Submission. Situated within broader discourses of French déclinisme, Submis- sion offers a melancholic portrait of white nostalgia. Through the tastes and consumptive practices of his characters, Houellebecq depicts white identification as dependent on an ambivalent relationship to corporeal difference. Paying close attention to the mouth’s dual function as a site of ontological triage (sorting out the human from the non-human, the edible from the inedible) and ontological (...)
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  16.  87
    Is the unconscious really all that unconscious? The role of being and experience in the psychoanalytic encounter.M. Guy Thompson - 2001 - Contemporary Psychoanalysis 37 (4):571-612.
    This paper explores the psychoanalytic conception of the unconscious and critiques it from a phenomenlogical perspective, especially Sartre and Heidegger, with a view to conceptualizing the unconscious from an ontological rather than psychological mindset.
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  17.  38
    Rewriting the flesh of the world for the new human: Merleau‐Ponty, Fanon, and Wynter on the ethics of futurity.J. Reese Faust - 2024 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 62 (1):65-78.
    This article reads Maurice Merleau-Ponty's ontology of the “flesh of the world” alongside the ontology that seems to undergird Frantz Fanon's sociodiagnostics as well as his theory of sociogeny. It argues that reading Fanonian sociogeny in terms of the ambiguity and intercorporeality of the flesh of the world renders the ethical and political imperatives of Fanon's decolonial project all the more pressing, since the “new human” is prefigured—if not totally determined—in the national consciousness obtained by “les damnés” through (...)
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  18. Repression and Operative Unconsciousness in Phenomenology of Perception.Timothy Mooney - 2017 - In Dylan Trigg & Dorothée Legrand (eds.), Unconsciousness Between Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    The notion of repression as active forgetfulness already found in Nietzsche and systematised by Freud and his successors is employed in a distinctive manner by Merleau-Ponty in Phenomenology of Perception. By showing how we appropriate our environment towards outcomes and respond to other people, he contends, we can unearth hidden modes of operative intentionality. Two such modes are the motor intentional projection of action and the anonymous intercorporeality that includes touching and being touched. Each of these is an aspect of (...)
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  19.  25
    Inmaterial Matters, or the Unconscious of Materialism: A Conversation with Elizabeth Grosz.Elizabeth Grosz & Thomas Clément Mercier - 2021 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 4 (2):141-166.
    In this conversation, which took place across several months in the year 2021, Elizabeth Grosz describes her position with respect to “new materialism” and “the material turn”: while she emphasizes the necessity of materialist thought in the current situation marked by a global pandemic, she also stresses the equal importance of what she calls “the incorporeal”: an excess in and of matter, materiality’s heterogeneous virtuality, differentiality and becoming-other. Grosz describes the incorporeal as mutually implicated with materiality in a way that (...)
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  20.  32
    XIII. Revisiting Sartre’s Ontology of Embodiment in Being and Nothingness.Dermot Moran - 2011 - In Vesselin Petrov (ed.), Ontological Landscapes: Recent Thought on Conceptual Interfaces Between Science and Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 263-294.
    In Being and Nothingness (1943) Sartre includes a grounding-breaking chapter on ‘the body’ which treats of the body under three headings: ‘the body as being for-itself: facticity’, ‘the body-for-others’, and ‘the third ontological dimension of the body’. Sartre’s phenomenology of the body has, in general, been neglected. In this essay, I want to revisit Sartre’s conception of embodiment. I shall argue that Sartre, even more than Merleau-Ponty, is the phenomenologist par excellence of the flesh (la chair) and of intersubjective intercorporeity (...)
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  21.  19
    Sensation(all) Ontology.Cindy Zeiher - 2023 - Filozofski Vestnik 43 (3).
    It is the praxis of being a subject in the world which enables psychoanalysis to theorise subjectivity. Freud theorised subjectivity from the perspective of desires, those repressed unconscious forces which conflict with the subjects’ need to live in the world. The upshot of this conflict for the subject is trauma and for psychoanalysis such trauma provides a way into a remedy, a cure, the presumption of psychoanalysis being that through its method of transference, it does indeed possess the knowledge to (...)
