Results for 'Philosophy, Argentine'

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  1.  66
    Contemporary argentine philosophy.Risieri Frondizi - 1943 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 4 (2):180-186.
  2.  13
    Three Argentine thinkers.Solomon Lipp - 1969 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
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    The First Argentine Congress of Philosophy.Oswaldo Robles - 1950 - Modern Schoolman 27 (4):311-314.
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    Three Argentine Thinkers. [REVIEW]B. H. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (2):349-350.
    This volume is a welcome, exciting, and unusually informative addition to what now seems a definite trend toward introducing Latin-American philosophers to the English-reading world. The preface contains a brief review of milestones in this development, which the interested reader will find handy as reference. The principal features common to post-revolutionary Latin-American intellectual history are very present in Lipp's examination of Argentine thought; namely, the dedication to some principle of activism, the search for an authentic national character, a national (...)
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  5. Cdd: 146.42 Quinean views in argentine analytic philosophy.Alberto Moretti - 1999 - Manuscrito 22:61.
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    Three Argentine Thinkers.Marjorie S. Harris - 1969 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 30 (3):470-470.
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  7. The Legal Exceptionality of Exile. An Approach to Punitive Chilean and Argentine Expulsion of the Military Dictatorships.Mariela Cecilia Avila - 2018 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 7 (12):69-102.
    El presente trabajo busca acercarse al problema del exilio como categoría jurídico-política. Con esta finalidad, se hace un recorrido sobre la noción misma de exilio en tanto pena desde sus orígenes en el derecho romano arcaico. Interesa de modo particular ver el lugar que esta institución punitiva ha tenido en la política latinoamericana, tanto en el momento de su constitución política bajo la forma de Estado-nación, como en las últimas dictaduras militares de la región. En vistas a desarrollar un análisis (...)
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    Theatrical aesthetics of liberation. The claim for life on the Argentine scene.Lola Proaño Gómez - 2022 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 3 (5):e21085.
    We propose a theatrical Aesthetics of liberation understood as one that articulates imaginary, visual, or textual bridges between the opening to the context-world and its impact on subjectivity and that gives rise to a scenic production favorable to the conservation and improvement of life that raises opposition or rejection of those contexts that are not conducive to it. We will observe the productions of the theatrical scene in three moments of the recent Argentine past to visualize both the resistance (...)
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  9.  28
    Liberation Philosophy, Anti-Fetishism, and Decolonization.Rafael Vizcaíno - 2021 - Journal of World Philosophies 6 (2):61-75.
    The trope of fetishization is central to Latin American liberation philosophy and its proposal for an “anti-fetishist” method. In this essay, I offer a genealogy of the trope of fetishization in the work of the Argentine-Mexican philosopher of liberation Enrique Dussel. Engaging recent work in cultural anthropology that demonstrates how the notion of “fetishism” develops out of a one-sided Eurocentric anthropology of religion that misrepresents elements of Afro-Atlantic religions, I argue that without a serious revision of the metaphysical premises (...)
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  10.  20
    The Theme of Man in the Argentine.George J. Seidel - 1967 - International Philosophical Quarterly 7 (1):118-128.
  11. Philosophy and History in the historiographical discussions between José Ingenieros and Alejandro Korn.Lucas Domínguez Rubio - 2017 - Prismas: Revista de Historia Intelectual 21:75-94.
    From 1912, Alejandro Korn and José Ingenieros began to publish articles that then would be part of their historical works, respectively, Influencias filosóficas en la evolución nacional and La evolución de las ideas argentinas. Therefore, they started to generate some discussion in reference to sections that they knew of each other's work. Being the first major works from a developing philosophical field about the history of Argentine thought, their authors sought to create cultural traditions to affirm their own academic, (...)
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  12.  34
    The Descent of Thought and a Beginning of World Philosophies.Alejandro A. Vallega - 2020 - Journal of World Philosophies 5 (1):61-75.
    This essay invites the reader to engage in a path towards understanding philosophy in terms of “world philosophies” rather than mapping out thought to the already operative westernizing conceptions of what “philosophy” is. The question of “world philosophies” is taken up through the way that Latin American thought is situated inbetween lineages and traditions. The essay focuses on the transformative encounter between Heidegger’s thought during the period of Being and Time and the Argentine thinker Rodolfo Kusch. In contrast to (...)
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  13.  15
    Entretiens avec Mario Bunge: une philosophie pour l''ge de la science.Mario Bunge & Laurent-Michel Vacher - 1993 - Montréal : Liber.
    Ces entretiens permettent de mieux connaître Mario Bunge, originaire de l'Argentine et professeur à l'Université McGill, ainsi que la philosophie moderne et quelques-uns de ses représentants.
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  14.  24
    Philosophy of science management in Argentina from the history of CONICET.Elvio Galati - 2016 - Cinta de Moebio 55:80-95.
    The methodology of this paper is documentary, compiling textbooks and scientific articles related to Argentine scientific history, mainly referring to CONICET. The purpose is to show that a complete epistemological study cannot be done without giving an account of its sociological and historical context, in this case, specifically referred to the management of science. The perspective of this paper is more philosophical than historical, doing discourse analysis and interpretation. Management, a sociological element, has a close relationship with science, and (...)
