Results for 'Pietro Bertelli'

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    Immagini senza quadro: esperienza e rappresentazione nell'opera di Henri Bergson.Linda Bertelli - 2014 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  2. Un Grande Erudito: Il Cardinal Mercati.Sergio Bertelli - 1958 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 20 (1):195-199.
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    We consider incomplete a history that was formed on the non-perishable traces.Linda Bertelli & Martina Cavalli - 2024 - Studi di Estetica 30.
    This essay explores the intersection of contingency and aesthetics in contemporary artistic practices, challenging the historical dichotomy between reason and fact, and between necessity and contingency. Through the lens of Italian feminist thought, particularly the work of Carla Lonzi, it examines how contingency can redefine aesthetic gestures and suggests the concept of “dynamic liminality” as the conceptual operator of such redefinition. The study identifies four main components of “dynamic liminality” – instability, repetition, impermanence, and unproductiveness – showing how contemporary artists (...)
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  4. Handbook of Formal Argumentation.Pietro Baroni, Dov Gabbay, Massimilino Giacomin & Leendert van der Torre (eds.) - 2018 - London, England: College Publications.
    The Handbook of Formal Argumentation is a community effort aimed at providing a comprehensive and up-to-date view of the state of the art and current trends in the lively research field of formal argumentation. The first volume of the Handbook is organised into five parts, containing nineteen chapters in all, each written by leading experts in the field. The first part provides a general and historical perspective on the field. The second part gives a comprehensive coverage of the argumentation formalisms (...)
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    Freedom's values: The good and the right.Pietro Intropi - 2022 - Theoria 88 (6):1144-1162.
    How is freedom valuable? And how should we go about defining freedom? In this essay, I discuss a distinction between two general ways of valuing freedom: one appeals to the good (e.g., to freedom's contribution to well-being); the other appeals to how persons have reason to treat one another in virtue of their status as purposive beings (to the right). The analysis of these two values has many relevant implications and it is preliminary to a better understanding of the relationships (...)
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    L'utopia nell'estetico: tempo e narrazione in Ernst Bloch.Linda Bertelli - 2018 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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  7. El papel de la teoría de la imagen en la deconstrucción de la soberanía.Pietro Lembo - 2019 - In E. Biset, Ana Paula Penchaszadeh & Marcela Rivera Hutinel (eds.), Soberanías en deconstrucción. [Córdoba, Argentina]: Editorial Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
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  8. Online information of vaccines: information quality, not only privacy, is an ethical responsibility of search engines.Pietro Ghezzi, Peter Bannister, Gonzalo Casino, Alessia Catalani, Michel Goldman, Jessica Morley, Marie Neunez, Andreu Prados-Bo, Pierre Robert Smeeters, Mariarosaria Taddeo, Tania Vanzolini & Luciano Floridi - 2021 - Frontiers in Medicine 7.
    The fact that Internet companies may record our personal data and track our online behavior for commercial or political purpose has emphasized aspects related to online privacy. This has also led to the development of search engines that promise no tracking and privacy. Search engines also have a major role in spreading low-quality health information such as that of anti-vaccine websites. This study investigates the relationship between search engines’ approach to privacy and the scientific quality of the information they return. (...)
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    The oxidative stress theory of disease: levels of evidence and epistemological aspects.Pietro Ghezzi, Vincent Jaquet, Fabrizio Marcucci & Harald H. H. W. Schmidt - unknown
    The theory stating that oxidative stress is at the root of several diseases is extremely popular. However, so far, no antioxidant is recommended or offered by healthcare systems neither approved as therapy by regulatory agencies that base their decisions on evidence-based medicine. This is simply because, so far, despite many preclinical and clinical studies indicating a beneficial effect of antioxidants in many disease conditions, randomised clinical trials have failed to provide the evidence of efficacy required for drug approval. In this (...)
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  10. Pietro di Gottardo Gonzaga.Pietro Gonzaga di Gottardo & Leman Berdeli - 2021 - İzmir: Meta Press.
    The absence of an English translation of Gonzaga's writings, both as a whole and separately, , inspired me to undertake it with the aim of making it more accessible to the public. If I were to talk briefly about the outline, the first original French version of the text appears as an anonymous author's work. In that first version signed by Sir Thomas Witth whom nothing is known about, Gonzaga doesn’t appear. His name hadn’t been appearing in the first booklet (...)
