Results for 'Pietro Giunta'

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  1.  4
    Petri Victorii Commentarii in tres libros Aristotelis De arte dicendi: positis ante singulae declarationes graecis verbis auctoris.Pietro Vettori, Bernardo Giunta & Aristotle - 1548 - In Officina Bernardi Iunctæ.
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    Petri Victorii Commentarii in X. libros Aristotelis De moribvs ad Nicomachvm: Positis ante singulas declarationes Graecis verbis auctoris ijsdemque ad verbum Latine expressis. Accessit rerum et verborum memorabilium index plenissimus.Pietro Vettori, Aristotle & Filippo E. Jacopo Giunta - 1584 - Ex Officina Iunctarum.
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    Petri Victorii Commentarii. In primum librum Aristotelis De arte poetarum. Positis ante singulas declarationes Graecis vocibus auctoris: iisdemque ad verbum Latine expressis. Accessit rerum & verborum memorabilium index locupletissimus.Pietro Vettori, Aristotle & Heredi di Bernardo Giunta - 1573 - In Officina Iuntarum, Bernardi Filiorum.
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    Petri Victorii commentarii in primum librum Aristotelis de arte poetarum: Positis ante singulas declarationes Graccis vocibus auctoris: iisdemque ad verbum Latine expressis.Pietro Vettori, Aristotle & Heredi di Bernardo Giunta - 1560 - In Officina Iuntarum, Bernardi Filiorum.
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    Editoriale.Maurizio Ferraris - 2008 - Rivista di Estetica 38:3-4.
    Fondata da Luigi Stefanini nel 1956 e diretta successivamente da Luigi Pareyson e da Gianni Vattimo, la Rivista di Estetica aveva già un passato lungo e prestigioso quando, nel 1996, ebbi l’onore di coordinarla. Le linee di sviluppo per questa terza serie, che è giunta ormai al trentottesimo fascicolo – e in cui è stato sin dall’inizio decisivo l’apporto di Pietro Kobau, cui sono venuti ad aggiungersi gli amici che oggi compongono la redazione – sono state essenzialmente due. (...)
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    Elogio del pessimismo: cultura, società, politica.Elio Giunta - 2002 - Palermo: ILA Palma.
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  7. L’étrangèreté et l’évidence de l’absence d’évidence dans Outlandish: Étranges Corps Étrangers de Phillip Warnell et Jean-Luc Nancy.Carrie Giunta - forthcoming - In Marie Martin & Antoine de Baecque, Nancynéma. Grenoble: UGA Éditions. Translated by Marie Martin.
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    (1 other version)Rediscovering Léon Brunschvicg's critical idealism: philosophy, history, and science in the third republic.Pietro Terzi - 2022 - New York, NY, USA: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Léon Brunschvicg's contribution to philosophical thought in fin-de-siècle France receives full explication in the first English-language study on his work. Arguing that Brunschvicg is crucial to understanding the philosophical schools which took root in 20th-century France, Pietro Terzi locates Brunschvicg alongside his contemporary Henri Bergson, as well as the range of thinkers he taught and influenced, including Lévinas, Merleau-Ponty, de Beauvoir, and Sartre. Brunschvicg's deep engagement with debates concerning spiritualism and rationalism, neo-Kantian philosophy, and the role of mathematics in (...)
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  9. Pietro di Gottardo Gonzaga.Pietro Gonzaga di Gottardo & Leman Berdeli - 2021 - İzmir: Meta Press.
    The absence of an English translation of Gonzaga's writings, both as a whole and separately, , inspired me to undertake it with the aim of making it more accessible to the public. If I were to talk briefly about the outline, the first original French version of the text appears as an anonymous author's work. In that first version signed by Sir Thomas Witth whom nothing is known about, Gonzaga doesn’t appear. His name hadn’t been appearing in the first booklet (...)
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    Flowing along endlessly: Banana Yoshimoto’s female protagonists as an elemental force.Carrie Giunta - 2022 - In Emma Staniland, Women and Water in Global Fiction. London: Routledge. pp. 191–202.
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    Escuchar el ruido. Músicas y sonidos de la crisis del 2001 en Buenos Aires.Violeta Nigro Giunta - 2021 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 12 (23):e102.
    El año 2001 representó un momento de quiebre en la historia reciente argentina. Las repercusiones de la crisis económica, social y de representatividad política se hicieron presentes en todo el espectro cultural. El presente artículo parte de una hipótesis central: la omnipresencia del sonido durante la crisis explica el giro hacia lo sonoro en la producción musical posterior. Nuestro estudio se estructurará en tres partes: en una primera sección, examinaremos los sonidos de la crisis y su historicidad. En las otras (...)
