Results for 'Philosophy in Schools'

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  1.  38
    Philosophy in schools: A request for clarification.Ruth Jonathan & Nigel Blake - 1988 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 22 (2):221–227.
    Ruth Jonathan, Nigel Blake; Philosophy in Schools: a request for clarification, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 22, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 221–2.
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    Philosophy in Schools: A Catholic School Perspective.Sean Whittle - 2015 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 49 (4):590-606.
    This article builds on the recent Special Interest issue of this journal on ‘Philosophy for Children in Transition’ and the way that the debate about philosophy in schools has now shifted to whether or not it ought to be a compulsory part of the curriculum. This article puts the spotlight on Catholic schools in order to present a different argument in favour of introducing compulsory philosophy lessons into the curriculum. It is explained that in faith (...)
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    Philosophy in Schools.Debbie Whittaker - 2008 - Questions: Philosophy for Young People 8:2-2.
    Description of the Center for the Advancement of Philosophy in the Schools (CAPS) program at California State University, Long Beach. The program places undergraduate philosophy students in area schools to lead pre-college students in various philosophical learning activities.
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    Philosophy in Schools.Debbie Whittaker - 2008 - Questions 8:2-2.
    Description of the Center for the Advancement of Philosophy in the Schools (CAPS) program at California State University, Long Beach. The program places undergraduate philosophy students in area schools to lead pre-college students in various philosophical learning activities.
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    Philosophy in Schools: a reply to Jonathan & Blake.George MacDonald Ross - 1988 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 22 (2):229-238.
    George MacDonald Ross; Philosophy in Schools: a reply to Jonathan & Blake, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 22, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 229–23.
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  6. Philosophy in schools: Education for democracy or democratic education.Gilbert Burgh - 2003 - Critical and Creative Thinking: The Australasian Journal of Philosophy in Schools 11 (2):18–30.
    I argue that philosophical inquiry as underpinning educational practice can reduce the fragmentation in the school curriculum, and therefore, create an educational environment that is in accord with the Adelaide Declaration on the National Goals for Schooling in the Twenty-First Century, and in Queensland, the 2010 Initiative. It can also promote democratic practice itself as opposed to students merely practising the processes of democracy while at school in preparation to function effectively as future democratic citizens.
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  7. Philosophy in school curriculum.Ann Margaret Sharp - 2017 - In Saeed Naji & Rosnani Hashim, History, Theory and Practices of Philosophy for Children: International Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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    Philosophy in schools.George MacDonald Ross - 1988 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 22 (2):207–219.
    George MacDonald Ross; Philosophy in Schools, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 22, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 207–219,
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    Why Teach Philosophy in Schools? The Case for Philosophy on the Curriculum.Jane Gatley - 2023 - London: Bloomsbury.
    This book presents a case for teaching philosophy in schools. It develops two original arguments for teaching philosophy to all students at some point over the course of their education. Gatley argues that teaching philosophy is the best way to help students to think clearly using ordinary, or non-specialist concepts such as 'good', 'truth', or 'happiness'. She goes on to argue that teaching philosophy is the best way to help students to make sense of the (...)
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    Philosophy in Schools.Michael Hand & Carrie Winstanley (eds.) - 2008 - London: Continuum.
    A collection of original philosophical essays that together make a robust case for the teaching of philosophy in schools. >.
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  11. Philosophy in schools : an Australian perspective.Gilbert Burgh - 2017 - In Saeed Naji & Rosnani Hashim, History, Theory and Practices of Philosophy for Children: International Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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    Philosophy in Schools and Democracy.Guy Stock - 1987 - Cogito 1 (1):19-21.
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    Philosophy in Schools: Can Early Exposure Help Solve Philosophy's Gender Problem?Gina Schouten - 2016 - Hypatia 31 (2):275-292.
    In this article, I explore a new reason in favor of precollegiate philosophy: It could help narrow the persistent gender disparity within the discipline. I catalog some of the most widely endorsed explanations for the underrepresentation of women in philosophy and argue that, on each hypothesized explanation, precollegiate philosophy instruction could help improve our discipline's gender balance. Explanations I consider include stereotype threat, gendered philosophical intuitions, inhospitable disciplinary environment, lack of same-sex role models for women students in (...)
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    Philosophy in Schools: Then and Now.Megan J. Laverty - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 1 (1):107-130.
    It is twelve years since the article you are about to read was published. During that time, the philosophy in schools movement has expanded and diversified in response to curriculum developments, teaching guides, web-based resources, dissertations, empirical research and theoretical scholarship. Philosophy and philosophy of education journals regularly publish articles and special issues on pre-college philosophy. There are more opportunities for undergraduate and graduate philosophy students to practice and research philosophy for/with children in (...)
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  15. Philosophy in philosophy in schools.Peter Worley - 2009 - Think 8 (23):63-75.
    There has recently been a great deal written about philosophy in schools and in this article I shall be addressing some of the main concerns raised in objection to philosophy with young people. By young people I have in mind those in primary school from reception through to Year 6.
