Results for 'Picture'

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    The Mechanization of the World Picture.E. J. Dijksterhuis - 1969 - Clarendon Press.
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    Learning to Believe: Challenges in Children’s Acquisition of a World-Picture in Wittgenstein’s On Certainty.José María Ariso - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (3):311-325.
    Wittgenstein scholars have tended to interpret the acquisition of certainties, and by extension, of a world-picture, as the achievement of a state in which these certainties are assimilated in a seemingly unconscious way as one masters language-games. However, it has not been stressed that the attainment of this state often involves facing a series of challenges or difficulties which must be overcome for the development of the world-picture and therefore the socialization process to be achieved. After showing, on (...)
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  3. The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself.Sean Carroll - 2016 - Dutton.
    I discuss "Poetic Naturalism" -- there is only one world, the natural world, but there are many ways of talking about it -- both as a general concept, and how it accounts for our actual world. I talk about emergence, fundamental physics, entropy and complexity, the origins of life and consciousness, and moral constructivism.
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  4. Metaphysical Explanation: The Kitcher Picture.Sam Baron & James Norton - 2021 - Erkenntnis 86 (1):187-207.
    This paper offers a new account of metaphysical explanation. The account is modelled on Kitcher’s unificationist approach to scientific explanation. We begin, in Sect. 2, by briefly introducing the notion of metaphysical explanation and outlining the target of analysis. After that, we introduce a unificationist account of metaphysical explanation before arguing that such an account is capable of capturing four core features of metaphysical explanations: irreflexivity, non-monotonicity, asymmetry and relevance. Since the unificationist theory of metaphysical explanation inherits irreflexivity and non-monotonicity (...)
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  5. Standpoints: A Study of a Metaphysical Picture.Martin A. Lipman - 2023 - Journal of Philosophy 120 (3):117-138.
    There is a type of metaphysical picture that surfaces in a range of philosophical discussions, is of intrinsic interest, and yet remains ill-understood. According to this picture, the world contains a range of standpoints relative to which different facts obtain. Any true representation of the world cannot but adopt a particular standpoint. The aim of this paper is to propose a regimentation of a metaphysics that underwrites this picture. Key components are a factive notion of metaphysical relativity, (...)
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    Belief: A Pragmatic Picture.Aaron Zachary Zimmerman - 2018 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Aaron Zimmerman presents a new pragmatist account of belief, in terms of information poised to guide our more attentive, controlled actions. And he explores the consequences of this account for our understanding of the relation between psychology and philosophy, the mind and brain, the nature of delusion, faith, pretence, racism, and more.
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    Role of inhibition in language switching: Evidence from event-related brain potentials in overt picture naming.Kim Verhoef, Ardi Roelofs & Dorothee J. Chwilla - 2009 - Cognition 110 (1):84-99.
  8. What do we see in pictures? The sensory individuals of picture perception.Bence Nanay - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (12):3729-3746.
    When I am looking at an apple, I perceptually attribute certain properties to certain entities. Two questions arise: what are these entities (what is it that I perceptually represent as having properties) and what are these properties (what properties I perceive this entity as having)? This paper is about the former, less widely explored, question: what does our perceptual system attribute properties to? In other words, what are these ‘sensory individuals’. There have been important debates in philosophy of perception about (...)
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    Cephalopod origin and evolution: A congruent picture emerging from fossils, development and molecules.Björn Kröger, Jakob Vinther & Dirk Fuchs - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (8):602-613.
    Cephalopods are extraordinary molluscs equipped with vertebrate‐like intelligence and a unique buoyancy system for locomotion. A growing body of evidence from the fossil record, embryology and Bayesian molecular divergence estimations provides a comprehensive picture of their origins and evolution. Cephalopods evolved during the Cambrian (∼530 Ma) from a monoplacophoran‐like mollusc in which the conical, external shell was modified into a chambered buoyancy apparatus. During the mid‐Palaeozoic (∼416 Ma) cephalopods diverged into nautiloids and the presently dominant coleoids. Coleoids (i.e. squids, (...)