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  22.  28
    Anxiety and Ontology: Toward the Lacanian Materialist Metapsychology of the Affect.Boštjan Nedoh - 2021 - Filozofski Vestnik 41 (3).
    Notwithstanding the fact that already in his early essay “The Logical Time” Lacan suggested that the “ontological form of anxiety” is the constitutive element in the process of the constitution of subjectivity, thus far there have only been rare attempts at inquiring into the relation between the affect of anxiety and Lacan’s critique of classical ontology, which this article will try to explore. Specifically, my argument will be that Lacanian anxiety, unlike, for instance, its Heideggerian variation, is inextricably connected (...)
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  23. El psicoanálisis existencial: Existential Psychoanalysis.Juan Gómez - 2013 - HASER. Revista Internacional de Filosofía Aplicada 4:29-50.
    El psicoanálisis existencial es una de esas críticas constructivas derivadas del psicoanálisis empírico que intenta abrirse camino como alternativa, renovación y modelo de terapia psicoanalítica. Ha encontrado una fundamentación óntico-ontológica desde la cual mostrar al ser descrito tal como se manifiesta en tres estadios concretos: el para-sí, en-sí y para-otro, para llegar a ver que las relaciones con los otros son las que nos provocan esos desequilibrios psíquicos. Nuestro psicoanálisis se plantea como una superación al psicoanálisis empírico en el rechazo (...)
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  24.  18
    Figuring the Angry Inch: Transnormativity, the black femme and the fraudulent phallus; or fleshly remainders of the ‘ungendered’ and the ‘unthought’.Erik Hollis - 2018 - Feminist Theory 19 (1):23-40.
    This article takes up Hortense Spillers’ conception of ‘ungendered’ flesh and Saidiya Hartman’s notion of the ‘position of the unthought’ occupied by the figure of the Black-qua-Slave in order to explore their resonance for considering the interrelations between anti-black racial antagonism, ontological positioning and hegemonic renderings of gender formation and sexual taxonomies. Examining the performance and reception of the recent Broadway revival of Hedwig and the Angry Inch starring Taye Diggs as a case study, it asks what role race, and (...)
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  25.  21
    Being and symptom: the intersection of sociology, Lacanian psychoanalysis, and continental philosophy.Suheyb Öğüt - 2020 - Washington - London: Academica Press.
    Boldly focusing on sexuality as a crucial definer of social order, Being and Symptom argues that there is an "M theory" -- a master theory of theories -- not only in Quantum Physics, but also in Continental Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, and Sociology, disclosing how the ontological structure of the "fantastic four" ingredients of metaphysics (potentiality, impotentiality, actuality, completion) has recurred through time. Öğüt also seeks to turn Thomas Hobbes's political philosophy into a social theory within the fields of sexuality and sovereignty (...)
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  26.  7
    Derivative Desires and Plastic Pedagogies: Malabou, Psychoanalysis and The Big Short.Scott Krzych - 2024 - Film-Philosophy 28 (3):561-585.
    This article explores Catherine Malabou’s philosophical foray into neuroscience, especially her continuing work on the topics of brain plasticity and epigenesis. I lay the groundwork for a productive intersection of Malabou’s philosophy with Lacanian psychoanalytic film theory, despite Malabou’s tendency to treat the brain’s plasticity as an issue beyond the scope of the Freudian-Lacanian conception of the unconscious. Through consideration of Todd McGowan’s development of a Lacanian ontology, and by reference to the structure of derivative finance in late capitalism, (...)
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  27.  34
    Carne e Espelho em Merleau-Ponty.Emmanuel De Saint Aubert - 2012 - Dois Pontos 9 (1).