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    Candice Delmas: A Duty to Resist: When Disobedience Should Be Uncivil: New York: Oxford University Press, 2018. Hardcover (ISBN 9780190872199) £19.99. 312 Pp.Marta Giunta - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (1):269-271.
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  13. Simulation of a low temperature water gas shift reactor using the heterogeneous model/application to a PEM fuel cell.Pablo Giunta, Norma Amadeo & Miguel Laborde - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay, Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 7123--1.
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  14. The Early Development of Sound in Hollywood Cinema.Carrie Giunta - 2013 - In Lincoln Geraghty, Directory of World Cinema: American Hollywood, Vol. 2. Intellect Books.
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    This Is What Climate Change Looks Like: McKenzie Wark’s Post-Literary Critiques Give Equal Value to Participation.Carrie Giunta - 2022 - CounterText 8 (1):227–240.
    This essay revisits a debate about literary fiction’s ability to depict the consequences of climate change. Philosopher McKenzie Wark’s 2017 essay, ‘On the Obsolescence of the Bourgeois Novel in the Anthropocene’, offers one of many critiques of climate fiction, such as Amitav Ghosh’s influential book, The Great Derangement. But while Ghosh sees a shortcoming in contemporary novels in their lack of representation of major climate events, Wark emphasises the importance of collective action, conversation, and connection, beyond the limits of literature. (...)
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  16. United Artists.Carrie Giunta - 2013 - In John Berra, Directory of World Cinema: American Independent Vol. 2. Intellect Books.
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    The First Dog: Diogenes (Aristot. Rhet. 3,10,1411a24–25).Pietro Zaccaria - 2017 - Hermes 145 (3):364-370.
    The mention of a “Dog” (Κύων) by Aristot. Rhet. 3,10,1411a24-25 should be interpreted as a reference to Diogenes the Cynic, and not to Antisthenes, as was argued by Goulet- Caze.
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    Reciprocal libertarianism.Pietro Intropi - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (1):23-43.
    Reciprocal libertarianism is a version of left-wing libertarianism that combines self-ownership with an egalitarian distribution of resources according to reciprocity. In this paper, I show that reciprocal libertarianism is a coherent and appealing view. I discuss how reciprocal libertarians can handle conflicts between self-ownership and reciprocity, and I show that reciprocal libertarianism can be realised in a framework of individual ownership of external resources or in a socialist scheme of common ownership (libertarian socialism). I also compare reciprocal libertarianism with left-libertarian (...)
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  19. Thomas Kuhn’s Late Incommensurability Thesis as a Wittgensteinian Pragmatism.Pietro Gori - 2024 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 16 (1).
    This paper explores Thomas Kuhn’s mature conception of incommensurable theories as collective structured lexicons that are not mutually translatable. As will be argued, his view on this issue can profitably be approached in the light of the broad pragmatist attitude that one finds at the core of Wittgenstein’s late philosophy of language, which can also consistently be ascribed to Kuhn.
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    Freedom's values: The good and the right.Pietro Intropi - 2022 - Theoria 88 (6):1144-1162.
    How is freedom valuable? And how should we go about defining freedom? In this essay, I discuss a distinction between two general ways of valuing freedom: one appeals to the good (e.g., to freedom's contribution to well-being); the other appeals to how persons have reason to treat one another in virtue of their status as purposive beings (to the right). The analysis of these two values has many relevant implications and it is preliminary to a better understanding of the relationships (...)
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  21. Handbook of Formal Argumentation.Pietro Baroni, Dov Gabbay, Massimilino Giacomin & Leendert van der Torre (eds.) - 2018 - London, England: College Publications.
    The Handbook of Formal Argumentation is a community effort aimed at providing a comprehensive and up-to-date view of the state of the art and current trends in the lively research field of formal argumentation. The first volume of the Handbook is organised into five parts, containing nineteen chapters in all, each written by leading experts in the field. The first part provides a general and historical perspective on the field. The second part gives a comprehensive coverage of the argumentation formalisms (...)
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    Colloquio tra Giorgio Barberio Corsetti e Pietro Montani.Giorgio Barberio Corsetti & Pietro Montani - 2016 - Rivista di Estetica 63:19-28.
