Results for 'Piekarskim Michał'

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  1. Truisms, Heuristics and the Concept of Law.Adam Michał Dyrda - 2018 - Principia 2018 (Tom 65):113-143.
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    The Symbolic Language of the Unconscious: Erich Fromm’s Studies on the Human Being.Arian Kowalski & Michał Sawicki - 2022 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 17 (2):87-103.
    This text aims at a multi-dimensional reflection on Erich Fromm’s conception of the human being. Starting from Marxist-Freudian sources of the philosopher’s thought, the authors show the fundamental ideas underlying his version of psychoanalysis. Next, Fromm’s view of the human being as a social being is discussed, referring to the concepts of unproductive and productive orientations. Another important dimension of Fromm’s thought that is discussed is the reflection on the nature and functions of the symbolic language of the unconscious, which (...)
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  3. Legal interpretation in periods of political transformation.Michał Krotoszyński - 2020 - In Paweł Kwiatkowski & Marek Smolak, Poznań School of Legal Theory. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Rodopi.
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    Polish State Enterprises and the Properties of Performance: Stabilization, Marketization, Privatization.Anthony Levitas, Michal Federowicz & Janusz M. Dabrowski - 1991 - Politics and Society 19 (4):403-437.
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    “Beyond the Attitude-Behaviour Gap: Novel Perspectives in Consumer Ethics”: Introduction to the Thematic Symposium.Robert Caruana, Michal J. Carrington & Andreas Chatzidakis - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 136 (2):215-218.
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  6. Seeing the voices, hearing the sights: Perceptual distortions in boll, Bachmann and celan.Michal Ben-Horin - 2007 - In Karin Leonhard & Silke Horstkotte, Seeing Perception. Cambridge Scholars Press.
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    The Lvov–Warsaw School as a Source of Inspiration for Argumentation Theory.Marcin Koszowy & Michał Araszkiewicz - 2014 - Argumentation 28 (3):283-300.
    The thesis of the paper holds that some future developments of argumentation theory may be inspired by the rich logico-methodological legacy of the Lvov–Warsaw School (LWS), the Polish research movement that was most active from 1895 to 1939. As a selection of ideas of the LWS which exploit both formal and pragmatic aspects of the force of argument, we present: Ajdukiewicz’s account of reasoning and inference, Bocheński’s analyses of superstitions or dogmas, and Frydman’s constructive approach to legal interpretation. This paper (...)
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    Combining diverse one-class classifiers.Bartosz Krawczyk & Michał Woźniak - 2012 - In Emilio Corchado, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Grana & Sung-Bae Cho, Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. Springer. pp. 590--601.
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    RORα is not a receptor for melatonin (response to DOI 10.1002/bies.201600018).Andrzej T. Slominski, Michal A. Zmijewski & Anton M. Jetten - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (12):1193-1194.
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  10. Notes on phenomenology and revolution.Michal Lipták - 2020 - In Peter Šajda, Modern and Postmodern Crises of Symbolic Structures: Essays in Philosophical Anthropology. Leiden ;: Brill | Rodopi.
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    Pravila i kontekst upotrebe: teme i tumačenja Vitgenštajnove filozofije = The rules and teh context of use: themes and interpretations of Wittgenstein's philosophy.Michal Sládeček - 2014 - Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju.
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    The color red attracts attention in an emotional context. An ERP study.Michał Kuniecki, Joanna Pilarczyk & Szymon Wichary - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Power Individuation: A New Version of the Single-Tracking View.Michał Głowala - 2015 - Metaphysica 16 (2).
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    The Scope and Limits of the Criminal Regulation of Sexuality.Michal Buchhandler-Raphael - 2021 - Criminal Justice Ethics 40 (2):164-178.
    In recent decades, societal perceptions about sexuality have undergone immense changes, which in turn led to substantial reform of states’ criminal regulation of sexual misconduct. Traditional Angl...
