Results for 'Problem solving Philosophy.'

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  1.  16
    Pragmatism, Problem Solving, and Strategies for Engaged Philosophy.Evelyn Brister - 2023 - In Samantha Noll & Zachary Piso (eds.), Paul B. Thompson's Philosophy of Agriculture: Fields, Farmers, Forks, and Food. Springer Verlag. pp. 17-32.
    Philosophical pragmatism provides a theory and practical guidance for engaged philosophy. The movement to apply philosophy to real-world problems gained traction in the 1970s and has become an important area of philosophical inquiry. Applied philosophy draws connections between philosophical principles and real-life problems. This has been a valuable methodology for many purposes, and it especially serves the purposes of philosophers. Unfortunately, it often starts from existing frameworks or principles that are recognized by philosophers but does not start from real-life problems (...)
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    Problem-Solving Technologies: A User-Friendly Philosophy.Sadjad Soltanzadeh - 2021 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Problem Solving Technologies provides a user friendly understanding of technological objects including what they are and how the function in our lives.
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    Interdisciplinary problem- solving: emerging modes in integrative systems biology.Miles MacLeod & Nancy J. Nersessian - 2016 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 6 (3):401-418.
    Integrative systems biology is an emerging field that attempts to integrate computation, applied mathematics, engineering concepts and methods, and biological experimentation in order to model large-scale complex biochemical networks. The field is thus an important contemporary instance of an interdisciplinary approach to solving complex problems. Interdisciplinary science is a recent topic in the philosophy of science. Determining what is philosophically important and distinct about interdisciplinary practices requires detailed accounts of problem-solving practices that attempt to understand how specific (...)
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    Problem-Solving and the Challenges to Democracy: Dialogues on the Philosophy and Politics of Knowledge.Raphael Sassower & Justin Cruickshank (eds.) - 2017 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This timely volume explores pressing questions that relate to democracy and the politics of knowledge, in a dialogue based on developing and applying philosophies that stress the importance of dialogue, democracy and criticism.
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    A New Problem-Solving Paradigm for Philosophy of Science.Cliff Hooker - 2018 - Perspectives on Science 26 (2):266-291.
    A paradigm instructs in how to do research successfully. Analytic philosophy of science, currently dominant, models paradigmatic rational science as a system of logical inferences. It is, however, an abundantly inadequate paradigm. This paper presents an alternative paradigm: science as an organized collection of problem solving processes. This position is backed, on the one side, by a cognitive model of problem solving process applicable to all problem solving circumstances and, on the other, by a (...)
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    Questioning and problems in philosophy of science: Problem-solving versus directly truth-seeking epistemologies.Thomas Nickles - 1988 - In Michel Meyer (ed.), Questions and questioning. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 43--67.
  7.  28
    Promoting problem-solving and reasoning during cooperative inquiry science.Robyn M. Gillies, Kim Nichols & Gilbert Burgh - 2011 - Teaching Education 22 (4):429–445.
    This paper reports on a study that was conducted on the effects of training students in specific strategic and meta-cognitive questioning strategies on the development of reasoning, problem-solving, and learning during cooperative inquiry-based science activities. The study was conducted in 18 sixth grade classrooms and involved 35 groups of students in three conditions: the cognitive questioning condition; the Philosophy for Children condition; and the comparison condition. The students were videotaped as they worked on a specific inquiry-science task once (...)
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    Collaborative Problem-Solving and Citizenship Education: A Philosophical Escape in the Age of Competencies.Marina Santi - 2019 - Childhood and Philosophy:01-19.
    Starting from the Italian results of the PISA 2015 surveys as regards the competence of young students in collaborative problem-solving, in this paper we conduct a critical analysis of the concept of competence, as seen through the lens of the Capability Approach. The Philosophy for Children curriculum is presented as a pedagogical and didactic proposal capable of re-conceptualizing the constructs of ‘problem-solving’ and ‘collaboration’. In the light of ‘Complex Thinking’ theory and the ‘community of inquiry’ classroom (...)
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    Problem-Solving, Research Traditions, and the Development of Scientific Fields.Henry Frankel - 1980 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1980:29 - 40.