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  10. Probability in the Everett picture.David Albert - 2010 - In Simon Saunders, Jonathan Barrett, Adrian Kent & David Wallace (eds.), Many Worlds?: Everett, Quantum Theory, & Reality. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
  11.  50
    Can Certainties Be Acquired at Will? Implications for Children's Assimilation of a World‐picture.José María Ariso - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (4):573-586.
    After describing Wittgenstein's notion of ‘certainty’, in this article I provide four arguments to demonstrate that no certainty can be acquired at will. Specifically, I argue that, in order to assimilate a certainty, it is irrelevant whether the individual concerned has found a ground that seemingly justifies that certainty; has a given mental state; is willing to accept the certainty on the proposal of a persuader; or tries to act according to the certainty involved. Lastly, I analyse how each of (...)
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  12. Trompe l’oeil and the Dorsal/Ventral Account of Picture Perception.Bence Nanay - 2015 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6 (1):181-197.
    While there has been a lot of discussion of picture perception both in perceptual psychology and in philosophy, these discussions are driven by very different background assumptions. Nonetheless, it would be mutually beneficial to arrive at an understanding of picture perception that is informed by both the philosophers’ and the psychologists’ story. The aim of this paper is exactly this: to give an account of picture perception that is valid both as a philosophical and as a psychological (...)
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    The primacy of taxonomic semantic organization over thematic semantic organization during picture naming.Mingjun Zhai, Chen Feng, Qingqing Qu & Simon Fischer-Baum - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):105951.
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    A unified computational account of cumulative semantic, semantic blocking, and semantic distractor effects in picture naming.Ardi Roelofs - 2018 - Cognition 172 (C):59-72.
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  15. Functional Reduction with a Third Step:a Larger and Less Reductive Picture.Ronald Endicott - 2022 - ProtoSociology 39:89-106.
    Functional reduction follows two familiar steps: a definition of a higher-level or special science property in terms of a functional role, then a statement describing a physical property that plays or occupies that role. But Kim (2005) adds a third step, namely, an explanation regarding how the physical property occupies the functional role. I think Kim is correct. But how is the third step satisfied? An examination of the pertinent scientific explanations reveals that the third step is best satisfied by (...)
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  16. Sellars, Analyticity, and a Dynamic Picture of Language.Takaaki Matsui - 2024 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 14 (1):78-102.
    Even after Willard Quine’s critique of the analytic-synthetic distinction in “Two Dogmas of Empiricism,” Wilfrid Sellars maintained some forms of analyticity or truth in virtue of meaning. In this article, I aim to reconstruct (a) his neglected account of the analytic-synthetic distinction and the revisability of analytic sentences, (b) its connection to his inferentialist account of meaning, and (c) his response to Quine. While Sellars’s account of the revisability of analytic sentences bears certain similarities to Carnap’s and Grice and Strawson’s (...)
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    In Defense of the Standard Picture: What the Standard Picture Explains That the Moral Impact Theory Cannot.Bill Watson - 2022 - Legal Theory 28 (1):59-88.
    How do legal texts determine legal content? A standard answer to this question—sometimes called “the standard picture”—is that legal texts communicate something and what they communicate is identical to legal content. Mark Greenberg criticizes the standard picture and offers in its place his own “moral impact theory.” My goal here is to respond to Greenberg by showing how the standard picture better explains legal practice than the moral impact theory does. To that end, I first clarify certain (...)
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  18.  28
    Distinguishing languages from dialects: A litmus test using the picture-word interference task.Alissa Melinger - 2018 - Cognition 172 (C):73-88.
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  19. Show Me the Argument: Empirically Testing the Armchair Philosophy Picture.Zoe Ashton & Moti Mizrahi - 2018 - Metaphilosophy 49 (1-2):58-70.
    Many philosophers subscribe to the view that philosophy is a priori and in the business of discovering necessary truths from the armchair. This paper sets out to empirically test this picture. If this were the case, we would expect to see this reflected in philosophical practice. In particular, we would expect philosophers to advance mostly deductive, rather than inductive, arguments. The paper shows that the percentage of philosophy articles advancing deductive arguments is higher than those advancing inductive arguments, which (...)