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    Komentarz "O pamięci i przypominaniu".Tomasz Z. Akwinu, Michał Zembrzuski & Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego - 2012 - Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego. Edited by Michał Zembrzuski & Aristotle.
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  16. Realita a poznanie.Michal Topolśký - 1970 - Bratislava,: Epocha, t. Pravda.
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    Chocim – polskie Lepanto.Bartłomiej Michał Wołyniec - 2022 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 28 (1):141-166.
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    Gaston Milhaud. Szkic biograficzny.Michał Gmytrasiewicz - 2019 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:13-18.
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    Aquinas, Geach, and the Inner Acts of the Will.Michał Głowala - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79 (1-2):375-392.
    In the paper I discuss Geach’s rejection of volitions (inner acts of the will) both in the exegesis of Aquinas and in systematic action theory – a rejection followed by some analytical commentators of Aquinas (like Davies and Kenny). I claim that Geach’s interpretation of Aquinas’s action theory in terms of tendencies (treating the will as a special kind of tendency) enables – pace Geach – a sound defense of volitionism both in the exegesis of Aquinas and in the action (...)
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    Gaston Milhaud a środowisko francuskiego konwencjonalizmu.Michał Gmytrasiewicz - 2019 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:63-81.
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    Wybrane publikacje Gastona Milhauda.Michał Gmytrasiewicz - 2019 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:19-23.
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    Modal Quantifiers, Potential Infinity, and Yablo sequences.Michał Tomasz Godziszewski & Rafał Urbaniak - forthcoming - Review of Symbolic Logic:1-30.
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    Dividing crowds: In search of a worldly ethics for cosmopolitan publics.Michal Givoni - 2018 - Constellations 25 (4):515-528.
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    7. Quantity and Self-Individuation.Michal Glowala - 2016 - In Singleness: Self-Individuation and its Rejection in the Scholastic Debate on Principles of Individuation. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 109-130.
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    Tomasz z Akwinu i widmo ukrytego nominalizmu.Michał Głowala - 2022 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 70 (3):325-346.
    W artykule dyskutuję z interpretacją tomistycznej teorii uniwersaliów w książce Pawła Rojka Tropy i uniwersalia. Badania ontologiczne w kontekście problematyki „ukrytego nominalizmu”. Stawiam sobie w nim trzy cele. (i) Proponuję uściślenie definicji powszechnika, pozwalające bronić zasadniczych tez Pawła Rojka dotyczących ukrytego nominalizmu; (ii) pokazuję, że zaproponowana przez Pawła Rojka interpretacja Akwinaty sama popada w ukryty nominalizm; (iii) proponuję, w oparciu o teorię triplex status naturae Awicenny, inne odczytanie tomistycznej teorii uniwersaliów, które wydaje mi się unikać pułapki ukrytego nominalizmu.
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    What Kind of Power is Virtue? John of St. Thomas OP on Causality of Virtues and Vices.Michał Głowala - 2012 - Studia Neoaristotelica 9 (1):25-57.
    The following paper discusses John of St. Thomas’ study of the way in which a habit (moral or epistemic virtue or vice) is a cause of an action it prompts. I begin with contrasting the question of causality of habits with the general question of the causal relevance of dispositions (2). I argue that habits constitute a very peculiar kind of dispositions marked by the connection with the properties of being difficult and being easy, and there are some special reasons (...)
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    Wypowiedź literacka a wypowiedź filozoficzna: studia.Michał Głowiński & Janusz Sławiński (eds.) - 1982 - Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
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    Erratum.Michał Grycz - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (1):159-159.
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    The Knobe Effect From the Perspective of Normative Orders.Julia Rejewska, Michał Obidziński & Andrzej Waleszczyński - 2018 - Studia Humana 7 (4):9-15.
    The characteristic asymmetry in the attribution of intentionality in causing side effects, known as the Knobe effect, is considered to be a stable model of human cognition. This article looks at whether the way of thinking and analysing one scenario may affect the other and whether the mutual relationship between the ways in which both scenarios are analysed may affect the stability of the Knobe effect. The theoretical analyses and empirical studies performed are based on a distinction between moral and (...)
