Results for 'Poets, Romanian Biography'

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  1.  20
    Constantin Noica în arhiva Securității.Dora Mezdrea, Gabriel Liiceanu & Andrei Pleșu (eds.) - 2009 - București: Humanitas.
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    Warrior Poet: A Biography of Audre Lorde.Joshua Mills-Knutsen - 2012 - The Pluralist 7 (3):133-136.
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    A Poet Apart: A Literary Biography of the Bengali Poet Jibanananda Das.Rosane Rocher & Clinton B. Seely - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (1):152.
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    Poets’ Biographies In Tuhfe-İ N'ilî.Resul Kaya - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:727-743.
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    ‘CREATIVE’ BIOGRAPHIES - (R.) Fletcher, (J.) Hanink (ed.) Creative Lives in Classical Antiquity. Poets, Artists and Biography. Pp. x + 373, ills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. Cased, £75, US$99.99. ISBN: 978-1-107-15908-2. [REVIEW]Thomas G. Hendrickson - 2018 - The Classical Review 68 (1):11-13.
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    Avicenna: the biography of the Iranian physician, philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, belletrist and poet of genius.Eqbal Farhat - 2006 - [Tehran]: Bastan.
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    Creative Lives in Classical Antiquity: Poets, Artists and Biography.Richard Fletcher & Johanna Hanink (eds.) - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    What happened when creative biographers took on especially creative subjects in Greek and Roman antiquity? Creative Lives in Classical Antiquity examines how the biographical traditions of ancient poets and artists parallel the creative processes of biographers themselves, both within antiquity and beyond. Each chapter explores a range of biographical material that highlights the complexity of how readers and viewers imagine the lives of ancient creator-figures. Work in the last decades has emphasized the likely fictionality of nearly all of the ancient (...)
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    Poets and Poetry of Poland, czyli skarbiec polskiej poezji otwarty dla Amerykanów.Ewa Modzelewska-Opara - 2021 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 25 (2):95-126.
    The aim of this article is to familiarize the Polish reader with Poets and the Poetry of Poland, the first extensive anthology of the Polish literature published in English in the United States by Paweł Sobolewski. Particular emphasis was placed on the characteristics of this work, recreating the traces of reception of this work and showing the most important sources on which the author relied. The presented article also points out the importance of Sobolewski’s literary and cultural activity, as he (...)
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    Intertextual Biography in the Rivalry of Cratinus and Aristophanes.Zachary P. Biles - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (2):169-204.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Intertextual Biography in the Rivalry of Cratinus and AristophanesZachary P. BilesMore than a decade ago, Malcolm Heath provided an influential explanation for charges of plagiarism between comic poets when he posited a growing store of ideas that were recycled as quickly as they were invented. As a result, "Anything put on stage in a comedy would become public property and be absorbed into the repertoire, so that all (...)
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    The Zayl Tradition in Ottoman Poet Biographies.Tuba Işınsu İsen-durmuş - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1319-1329.
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    Reading biography.Michael Benton - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 41 (3):77-88.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reading BiographyMichael Benton (bio)Biographer, Biography, and the ReaderBiography is a hybrid. It is history crossed with narrative. The biographer has to present the available facts of the life yet shape their arbitrariness, untidiness, and incompleteness into an engaging whole. The readerly appeal lies in the prospect both of gaining documentary information, scrupulously researched and plausibly interpreted, and of experiencing the aesthetic pleasure of reading a well-made work of (...)
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    Hannah Arendt: biographie.Elisabeth Young-Bruehl, Joël Roman & Etienne Tassin - 1999
    Cette biographie de référence éclaire d'un jour nouveau tout un pan de la vie intellectuelle du XXe siècle, celui de ces universitaires juifs allemands obligés de fuir le IIIe Reich et qui, d'étape en étape, finirent par trouver refuge aux Etats-Unis. Le livre associe la présentation des grandes étapes de la pensée et de l'œuvre de Hannah Arendt aux événements historiques qui la sollicitent et au tableau des amitiés et des cercles successifs. Si la liaison qu'elle eut brièvement au début (...)
