Results for 'Plato's Republic'

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  1. Plato's Republic, Books One & Two. Plato - forthcoming - Audio CD.
    In Books One and Two of The Republic presents a discussion of the nature of justice by Socrates, the aging Cephalus, his son Polemarchus, and the sophist Thrasymachus. Plato's brothers, Glaucon and Adeimantus, take over in Book Two, challenging Socrates to convince them that a just life is preferable to an unjust life with power, fame, and riches. They imagine and evaluate different ways of creating the best possible human life. First, they consider a republic based on (...)
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  2. Plato's Republic, Books Seven & Eight. Plato - forthcoming - Audio CD.
    Book Seven of The Republic begins with the famous Allegory of the Cave, an exploration of the natural process of being educated. Socrates and Glaucon probe the meaning of this story both as it relates to the discussion of knowledge and reality developed earlier and to the concept of dialectic, the over-all method of Plato's dialogues. In Book Eight, Socrates and Plato's brothers explore five different kinds of republic and five different kinds of individual, showing how (...)
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  3.  26
    Plato's republic.I. A. Plato & Richards - 2020 - Moscow, Idaho: Canon Classics. Edited by Benjamin Jowett.
    You'd never know Athens was locked in a life-or-death struggle from the tranquil and leisurely philosophical discussion that unfolds through the pages of the Republic...Plato's masterpiece continues to inform our questions and our thinking when it comes to being, truth, beauty, goodness, justice, community, the soul, and more." -From Dr. Littlejohn's Introduction. On the way back from a festival, Socrates is waylaid by some friends who compel him to go home with them. There he and his companions engage (...)
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  4. Plato's Republic. Plato - forthcoming - Audio CD.
    Plato's Republic, one of the great works in the history of philosophy, is presented here as it was written - as a dramatic performance exploring various perspectives on justice, truth, knowledge, and the good. Plato wrote each book of The Republic to be performed by actors playing the characters of Socrates, Glaucon, Adeimantus, Thrasymachus, and the others. When Book One was performed, he then invited his students—the brightest and best young people in Athens—to respond to each and (...)
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    Plato's Republic.B. Jowett, Lewis Campbell.J. S. Mackenzie - 1895 - International Journal of Ethics 5 (3):403-404.
  6.  11
    (1 other version)Plato's Republic: Book Three & Four. Plato - 1999 - Agora Publications.
    Books five & six: "The quest for justice that has guided the dialogue in Plato's Republic from the beginning now shifts to the search for an even more encompassing quality--goodness. But what is the nature of goodness? Can human beings know it and teach it to others? How can it be manifested in the republic? To answer such questions requires a genuine lover of wisdom. How can such people be distinguished from those who simply pretend to know?".
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  7. (1 other version)Plato's Republic, Books One & Two: Audio Cd. Plato - 1998 - Agora Publications.
    In Books One and Two of The Republic presents a discussion of the nature of justice by Socrates, the aging Cephalus, his son Polemarchus, and the sophist Thrasymachus. Plato's brothers, Glaucon and Adeimantus, take over in Book Two, challenging Socrates to convince them that a just life is preferable to an unjust life with power, fame, and riches. They imagine and evaluate different ways of creating the best possible human life. First, they consider a republic based on (...)
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  8. Plato's Republic, Books Three & Four. Plato - forthcoming - Audio CD.
    In Books Three and Four of The Republic, Socrates and Plato's brothers, Glaucon and Adeimantus, discuss the best way to educate leaders for a just republic. In the course of their dialogue, the meaning of justice in individuals and in society shifts from external order imposed through rules and regulations to the harmony and balance internal to every person in the republic. Only then will an individual be ready to act—whether in acquiring wealth, in the care (...)
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    (1 other version)Plato's Republic: A Dialogue in 16 Chapters.Susan Spitzer (ed.) - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Plato's _Republic_ is one of the best-known and most widely-discussed texts in the history of philosophy. But how might we get to the heart of this work today, 2,500 years after its original composition? Alain Badiou breathes life into Plato's landmark text and revives its universality. Rather than producing yet another critical commentary, he has instead worked closely on the original Greek and, through spectacular changes, adapted it to our times. In this innovative reimagining of Plato's work, (...)
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    Plato's Republic worldview guide.W. Bradford Littlejohn - 2017 - Moscow, Idaho: Canon Press.
    From Dr. Littlejohn's guide: "You'd never know Athens was locked in a life-or-death struggle from the tranquil and leisurely philosophical discussion that unfolds through the pages of the Republic...Plato's masterpiece continues to inform our questions and our thinking when it comes to being, truth, beauty, goodness, justice, community, the soul, and more." The Worldview Guides from the Canon Classics Literature Series provide an aesthetic and thematic Christian perspective on the most definitive and daunting works of Western Literature. Each (...)