    The general thesis that science is essentially a problem-solving activity is extended to the development of new fields. Their development represents a research strategy for generating and solving new unsolved problems and solving existing ones in related fields. The pattern of growth of new fields is guided by the central problems within the field and applicable problems in other fields. Proponents of existing research traditions welcome work in new fields, if they believe it will increase the (...)
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  10.  22
    Organic Problem Solving.Stefan Artmann - 2008 - American Journal of Semiotics 24 (1-3):95-105.
    Sign-theoretical concepts have been used in research into the nature of living systems, not only by biologists, semioticians, and philosophers, but also by scientists who analyze organisms from the perspective of Decision Theory. Decision Theory (DT) describes both the external behavior and the internal information-processing of any kind of agent in terms of problem solving. Such “problem solving” is considered a complex process of: (1) defining a goal in an environment, (2) selecting the means to reach (...)
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  11. Problem solving.Michael Polanyi - 1957 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 8 (30):89-103.
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    Democratic Problem-Solving: Dialogues in Social Epistemology.Raphael Sassower & Justin Cruickshank (eds.) - 2017 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This timely volume explores pressing questions that relate to democracy and the politics of knowledge, in a dialogue based on developing and applying philosophies that stress the importance of dialogue, democracy and criticism.
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    Aristotle on Science as Problem Solving.Diana Quarantotto - 2020 - Topoi 39 (4):857-868.
    The paper provides an interpretation of Aristotle’s view on scientific inquiry as problem solving. It tackles passages where Aristotle emphasises the role that the problem-solving activity has in science, and where he describes the history of humans’ problem-solving activity and the historical development of natural science as a problem-solving activity. Further, the paper examines Aristotle’s practice of raising, assessing and solving problems as well as the heuristic procedures he employs to move (...)
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    (1 other version)Why Problem Solving and Critical Thinking?Douglas D. Noble - 1992 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):7-11.
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    Truth, problem solving and the rationality of science.Harvey Siegel - 1983 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 14 (2):89-112.
  16.  81
    Mathematical Problem-Solving and Ontology: An Exercise. [REVIEW]Richard Tieszen - 2010 - Axiomathes 20 (2-3):295-312.
    In this paper the reader is asked to engage in some simple problem-solving in classical pure number theory and to then describe, on the basis of a series of questions, what it is like to solve the problems. In the recent philosophy of mind this “what is it like” question is one way of signaling a turn to phenomenological description. The description of what it is like to solve the problems in this paper, it is argued, leads to (...)
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    Problem Solving in School Math: Mathematicians’ Work, Rigor, and Social Justice.Kurt Stemhagen - 2014 - Philosophy of Education 70:178-181.
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    Environmental Problem-Solving and Heidegger’s Phenomenology.Sharon R. Harvey - 2009 - Environmental Philosophy 6 (2):59-71.
    The philosophical bases underlying methodological and decision-making processes for environmental issues are rarely questioned, and yet have important consequences. What commonly results is that first order solutions are technical ways of addressing problems which limit human relation to nature. Martin Heidegger’s phenomenology makes a distinction between “thatness” and “whatness.”“What a thing is” is depicted by modern science with “being as continual presence.” “That a thing is” refers to nature’s capacity for disclosure and withdrawal, that being is both “presence and absence.” (...)
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    Truth, Problem-Solving and Methodology.Husain Sarkar - 1981 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 12 (1):61.
  20.  29
    (1 other version)Problem solving by men and mammals.A. H. Martin - 1932 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 10 (4):243 – 258.
    There are two opposed theories which attempt to account for the processes of problem solution involved in learning and intelligence. The former is neural in its basis and postulates the existence of a bare connection as a bonding or linkage of two experiences. The second theory, that of gestalt, implies that learning or apprehension involves a relationship of the parts of the experience to each other as well as to the whole. While these psychological schools are exclusive of and (...)
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  21.  7
    Problem Solving as Theorizing: A New Model for School Mathematics.Holly Brewster - 2014 - Philosophy of Education 70:169-177.