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  13. John geometres: Poet and soldier.M. D. Lauxtermann - 1998 - Byzantion 68 (2):356-380.
    L'A. établit la biographie de Jean le Géomètre en se référant à ses poèmes et à ses épigrammes. Ces poèmes à Basile le Nothos apportent des éclaircissements sur sa carrière comme poète lauréat et sur ses attachements politiques. Il a notamment été renvoyé du service militaire juste après 985 à cause de son attachement à la faction de Basile le Nothos. Ces poèmes à Psenas prouvent indirectement qu'il a vécu au monastère de Kyros vers la fin de sa vie.
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    Reframing Baudelaire: Literary History, Biography, Postcolonial Theory, and Vernacular Languages.Francoise Lionnet - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (3):63-85.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reframing Baudelaire: Literary History, Biography, Postcolonial Theory, and Vernacular LanguagesFrançoise Lionnet* (bio)In A Room of One’s Own, Virginia Woolf quips: “History is too much about wars; biography too much about great men;” literary history, she might have added, is too much about sons murdering their fathers. Canonical readings of the canon have often insisted on the vaguely Freudian (if not biblical) model of literary creation susceptible both (...)
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    Terence Interrupted: Literary Biography and the Reception of the Terentian Canon.Josiah E. Davis - 2014 - American Journal of Philology 135 (3):387-409.
    Inconsistent and contradictory accounts of Terence’s death conclude his biography in Suetonius’ De Viris Illustribus. Many of these narratives originated in the work of scholar-poets active at the end of the second century b.c.e. This article shows that the numerous versions of his death are interpretations of the formation of his canon from the retrospective viewpoint of his late second-century readers. These death scenes dramatize the construction of Terence’s literary legacy in its reception. Furthermore, they elucidate the role that (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Iqbal: poet-philosopher of Islam.Muhammad Munawwar - 1982 - Islamic Book Foundation: distributors, al-Maʻarif.
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    Columbanus: Poet, Preacher, Statesman, Saint.Carol Richards - 2010 - Imprint Academic.
    Columbanus, not to be confused with his near-contemporary Columba of Iona, was a towering figure in the religious and political life of Europe in the Dark Ages. In this lively biography of the saint, Carol Richards evokes the violent and unstable age that laid the foundations for the achievements of the Middle Ages.
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    The Poet from Egypt? Reconsidering Claudian's Eastern Origin.Bret Mulligan - 2007 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 151 (2):285-310.
    In a recent article, P.G. Christiansen has strenuously questioned the communis opinio that Claudian was an immigrant from the Greek-speaking eastern Empire. Although Christiansen injects a healthy skepticism into the debate about Claudian's biography, his arguments in favor of Claudian being a native Latin speaker are flawed or unpersuasive. The only relevant external evidence indicates that in the centuries after Claudian's death he was considered an Egyptian. The evidence in Claudian's poems – the unique passing reference to Nilus noster (...)
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    Many readers find this work a moving biography in verse, and it is written by an esteemed poet with the cachet of a distant descendant of Charles Darwin. Padel is fascinated by the amazing couple, Emma and Charles, and builds many of Charles's sentences into her poems. The stanzas will please. Some, however, may feel themselves driven to undergraduate pastiche. [REVIEW]Ruth Padel - 2010 - Common Knowledge 16 (2).
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    Jacques et Raïssa Maritain: les mendiants du Ciel: biographies croisées.Jean-Luc Barré - 1995 - Paris: Stock.