    The conversation between Giorgio Barberio Corsetti and Pietro Montani, led by Dario Cecchi, focuses on some of the principal aspects of the career and work of Paolo Rosa and Studio Azzurro, by making reference also to the occasion when the director and the philosopher met the artist and his team. Of such an artistic path, they have been particularly emphasized the interest for the dialogue among different artistic languages (theatre, video art); the attention to the way images are able (...)
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  23. A Question of Listening: Nancean Resonance and Listening in the Work of Charlie Chaplin.Carolyn Sara Giunta - 2013 - Dissertation, University of Dundee
    In this thesis, I use a close reading of the silent films of Charlie Chaplin to examine a question of listening posed by Jean-Luc Nancy, “Is listening something of which philosophy is capable” (Nancy 2007:1)? Drawing on the work of Nancy, Jacques Derrida and Gayatri Spivak, I consider a claim that philosophy has failed to address the topic of listening because a logocentric tradition claims speech as primary. In response to Derrida’s deconstruction of logocentrism, Nancy complicates the problem of listening (...)
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    Nancy and Visual Culture.Carrie Giunta & Adrienne Janus (eds.) - 2016 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    "In an exciting range of original responses to Nancy's work, these 12 essays reanimate the dialogue between interdisciplinary scholars and practicing artists that originally gave birth to visual culture as a field of study. A new translation of Nancy's essay, 'The Image: Mimesis and Methexis', reveals how Nancy's work informs, challenges and inspires our encounters with visual culture. Jean-Luc Nancy is one of the most original and compelling of those contemporary political and ethical philosophers who, like Jacques Ranciere and Alain (...)
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  25. Presentation and Disappearance: Dialogue between Soun-Giu Kim and Jean-Luc Nancy.Carrie Giunta & Adrienne Janus - 2016 - In Carrie Giunta & Adrienne Janus, Nancy and Visual Culture. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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  26. The Image: Mimesis and Methexis.Carrie Giunta & Adrienne Janus - 2016 - In Carrie Giunta & Adrienne Janus, Nancy and Visual Culture. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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    Parerga?Pietro Kobau - 2009 - Rivista di Estetica 40:21-39.
    Né opera (ergon), né fuori-d’-opera (hors-d’oeuvre), né dentro né fuori, né sopra né sotto, il parergon sconvolge ogni opposizione, ma non rimane indeterminato e dà luogo all’opera. Non sta più soltanto intorno all’opera. Quel che esso introduce – le istanze della cornice, del titolo, della firma, della didascalia ecc. – non smette più di mettere sottosopra l’ordine interno del discorso sulla pittura, le sue opere, il suo commercio, le sue quotazioni, i suoi plusvalori, la sua speculazione, i...
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  28. Welfare and Autonomy under Risk.Pietro Cibinel - forthcoming - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.
    This paper studies the relationship between promoting people's welfare and respecting their autonomy of choice under risk. I highlight a conflict between these two aims. Given compelling assumptions, welfarists end up disregarding people's unanimous preference, even when everyone involved is entirely rational and only concerned with maximizing their own welfare. Non-welfarist theories of social choice are then considered. They are shown to face difficulties, too: either they fail to respect the value of welfare in at least one important sense, or (...)
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  29. Nietzsche ́s Pragmatism: A Study on Perspectival Thought.Pietro Gori - 2019 - Berlino, Germania: Walter De Gruyter. Edited by Sarah De Sanctis.
    During his late period, Nietzsche is particularly concerned with the value that mankind attributes to truth. In dealing with that topic, Nietzsche is not primarly interested in the metaphysical disputes on truth, but rather in the effects that the "will to truth" has on the human being. In fact, he argues that the "faith in a value as such of truth" influenced Western culture and started the anthropological degeneration of the human type that characterizes European morality. To call into question (...)
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  30. The given and the hard problem of content.Pietro Salis - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (4):797-821.
    Wilfrid Sellars’ denunciation of the Myth of the Given was meant to clarify, against empiricism, that perceptual episodes alone are insufficient to ground and justify perceptual knowledge. Sellars showed that in order to accomplish such epistemic tasks, more resources and capacities, such as those involved in using concepts, are needed. Perceptual knowledge belongs to the space of reasons and not to an independent realm of experience. Dan Hutto and Eric Myin have recently presented the Hard Problem of Content as an (...)
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    Perfectionism, Endorsement, and Retirement: A Note on “Working Retirees?”.Pietro Intropi - forthcoming - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice:1-7.
