Results for 'Proceduralism'

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  1. Proceduralism and the epistemic dilemma of Supreme Courts.Federica Liveriero & Daniele Santoro - 2017 - Social Epistemology 31 (3):310-323.
    Proceduralists hold that democracy has a non-instrumental value consisting in the ideal of equality incorporated by fair procedures. Yet, proceduralism does not imply that every outcome of a democratic procedure is fair per se. In the non-ideal setting of constitutional democracies, government and legislative decisions may result from factional conflicts, or depend on majoritarian dictatorships. In these circumstances, Supreme Courts provide a guardianship against contested outcomes by enacting mechanisms of checks and balances, constitutional interpretation and judicial review. Yet, in (...)
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    The Limits of Instrumental Proceduralism.Jake Monaghan - 2022 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 22 (1).
    According to instrumental proceduralism, political power is justified when it is the output of a reliable procedure. In this paper, I examine how procedures are supposed to confer normative properties. Based on this assessment, I conclude that many proceduralists set the reliability bar too low. Next, I motivate two additional requirements for instrumental procedures. I introduce the notion of “predictable” procedural failure and argue that in order for a procedure to confer legitimacy or other normative properties on its output, (...)
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    Proceduralism and Expertise in Local Environmental Decision-Making.Evelyn Brister - 2018 - In Ben A. Minteer & Sahotra Sarkar (eds.), A Sustainable Philosophy—the Work of Bryan Norton. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Among Bryan Norton’s most influential contributions to environmental philosophy has been his analysis and evaluation of democratic processes for environmental decision-making. He examines actual cases of environmental decision-making in their legal, political, ethical and scientific contexts, and, with contextual constraints and goals in mind, he theorizes concerning what they accomplish and how they can be improved. Informed by the political theories of both John Dewey and Jürgen Habermas, Norton’s pragmatist approach holds that appropriate democratic decision procedures will generate broadly defensible (...)
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    Proceduralism, Judicial Review and the Refusal of Royal Assent.Yann Allard-Tremblay - 2013 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 33 (2):379-400.
    This article provides an exploration of the relationships between a procedural account of epistemic democracy, illegitimate laws and judicial review. I first explain how there can be illegitimate laws within a procedural account of democracy. I argue that even if democratic legitimacy is conceived procedurally, it does not imply that democracy could legitimately undermine itself or adopt grossly unjust laws. I then turn to the legitimacy of judicial review with regard to these illegitimate laws. I maintain that courts do not (...)
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    Extrinsic Democratic Proceduralism: A Modest Defence.Chiara Destri - 2020 - Res Publica 27 (1):41-58.
    Disagreement among philosophers over the proper justification for political institutions is far from a new phenomenon. Thus, it should not come as a surprise that there is substantial room for dissent on this matter within democratic theory. As is well known, instrumentalism and proceduralism represent the two primary viewpoints that democrats can adopt to vindicate democratic legitimacy. While the former notoriously derives the value of democracy from its outcomes, the latter claims that a democratic decision-making process is inherently valuable. (...)
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  6. Proceduralism as thin universalism : Stuart Hampshire's "procedural justice".John Horton - 2006 - In B. A. Haddock, Peri Roberts & Peter Sutch (eds.), Principles and Political Order: The Challenge of Diversity. Routledge.
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    Proceduralism and Popular Threats to Democracy.Alexander S. Kirshner - 2010 - Journal of Political Philosophy 18 (4):405-424.
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    Proceduralism and Justification in Habermas’s Discourse Ethics.Jon Mahoney - 2002 - Philosophy Today 46 (3):300-311.
    I argue that Habermas's conception of moral justification cannot be proceduralist in the way he claims that it is if discourse ethics is to remain a version of Kantian ethics. This argument is supported by two claims. The first is that Habermas claims there are no substantive constraints on moral argument. The second is that discourse ethics requires the substantive constraint of moral respect where moral respect is understood to be a preprocedural norm to which all moral claims are accountable.
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    Interactive Justice: A Proceduralist Approach to Value Conflict in Politics.Emanuela Ceva - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    Contemporary societies are riddled with moral disputes caused by conflicts between value claims competing for the regulation of matters of public concern. This familiar state of affairs is relevant for one of the most important debates within liberal political thought: should institutions seek to realize justice or peace? Justice-driven philosophers characterize the normative conditions for the resolution of value conflicts through the establishment of a moral consensus on an order of priority between competing value claims. Peace-driven philosophers have concentrated, perhaps (...)
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    The Pitfalls of Proceduralism: An Exploration of the Goods Internal to the Practice of Clinical Ethics Consultation.Annie B. Friedrich - 2018 - HEC Forum 30 (4):389-403.