    L'aventure de Jacques et Raîssa Maritain constitue un parcours unique par son ampleur et son rayonnement. Centre de gravité de la vie spirituelle et littéraire pendant l'entre-deux-guerres, point de ralliement des générations perdues et refuge des poètes maudits, le couple tissa autour de lui le réseau d'influence le plus riche et foisonnant de l'histoire de ce siècle. Disciples de Bergson et de Léon Bloy, confidents de François Mauriac, de julien Green et de Jean Cocteau, amis de Péguy, de Mounier et (...)
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    An Ottoman Poet and Prose Stylist: Okchuzāde Mehmed Shāhī.Yılmaz ÖKSÜZ - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):467-488.
    Grown up as versatile people, Ottoman intellectuals had holistic views towards science, art and literature, and wrote in a variety of disciplines. It was not uncommon for a mathematician to write in philosophy, for a ḥadīth (report of the words and deeds of the Prophet) scholar to write history books, for a statesman to be busy with calligraphy or for a Shaykh al-Islām (the highest ranking Islamic legal authority) to have a “Dīwān” (a collection of poems). However, possibly due to (...)
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    Daniel Lacroix, Les amours du poète: Poésie et biographie dans la littérature du XIIIe siècle. Geneva: Slatkine, 2004. Pp. 284; diagrams. SFr 70. [REVIEW]Maureen Boulton - 2006 - Speculum 81 (3):873-874.
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    Wittgenstein as Philosophical Tone-Poet: Philosophy and Music in Dialogue.Bla Szabados - 2014 - Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi.
    This book provides the first in-depth exploration of the importance of music for Ludwig Wittgenstein’s life and work. Wittgenstein’s remarks on music are essential for understanding his philosophy: they are on the nature of musical understanding, the relation of music to language, the concepts of representation and expression, on melody, irony and aspect-perception, and, on the great composers belonging to the Austrian-German tradition. Biography and philosophy, this work suggests that Wittgenstein was a composer of philosophy who used the musical (...)
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    Timothée de Milet: le poète et le musicien by Gérard Lambin (review).Pauline A. LeVen - 2015 - American Journal of Philology 136 (2):361-364.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Timothée de Milet: le poète et le musicien by Gérard LambinPauline A. LeVenGérard Lambin. Timothée de Milet: le poète et le musicien. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013. 212pp. Paper, €16.The image on the cover of Gérard Lambin’s monograph, Timothée de Milet: le poète et le musicien, is a Moreau painting entitled “Dead Poet Carried by a Centaur.” This illustration can be regarded as a programmatic statement for (...)
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    Owen Barfield: Romanticism come of age: a biography.Simon Blaxland-de Lange - 2021 - Forest Row: Temple Lodge Publishing. Edited by Andrew J. Welburn.
    Owen Barfield--philosopher, author, poet, and critic--was a founding member of the Inklings, the private Oxford society that included the leading literary figures C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Charles Williams. Lewis, who was greatly affected by Barfield during their long friendship, wrote of their many heated debates: "I think he changed me a good deal more than I him." Simon Blaxland-de Lange's biography (the first to be published on Owen Barfield) was written with the active cooperation of Barfield himself who, (...)
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    Theodor Vasilescu – The Dancer Who Took the Romanian Folklore all over the World.Ana Theodorescu - 2023 - History of Communism in Europe 11:215-231.
    The main theme of the proposed paper concerns the professional training and artistic activity of Theodor Vasilescu, choreographer and dancer, specialized in folk dance, with a rich international activity during the communist regime. The analysis will focus on illustrating how the artist’s biography was influenced by a new trend in the satellite states of the U.R.S.S., namely that of transforming traditional dance into art with a political substratum. Also, the main thread of the article will consist in revealing the (...)
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    ‘A New Era’ is always Dawning. A Linguistic Biography of a Border Crosser and Doppelgänger from Bukovina in the Second Half of the 20th Century.Valeska Bopp-Filimonov - 2023 - History of Communism in Europe 11:141-166.