    Interwoven with natural structurations and personal history, the flesh , in Merleau-Ponty's gradually-forged conception, is nourished by the combined influences of neurology, Gestalt psychology and psychoanalysis. This triple influence undergirds a recurring theme in his later writings: the mirror . "The flesh is a mirror phenomenon," Merleau-Ponty tells us. The unpublished manuscripts reveal that this famous clause refers neither directly to Husserl, nor to Wallon and Lacan, but is driven by contemporary readings of Paul Schilder and Wolfgang Metzger, who study (...)
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  28.  34
    How does Paul Ricoeur apply metapsychology to collective memory?Esteban Lythgoe - 2018 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 8 (2):55-71.
    The concept of “abused collective memory” gathers two of Ricœur’s main lines of concern: history and psychoanalysis. The article aims to explain how this convergence was possible, especially, when the transposition of the Freudian metapsychology from the individual to the collective level was hindered by the Ricœurian emphasis on the Freudian libidinal economy. Our hypothesis is that this convergence required two intermediate steps. The first one gathered psychoanalysis and history within the larger framework of otherness as flesh. The second step (...)
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  29.  9
    Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious' and 'Fantasia of the Unconscious.Bruce Steele (ed.) - 2004 - Cambridge University Press.
    Written in D. H. Lawrence's most productive period, 'Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious' and 'Fantasia of the Unconscious' were undertaken initially in response to psychoanalytic criticism of his novel Sons and Lovers. They soon developed more generally to propose an alternative to what Lawrence perceived as the Freudian psychoanalytic theory of the unconscious and the incest motive. The essays also develop his ideas about the upbringing and education of children, about marriage, and about social and even political action. Lawrence described them (...)
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  30. Whitehead's unconscious ontology.Jon K. Mills - 2003 - Theory and Psychology 13 (2):209-238.
  31.  32
    Phenomenology, Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious.Francois H. Lapointe - 1971 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 2 (1):5-25.
  32. Law and psychoanalysis: taking the unconscious seriously.Maria Aristodemou - 2014 - New York, NY: Routledge.
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  33.  22
    The Royal Remains: The People's Two Bodies and the Endgames of Sovereignty.Eric L. Santner - 2011 - University of Chicago Press.
    "The king is dead. Long live the king!" In early modern Europe, the king's body was literally sovereign—and the right to rule was immediately transferrable to the next monarch in line upon the king's death. In The Royal Remains, Eric L. Santner argues that the "carnal" dimension of the structures and dynamics of sovereignty hasn't disappeared from politics. Instead, it migrated to a new location—the life of the people—where something royal continues to linger in the way we obsessively track and (...)
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  34.  11
    The virtual point of freedom: essays on politics, aesthetics, and religion.Lorenzo Chiesa - 2016 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    Topology of fear : psychoanalysis, urban theory, and the space of phobia -- Pasolini and the ugliness of bodies -- Wounds of testimony and martyrs of the unconscious : Lacan and Pasolini contra the discourse of freedom -- A theater of subtractive extinction : Bene without Deleuze -- Giorgio Agamben's Franciscan ontology -- Christianity or communism? Zizek's Marxian Hegelianism and Hegelian Marxism -- The body of structural dialectic :Badiou, Lacan, and the "human animal".
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    Psychoanalysis and Philosophy of Mind: Unconscious Mentality in the Twenty-First Century.Simon Boag, Linda A. W. Brakel & Vesa Talvitie - 2015 - London: Routledge.
    Of the topics found in psychoanalytic theory it is Freud's philosophy of mind that is at once the most contentious and enduring. Psychoanalytic theory makes bold claims about the significance of unconscious mental processes and the wish-fulfilling activity of the mind, citing their importance for understanding the nature of dreams and explaining both normal and pathological behaviour. However, since Freud's initial work, both modern psychology and philosophy have had much to say about the merits of Freudian thinking. Developments in psychology, (...)
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  36.  20
    (1 other version)The Parallax View.Slavoj ŽI.žek - 2006 - MIT Press.