    In an age of professionalization and specialization, the practice of clinical ethics is facing an identity crisis. Are clinical ethicists moral experts, ethics experts, or merely quasi-lawyers giving legal advice? Are they extensions of the hospital, always working to advance the hospital’s interests? Or is there another option? Since 1998, when the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities first issued its Core Competencies for Healthcare Ethics Consultation, there has been debate about the role of standardization and proceduralism in clinical (...)
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  11. Pure Epistemic Proceduralism.Fabienne Peter - 2008 - Episteme: A Journal of Social Epistemology 5 (1):33-55.
    In this paper I defend a pure proceduralist conception of legitimacy that applies to epistemic democracy. This conception, which I call pure epistemic proceduralism, does not depend on procedure-independent standards for good outcomes and relies on a proceduralist epistemology. It identifies a democratic decision as legitimate if it is the outcome of a process that satisfies certain conditions of political and epistemic fairness. My argument starts with a rejection of instrumentalism–the view that political equality is only instrumentally valuable. I (...)
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    Between Proceduralism and Teleology: An Unresolved Conflict in Dewey's Moral Theory.Axel Honneth - 1998 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 34 (3):689 - 711.
  13. Democratic legitimacy and proceduralist social epistemology.Fabienne Peter - 2007 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 6 (3):329-353.
    A conception of legitimacy is at the core of normative theories of democracy. Many different conceptions of legitimacy have been put forward, either explicitly or implicitly. In this article, I shall first provide a taxonomy of conceptions of legitimacy that can be identified in contemporary democratic theory. The taxonomy covers both aggregative and deliberative democracy. I then argue for a conception of democratic legitimacy that takes the epistemic dimension of public deliberation seriously. In contrast to standard interpretations of epistemic democracy, (...)
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  14. Beyond proceduralism: A chinese perspective on Cheng (sincerity) as a political virtue.Julia Lai Po-Wah Tao - 2005 - Philosophy East and West 55 (1):64-79.
    This essay aims to provide a philosophical analysis of the Chinese concept of cheng (sincerity) as a political virtue that could be incorporated to ground a duty of civility in liberal deliberative democracy. It is argued here that the virtue of sincerity is an essential feature of the liberal political culture taken for granted by Rawls in his theory of public reason. Ideal procedures and public discourse are not sufficient to generate civic virtues. The goal of this essay is to (...)
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  15. Proceduralism reconceived: Political conflict resolution under conditions of moral pluralism.Benjamin Gregg - 2002 - Theory and Society 31 (6):741-776.
  16. Epistemic Proceduralism and Democratic Authority.David Estlund - 2008 - In Raf Greenens & Ronald Tinnevelt (eds.), Does Truth Matter? Democracy and Public Space. Springer.
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    Does epistemic proceduralism justify the disenfranchisement of children?Jakob Hinze - 2019 - Journal of Global Ethics 15 (3):287-305.
    Most laypersons and political theorists endorse the claims that all adults should be enfranchised and all children should be disenfranchised. The first claim rejects epistocracy; the second...
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  18. Beyond Legitimacy. Can Proceduralism Say Anything Relevant About Justice?Emanuela Ceva - 2012 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 15 (2):183-200.
    Whilst legitimacy is often thought to concern the processes through which coercive decisions are made in society, justice has been standardly viewed as a ‘substantial’ matter concerning the moral justification of the terms of social cooperation. Accordingly, theorization about procedures may seem appropriate for the former but not for the latter. To defend proceduralism as a relevant approach to justice, I distinguish three questions: (1) Who is entitled to exercise coercive power? (2) On what terms should the participants to (...)
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    Proceduralism and Ontologico- Historical Understanding in the Philosophy of Language.Carl Humphries - 2014 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk (ed.), Philosophy of Language and Linguistics: The Legacy of Frege, Russell, and Wittgenstein. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 115-138.
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    Postmodernism, Proceduralism, and Constitutional Justice: A Comment on van der Walt and Botha.Frank I. Michelman - 2002 - Constellations 9 (2):246-262.
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    In defense of democratic proceduralism.William E. Scheuerman - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (7):665-672.
    My discussion here addresses one key question: has Alessandro Ferrara succeeded in outlining a cogent account of democracy ‘beyond the nation state’? Despite the volume’s many strengths, his The Democratic Horizon suffers from some underlying conceptual and programmatic ambiguities. The nexus between democracy’s ethos or spirit and its institutional and procedural components might have been more clearly elucidated. The author’s tendency to privilege democratic ‘ethos’ or ‘spirit’ over so-called ‘proceduralism’ ultimately risks discounting the significance of some democratic institutional and (...)
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    Principle, Proceduralism, and Precaution in a Community of Rights.Deryck Beyleveld & Roger Brownsword - 2006 - Ratio Juris 19 (2):141-168.