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    Relación felicidad-conciencia en John Stuart mill Y Peter Singer a patir de la ética utilitarista.Pietro Di Angelo Cea Anfossi - 2011 - Theoria: Revista Ciencia, Arte y Humanidades 20 (2):13-19.
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    Dallo Stato sociale allo Stato immaginario: critica della "ragione funzionalista".Pietro Barcellona - 1994 - Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.
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    Diritto di natura e luteranesimo in Valentin Alberti.Mario Bertelli - 2005 - Rivista di Filosofia 96 (3):351-374.
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    Discussione su "La Repubblica" di Platone.Lucio Bertelli, Carlo Sini & Salvatore Veca - 2002 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 15 (1):189-204.
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    Filosofia, politica, retorica: intersezioni possibili.Lucio Bertelli & Pierluigi Donini - 1994 - Franco Angeli.
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    Recherches Sur La Philosophie Et Le Langage: XVIII Reflexions Contemporaines Sur L'antiquite Classique.L. Bertelli, L. Brisson, J. Brunschwig, C. Calame, C. Chiesa & M. Desclos - 1997 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
    Sont publiees dans ce volume les communications prononcees lors des Journees Henri Joly, les 25, 26 et 27 mars 1993 a Grenoble. On y trouvera ces reflexions que peut, aujourd'hui encore, susciter en nous l'Antiquite classique. Sur la jalousie ou l'existence de mondes multiples; mais egalement sur la guerre civile ou les consequences politiques du mepris des frontieres naturelles. Ce ne sont la qu'exemples parmi d'autres. Fideles a la curiosite philosophique d'Henri Joly, dont les travaux igonraient les barrieres disciplinaires, elles (...)
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  17. Nietzsche ́s Pragmatism: A Study on Perspectival Thought.Pietro Gori - 2019 - Berlino, Germania: Walter De Gruyter. Edited by Sarah De Sanctis.
    During his late period, Nietzsche is particularly concerned with the value that mankind attributes to truth. In dealing with that topic, Nietzsche is not primarly interested in the metaphysical disputes on truth, but rather in the effects that the "will to truth" has on the human being. In fact, he argues that the "faith in a value as such of truth" influenced Western culture and started the anthropological degeneration of the human type that characterizes European morality. To call into question (...)
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    Reciprocal libertarianism.Pietro Intropi - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (1):23-43.
    Reciprocal libertarianism is a version of left-wing libertarianism that combines self-ownership with an egalitarian distribution of resources according to reciprocity. In this paper, I show that reciprocal libertarianism is a coherent and appealing view. I discuss how reciprocal libertarians can handle conflicts between self-ownership and reciprocity, and I show that reciprocal libertarianism can be realised in a framework of individual ownership of external resources or in a socialist scheme of common ownership (libertarian socialism). I also compare reciprocal libertarianism with left-libertarian (...)
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    Inclusion and exclusion dependencies in team semantics—on some logics of imperfect information.Pietro Galliani - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (1):68-84.
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    Una nuova lettura dell'Aristotele di Franz Brentano alla luce di alcuni inediti.Pietro Tomasi - 2009 - Trento: UNI service.
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    (1 other version)Rediscovering Léon Brunschvicg's critical idealism: philosophy, history, and science in the third republic.Pietro Terzi - 2022 - New York, NY, USA: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Léon Brunschvicg's contribution to philosophical thought in fin-de-siècle France receives full explication in the first English-language study on his work. Arguing that Brunschvicg is crucial to understanding the philosophical schools which took root in 20th-century France, Pietro Terzi locates Brunschvicg alongside his contemporary Henri Bergson, as well as the range of thinkers he taught and influenced, including Lévinas, Merleau-Ponty, de Beauvoir, and Sartre. Brunschvicg's deep engagement with debates concerning spiritualism and rationalism, neo-Kantian philosophy, and the role of mathematics in (...)
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  22. Leopardi alle termopili.Pietro Janni - 1990 - Episteme: In Ricordo di Giorgio Raimondo Cardona 4:51.
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    Tecnologie della sensibilità: estetica e immaginazione interattiva.Pietro Montani - 2014 - Milano: Raffaello Cortina editore.