    This article argues that it was not only physical borders that challenged people’s biographies in the 20th century, but also shifts in ideology, discourse and predominant languages. I shall explore the biography of a man called Cornel, a native of Bukovina who was a communist cultural official in Romania’s capital Bucharest in the 1960s and who became a priest in the 1970s. I shall show that not only obvious breaks such as the beginning and end of communist rule, but (...)
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    Witness through holiness of life: A quick look into the biography of a concept.Paul Siladi - 2021 - Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy 4:49-60.
    "Witness through holiness of life" is a phrase often used in theological texts. This study analyses the origin of this concept and identifies a series of reference points in its intellectual biography in Romanian theology (with special emphasis on the developments brought about by mission theologians from Cluj-Napoca). The two final sections try to enlarge upon the reflection on the witness through the holiness of life by considering the phrase in a biblical and spiritual context.
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    Bios Philosophos. Philosophy in Ancient Greek Biography.Mauro Bonazzi & Stefan Schorn (eds.) - 2016 - Brepols Publishers.
    In the 4th century B.C., philosophers began to write not only philosophical texts, but also biographical ones. As biographers, they often presented members of their own schools as the epitome of their ideals, or tried to prove that the followers of others lived in ways inconsistent with their own doctrines, which the writers thereby hoped to show were ultimately unrealizable. Other biographies contained chapters engaging in doxographical or more properly philosophical discussions. Even when the philosopher-biographers' attention turned to the lives (...)
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    Mystics and poets.William Theophilus Davison - 1936 - Folcroft, Pa.: Folcroft Library Editions.
    The myths of Plato.--A great mystic: Plotinus.--Dante as a spiritual teacher.--Wordsworth: seer and patriot.--Browning's portraits of women.
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    Nietzsche, the aristocratic rebel: intellectual biography and critical balance-sheet.Domenico Losurdo - 2019 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Harrison Fluss & Gregor Benton.
    Perhaps no philosopher is more of a conundrum than Nietzsche, the solitary rebel, poet, wayfarer, anti-revolutionary Aufklärer and theorist of aristocratic radicalism. His accusers identify in his 'superman' the origins of Nazism, and thus issue an irrevocable condemnation; his defenders pursue a hermeneutics of innocence founded ultimately in allegory. In a work that constitutes the most important contribution to Nietzschean studies in recent decades, Domenico Losurdo instead pursues a less reductive strategy. Taking literally the ruthless implications of Nietzsche's anti-democratic thinking (...)
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    The Humanist Pompeo Pazzaglia: An Unknown Renaissance Poet.Tobias Daniels - 2021 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 84 (1):55-95.
    This article introduces the little-known humanist Pompeo Pazzaglia of Bologna. Drawing on the evidence of two collections of his works preserved in miscellaneous manuscripts, it not only reconstructs his biography, but also showcases a selection of his Neo-Latin poems, published and translated here for the first time. Moreover, it publishes some letters and writings which provide new information about book history as well as social, cultural and political events in mid-fifteenth-century Italy, especially in the ambit of Pomponio Leto’s Roman (...)
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    Pessimism, Schopenhauer, and Schopenhauerianism in nineteenth century Romania. The case of the poet Mihai Eminescu.Ştefan Bolea & Ştefan-Sebastian Maftei - forthcoming - Studies in East European Thought.
    This article discusses the influence that Schopenhauer’s thought had on Mihai Eminescu’s work with reference to the idea of “pessimism.” It also considers Schopenhauer’s influence on Romanian philosophy and literature at the end of the nineteenth century. We shall examine Eminescu’s alleged “Schopenhauerian pessimism,” considering firstly “pessimism” as a part of Eminescu’s “myth.” Secondly, we shall cover the critical reception of Eminescu’s “Schopenhauerian pessimism,” discussing the existing literary and philosophical scholarship. Finding that there are issues for debate regarding Schopenhauer’s (...)
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    The search for mind, Chʾen Pai-sha, philosopher, poet.Paul Yun-Ming Jiang - 1980 - Singapore: Singapore University Press.