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    Portraits of Change: Using Picture Books to Engage Students in Thematic Civic Education.Alyssa Whitford, Timothy Lintner, Jeremiah Clabough, Caroline Sheffield & I. I. I. William Russell - 2024 - Journal of Social Studies Research 48 (1):49-63.
    This semester-long research project examined the use of social studies trade books to thematically teach about six individuals who served as change agents in the United States during the late 19th century and early 20th century. Three of the individuals were African American men, Robert Smalls, Frederick Douglass, and John Roy Lynch, who took civic action to address racial discrimination faced by the Black community in the half century following the U.S. Civil War. The other three indivduals were women women, (...)
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    Assignment of reference to reflexives and pronouns in picture noun phrases: evidence from eye movements.Jeffrey T. Runner, Rachel S. Sussman & Michael K. Tanenhaus - 2003 - Cognition 89 (1):B1-B13.
  22.  23
    Healthcare Ethics Consultant Certification: The Big Picture.Alexander A. Kon - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (3):19-21.
    Volume 20, Issue 3, March 2020, Page 19-21.
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  23. Frege on Numbers: Beyond the Platonist Picture.Erich H. Reck - 2005 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 13 (2):25-40.
    Gottlob Frege is often called a "platonist". In connection with his philosophy we can talk about platonism concerning three kinds of entities: numbers, or logical objects more generally; concepts, or functions more generally; thoughts, or senses more generally. I will only be concerned about the first of these three kinds here, in particular about the natural numbers. I will also focus mostly on Frege's corresponding remarks in The Foundations of Arithmetic (1884), supplemented by a few asides on Basic Laws of (...)
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    Accommodated authority: Broadening the picture.Laura Caponetto - 2022 - Analysis 82 (4):682-692.
    Speaker authority can spring into existence via accommodation mechanisms: a speaker acts as if they had authority and they can end up obtaining it if nobody objects. Versions of this claim have been advanced by Rae Langton, Ishani Maitra, Maciej Witek, and others. In this paper, I shift the focus from speaker to hearer authority. I develop a three-staged argument, according to which (i) felicity conditions for illocution can be recast in presupposition terms; (ii) just as certain illocutions require speaker (...)
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  25. The World Picture and its Conflict in Dilthey and Heidegger.Eric S. Nelson - 2011 - Humana Mente 4 (18):19–38.
  26.  35
    The distinction between object recognition and picture recognition.Hadyn D. Ellis - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):81-82.
  27.  48
    The Sorites, Linguistic Preconceptions, and the Dual Picture of Vagueness.Mario Gomez-Torrente - 2010 - In Richard Dietz & Sebastiano Moruzzi (eds.), Cuts and clouds: vagueness, its nature, and its logic. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 228-253.
    I postulate that the extension of a degree adjective is fixed by implicitly accepted non-analytic reference-fixing principles (“preconceptions”) that combine appeals to paradigmatic cases with generic principles designed to expand the extension of the adjective beyond the paradigmatic range. In regular occasions of use, the paradigm and generic preconceptions are jointly satisfied and determine the existence of an extension/anti-extension pair dividing the adjective’s comparison class into two mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive subclasses. Sorites paradoxical occasions of use are irregular occasions (...)
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    When having two names facilitates lexical selection: Similar results in the picture-word task from translation distractors in bilinguals and synonym distractors in monolinguals.Alexandra S. Dylman & Christopher Barry - 2018 - Cognition 171 (C):151-171.
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    Pictures, action properties and motor related effects.Gabriele Ferretti - 2016 - Synthese 193 (12):3787-3817.
    The most important question concerning picture perception is: what perceptual state are we in when we see an object in a picture? In order to answer this question, philosophers have used the results of the two visual systems model, according to which our visual system can be divided into two streams, a ventral stream for object recognition, allowing one to perceive from an allocentric frame of reference, and a dorsal stream for visually guided motor interaction, thus allowing one (...)
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    The semantic interference effect in the picture-word interference paradigm: does the response set matter?Alfonso Caramazza & Albert Costa - 2000 - Cognition 75 (2):B51-B64.