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  11. Plato's Republic, Books Five & Six. Plato - forthcoming - Audio CD.
    In Books Five and Six of The Republic, the quest for justice that has guided the dialogue from the beginning now shifts to the search for an even more encompassing quality—goodness. But what is the nature of goodness? Can human beings know it and teach it to others? How can it be manifested in the republic? To answer such questions requires a genuine lover of wisdom. How can such people be distinguished from those who simply pretend to know? (...)
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  12. Plato's Republic.Rico Vitz - 2014 - In Steve Wilkens & Don Thorsen, Twelve Great Books that Changed the University. pp. 17-35.
    The aims of this volume, Twelve Great Books that Changed the University, are to introduce a dozen great books to non-specialists and to explain the impact of these texts both on the academy and on Christian life. In this chapter, I attempt to do three things in order to provide a helpful introduction to Plato's Republic. I begin by providing an overview of the work. I continue by explaining the enduring significance of the text for the university itself, (...)
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  13. Excerpts from Plato's Republic. Plato - 1940 - & Hartford: Priv. print. by Dr. C.C. Burlingame. Edited by C. Charles Burlingame.
  14. Plato's Republic, Books Five & Six: Audio Cd. Plato - 2001 - Agora Publications.
    In Books Five and Six of The Republic, the quest for justice that has guided the dialogue from the beginning now shifts to the search for an even more encompassing quality—goodness. But what is the nature of goodness? Can human beings know it and teach it to others? How can it be manifested in the republic? To answer such questions requires a genuine lover of wisdom. How can such people be distinguished from those who simply pretend to know? (...)
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    Plato's 'Republic': An Introduction.Sean McAleer - 2020 - Cambridge, UK: OpenBook Publishers.
    From the publisher: "This book is a lucid and accessible companion to Plato’s Republic, throwing light upon the text’s arguments and main themes, placing them in the wider context of the text’s structure. In its illumination of the philosophical ideas underpinning the work, it provides readers with an understanding and appreciation of the complexity and literary artistry of Plato’s Republic. McAleer not only unpacks the key overarching questions of the text – What is justice? And Is a just (...)
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  16. Plato's Republic for Readers: A Constitution.George A. Blair - 1998 - Upa.
    Blair's new translation of Plato's Republic is more readable and accessible than any translation on the market. Blair makes a persuasive case for using "honesty" rather than "morality" when translating a key Greek term.
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    Plato's Republic in the Islamic context: new perspectives on Averroes's commentary.Alexander Orwin (ed.) - 2022 - Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
    The goal of the book is to provide an anthology covering the reception of Plato's Republic in the Islamic world, with a focus on Averroes's outstanding but underappreciated commentary on Plato's most famous dialogue. Despite the publication of Ralph Lerner's excellent English translation almost 50 years ago, very few scholarly studies have been written on it. We propose the following chapters, keeping in mind that some might be changed owing to collaboration with contributors.
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    Res Publica: Plato’s Republic in Classical German Philosophy, written by Günther Zöller.S. Montgomery Ewegen - 2016 - Polis 33 (1):224-228.
  19.  13
    (1 other version)Plato's Republic: A Dialogue in 16 Chapters.Alain Badiou & Kenneth Reinhard - 2012 - Columbia University Press.
    Plato's _Republic_ is one of the best-known and most widely-discussed texts in the history of philosophy. But how might we get to the heart of this work today, 2,500 years after its original composition? Alain Badiou breathes life into Plato's landmark text and revives its universality. Rather than producing yet another critical commentary, he has instead worked closely on the original Greek and, through spectacular changes, adapted it to our times. In this innovative reimagining of Plato's work, (...)
  20.  67
    Understanding Plato's Republic.Gerasimos Santas (ed.) - 2010 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Understanding Plato’s Republic_ is an accessible introduction to the concepts of justice that inform Plato’s Republic, elucidating the ancient philosopher's main argument that we would be better off leading just lives rather than unjust ones Provides a much needed up to date discussion of _The Republic_'s fundamental ideas and Plato's main argument Discusses the unity and coherence of _The Republic_ as a whole Written in a lively style, informed by over 50 years of teaching experience Reveals rich insights (...)
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  21.  29
    Plato's "Republic" in the Independent State of Croatia (1941–1945). Ideas, Reality and Censorship.Višeslav Aralica - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (3):701-729.