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  22. Clinical pragmatism: A method of moral problem solving.Joseph J. Fins, Matthew D. Bacchetta & Franklin G. Miller - 1997 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 7 (2):129-143.
    : This paper presents a method of moral problem solving in clinical practice that is inspired by the philosophy of John Dewey. This method, called "clinical pragmatism," integrates clinical and ethical decision making. Clinical pragmatism focuses on the interpersonal processes of assessment and consensus formation as well as the ethical analysis of relevant moral considerations. The steps in this method are delineated and then illustrated through a detailed case study. The implications of clinical pragmatism for the use of (...)
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    Problem Solving, Working Backwards, and Graphic Proof Representation.Marvin J. Croy - 2000 - Teaching Philosophy 23 (2):169-187.
    Rather than being random deviation, student errors can be a source of insight into the nature of student difficulties. This paper reports on (and offers pedagogical advice concerning) many common student errors in the construction of proofs, in the application of inference and replacement rules, and in the choice of proof strategies. In addition, a detailed description of the bottom-up strategy for “working backwards” is supplied, along with a discussion of the main difficulties students face when trying to solve proofs (...)
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  24. Great Problems in Philosophy and Physics Solved?Bob Doyle - 2016 - Cambridge, MA, USA: I-Phi Press.
    A survey of popular textbooks and websites on philosophy produces a ­remarkable consensus on the great problems facing philosophers from ­ancient to modern times. They typically include metaphysics - what is there?, the problem of knowledge - how do we know what exists?, the mind/body problem - can an immaterial mind move the material body?, the “hard problem” of consciousness, freedom of the will, theories of ethics - is there an objective universal Good?, and problems from theology (...)
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  25. (1 other version)The diversity-ability trade-off in scientific problem solving.Samuli Reijula & Jaakko Kuorikoski - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science (Supplement).
    According to the diversity-beats-ability theorem, groups of diverse problem solvers can outperform groups of high-ability problem solvers. We argue that the model introduced by Lu Hong and Scott Page is inadequate for exploring the trade-off between diversity and ability. This is because the model employs an impoverished implementation of the problem-solving task. We present a new version of the model which captures the role of ‘ability’ in a meaningful way, and use it to explore the trade-offs (...)
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    Humanist and Nonhumanist Aspects of Technologies as Problem Solving Physical Instruments.Sadjad Soltanzadeh - 2015 - Philosophy and Technology 28 (1):139-156.
    A form of metaphysical humanism in the field of philosophy of technology can be defined as the claim that besides technologies’ physical aspects, purely human attributes are sufficient to conceptualize technologies. Metaphysical nonhumanism, on the other hand, would be the claim that the meanings of the operative words in any acceptable conception of technologies refer to the states of affairs or events which are in a way or another shaped by technologies. In this paper, I focus on the conception of (...)
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  27.  16
    A systems approach to identifying knowledge voids in problem solving disciplines and professions: A focus on the management sciences.Arnold Reisman - 1988 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 1 (4):67-86.
    As problem solving disciplines or professions mature their dependence on experience based knowledge lessens in favor of the science which has evolved. Knowledge for problem solving disciplines or professions, such as engineering or management, can be subdivided into three sectors, data, methodology/theory and applications. This paper discusses the significance of the availability of knowledge in each of these sectors and in each overlap between these sectors. Next the paper discusses and illustrates a systematic approach to meta (...)
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  28. Laudan's Problem Solving Model.F. Michael Akeroyd - 1993 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 44 (4):785-788.
    A historical example is considered which conflicts with Laudan's Problem Solving Model [1981]. In the period 1840–85 chemists preferred a theory with 3 major conceptual problems (the Liebig Theory of Acids) to Lavoisier's which had only one major conceptual problem (why are the halogen hydrides acids?). The overall conceptual merits of Lavoisier's scheme have been revived in the modern Lux-Flood classification of Acids. Larry Laudan [1977], [1981] proposed a problem solving model of scientific rationality which (...)
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  29.  35
    Effective Problem Solving[REVIEW]Donald Scherer - 1989 - Teaching Philosophy 12 (3):290-291.