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  24. Sulla spiritualità del Friuli e di Trieste tra'800 e'900.Pietro Zovatto - 1987 - Humanitas 42 (5):727-750.
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  25. La soberanía en la cultura político-jurídica medieval: imágenes y teorías.Pietro Costa - 2007 - Res Publica. Murcia 17:33-58.
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  26. Pluralismo degli ambiti di discorso: la sfida dell'espressivismo.Pietro Salis - 2020 - In Vinicio Busacchi, Pietro Salis & Simonluca Pinna (eds.), Prassi, cultura, realtà. Saggi in onore di Pier Luigi Lecis. Milano-Udine: Mimesis Edizioni. pp. 233-246.
    This chapter explores some key themes of Huw Price's global expressivist program and his appropriation of inferentialist views. Some remarks concerning certain internal tensions inside that program follow.
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    Ernst Mach and Pragmatic Realism.Pietro Gori - 2018 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 74 (1):151-172.
    The paper addresses the issue of scientific realism in Mach, and his pragmatist approach to epistemology. Firstly, Eric Banks’s interpretation of Mach as a direct realist about particulars will be explored and discussed. Secondly, Sami Pihlström’s pragmatic realism will be considered, and it will be suggested that this view can be more viably attributed to Mach. Finally, in the light of Mach’s 1910 paper on Sensory Elements and Scientific Concepts, it will be argued that Mach’s agnosticism was probably stronger than (...)
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    Sartre and Marxism.Pietro Chiodi - 1976 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
    “ONE OF THE most important and intellectually accessible books about Sartre and the Critique de la Raison Dialectique, this is an uncompromising and convincing dismissal of the claims made by Sartre for the work. It examines the structure of the Critique, of which it provides a concise account and assessment, and of its relationship to the thought in particular of Hegel; Heidegger and the early Marx. In addition, it explores the pre-conditions of any viable synthesis of Marxism and existentialism.The prime (...)
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    A Hyperintensional Logic of Non-prime Evidence.Pietro Vigiani - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (3):761-788.
    We present a logic of evidence that reduces agents’ epistemic idealisations by combining classical propositional logic with substructural modal logic for formulas in the scope of epistemic modalities. To this aim, we provide a neighborhood semantics of evidence, which provides a modal extension of Fine’s semantics for relevant propositional logic. Possible worlds semantics for classical propositional logic is then obtained by defining the set of possible worlds as a special subset of information states in Fine’s semantics. Finally, we prove that (...)
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  30. La lettura fenomenalista di Nietzsche alle origini della ricezione contemporanea.Pietro Gori - 2008 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 28 (3):534.
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    Practices of truth in philosophy: historical and comparative perspectives.Pietro Gori & Lorenzo Serini (eds.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This volume provides a geographically and historically diverse overview of philosophical traditions that establish a deep connection between truth and practice, or even see truth itself as a kind of practice. Under the label "practices of truth" are subsumed disparate approaches that can be fruitfully brought together to explore the intersections between truth and practice in philosophy as well as to address a range of intriguing questions about truth that fall outside the domain of pure theory. The chapters in this (...)
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  32. Paradosso. Rivista di Filosofia.Pietro Gori (ed.) - 2019 - Padova PD, Italia:
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  33. Demiurgo o creatore?Pietro Paolo Gerosa - 1945 - Torino [etc.]: Società editrice internazionale.
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    L'ape ingegnosa, overo Raccolta di varie osservazioni sopra le opere di natura e dell'arte.Pietro Giannone - 1993 - Roma: Ist. Poligrafico dello Stato.
  35. Equilibrium point and self-organization.Pietro Morasso & Vittorio Sanguineti - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (4):781-782.
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  36. The crucial role of haptic perception: Consciousness as the emergent property of the interaction between brain body and environment.Pietro Morasso - 2007 - In Antonio Chella & Riccardo Manzotti (eds.), Artificial Consciousness. Imprint Academic. pp. 234-255.
  37. Ancora del 'socialismo'di Rosmini.Pietro Piovani - 1951 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 28:432-434.
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    L'intellettuale ieri e oggi: generazioni in dialogo con Norberto Bobbio.Pietro Polito & Norberto Bobbio (eds.) - 2017 - Torino (Italy): Ananke Lab.