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  15.  64
    Toward a Philosophy of History.José Ortega Y. Gasset & Helene Weyl, Transl and Foreword - 1941 - Urbana: W. W. Norton, Co..
    Contents: Translator's foreword – Author's foreword – The Sportive Origin of the State (El origen deportivo del Estado, 1924) – Unity and Disunity of Europe (Prólogo para franceses, 1937) – Man the Technician (Meditación de la técnica, 1939) – History as a System (Historia como sistema, 1935) – The Argentine State and the Argentinean (El hombre a la defensiva, 1929).
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  16.  34
    On the Unity of the Philosophies of the Two Americas.Risieri Frondizi - 1951 - Review of Metaphysics 4 (4):617 - 622.
    The general attitude among scholars of both Americas is to deny the existence of such a thing as a Pan-American philosophy. South of the Rio Grande there are those who hold that we cannot even properly speak of Latin-American philosophy, but must speak only of Mexican, Argentine or Brazilian philosophies. Since the truth of this last statement will imply a negative answer to the question of the existence of Pan-American philosophy, let us discuss it, though briefly, in the first (...)
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  17.  11
    The Reception of Phenomenology in Argentina by Eugenio Pucciarelli: His Ideal of a Militant and Humanist Philosophy Underpinned by a Pluralistic Conception of Reason and Time.Irene Breuer - 2023 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 12 (2):398-432.
    This paper focuses on the Argentine philosopher Eugenio Pucciarelli (1907–1995) and his critical reception of phenomenology. It introduces to his contribution to phenomenology in the context of its early reception in Argentina and addresses the following issues: 1) the mission of philosophy, the various ways of accessing its essence, in particular those of Scheler, Dilthey and Husserl, 2) his reception of Husserl as far as the ideals of science and reason are concerned, 3) the crisis of reason 4) his (...)
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  18.  7
    Las ideas y sus historiadores: un fragmento del campo intelectual en los años noventa.Alejandro Herrero & Roger Chartier - 1996 - Centro de Publicaciones Universidad Nacional del Litoral.
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    Las direcciones filosóficas de la cultura argentina.José Ingenieros - 1963 - [Buenos Aires]: Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires.
    Las direcciones filosoficas de la cultura Argentina. Jose Ingenieros. Italo Argentino 1877 - 1925".
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  20.  11
    Hégémonie, populisme, émancipation: perspectives sur la philosophie d'Ernesto Laclau (1935-2014).Rada Iveković, Diogo Sardinha & Patrice Vermeren (eds.) - 2021 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Ernesto Laclau (1935-2014) est reconnu aujourd'hui comme l'un des philosophes politiques principaux pour le XXIe siècle. Cet ouvrage poursuit les débats entrepris avec lui, et réunit quelques-uns de ses principaux interlocuteurs en France (Étienne Balibar, Toni Negri, Jacques Rancière), aux États-Unis (Judith Butler, Nancy Fraser) et en Argentine (Horacio González, Leonor Arfuch, Emilio de Ipola, Senda Sferco). Laclau a écrit des ouvrages devenus des références sur l'hégémonie, le populisme et l'émancipation. Longtemps ignorées par la philosophie institutionnelle et méconnues du (...)
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  21.  8
    Identidad y libertad en la filosofía argentina: estudio a través de Zum Felde, Korn, Fatone, Mallea y Estrada.Lértora Mendoza & Celina Ana (eds.) - 2012 - Buenos Aires: Ediciones F.E.P.A.I..
  22. (1 other version)La filosofía en Argentina actual.Alberto Caturelli - 1962 - [Córdoba]: Dirección General de Publicidad, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
  23.  14
    Los krausistas argentinos.Arturo Andrés Roig - 2006 - Buenos Aires: Ediciones El Andariego.
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    Precisiones sobre la evolución del pensamiento argentino.Coriolano Alberini - 1981 - Docencia.
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  25.  4
    Historia de la filosofía en Córdoba, 1610-1983.Alberto Caturelli - 1992 - [S.l.: [S.N.].
    El grado de detalle a que llega la obra puede apreciarse por el hecho de dedicar tres volúmenes a la filosofía en un sola ciudad, bien que ella fue de gran importancia cultural, especialmente en los siglos XVII y XVIII. A estos siglos está dedicado el vol. 1, en tanto el vol. 2 lo está al siglo XIX y el vol. 3 al siglo XX. La obra adquiere su mayor valor en la exposición de la filosofía colonial. En el balance (...)
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  26.  8
    Features of the historical self-identification of the “Philosophy of Liberation”: the role of the intellectual personality.Alexey Basmanov - 2022 - Cuestiones de Filosofía 8 (31):149-161.