    Analizom rasprava koje su o Platonovu djelu "Država" napisali hrvatski intelektualci desne političke orijentacije u Nezavisnoj Državi Hrvatskoj, autor pokušava prikazati političku misao desnice u Hrvatskoj toga vremena. Analiza se usredotočuje na način na koji su ti intelektualci koristili Platona i njegovu viziju savršene države pri legitimiziranju totalitarne države i njezinih nositelja, totalitarnih pokreta, ali i pri njihovu kritiziranju. Ni legitimizacija niti kritika koje se iz Platonova djela izvode nisu iznenađenje: organicizam i monistički totalitarizam poklapao se s naumom desnih političkih (...)
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    Wearing Virtue: Plato’s Republic V, 449a-457b and the Socratic Debate on Women’s Nature.Cinzia Arruzza - 2023 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 33:03306-03306.
    In Plato’s _Republic_ V, 449a-457b, Socrates argues that the guardian class of Kallipolis will comprise both men and women and that women with the appropriate nature ought to receive the same education and fulfill the same tasks as their male counterparts. In this article I argue, against competing interpretations of this claim as dependent either on the necessity of abolishing the oikos or on eugenic principles, that Socrates’ argument ought to be understood as a genuine argument about women’s natural capabilities (...)
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  23.  24
    Plato's Republics.Harold Tarrant - 2012 - Plato Journal 12.
    Various ancient sources refer to the Platonic work that we know as Republic in the plural. Aristotle seems to have made it possible to refer to politeiai as ‘constitutions’, actual or written, and therefore some of our texts are best explained as references to Plato’s two written constitutions, Republic and Laws. One neglected reference that may perhaps be explained in this way occurs in the anonymous Antiatticista. A large number of references from the Alexandrian school of Platonism in (...)
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  24.  90
    Plato's 'Republic': A Critical Guide.Mark L. Mcpherran, G. R. F. Ferrari, Rachel Barney, Julia Annas, Rachana Kamtekar & Nicholas D. Smith (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Plato's Republic has proven to be of astounding influence and importance. Justly celebrated as Plato's central text, it brings together all of his prior works, unifying them into a comprehensive vision that is at once theological, philosophical, political, and moral. These essays provide a state-of-the-art research picture of the most interesting aspects of the Republic, and address questions that continue to puzzle and provoke, such as: Does Plato succeed in his argument that the life of justice (...)
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  25. Plato’s Republic and Its Contemporary Relevance in the Ethics of Rist and MacIntyre.Thomas M. Osborne - 2020 - In Barry David, Passionate Mind: Essays in Ancient Philosophy,Patristics, and Ethics Honoring Professor John M. Rist. Akademia. pp. 371-392.
    the contrast and similarity between Rist and Macintyre can be better understood if we take into account their different interpretations of the Republic, especially their 1) descriptions of the primary problem faced by Plato, 2) their interpretation of Plato’s response to the problem, and 3) their evaluation of the contemporary relevance of the problem and his response. The differences and similarities between the views of MacIntyre and Rist on the Republic reflect much larger difference and similarities on the (...)
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    Commentary on Plato's Republic. Averroës - 1966 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Erwin Isak Jakob Rosenthal.
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    Averroës on Plato's "Republic.".S. . - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 28 (2):339-340.
  28. Sean Sayers, Plato's Republic: An Introduction.S. Sandford - forthcoming - Radical Philosophy.
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    The plot of Plato's republic.P. S. Burrell - 1916 - Mind 25 (98):145-176.
  30.  14
    The female drama: the philosophical feminine in the soul of Plato's Republic.Charlotte C. S. Thomas - 2020 - Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press.
    Plato's most magisterial dialogue, the Republic, takes up the question "what is justice," and its central image is an imaginary city constructed in speech designed to aid in this inquiry. In Book V of the Republic, Socrates tells his interlocutors that they have completed the "Male Drama," of the city in speech and that it is now time for them to take up the "Female." The "Female Drama" is Socrates name for the action of the central books (...)
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  31. Plato's Republic in Its Athenian Context.Debra Nails - 2012 - History of Political Thought 33 (1):1-23.
    Plato's Republic critiques Athenian democracy as practised during the Peloponnesian War years. The diseased city Socrates attempts to purge mirrors Athens in crucial particulars, and his proposals should be evaluated as counter-weights to existing institutions and practices, not as absolutes to be instantiated. Plato's assessment of the Athenian polity incorporates two strategies -- one rhetorical, the other argumentative -- both of which I address. Failure to consider Athens a catalyst for Socrates' arguments has led to the misconception (...)
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  32.  52
    Is Plato's republic a theocracy?R. S. Bluck - 1955 - Philosophical Quarterly 5 (18):69-73.
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    Plato’s Republic as a Political Thought Experiment.Nenad Miščević - 2012 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 12 (2):153-165.
    Plato’s Republic is a political thought experiment, claims the present paper. Thought-experimenting is announced in the story of the Ring of Gyges, and done in a thorough and systematic way through a series of political scenarios: community of goods, of women and children, educational system and the philosopher rule? The paper considers the longstanding issue of plausibility, putting it in the context of current debates about thought-experiments, and the issue of replaceability: can a given political thought experiment be replaced (...)