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    Sur les rapports entre validité et réalité.Pietro Romano - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 10:97-103.
    Les tentatives récentes et contemporaines pour construire une philosophie de la valeur ont abouti à des visions insuffisantes et partielles. Pour réussir une solide philosophie des valeurs il faut renouveler les conceptions de Yesprit, de la réalité et de la valeur. L’esprit est une activité éminemment évaluatrice et tous ses actes sont des jugements de \aleur ou des traductions pratiques de jugements de valeur. La réalité a été définie tantôt ce que nous percevons avec les sens, tantôt quelque chose de (...)
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  40. La critica filosofica e le sue forme in Omaggio a Norberto Bobbio.Pietro Rossi - 1989 - Rivista di Filosofia 80 (3):393-429.
  41. Risk Attitudes and Justifiability to Each.Pietro Cibinel - 2022 - Ethics 133 (1):106-121.
    How should we choose on behalf of people with different attitudes to risk? Simon Blessenohl has recently argued that this question poses a dilemma: it seems that sometimes we must choose either acts that everyone disprefers or else acts that are sure to turn out worse than some other act. In this article, I offer a complaints-centered account of how to take people’s attitudes to risk into consideration in our decision-making, and then I show that it provides a way out (...)
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    COVID-19 and Biomedical Experts: When Epistemic Authority is (Probably) Not Enough.Pietro Pietrini, Andrea Lavazza & Mirko Farina - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (1):135-142.
    This critical essay evaluates the potential integration of distinct kinds of expertise in policymaking, especially during situations of critical emergencies, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. This article relies on two case studies: herd immunity and restricted access to ventilators for disabled people. These case studies are discussed as examples of experts’ recommendations that have not been widely accepted, though they were made within the boundaries of expert epistemic authority. While the fundamental contribution of biomedical experts in devising public health policies (...)
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  43. The given and the hard problem of content.Pietro Salis - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (4):797-821.
    Wilfrid Sellars’ denunciation of the Myth of the Given was meant to clarify, against empiricism, that perceptual episodes alone are insufficient to ground and justify perceptual knowledge. Sellars showed that in order to accomplish such epistemic tasks, more resources and capacities, such as those involved in using concepts, are needed. Perceptual knowledge belongs to the space of reasons and not to an independent realm of experience. Dan Hutto and Eric Myin have recently presented the Hard Problem of Content as an (...)
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    The Past, Present, and Future of Virtual and Augmented Reality Research: A Network and Cluster Analysis of the Literature.Pietro Cipresso, Irene Alice Chicchi Giglioli, Mariano Alcañiz Raya & Giuseppe Riva - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    A general information for fuzzy sets.Pietro Benvenuti, Doretta Vivona & Maria Divari - 1991 - In Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier, Ronald R. Yager & Lotfi A. Zadeh (eds.), Uncertainty in Knowledge Bases: 3rd International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, IPMU'90, Paris, France, July 2 - 6, 1990. Proceedings. Springer. pp. 307--316.
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  46. Introduzione alla pedagogia.Pietro Braido - 1956 - Torino,: Pontificio Ateneo salesiano.
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    Morale autonoma in contesto cristiano: il "caso serio" della teologia morale.Pietro Cognato - 2021 - Assisi: Cittadella editrice.
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  48. Un po' più a sinistra, un po' più a destra. Spazio e immagine nell'iconica di Max Imdahl.Pietro Conte - 2012 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 5 (2).
    In his lifelong effort to overcome the limits of Panofsky’s iconological method, Max Imdahl tried to sketch out an «iconic understanding» which is pre-reflexive, performed below the level of conceptual and verbal explication. Under the auspices of Konrad Fiedler’s theoretical position, Imdahl opposed the Panofskian «recognizing view» with a more formalistic «seeing view», in order to gain access to a third form of vision which he called «knowing view». After outlining Imdahl’s critic of the reduced and unilateral significance of «form» (...)
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  49. Elementi di scienza del diritto, lezioni introduttive agli studi giuridici.Pietro Gasparri - 1945 - Pavia,: Regisole.
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    Moralised Definitions of Freedom, Autonomy, and the Personal Value of Opportunities to Perform Morally Impermissible Actions.Pietro Intropi - 2021 - Ethical Perspectives 28 (4):417-443.
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