    This paper presents a sketch of the way in which an ideal-typical community of rights, Gewirthia, responds to the so-called “internal problem of authority.” Notwithstanding the deep moral consensus in Gewirthia, where citizens are fully committed to the Principle of Generic Consistency (requiring that agents respect one another’s freedom and basic well-being), Gewirthians make no claim to “know all the answers.” In consequence, public governance in Gewirthia needs a strategy for dealing with the many kinds of disputes—disputes that relate to (...)
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    Radical proceduralism: Democracy from philosophical principles to political institutions.Simone Chambers - 2023 - Contemporary Political Theory 22 (3):117-120.
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    Democracy, Truth, and Epistemic Proceduralism.Ivan Mladenović - 2020 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 20 (2):171-182.
    The usual justifi cations of democracy attach central importance to fair decision-making procedures. However, it is being increasingly emphasized that it is necessary to address epistemic considerations to justify democracy and democratic authority. In her book Democracy and Truth: The Conflict between Political and Epistemic Virtues, Prijić-Samaržija defends the view which places emphasis on the necessity of epistemic justification of democracy. In this paper, I will discuss her criticism of epistemic proceduralism, which can be considered major contemporary framework for (...)
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    Autonomy, Critique and Proceduralism: The Kantian Foundations of Contemporary Liberal Theory.Daniel M. Weinstock - 1991
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    Cultural Proceduralism, Cultural Preservation, and Public Education.Chiara Cordelli - 2018 - Political Theory 46 (1):106-114.
  27. Toward a Proceduralist Theory of Secession.Daniel Weinstock - 2000 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 13 (2):251-262.
    Substantive theorists of secession face a problem explaining why the international community ought on their view to withhold recognition from secessions which involve a loss in terms of the substantive criteria they privilege; this is so because the normal electoral politics giving rise to such a loss should not in their opinion meet with any adverse international reaction. The substantive theory of David Miller uses criteria for the legitimacy of secessions which give rise to strangely amoral consequences. A procedural theory (...)
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    Saving Environmental Justice From Proceduralism.William R. Smith - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (3):55-56.
    Resnik and colleagues (2018) argue that problems of indeterminacy regarding the application of utilitarianism, justice as fairness, and libertarianism in settling policy regarding justice concernin...
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    Beyond “Basic Liberal Proceduralism”.Dario Castiglione - 2018 - Political Theory 46 (1):115-122.
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    A Pluralist Critique of Contractarian Proceduralism.Michel Rosenfeld - 1998 - Ratio Juris 11 (4):291-319.
    In pluralistic societies with conflicting conceptions of the good, purely procedural justice looms as particularly attractive. Moreover, the social contract device, in at least some of its conceptual adaptations, appears capable of yielding purely procedural outcomes. Based on an assessment of the respective contractarian arguments of Hobbes and Rawls, the author asserts that contractarian proceduralism is either purely procedural but not just, or else just but only derivatively procedural. Finally, after proposing that Habermas' discourse ethics and proceduralist paradigm of (...)
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  31. Defining “art”: The functionalism/proceduralism controversy.Robert Stecker - 1992 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 30 (4):141-152.
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    Nonparty Participation as a (Partial) Remedy to Proceduralist Concerns Over Judicial Review.Geoffrey D. Callaghan - 2018 - Legal Theory 24 (4):255-290.
    The argument I defend in this paper takes for granted that the proceduralist indictment against judicial review is at least partly justifiable, and that a complete theory of democratic legitimacy will therefore attempt to address it to the greatest possible degree. I examine how the indictment can be addressed via the practice of nonparty participation, whereby members of the general public may seek participatory involvement in a court proceeding despite not being directly implicated by the dispute at issue. Through this (...)
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    Retention of order and the binding of verbal and spatial information in short-term memory: Constraints for proceduralist accounts.Murray T. Maybery, Fabrice B. R. Parmentier & Peter J. Clissa - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (6):748-748.
    Consistent with Ruchkin and colleagues' proceduralist account, recent research on grouping and verbal-spatial binding in immediate memory shows continuity across short- and long-term retention, and activation of classes of information extending beyond those typically allowed in modular models. However, Ruchkin et al.'s account lacks well-specified mechanisms for the retention of serial order, binding, and the control of activation through attention.
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    Regulating Disagreement, Constituting Participants: A Critique of Proceduralist Theories of Democracy.Darrin Hicks & Lenore Langsdorf - 1999 - Argumentation 13 (2):139-160.
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    The exemption that confirms the rule: Reflections on proceduralism and the uk hybrid embryos controversy.Enzo Rossi - 2009 - Res Publica 15 (3):237-250.
    This paper provides an interpretation of the licensing provisions envisaged under the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 as a model for a rule and exemption-based procedural strategy for the adjudication of potential ethical controversies, and it offers an account of the liberal-democratic legitimacy of the procedure’s outcomes as well as of the legal procedure itself. Drawing on a novel articulation of the distinction between exceptions and exemptions, the paper argues that such a rule and exemption mechanism, while not devoid (...)
