  1. Unification by Fiat: Arrested Development of Predictive Processing.Piotr Litwin & Marcin Miłkowski - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (7):e12867.
    Predictive processing (PP) has been repeatedly presented as a unificatory account of perception, action, and cognition. In this paper, we argue that this is premature: As a unifying theory, PP fails to deliver general, simple, homogeneous, and systematic explanations. By examining its current trajectory of development, we conclude that PP remains only loosely connected both to its computational framework and to its hypothetical biological underpinnings, which makes its fundamentals unclear. Instead of offering explanations that refer to the same set of (...)
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  2. Testable or bust: theoretical lessons for predictive processing.Marcin Miłkowski & Piotr Litwin - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1-18.
    The predictive processing account of action, cognition, and perception is one of the most influential approaches to unifying research in cognitive science. However, its promises of grand unification will remain unfulfilled unless the account becomes theoretically robust. In this paper, we focus on empirical commitments of PP, since they are necessary both for its theoretical status to be established and for explanations of individual phenomena to be falsifiable. First, we argue that PP is a varied research tradition, which may employ (...)
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    Prospection does not imply predictive processing.Piotr Litwin & Marcin Miłkowski - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43.
    Predictive processing models of psychopathologies are not explanatorily consistent with the present account of abstract thought. These models are based on latent variables probabilistically mapping the structure of the world. As such, they cannot be informed by representational ontology based on mental objects and states. What actually is the case is merely some terminological affinity between subjective and informational uncertainty.
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    Enough blanket metaphysics, time for data-driven heuristics.Wiktor Rorot, Tomasz Korbak, Piotr Litwin & Marcin Miłkowski - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e206.
    Bruineberg and colleagues criticisms' have been received but downplayed in the free energy principle (FEP) literature. We strengthen their points, arguing that Friston blanket discovery, even if tractable, requires a full formal description of the system of interest at the outset. Hence, blanket metaphysics is futile, and we postulate that researchers should turn back to heuristic uses of Pearl blankets.
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    Empirical Perspectives on the Cognitive Penetrability of Perception.Piotr Litwin - 2017 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 8 (1):159-182.
    The problem of the cognitive penetrability of perception pertains to whether perceptual processing may be impacted by higher-order cognitive processes. It may be understood in a twofold sense: 1) whether what a perceptual system computes may be altered in a way that is semantically coherent to one’s cognitive states; 2) whether perceptual experience may be influenced by cognitive processes. It has been argued that the cognitive penetrability problem is not scientifically tractable since we have no direct access to other persons’ (...)
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    Permanentny uśmiech – analiza środków i narzędzi wzmocnienia afektywnego.Piotr Litwin & Artur Gunia - 2022 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 13 (2).
    Celem artykułu jest analiza trwającej w środowisku filozoficznym debaty na temat możliwości wykorzystywania najnowszych osiągnięć naukowych z zakresu farmakologii, psychiatrii czy technologii informatycznej w zamiarze usprawniania sfery emocjonalnej człowieka. Perspektywa przedstawicieli ruchu transhumanistycznego uznaje, że wzmocnienia afektywne niosą ze sobą potencjał uwolnienia wszystkich świadomych istot od cierpienia oraz zapewnienia im szczęścia przez całe życie. W artykule analizowane są główne argumenty transhumanisty i filozofa Davida Pearce’a i jego programu Imperatywu Hedonistycznego. Następnie podejmuje się refleksję nad rolą i strukturą emocji w ludzkim (...)
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