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    Emotional Granularity Effects on Event-Related Brain Potentials during Affective Picture Processing.Ja Y. Lee, Kristen A. Lindquist & Chang S. Nam - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  32. Certainties of a world-picture: The epistemological investigations of On Certainty.Michael Kober - 1996 - In Hans D. Sluga & David G. Stern (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Wittgenstein. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. pp. 411--41.
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    Erratum to: Scientific revolutions, specialization and the discovery of the structure of DNA: toward a new picture of the development of the sciences.Vincenzo Politi - 2018 - Synthese 195 (11):5113-5113.
    Both in the bibliography and in the citation in the text, Michelle Gibbons’ article below has been mistakenly attributed to “Gibson.” The proper reference to the article should be: Gibbons, M.. Reassessing discovery: Rosalind Franklin, scientific visualization, and the structure of DNA. _Philosophy of Science, 79_, 63–80.
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    No Mute Picture.Jo Van Cauter - 2022 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 39 (1):1-19.
    In the scholium to proposition 49 of Part 2 of the Ethics, Spinoza addresses a number of prejudices that tend to obscure the essentially judgmental nature of ideas. One warning is issued against those who do not distinguish accurately between ideas and images, and, for this exact reason, fail to see that every idea, insofar as it is an idea, always involves an affirmation that something is the case. This paper shows that in order to properly understand Spinoza's remarks in (...)
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    Is it the picture or is it the frame? An fMRI study on the neurobiology of framing effects.Sarita Silveira, Kai Fehse, Aline Vedder, Katrin Elvers & Kristina Hennig-Fast - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  36.  38
    Different Loci of Semantic Interference in Picture Naming vs. Word-Picture Matching Tasks.Denise Y. Harvey & Tatiana T. Schnur - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Truth as Force: A Materialist Picture.Frieder Vogelmann - forthcoming - Social Epistemology.
    Truth is a contested concept, yet the current contest takes place within an idealistic picture that accords all conceptions of truth three features: truth is singular, atemporal and independent. Because of these features, conceptions of truth within the idealist picture are ‘sovereign’ conceptions of truth that lead to serious obstacles in different parts of philosophy, e.g. regarding the concept of normativity or the relationship between truth and politics. The article makes a case for changing the underlying philosophical (...) in which truth is conceptualised. To that end, it sketches a materialist picture that can account for the contextuality, historicity and plurality of truth, leading to ‘non-sovereign’ conceptions of truth. Thinking of truth as a force that emerges from social practices but is not reducible to them, that is weak in comparison to other forces (like affects or social power), that exclusively targets subjectivities and that has a ‘ratchet effect’ on these subjectivities provides enough details of the materialist picture to overcome the obstacles mentioned. (shrink)
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  38. Sketch for a historical picture of the progress of the human mind.Marquis de Condorcet - unknown
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    Parent–Toddler Behavior and Language Differ When Reading Electronic and Print Picture Books.Gabrielle A. Strouse & Patricia A. Ganea - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    In Defense of the Standard Picture: The Basic Challenge.Larry Alexander - 2021 - Ratio Juris 34 (3):187-206.
    In this article I defend what Mark Greenberg has labeled the standard picture of law against the attack on it by Greenberg and Scott Hershovitz. I point out that law on the standard picture’s conception of it has moral virtues that Greenberg's own moral impact theory and Hershovitz’s similar theory lack. Moreover, it avoids a vicious circularity that bedevils Greenberg’s theory.
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  41. Understanding pictures.Dominic Lopes - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    There is not one but many ways to picture the world--Australian "x-ray" pictures, cubish collages, Amerindian split-style figures, and pictures in two-point perspective each draw attention to different features of what they represent. Understanding Pictures argues that this diversity is the central fact with which a theory of figurative pictures must reckon. Lopes advances the theory that identifying pictures' subjects is akin to recognizing objects whose appearances have changed over time. He develops a schema for categorizing the different ways (...)
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    Set size and repetition in the picture–word interference paradigm: implications for models of naming.Alfonso Caramazza & Albert Costa - 2001 - Cognition 80 (3):291-298.