  35. Bartolomeo Facio: De viris illustribus, "De poetis" et "De oratoribus"/On famous men, "Poets" and "Orators".Patrick Baker - 2017 - In Biography, historiography, and modes of philosophizing: the tradition of collective biography in early modern Europe. Boston: Brill.
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    Lucrezio.Vittorio Enzo Alfieri - 1982 - Galatina: Congedo.
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    Nikolai Klyuev’s early works as the poetry of “social Christianity”.Svetlana Seryogina - 2020 - Studies in East European Thought 72 (3-4):303-312.
    This paper analyzes the early poetry of Nikolai Klyuev—its social and political motives are studied in the context of the poet’s biography and in terms of the essay Modern Slavery, written by Hugues-Félicité Robert de Lamennais, the French Catholic philosopher and forerunner of social Christianity. This paper identifies two stages in Klyuev’s assimilation of the philosophy of social Christianity. Klyuev’s poetry initially reproduced the main message of Lamennais’s essay—the rejection of “slavery” as a “heritage” by recognizing the human dignity (...)
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    Considerations on Some Historical and Contemporary Issues in Lucian Blaga's Metaphysics.Ionut Isac - 2008 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 7 (19):184-202.
    The Romanian thinker Lucian Blaga, poet, playwright, and philosopher, created works in all of these fields that were penetrated and united by the same brilliant spirit, reflecting an admirable desire of reaching a philosophical consciousness. Firstly, this article deals with the so-called “historical issues” of this metaphysics. During his formative years he set about to create a philosophical system that aimed at dealing with the problems of transcendence. Blaga’s criticism of some of the most famous and influential philosophical positions, (...)
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  39. (1 other version)Random Acts Of Poetry? Heidegger's Reading of Trakl.Brian Johnson - 2022 - Janus Head: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature, Continental Philosophy, Phenomenological Psychology, and the Arts 1 (20):17-31.
    This essay concerns Heidegger’s assertion that the biography of the poet is unimportant when interpreting great works of poetry. I approach the question in three ways. First, I consider its merits as a principle of literary interpretation and contrast Heidegger’s view with those of other Trakl interpreters. This allows me to clarify his view as a unique variety of non-formalistic interpretation and raise some potential worries about his approach. Second, I consider Heidegger’s view in the context of his broader (...)
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    Hesiod's Cosmos (review).Deborah Dickmann Boedeker - 2005 - American Journal of Philology 126 (1):135-138.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 126.1 (2005) 135-138 [Access article in PDF] Jenny Strauss Clay. Hesiod's Cosmos. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. xii + 202 pp. Cloth, $65. This book, following on The Wrath of Athena (1983), The Politics of Olympus (1989), and a number of articles, continues Clay's distinctive work on "early Greek theology" (1), that is, the nature of gods and their relations with human beings as treated (...)
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    Vasile Băncilă: an ethnic-spiritualist metaphysics banned by the totalitarian regime.Ion Dur - 2022 - Wilmington, Deleware: Vernon Press.
    This book is a rediscovery and examination of the thinking of Vasile Băncilă, a philosopher forbidden by the totalitarian regime of Nicolae Ceaușescu. The philosopher Lucian Blaga saw Băncilă as a threat to the spirit of the highest Romanian culture. It is estimated that Băncilă's work extends to 32 volumes, 17 of which have been published so far. With such a significant opus, Vasile Băncilă is, indisputably, a key figure in contemporary Romanian culture, particularly in the sphere of (...)
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    Marion Milner: The Life.Emma Letley - 2013 - Routledge.
    Artist, poet, educationalist and autobiographer, Marion Milner is considered one of the most original of psychoanalytic thinkers whose life spans a century of radical change. _Marion Milner: The Life_,_ _is the first biography of this extraordinary woman. It introduces Milner and her works to the reader through her family, colleagues and, above all through her books, charting their evolution and development as well as their critical reception and contribution to current twenty-first century debates and discourses. In this book _Emma (...)