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    List of the major works in philosophy of science by polish authors.Michal Falkener From Wroclaw - 2001 - In Władysław Krajewski, Polish philosophers of science and nature in the 20th century. New York, NY: Rodopi. pp. 21.
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    Z zagadnień filozofii społecznej.Michał Jaskólski (ed.) - 1989 - Kraków: Nakł. Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
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    Proper experimental design and implementation are necessary conditions for a balanced social psychology.Andreas Ortmann & Michal Ostatnicky - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (3):352-353.
    We applaud the authors' basic message. We note that the negative research emphasis is not special solely to social psychology and judgment and decision-making. We argue that the proposed integration of null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) and Bayesian analysis is promising but will ultimately succeed only if more attention is paid to proper experimental design and implementation.
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  33. Szkoła lwowsko-warszawska na tle ruchu analitycznego w filozofii XX w.Michał Hempoliński - 1987 - In Michał Hempoliński, Polska filozofia analityczna: analiza logiczna i semiotyczna w szkole lwowsko-warszawskiej. Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
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    Teachers' Perception of Student Coping With Emergency Remote Instruction During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Relative Impact of Educator Demographics and Professional Adaptation and Adjustment.Magdalena Jelińska & Michał B. Paradowski - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has upended lives and thrown the taken for granted into disarray. One of the most affected groups were teachers and students, faced with the necessity of school closures and—where logistically feasible—an urgent shift to emergency remote instruction, often with little prior notice. In this contribution, based on an online survey involving participants from 91 countries, we offer a perspective bridging the two groups, by investigating the role of teachers' demographics and professional adaptation to emergency (...)
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    Induced gratitude and hope, and experienced fear, but not experienced disgust, facilitate COVID-19 prevention.Pascale Sophie Russell, Michal Frackowiak, Smadar Cohen-Chen, Patrice Rusconi & Fabio Fasoli - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (2):196-219.
    Hope, gratitude, fear, and disgust may all be key to encouraging preventative action in the context of COVID-19. We pre-registered a longitudinal experiment, which involved monthly data collections from September 2020 to September 2021 and a six-month follow-up. We predicted that a hope recall task would reduce negative emotions and elicit higher intentions to engage in COVID-19 preventative behaviours. At the first time point, participants were randomly allocated to a recall task condition (gratitude, hope, or control). At each time point, (...)
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  36. When Art Meets Labour Law: Venturing to Understand People’s Stories of Protests.Mirosław Michał Sadowski - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-4.
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    The Heavens and Hells We Believe In.Emilia Wrocławska-Warchala & Michał Warchala - 2015 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 37 (3):240-266.
    Individual eschatological images are rarely a research subject that applies in-depth interviews and qualitative methods of analysis. Due to the use of simple questionnaire measures, knowledge about possible variations in personal images of heaven or hell is very poor. Furthermore, data concerning any connection between personality and eschatological images is scarce. The research project presented in the article was an attempt to apply a narrative method and to combine qualitative and simple quantitative methods to describe the wide variety of individual (...)
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  38. ha-Biḳur shel Ḥanah Arendṭ.Michal Ben-Naftali - 2005 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat ha-Ḳibuts ha-meʼuḥad.
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    Scholem, Derrida and the Literary Space.Michal Ben-Naftali - 2015 - Derrida Today 8 (2):136-155.
    The essay examines Scholem's letter-confession on the Hebrew language addressed to Rosenzweig from two perspectives hitherto ignored in the ongoing interpretative consideration of this document: Scholem's repression of the literary space and his consequent exclusion of madness. The essay follows several threads in Derrida's own ‘internal’ reading of the letter, and leans on other Derridean writings such as The Monolingualism of the Other, Schibboleth: For Paul Celan and ‘Cogito and the History of Madness’ in order to suggest two distinct encounters (...)