    Should retirees be allowed to work? Should working imply forfeiting one’s retiree status? Are retirement and work incompatible? Manuel Valente has recently shown that distinguishing between leisure and free time has significant implications for thinking about retirement. Valente argues that, whilst it may be intuitive to think of retirement in terms of leisure (work-freeness), liberals would better think of retirement as free time (control over one’s time). Hence, working retirees is not an oxymoron. In this comment to Valente’s article I (...)
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  32. Nietzsche e a Boa Espiritualidade Europeia.Pietro Gori - 2021 - Cadernos Nietzsche 42 (2):61-85.
    Aim of this paper is to reflect on the anthropological ideal Nietzsche outlines in his late period. The way Nietzsche deals with concepts such as “German”, “(good) European”, and “free spirit” in the sections of Twilight of the Idols which deal with Goethe will be especially considered. Furthermore, I shall argue that Renaissance plays an important role in Nietzsche’s anthropological project, for it helps to define the spiritual strength which characterizes the health type of man to which Nietzsche destined his (...)
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  33. Paradosso. Rivista di Filosofia.Pietro Gori (ed.) - 2019 - Padova PD, Italia:
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  34. Che cosa e un ente?Pietro Kobau - 2003 - Rivista di Estetica 43 (22):23-39.
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  35. In margine alla Prefazione dei "sei personaggi in cerca d¿autore".Pietro Souzzo - 2005 - Filosofia Oggi 28 (109):25-30.
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    Merleau-Ponty and the Intellectualist Theory of Perception.Pietro Terzi - 2024 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 5 (1):43-63.
    Merleau-Ponty’s relationship with his Sorbonne professor Léon Brunschvicg is usually disregarded or mentioned by scholars as a mere anecdote. Moreover, the rare discussions of the latter’s “critical idealism” usually take at face value Merleau-Ponty’s partial and biased account. In contrast, this paper argues that in order to understand the genesis of Merleau-Ponty’s thought, it is necessary to reassess Brunschvicg’s idealism and his views on the relationship between perception and scientific knowledge. Particular attention is drawn to a specific chapter of Brunschvicg’s (...)
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  37. Perceptron Connectives in Knowledge Representation.Pietro Galliani, Guendalina Righetti, Daniele Porello, Oliver Kutz & Nicolas Toquard - 2020 - In Pietro Galliani, Guendalina Righetti, Daniele Porello, Oliver Kutz & Nicolas Toquard, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management - 22nd International Conference, {EKAW} 2020, Bolzano, Italy, September 16-20, 2020, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12387. pp. 183-193.
    We discuss the role of perceptron (or threshold) connectives in the context of Description Logic, and in particular their possible use as a bridge between statistical learning of models from data and logical reasoning over knowledge bases. We prove that such connectives can be added to the language of most forms of Description Logic without increasing the complexity of the corresponding inference problem. We show, with a practical example over the Gene Ontology, how even simple instances of perceptron connectives are (...)
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    Egalitarianism and the Great Recession: A Tale of Missed Connections?Pietro Maffettone - 2018 - Res Publica 24 (2):237-256.
    The main aim of this paper is to act as a corrective to the comparatively deafening silence of egalitarian political philosophy’s response to the Great Recession. The paper thus provides an accessible analysis of a new strand of empirical research into the causes of the crisis. This new literature, which has largely gone unnoticed by the broader philosophical community, maintains that the main driver of financial instability is income and wealth inequality coupled with income stagnation at the bottom of the (...)
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    A Hyperintensional Logic of Non-prime Evidence.Pietro Vigiani - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (3):761-788.
    We present a logic of evidence that reduces agents’ epistemic idealisations by combining classical propositional logic with substructural modal logic for formulas in the scope of epistemic modalities. To this aim, we provide a neighborhood semantics of evidence, which provides a modal extension of Fine’s semantics for relevant propositional logic. Possible worlds semantics for classical propositional logic is then obtained by defining the set of possible worlds as a special subset of information states in Fine’s semantics. Finally, we prove that (...)
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  40. Risk Attitudes and Justifiability to Each.Pietro Cibinel - 2022 - Ethics 133 (1):106-121.
    How should we choose on behalf of people with different attitudes to risk? Simon Blessenohl has recently argued that this question poses a dilemma: it seems that sometimes we must choose either acts that everyone disprefers or else acts that are sure to turn out worse than some other act. In this article, I offer a complaints-centered account of how to take people’s attitudes to risk into consideration in our decision-making, and then I show that it provides a way out (...)