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    Use of a “Coping-Modeling, Problem-Solving” Program in Business Ethics Education.Sheldene K. Simola - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (3):383-401.
    During the last decade, scholars have identified a number of factors that pose significant challenges to effective business ethics education. This article offers a “coping-modeling, problem-solving” approach as one option for addressing these concerns. A rationale supporting the use of the CMPS framework for courses on ethical decision-making in business is provided, following which the implementation processes for this program are described. Evaluative data collected from N = 101 undergraduate business students enrolled in a third year required course (...)
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    Intuitive and analytical processes in insight problem solving: a psycho-rhetorical approach to the study of reasoning.Laura Macchi & Maria Bagassi - 2012 - Mind and Society 11 (1):53-67.
    Language and thought share a unitary cognitive activity, addressed by an interpretative function. This interpretative effort reveals the assonance between the attribution of meaning to an utterance and the discovery of a solution via restructuring in insight problem solving. We suggest a view of complex integrated analytical thinking, which assumes that thinking processes information in different ways, depending on the characteristics of the tasks the subject has to solve, so that reasoning results in a stepwise, rule-based process or (...)
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  32. Figuring things out: Figurate problem-solving in the early Descartes.Dennis L. Sepper - 2000 - In Stephen Gaukroger, John Andrew Schuster & John Sutton (eds.), Descartes' Natural Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 228--248.
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  33. (1 other version)Moral Imagination in Organizational Problem-solving.Deborah Vidaver-Cohen - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (4):1-26.
    Abstract:This essay responds to Patricia Werhane’s 1994 Ruffin Lecture address, “Moral Imagination and the Search for Ethical Decision-making in Management,” using institutional theory as an analytical framework to explore conditions that either inhibit or promote moral imagination in organizational problem-solving. Implications of the analysis for managing organizational change and for business ethics theory development are proposed.
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    Model Building and Problem Solving: A Case from Libor Market Derivatives.Giulia Miotti - 2019 - Topoi 40 (4):1-9.
    In my paper I focus on the growth of knowledge in finance from an heuristic viewpoint and I propose the analysis of two different knowledge-advancing strategies usually adopted at the frontier of knowledge, i.e. problem-solving and model-building. I show how these two strategies, even though both effective in the short-run, nonetheless provide descriptions of the target object and which are different in their descriptive and knowledge-advancing depth. In order to do so, I propose a case study borrowed from (...)
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    Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.Robert Browning, Martin Greenwald & Ron Hollander - 1990 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 6 (4):10-11.
  36.  28
    (1 other version)Rationality and problem- solving.John Kekes - 1977 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 7 (4):351-366.
  37. Banking v. problem-solving models of education.Paulo Freire - 2006 - In Randall Curren (ed.), Philosophy of Education: An Anthology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 68--75.
  38.  32
    Remarks on Truth, Problem-Solving, and Methodology.Maurice A. Finocchiaro - 1981 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 12 (3):261.
  39. On evolution and creation: Problem solved? The polish example.Jacek Tomczyk & Grzegorz Bugajak - 2009 - Zygon 44 (4):859-878.
    We present the results of research carried out as a part of the project “Current Controversies about Human Origins: Between Anthropology and the Bible”, which focused on the supposed conflict between natural sciences and some branches of the humanities, notably philosophy and theology, with regard to human origins. One way to tackle the issue was to distribute a questionnaire among students and teachers of the relevant disciplines. Teachers of religion and the natural sciences (biology, chemistry, and physics) and students of (...)
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    Limits to problem solving in science.Struan Jacobs - 2001 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 15 (3):231 – 242.
    Popper, Polanyi and Duncker represent the widely held position that theoretical and experimental scientific research are motivated by problems to which discoveries are solutions. According to the argument here, their views are unsupported and - in light of counter-instances, anomalous chance discoveries, and the force of curiosity - over-generalized.
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    Narrative as Diagram for Problem-solving: Confluence between Peirce’s and Vygotskii’s Semiotic.Donna E. West - 2018 - Semiotics 2018:201-219.