    The Parallax View is Slavoj Zizek's most substantial theoretical work to appear in many years; Zizek himself describes it as his magnum opus. Parallax can be defined as the apparent displacement of an object, caused by a change in observational position. Zizek is interested in the "parallax gap" separating two points between which no synthesis or mediation is possible, linked by an "impossible short circuit" of levels that can never meet. From this consideration of parallax, Zizek begins a rehabilitation of (...)
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  37.  50
    Unconsciousness Between Phenomenology and Psychoanalysis.Dylan Trigg & Dorothée Legrand (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book contains a series of essays that explore the concept of unconsciousness as it is situated between phenomenology and psychoanalysis. A leading goal of the collection is to carve out phenomenological dimensions within psychoanalysis and, equally, to carve out psychoanalytical dimensions within phenomenology. The book examines the nature of unconsciousness and the role it plays in structuring our sense of self. It also looks at the extent to which the unconscious marks the body as it functions outside of experience (...)
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    Minding Nature.William S. Hamrick - 2013 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):19-36.
    This paper interprets and extends Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s unfinished ontology of flesh in order finally to settle accounts with the Cartesian legacy that has hungover Western metaphysics for the last three centuries. The essay does this by advancing Merleau-Ponty’s discussion of two closely intertwined topics—the relationship of consciousness and Nature and the meaningfulness of Nature itself. Among other things, the essay seeks to explain the emergence of consciousness from Nature and defends a view of consciousness as the mobilization of the (...)
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  39. Legacies of the Occult: Psychoanalysis, Religion, and Unconscious Communication.Marsha Aileen Hewitt - unknown
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    Fine-Grained Analysis: Talk Therapy, Media, and the Microscopic Science of the Face-to-Face.Michael Lempert - 2019 - Isis 110 (1):24-47.
    “Mechanical objectivity,” which Lorraine Daston and Peter Galison trace to the mid-nineteenth century, often coincided with efforts to inscribe nature “directly,” such as through automatic registering machines. But what did this inscription entail? Addressing this question requires that we reexamine indexicalization: the shift in semiotic ideology whereby medial technologies are imagined and acted on as if they preserved material traces of the real. Indexicalization is no simple reflex of mechanical objectivity and is more varied and consequential than commonly imagined. This (...)
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  41. Sartre on Embodiment, Touch, and the “Double Sensation”.Dermot Moran - 2010 - Philosophy Today 54 (Supplement):135-141.
    The chapter titled “The Body” in Being and Nothingness offers a groundbreaking, if somewhat neglected, philosophical analysis of embodiment. As part of his “es- say on phenomenological ontology,” he is proposing a new multi-dimensional ontological approach to the body. Sartre’s chapter offers a radical approach to the body and to the ‘flesh’. However, it has not been fully appreciated. Sartre offers three ontological dimensions to embodiment. The first “ontological dimension” addresses the way, as Sartre puts it, “I exist my (...)
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  42.  28
    The Universal (In the Realm of the Sensible): Beyond Continental Philosophy.Dorothea Olkowski - 2007 - Columbia University Press.
    _The Universal_ proposes a radically new philosophical system that moves from ontology to ethics. Drawing on the work of De Beauvoir, Sartre, and Le Doeuff, among others, and addressing a range of topics from the Asian sex trade to late capitalism, quantum gravity, and Merleau-Ponty's views on cinema, Dorothea Olkowski stretches the mathematical, political, epistemological, and aesthetic limits of continental philosophy and introduces a new perspective on political structures. Straddling a course between formalism and conventionalism, Olkowski develops the concept (...)
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    The Perceptual System: A Philosophical and Psychological Perspective.Aharon Ben-Zeʼev - 1993 - New York: Lang.
    This book presents an original comprehensive approach to some of the most difficult problems concerning sense-perception and other mental states. After rejecting prevailing approaches, the author presents his own viewpoint which may be characterized as direct, critical realism. Basing his conclusions on conceptual analysis, psychological evidence and historical considerations, the author is able to offer new insights into traditionally unsolved problems concerning the nature of perceptual states, the ontological status of perceptual environment, the cognitive mechanism in perception and the explanation (...)