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  43. Znai︠u︡ cheloveka--: Grigoriĭ Skovoroda: poėzii︠a︡, filosofii︠a︡, zhiznʹ.I︠U︡ Barabash - 1989 - Moskva: Khudozh. lit-ra.
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  44. Kniga o Vladimire Solovʹeve.B. V. Averin - 1991 - Moskva: Sov. pisatelʹ. Edited by D. Bazanova.
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    Lucan's Silvae in the Vita Vaccae: A Predecessor of Statius’ Occasional Poems?Ana Lóio - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (2):804-821.
    An anonymous biography of Lucan known as the Life of Vacca attributes to the poet the composition of a work called Siluae. This information has been accepted by scholars with regard to both Lucan and Statius, thus transforming Lucan into a predecessor of Statius’ Siluae. This article seeks to demonstrate that neither the manuscript tradition of Lucan's biography nor alleged references to Lucan's Siluae in Statius’ collection substantiate the affirmation that Lucan composed a work called Siluae. It is (...)
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    Pensée concrète, Art abstrait.Jean-Louis Major - 1962 - Dialogue 1 (2):188-201.
    Les biographies de poètes et d' écrivains sont beaucoup plus nombreuses que celles de philosophes. Pour expliquer ce phénomène il se présente sûrement plusieurs raisons. Je n'en veux souligner qu'une: l'apparente objectivité du système philosophique, qui se fonderait sur la distance de l'œuvre à l'égard de son auteur et sur l'absence de marques personnelles. Pourtant on peut accepter que l'interrogation philosophique soit intemporelle ou « perennis » tout en concevant qu'elle soit liée à l'époque dans la formulation des problèmes et (...)
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    Blaga, Lucian.Michael Jones - 2011 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Https://Iep.Utm.Edu).
    This is an entry in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy that discusses the life and work of the Romanian philosopher, poet, and playwright Lucian Blaga.
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  48. Secolul nostru cel de toate zilele: [însemnări].Ion Ianoși - 1980 - [București]: Cartea Românească.
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    Sophocles the kōmōidoumenos: Two forgotten comic fragments.Sebastiana Nervegna - 2016 - Classical Quarterly 66 (1):32-45.
    In his biography of Polemon, head of the Academy from 313 to 269, Diogenes Laertius comments on Polemon's fondness for Sophocles after detailing Polemon's relationship with his predecessor, Xenocrates : ἐῴκει δὴ ὁ Πολέμων κατὰ πάντα ἐζηλωκέναι τὸν Ξενοκράτην· καὶ ἐρασθῆναι αὐτοῦ φησιν Ἀρίστιππος ἐν τῷ τετάρτῳ Περὶ παλαιᾶς τρυφῆς. ἀεὶ γοῦν ἐμέμνητο ὁ Πολέμων αὐτοῦ, τήν τ' ἀκακίαν καὶ τὸν αὐχμὸν ἐνεδέδυτο τἀνδρὸς καὶ τὸ βάρος οἱονεὶ Δώριός τις οἰκονομία. ἦν δὲ καὶ φιλοσοφοκλῆς, καὶ μάλιστα ἐν ἐκείνοις ὅπου (...)
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    Polemics as Subtle form of Communication.Anton Adămuţ - 2012 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):111-120.
    Camil Petrescu (1894-1957) was a Romanian novelist, dramatist, poet and philosopher. His PhD thesis in philosophy was entitled The Aesthetic Method of Theater, and wasinfluenced by Joseph Gregor, Julius Bab, Gordon Craig, Constantin Stanislavski, Adolphe Appia, and William Butler Yeats.. His thesis was published in 1937. In Romanian literature, he was the initiator of the modern novel, with the volume The Last Night of Love, the First Night of War (1930). As a philosopher he was influned by and (...)
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