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    Plato's Republic and the Indo-European Pentadic Ideology.Nick Allen - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (2):592-604.
    Similarities between ancient Greek philosophy and Indian philosophy have long been recognized and are usually ascribed to East-West contact. However, when similarities are recognized between Greek and Indian poetic diction or, more generally, between the myths and the poetry of the two cultures, they are often ascribed to Indo-European common origin; and one asks whether the same explanation could apply in philosophy. The two types of explanation are not incompatible, for a remote common origin could have been followed by one (...)
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    Plato's Republic.R. Hackforth - 1952 - The Classical Review 2 (3-4):158-.
  36.  69
    Plato's Republic: Critical Essays.Richard Kraut, Julia Annas, John M. Cooper, Jonathan Lear, Iris Murdoch, C. D. C. Reeve, David Sachs, Arlene W. Saxonhouse, C. C. W. Taylor, James O. Urmson, Gregory Vlastos & Bernard Williams - 1997 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Bringing between two covers the most influential and accessible articles on Plato's Republic, this collection illuminates what is widely held to be the most important work of Western philosophy and political theory. It will be valuable not only to philosophers, but to political theorists, historians, classicists, literary scholars, and interested general readers.
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    Dialectic in Plato's « Republic ».Richard S. Bluck - 1960 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 11:49-54.
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    Plato's Republic (Vol 2): The Greek Text.B. Jowett & Lewis Campbell - 1894 - Routledge.
    First published in 1894, this book consists of essays by professors Jowett and Campbell about the classic Greek philosopher Plato, and his famous and widely read dialogue The Republic, which is considered one the world's most influential works. Plato is believed to be the pivotal figure in the development of Western philosophy, and the editors explore this throughout the book along with relations to other Greek dialogues and authors.
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  39. Plato's The Republic. Plato - 1941 - New York: The Modern library. Edited by Benjamin Jowett.
  40. Plato's republic in the recent debate.Francesco Fronterotta - 2010 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (2):pp. 125-151.
    Plato's Republic continues to arouse intense controversy among commentators, both for its ethical and political project and for its psychological, epistemological, and ontological implications for the knowledge of philosophers, who, says Plato, should be set as guides for such a project. Considering just a few examples from recent years, we might recall that a new critical edition of the dialogue has been published 1 that contains significant innovations both in the text and in the attribution of lines to (...)
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    Plato's Republic: A Study.Stanley Rosen - 2005 - Yale University Press.
    In this book a distinguished philosopher offers a comprehensive interpretation of Plato’s most controversial dialogue. Treating the _Republic _as a unity and focusing on the dramatic form as the presentation of the argument, Stanley Rosen challenges earlier analyses of the _Republic _ and argues that the key to understanding the dialogue is to grasp the author’s intention in composing it, in particular whether Plato believed that the city constructed in the _Republic _is possible and desirable. Rosen demonstrates that the fundamental (...)
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    Plato's republic and ours.John Halverson - 1991 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 5 (4):453-473.
    The politics of Plato's Republic has been all but universally condemned by modern liberal readers as totally and odiously inimical to democratic ideals. Plato's proposals for government by an unelected elite class of guardians, for censorship and indoctrination, for occupational restrictions, etc., are seen at best as stifling freedom and individual initiative and at worst as totalitarian. It has seldom or never been noticed, however, how much his polity resembles our own, for better or worse. American democracy, (...)
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  43. Plato's Republic: A Tale of Two Cities.Donald C. Hodges & Christopher A. Pynes - 2002 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2002 (123):175-182.
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    Plato's Republic: the good society and the deformation of desire.Martha Craven Nussbaum - 1998 - Washington: Library of Congress.
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    A new interpretation of Plato's republic.Robert S. Brumbaugh - 1967 - Journal of Philosophy 64 (20):661-670.
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    Understanding Plato's Republic. By Gerasimos Santas. Pp. xii, 238, Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, £60.00/19.99.Robin Waterfield - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (3):507-508.
  47.  34
    Plato's Republic.Darren Sheppard - 2009 - Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press.
    This guide to Plato's Republic is designed to be read alongside the original. It provides insights into style, vocabulary, arguments, and philosophical content.
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  48. Teaching Plato's Republic IX.Robert S. Brumbaugh - 1980 - Teaching Philosophy 3 (3):333-337.
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    Teaching Plato's Republic VIII and IX.Robert S. Brumbaugh - 1980 - Teaching Philosophy 3 (3):331-331.
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    Plato's "Republic": a beginner's guide.John Herbert Jacques - 1971 - London,: Tom Stacey.
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