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    L’esprit collectif entre philosophie scientifique et sociologie : Brunschvicg contra Durkheim.Pietro Terzi - 2022 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 3:323-340.
    Dans l’étude des relations entre la philosophie et la sociologie naissante en France, un chapitre demeure inexploré : l’interprétation des sciences sociales par Léon Brunschvicg. S’il apprécie la valeur de la recherche ethnologique de Lévy-Bruhl, sa critique de Durkheim est sévère. Il identifie deux problèmes dans le projet durkheimien, étroitement liés : avoir cherché l’origine de la connaissance dans des formes « primitives » de savoir ; avoir soumis l’autonomie du jugement au primat du social. L’idéalisme critique de Brunschvicg cherche (...)
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  42. Logic and Argumentation: Fourth International Conference, CLAR 2021, Hangzhou, China, October 20–22.Pietro Baroni, Christoph Benzmüller & Yì N. Wáng (eds.) - 2021 - Springer.
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    Estado de derecho, igualdad formal y poder económico: apuntes sobre formalismo jurídico y orden económico.Pietro Barcellona - 1989 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 29:45-62.
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  44. Storia e impegno civile.Pietro Scoppola - 2007 - Studium 103 (5):659-668.
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    Acknowledgments.Pietro Snider - 2017 - In The Natural Problem of Consciousness. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
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    The Perspectival Realist features of Ernst Mach’s critical epistemology.Pietro Gori - 2023 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 54 (1):99-124.
    This paper has a twofold aim. On the one hand, it explores the extent to which Mach was inspired by Kant’s approach to philosophical inquiry and tried to further elaborate it through his historico-critical method for enlightening scientific knowledge claims. On the other hand, it argues that the focus on the situated character of these claims that is implied in Mach’s epistemology makes it possible to compare his view to recent attempts to defend a perspectival realist account of scientific knowledge, (...)
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  47. Online information of vaccines: information quality, not only privacy, is an ethical responsibility of search engines.Pietro Ghezzi, Peter Bannister, Gonzalo Casino, Alessia Catalani, Michel Goldman, Jessica Morley, Marie Neunez, Andreu Prados-Bo, Pierre Robert Smeeters, Mariarosaria Taddeo, Tania Vanzolini & Luciano Floridi - 2021 - Frontiers in Medicine 7.
    The fact that Internet companies may record our personal data and track our online behavior for commercial or political purpose has emphasized aspects related to online privacy. This has also led to the development of search engines that promise no tracking and privacy. Search engines also have a major role in spreading low-quality health information such as that of anti-vaccine websites. This study investigates the relationship between search engines’ approach to privacy and the scientific quality of the information they return. (...)
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    On Turner’s Anti-Normativism.Pietro Salis - 2023 - In Raffaela Giovagnoli & Robert Lowe, The Logic of Social Practices II. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 159-176.
    Stephen Turner’s anti-normativism is based on the idea that the normative can be explained away by social science. Exploiting the idea fostered by the sociology of scientific knowledge that reasons can be understood naturalistically as the causes of the beliefs of scientists and endorsing a non-normative conception of rationality, Turner has argued that normative accounts are better understood as “Good Bad Theories” (GBT). GBT are understood as false accounts that play a role in social coordination like magical or religious rituals (...)
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  49. A dilemma for Nicolausian discounting.Pietro Cibinel - 2023 - Analysis 83 (4):662-672.
    Orthodox decision theory is fanatical in the way it treats small probabilities of enormous value, if unbounded utility functions are allowed. Some have suggested a fix, Nicolausian discounting, according to which outcomes with small enough probabilities should be ignored when making decisions. However, there are lotteries involving only small-probability outcomes, none of which should intuitively be ignored. So the Nicolausian discounter needs a procedure for distinguishing the problematic cases of small-probability outcomes from the unproblematic ones. In this paper, I present (...)
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    COVID-19 and Biomedical Experts: When Epistemic Authority is (Probably) Not Enough.Pietro Pietrini, Andrea Lavazza & Mirko Farina - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (1):135-142.
    This critical essay evaluates the potential integration of distinct kinds of expertise in policymaking, especially during situations of critical emergencies, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. This article relies on two case studies: herd immunity and restricted access to ventilators for disabled people. These case studies are discussed as examples of experts’ recommendations that have not been widely accepted, though they were made within the boundaries of expert epistemic authority. While the fundamental contribution of biomedical experts in devising public health policies (...)
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