  42.  33
    The interpretative heuristic in insight problem solving.Laura Macchi & Maria Bagassi - 2014 - Mind and Society 13 (1):97-108.
    The study of insight problem solving could well become one of the most important topics in the contemporary debate on thought. Dealing with insight problems today requires of necessity reconsidering the concept of bounded rationality. Simon’s work has inspired us to reflect on the specific quality of the type of boundaries which, by limiting the search, allow and guarantee the act of creativity; finding the solution to insight problems is emblematic of this creativity and provides a paradigmatic case. (...)
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    Hume’s Problem Solved: The Optimality of Meta-Induction: by Gerhard Schurz, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 2019, 386pp., $60.00, £50, ISBN: 9780262039727.Tomoji Shogenji - 2019 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 32 (3-4):229-231.
    Volume 32, Issue 3-4, September - December 2019, Page 229-231.
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  44. Cognitive and Computational Complexity: Considerations from Mathematical Problem Solving.Markus Pantsar - 2019 - Erkenntnis 86 (4):961-997.
    Following Marr’s famous three-level distinction between explanations in cognitive science, it is often accepted that focus on modeling cognitive tasks should be on the computational level rather than the algorithmic level. When it comes to mathematical problem solving, this approach suggests that the complexity of the task of solving a problem can be characterized by the computational complexity of that problem. In this paper, I argue that human cognizers use heuristic and didactic tools and thus (...)
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  45. When is a Problem Solved?Philip Davis - 2006 - Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 19.
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    The Transformative Cultural Intelligence Hypothesis: Evidence from Young Children’s Problem-Solving.Henrike Moll - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 9 (1):161-175.
    This study examined 4-year-olds’ problem-solving under different social conditions. Children had to use water in order to extract a buoyant object from a narrow tube. When faced with the problem ‘cold’ without cues, nearly all children were unsuccessful. But when a solution-suggesting video was pedagogically delivered prior to the task, most children succeeded. Showing children the same video in a non-pedagogical manner did not lift their performance above baseline and was less effective than framing it pedagogically. The (...)
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    “Scientific discovery as problem solving” by H. A. Simon.W. H. Newton-Smith - 1992 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 6 (1):49 – 52.
  48.  34
    How Many Spaces Does it Take to Get to the Center of a Theory of Human Problem Solving?David F. Wolf Ii - 1998 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 5 (4):49-55.
    The diverse number of N-space theories and the unrestrained growth of the number of spaces within the multiple space models has incurred general skepticism about the new search space variants within the search space paradigm of psychology. I argue that any N-space theory is computationally equivalent to a single space model. Nevertheless, the N-space theories may explain the systematic behavior of human problem solving better than the original one search space theory by identifying relationships between the tasks that (...)
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    Interspecific Cohabitation in Urban Context: Modelling, Diagnostic and Problem-Solving from a Semiotics Perspective.Pauline Suzanne Delahaye - 2024 - Biosemiotics 17 (1):211-232.
    The present paper will summarise the methodology, the scientific outcomes, and the potential for generalisation of the model of a project that studied cohabitation between human inhabitants and liminal species (in the present case, corvids) in Tartu, Estonia, from October 2021 to July 2023, with a comparative field study in Paris, France. It will present the context and goals of using a semiotic model to map interspecific cohabitation, expose what kind of data can be used to feed the model in (...)
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    Practices of Interpretation: Social Inquiry as Problem Solving and Self-Definition.Brendan Hogan - 2019 - In Vinicio Busacchi & Anna Nieddu (eds.), Pragmatismo ed ermeneutica. Soggettività, storicità, rappresentazione. Milano: Mimesis.
    John Dewey attempted a pragmatic aufhebung of the disparate methodological aims of social science-explanation, understanding, and critique- in his 1938 Logic: the theory of Inquiry. There, in his penultimate chapter ‘Social Inquiry’, Dewey performed a trademark implementation of his deflation of absolutistic and universalistic pretensions in intellectual and theoretical discourse, in this case with respect to any one approach to social science. This deflation--as elsewhere in his analogous treatments of epistemology, ethics, and the theory of action-- involved the reconstruction of (...)
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