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    Secular Clinical Ethicists Should Not Be Neutral Toward All Religious Beliefs: An Argument for a Moral-Metaphysical Proceduralism.Abram L. Brummett - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (6):5-16.
    Moral pluralism poses a foundational problem for secular clinical ethics: How can ethical dilemmas be resolved in a context where there is disagreement not only on particular cases, but further, on...
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    The many metaphysical commitments of secular clinical ethics: Expanding the argument for a moral–metaphysical proceduralism.Abram Brummett & Jason T. Eberl - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (7):783-793.
    Bioethics, Volume 36, Issue 7, Page 783-793, September 2022.
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  38. Neutrality and political justification of liberalism in the nineties between perfection, proceduralism and public reason.A. Ferrara - 2002 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 57 (4):583-600.
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    The ideal and reality of epistemic proceduralism.James Gledhill - 2017 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 20 (4):486-507.
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  40. Rigid anarchic principles of evidence and proof : Anomist panaceas against legal pathologies of proceduralism.Hendrik Kaptein - 2008 - In Legal Evidence and Proof: Statistics, Stories, Logic. Ashgate.
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    Social choice problems with public reason proceduralism.Henrik D. Kugelberg - 2022 - Economics and Philosophy 38 (1):51-70.
    Most political liberals argue that only rules, policies and institutions that are part of society’s basic structure need to be justified with so-called public reasons. Laws enacted outside this set are legitimate if and when public reasons can justify the procedure that selects them. I argue that this view is susceptible to known problems from social choice theory. However, there are resources within political liberalism that could address them. If the scope of public reason is extended beyond the basic structure (...)
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  42. Emanuela Ceva, Giustizia e conflitti di valori: Una proposta procedurale (Justice and Conflicts of Values: A Proceduralist Proposal).Elvio Baccarini - 2011 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 32:249-255.
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    The Last Bastion of Paternalism? A Reflection on Proceduralism, Power, and Privilege.Amy E. Caruso Brown - 2021 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 32 (2):173-181.
    The two cases presented here may at first seem very different: one patient was an adult, making autonomous decisions for herself and her fetus; the other was a child too young to meaningfully participate in the most significant decisions regarding his health. In both cases, healthcare professionals had to determine the extent to which the parents of a dying fetus or child should be permitted to make agonizing choices about how long to maintain hope and what that death will look (...)
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    Defending, Improving, Expanding, and Applying a Moral-Metaphysical Proceduralism for Secular Clinical Ethics.Abram L. Brummett - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (7):6-9.
    A paradox has always lingered at the heart of secular clinical ethics: How are ethicists to provide moral guidance in a pluralistic society? I want to thank all the commentary authors for being suc...
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    8. Law and Democracy: Part III: Applying the Proceduralist Paradigm.David Ingram - 2010 - In Habermas: Introduction and Analysis. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. pp. 221-252.
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  46. The sirens of pragmatism versus the priests of proceduralism: Habermas and American legal realism.D. Ingram - 2002 - In Mitchell Aboulafia, Myra Orbach Bookman & Catherine Kemp (eds.), Habermas and pragmatism. New York: Routledge.
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    Calling it a day on proceduralism in bioethics?Udo Schüklenk - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (9):ii-ii.
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    Emanuela Ceva, Interactive Justice: A Proceduralist Approach to Value Conflict in Politics: New York, Routledge, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-138-67646-6, XIII +196 Pages, € 105. [REVIEW]Fabian Wendt - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (2):431-432.
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    Deliberative democracy and the problem of tacit knowledge.Jonathan Benson - 2019 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 18 (1):76-97.
    This article defends deliberative democracy against the problem of tacit knowledge. It has been argued that deliberative democracy gives a privileged position to linguistic communication and therefore excludes tacit forms of knowledge which cannot be expressed propositionally. This article shows how the exclusion of such knowledge presents important challenges to both proceduralist and epistemic conceptions of deliberative democracy, and how it has been taken by some to favour markets over democratic institutions. After pointing to the limitations of market alternatives, deliberative (...)
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    The substance of procedures.Sara Gebh - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (1):22-25.
    In Democracy without Shortcuts, Cristina Lafont identifies proceduralist or ‘deep pluralist’ conceptions of democracy alongside epistemic and lottocratic approaches as shortcuts that avoid the more challenging but, in her view, preferable path of engaging with and attempting to sway competing views, values and beliefs of fellow citizens. I argue that with the wholesale dismissal of proceduralist accounts of democracy Lafont herself takes two shortcuts: The first concerns the characterization of deep pluralism as unable to explain substantive disagreement after a decision (...)
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