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    ‘I am a Clown’: Lacan's Difficult Literary Dandyism.Sinan Richards - 2024 - Paragraph 47 (1):59-73.
    Jacques Lacan was a notoriously difficult and idiosyncratic thinker. But is there any value in his hermetically difficult style? By highlighting certain crucial elements of his practice, I show how Lacan enlists the notion of difficulty to press home that he did not want his readers to understand directly. Instead, as Foucault and Althusser explain so well, Lacan wished for his readers and auditors to discover themselves as subjects of desire through reading him. Indeed, in miming the language of the (...)
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    Psychoanalysis, culture and social action: act signatures of the unconscious.Dieter Flader - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Dieter Flader explores how current social and cultural concerns are connected to the unconscious, and how this affects our responses to them. Flader focuses on the role of the ego, assessing how our feelings about these issues in adulthood grow from childhood fears and desires, and integrating the existing psychoanalytic theories of Winnicott, Lacan, Kohut and others with sociological and political theory. The interdisciplinary approach not only analyses current social issues but also generates new perspectives and solutions, and examines examples (...)
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    The Unconscious Abyss: Hegel's Anticipation of Psychoanalysis.Jon Mills - 2002 - State University of New York Press.
    The first extended treatment of Hegel’s theory of the unconscious and his anticipation of Freud.
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    Psychoanalysis, culture and social action: act signatures of the unconscious, or, from mobbing to climate change awareness: how the unconscious shapes social action.Dieter Flader - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Dieter Flader explores how current social and cultural concerns are connected to the unconscious, and how this affects our responses to them. Flader focuses on the role of the ego, assessing how our feelings about these issues in adulthood grow from childhood fears and desires, and integrating the existing psychoanalytic theories of Winnicott, Lacan, Kohut and others with sociological and political theory. The interdisciplinary approach not only analyses current social issues but also generates new perspectives and solutions, and examines examples (...)
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  48.  15
    Freakonomics as a Discourse of Perversion.McDonald Robert Olen - 2017 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 11 (2).
    In this essay, I interpret the wildly successful book series Freakonomics as a discourse of perversion. Drawing upon Lacanian psychoanalytic theory and Žižekian cultural criticism, I first explore how the books function as neoclassical economic theory in practice, then I explain how the series enjoins us to adopt reading strategies that turn us into perverts. Perversion, rather than a moral judgment, is best considered a structural inversion of the position of enjoyment, schematized as a ◊$. Freakonomics seeks to explain all (...)
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  49.  28
    The unconscious in neuroscience and psychoanalysis: on Lacan and Freud.Marco Máximo Balzarini - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The Unconscious in Neuroscience and Psychoanalysis presents a unique and provocative approach to the assimilation of these two disciplines while offering a thorough assessment of the Unconscious from a neuropsychoanalytic and Lacanian perspective. Marco Máximo Balzarini offers a comprehensive overview of Freud's theory of the unconscious and its importance within psychoanalysis, before looking to how it has been integrated into contemporary neuropsychoanalytic work. Paying close attention to the field-defining work of neuropsychoanalysts such as Mark Solms, Francois Ansermet and Pierre Magistretti, (...)
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  50. Virtual Unconscious and Transcendental Time: Bergson and Deleuze's New Ontology of Experience.Valentine Moulard - 2003 - Dissertation, The University of Memphis
    This dissertation argues that on the basis of their elaboration of and appeal to the Virtual, Henri Bergson and Gilles Deleuze operate a profound transformation of the Kantian conception of the transcendental. This implies a novel account of experience and its conditions, resulting in what I call Transcendental Experience---whereby the primary condition of experience, that is, time, becomes immanent to what it conditions. Through this revaluation of the transcendental, Bergson and Deleuze are ultimately providing us with an alternative to both (...)
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