    This article examines the views of Latin American philosophers on the process of formation of the Latin American subject of history, its characteristic features, as well as the role of the intellectual in this process. The main objective of this paper is to demonstrate the position of the prominent Argentine philosopher A. A. Roig, and to compare his position with the position of another well-known representative of the philosophy of liberation (E. Dussel). In this paper therefore, Roig's works devoted (...)
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  27. La filosofía en la Universidad de Córdoba a fines del siglo XVIII.Raúl Andrés Orgaz - 1942 - Córdoba: (R.A.) Universidad nacional de Córdoba. Edited by Mariano Antezana & Nicolás Laguna.
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  28. Influenza italiana nella filosofia rioplatense.Francesco E. Marcianó (ed.) - 1969 - Firenze,: Valmartina.
    Influencia de la Escolástica italiana en la Neoescolástica argentina. Presencia de Rosmini en el pensamiento argentino. Por A. A. Caturelli.--La influencia filosófica de Benedetto Croce en la Argentina, por R. M. Agoglia.--Presencia e influencia de Michele Federico Sciacca en Argentina: su obra, sus visitas, su persona, por M. G. Casas.--Un caso eccezionale nella filosofia uruguayana: Fernando Beltramo, di D. G. Grecchi.
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  29.  9
    Temas esenciales: esencias del pensamiento constructivo : ensayos.Argentino Díaz González - 1993 - Bs. As. [i.e. Buenos Aires]: Coronel Pringles.
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    Encender la teoría: lecturas de la modernidad desde América Latina contemporánea.Santiago Polop (ed.) - 2015 - Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina: UniRío Editora.
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    Tiempo y nacimiento: responsabilidad y conciencia histórica en la obra filosófica de Alberto Rougès.Eduardo Oscar Manso - 2008 - [Santa Fe, Argentina]: Universidad Católica de Santa Fe.
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    Esencialismo.Francisco Copelli Y. Marroni - 1957 - Buenos Aires,: Ediciones Galeón.
  33.  12
    Historia del pensamiento filosófico argentino.Diego F. Pró - 1974 - Mendoza: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Instituto de Filosofía.
  34. América y las ideologías.Arturo García Astrada - 1971 - [Córdoba, Argentina]: Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
    Europa y la crisis de las ideologías.--Prospectiva de la filosofía argentina.
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  35.  16
    Carlos Astrada: la filosofía argentina.Guillermo David - 2004 - Capital Federal Bs. As., Argentina: El Cielo por Asalto.
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    (1 other version)Filosofía y nación: estudios sobre el pensamiento argentino.José Pablo Feinmann - 1982 - [Buenos Aires]: Ariel.
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    La filosofía argentina en la segunda mitad del siglo XX: testimonios.Lértora Mendoza & Celina Ana (eds.) - 2015 - Bahía Blanca: Universidad Nacional del Sur.
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    Filosofía argentina reciente: nuevos enfoques historiográficos.Lértora Mendoza, Celina Ana & María Victoria Santarsola (eds.) - 2019 - Buenos Aires: Ediciones F.E.P.A.I..
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    Cambiar de ideas: cuatro tentativas sobre Oscar Terán.Omar Acha - 2017 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Prometeo Libros.
  40. Para la historia de las ideas argentinas.Delfina Varela Domínguez de Ghioldi - 1952 - Buenos Aires,: Parlamento Libre.
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  41.  7
    Diálogos existenciales: la filosofía alemana en la Argentina peronista (1946-1955).Clara Ruvituso - 2015 - Madrid: Iberoamericana.
  42.  14
    Hermenéutica para la historia de la filosofía argentina.Lértora Mendoza & Celina Ana (eds.) - 2016 - Buenos Aires: Ediciones F.E.P.A.I..
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    La filosofía argentina de mediados del siglo XX: figuras, temas y perspectivas.Marisa Muñoz & Aldana Contardi (eds.) - 2022 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Prometeo Libros.
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    Una página de historia en la naciente filosofía argentina y otros ensayos cŕiticos.Alfredo Coviello - 1942 - Tucumán (Rep. argentina): Grupo Septentrión.
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    La revuelta del sentido: el paso (no) literario de León Rozitchner.Maximiliano Crespi - 2019 - [Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires]: La Cebra.
  46.  4
    La filosofía en la Argentina.Juan Carlos Torchia Estrada - 1961 - Washington,: Unión Panamericana.
  47. Problema cheloveka i obshchestva v filosofii Argentiny.V. G. Aladʹin - 1986 - Moskva: Izd-vo Universiteta druzhby narodov.
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  48.  7
    La filosofía en la Argentina.Luis Farré - 1981 - Buenos Aires: Proyecto CINAE, Centro de Investigación y Acción Educativa. Edited by Lértora Mendoza & Celina Ana.
  49. Nacimiento y desarrollo de la filsofía en el Río de la Plata, 1536-1810.Guillermo Fúrlong Cárdiff - 1952 - Buenos Aires,: G. Kraft.
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  50.  10
    Política, educación y sociedad, en la filosofía argentina del siglo XX.Lértora Mendoza, Celina Ana & H. Muzzopappa (eds.) - 2018 - Buenos Aires: Ediciones F.E.P.A.I..
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