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    Filozofia współczesna: wprowadzenie do zagadnień i kierunków.Michał Hempoliński - 1989 - Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawn. Nauk..
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    Places of Grace: The Natural Landscapes of the American Midwest.Gary Irving & Michal Strutin - 1999 - University of Illinois Press.
    This collection of photographs uncovers the mystery and beauty of a part of the country that for most people is hidden in plain view, Places of Grace reveals both the physical splendor and the natural history of a ten-state region encompassing Illinois, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan. Open Places of Grace and be guided through forest, wetland, and prairie into the heart of the undiscovered Midwest. From the prairie grasses of western Nebraska to the boreal (...)
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    The Austrian School of Economics and Ordoliberalism – Socio-Economic Order.Anna Jurczuk, Michał Moszyński & Piotr Pysz - 2019 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 57 (1):105-121.
    The scientific aim of the paper is to juxtapose the views on economic order developed by the leading representatives of two schools of liberal thinking – German ordoliberal Walter Eucken and the Austrian economist Friedrich August von Hayek. The first scholar opted for deliberately constructed competitive economic order, the second one advocates for allowing the social institutions to emerge and evolve spontaneously. The analysis proves the similarity of both theories in regard to the significance of principles of an economic order (...)
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    Tocqueville’s Dual Theory of Revolution.Michal Kuz - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (1):41-55.
    Alexis de Tocqueville’s political thought is often seen as inconsistent for offering two apparently dissimilar theories of revolution. The first is universal democratisation, understood as a social phenomenon and a grand revolutionary change; the second sees revolution as the logical continuation and radicalisation of the preceding regime. The following question arises: was Tocqueville inconsistent in his principal works? I argue that this was not the case and that the two processes are complementary elements in Tocqueville’s model, which combines the ancient (...)
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    „Kolęda, Nowe Lato i Szczodry Dzień” — geneza, rozwój i schyłek gatunku w XVII wieku.Michał Kuran - 2014 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 25 (3):31-72.
    The article is proving that works arisen from the tradition of wishing carol, in which titles appeared a formula „Carol, The New Year and the Generous Day”, constitute a separate literary genre. What is more, works, which belong to it could exist in two forms: unified and cyclical. The genesis of the genre is regarded to appear in combining into one group the motives and symbols of the Christian holidays (from the Christmas through the Circumcision / the New Year to (...)
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    Status and moral education: On the philosophy and psychology of punishment.Michał Kłusek - forthcoming - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology.
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    A problem of sociological praxis.Y. Michal Bodemann - 1978 - Theory and Society 5 (3):387-420.
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    Author's Response to the Reviews.Michal Krumer-Nevo - 2024 - Ethics and Social Welfare 18 (3):323-325.
    I'm grateful to the editors for spotlighting the Poverty-Aware Paradigm (PAP) and fostering a cross-continental academic dialogue on my book, Radical hope: Poverty-aware practice for social work. I...
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  48. Collected Works of Michal Kalecki: Volume 3: Socialism: Functioning and Long-Run Planning.Michal Kalecki - 1993 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Containing nearly all the material which has survived on Kalecki's activity - both theoretical and practical - from 1955 to 1964.
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  49. Collected Works of Michal Kalecki: Volume 6: Studies in Applied Economics 1927-1941.Michal Kalecki - 1996 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The sixth volume of the Collected Works of Micha/l Kalecki, one of the twentieth-century's pre-eminent economists, contains his empirical studies of the capitalist economy, published primarily in pre-war Poland. The first part of the book collects together reviews of business conditions in commodity markets, studies of the structure and operations of large companies and cartels, and articles on international economic relations. These studies, written between 1928 and 1935, demonstrate Kalecki's keen insight into the international consequences of the Great Crisis of (...)
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    Statement by Professor Michał Heller at the Templeton Prize News Conference, March 12th, 2008.Michał Heller - 2008 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 43.
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