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  43. 4. A Version of the Picture Theory.Peter M. Sullivan - 2001 - In Wilhelm Vossenkuhl (ed.), Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus logico-philosophicus. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. pp. 89-110.
    0. My aims in this paper are largely expository: I am more interested in presenting the picture theory than deciding its truth. Even so, I hope that the arguments by which I develop the theory will do something to support it, since I believe that what I will present as Wittgenstein's view is indeed the truth. This is not an admission of insanity, though some things that have been thought intrinsic to the picture theory are things it would (...)
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    From Empirical Evidence to the Big Picture: Some Reflections on Riegl’s Concept of Kunstwollen.Jas' Elsner - 2006 - Critical Inquiry 32 (4):741.
  45.  15
    Peter Seidel, Uncommon Sense: Shortcomings of the Human Mind for Handling Big-Picture, Long-Term Challenges.Susan Paulson - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (5):658-660.
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    The Phenomenological Picture of the ‘Region’ We Live in - A Phenomenological-Qualitative Research Challenging for the Quantitative-Econometric One -. 최경섭 - 2015 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 126:185.
    현대의 사회과학에서 질적 연구는 양적(계량적) 연구에 비해 그 영역과 방법이 상당히 모호한 것으로 여겨져 왔다. 질적 연구는 양적 연구의 변수나 가설을 구축하기 위한 전(前)계량적 준비의 단계로 간주되기도 한다. 하지만 ‘현상학적인’ 질적 연구에 대해 말하자면, 후설과 하이데거가 열어놓은, 계량화 할 수 없는 ‘생생한 체험’의 영역을 탐구한다는 고유한 위상을 가질 수 있다. 한국에 거주하는 외국인 학생 두 명을 심층 인터뷰해서, 그들이 사는 ‘지역’인 ‘한국’을 현상학적인 방법으로 탐구해보았다. ‘생생한 체험’의 논리로서 하이데거의 ‘시간성’을 적용해서, 그들 각각의 시간성의 지평에서 어떤 미래투사와 어떤 과거회수 사이에 어떤 (...)
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    The linguistic picture of the world through the prism of the words-symbols of 2020.V. Zueva & O. Koloskova - forthcoming - Liberal Arts in Russia.
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    Improving Medical Decisions for Incapacitated Persons: Does Focusing on “Accurate Predictions” Lead to an Inaccurate Picture?Scott Y. H. Kim - 2014 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 39 (2):187-195.
    The Patient Preference Predictor (PPP) proposal places a high priority on the accuracy of predicting patients’ preferences and finds the performance of surrogates inadequate. However, the quest to develop a highly accurate, individualized statistical model has significant obstacles. First, it will be impossible to validate the PPP beyond the limit imposed by 60%–80% reliability of people’s preferences for future medical decisions—a figure no better than the known average accuracy of surrogates. Second, evidence supports the view that a sizable minority of (...)
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    How Long Has the Earth Existed? Persuasion and World‐Picture in Wittgenstein's On Certainty.Luigi Perissinotto - 2015 - Philosophical Investigations 39 (2):154-177.
    In some sections of On Certainty, Wittgenstein uses the term “persuasion,” pitting it, on the one hand, against “giving reasons”, and comparing it, on the other, to conversion, while, finally, defining it as “giving someone one's own picture of the world.” In this essay, I analyse these sections, in an effort to fit them into the broader context of On Certainty, and to clarify the meaning and the limits of the comparison between persuasion and conversion. My aim is to (...)
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  50. What's in a (Mental) Picture.Alberto Voltolini - 2015 - In Alessandro Torza (ed.), Quantifiers, Quantifiers, and Quantifiers. Themes in Logic, Metaphysics, and Language. (Synthese Library vol. 373). Springer. pp. 389-406.
    In this paper, I will present several interpretations of Brentano’s notion of the intentional inexistence of a mental state’s intentional object, i.e., what that state is about. I will moreover hold that, while all the interpretations from Section 1 to Section 4 are wrong, the penultimate interpretation that I focus in Section 5, the one according to which intentional inexistence amounts to the individuation of a mental state by means of its intentional object, is correct provided that it is nested (...)
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