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    Philosophy in Schools: An Australian perspective.Burgh Gilbert - 2017 - In Saeed Naji & Rosnani Hashim, History, Theory and Practices of Philosophy for Children: International Perspectives. New York: Routledge. pp. 157-166.
    An interview that addresses the issue of the development of philosophy in schools in Australia, that suggests it is the educational culture that has had the most effect on modifying Matthew Lipman's philosophy for children, leading to a proliferation of new materials.
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    Philosophy in Schools.Felicity Haynes (ed.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    In 1972, Matthew Lipman founded the Institute of Advancement for Philosophy for Children, producing a series of novels and teaching manuals promoting philosophical inquiry at all levels of schooling. The programme consisted of stories about children discussing traditional topics of ethics, values, logic, reality, perception, and politics, as they related to their own daily experiences. Philosophy for Children has been adapted beyond the IAPC texts, but the process remains one of an open community of inquiry in which teachers (...)
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    (1 other version)Philosophy in Schools[REVIEW]Tim Sprod - 2009 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 19 (2-3):97-99.
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    Jane Gatley, "Why Teach Philosophy in Schools?".Robert Hudson - 2024 - Philosophy in Review 44 (1):26-29.
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    Philosophy in Schools. By M. Hand and C. Winstanley, C. (eds). [REVIEW]Mary Healy - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 45 (1):167-169.
    London/New York, Continuum, 2008. Pp. 194.Pbk. £24.99.
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    Unveiling and packaging: A model for presenting philosophy in schools.Michelle Sowey - 2021 - Human Affairs 31 (4):398-408.
    As a philosopher and a reflective practitioner of philosophy in schools, I explore two aspects of presentation which I call unveiling and packaging. Both aspects bear on the work of designing and facilitating philosophy workshops for school students. I describe unveiling philosophy as a practice of collaborative inquiry and dialogic argument: social processes that foster thinking skills and dispositions, an evaluativist epistemology, and a range of constructive norms. I then discuss packaging philosophical materials in ways that (...)
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    In defence of philosophy in schools.Dr P. M. Ward - 1983 - British Journal of Educational Studies 31 (3):252-264.
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    Why Teach Philosophy in Schools: The Case for Philosophy on the Curriculum by Jane Gatley.John Milkovich - 2024 - Precollege Philosophy and Public Practice 6:67-70.
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    Philosophy in schools: an introduction for philosophers and teachers.Sara Goering, Nicholas J. Shudak & Thomas E. Wartenberg (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    All of us ponder the big and enduring human questions—Who am I? Am I free? What should I do? What is good? Is there justice?
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  25. Philosophy in Schools: An Introduction for Philosophers and Teachers. [REVIEW]Laura D’Olimpio - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 3 (1):104-106.
    Philosophy in Schools: An introduction for philosophers and teachers edited by Sara Goering, Nicholas J Shudak and Thomas E Wartenberg. Taylor & Francis, New York, NY. ISBN: 9780415640633. The edited collection Philosophy in Schools: An introduction for philosophers and teachers is exactly that; an introduction to the central ideas of the Philosophy in Schools movement, with tips and strategies as to how to implement Philosophy for Children in your classroom or educational space. With (...)
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    Aberdeen’s Centre for Philosophy in Schools.Eric Matthews - 1988 - Cogito 2 (3):20-21.
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    In defence of philosophy in schools.P. M. Ward - 1983 - British Journal of Educational Studies 31 (3):252-264.
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    A Handy Account of Philosophy in Schools.Clinton Golding - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 1 (1):68-88.
    Philosophy in Schools is a complex educational practice, unfamiliar to most teachers and philosophers, subtly different to similar forms of education, and so easy to misunderstand and mishandle. Because of this, a common worry for practitioners is whether they are doing it properly. Given this slipperiness of Philosophy in Schools, one of my main concerns has been to give an account that would be useful; that could guide practitioners to teach well. I presented my first account (...)
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    Philosophy in Schools – By M. Hand & C. Winstanley.Leon Benade - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (7):808-811.
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    The conundrum in the collective indian psyche regarding teaching philosophy in schools.Arvind Venkatasubramanian - 2020 - Childhood and Philosophy 16 (36):01-26.
    India now constitutes approximately 17% of the world’s population and has a high proportion of younger people. Philosophy for school children aims to create better citizens of the future. In this article, I establish the need to teach philosophy to children in schools, especially in India. Subsequently, I discuss the readiness of Indians to accept philosophy in the school curriculum, their conundrum in understanding the need for philosophy in a school setting, and the East-West dilemma (...)
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    An Axiomatic System Based on Ladd-Franklin's Antilogism.Fangzhou Xu School of Philosophy, Beijing & People'S. Republic of China - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (3):302-322.
    This paper sketches the antilogism of Christine Ladd-Franklin and historical advancement about antilogism, mainly constructs an axiomatic system Atl based on first-order logic with equality and the wholly-exclusion and not-wholly-exclusion relations abstracted from the algebra of Ladd-Franklin, with soundness and completeness of Atl proved, providing a simple and convenient tool on syllogistic reasoning. Atl depicts the empty class and the whole class differently from normal set theories, e.g. ZFC, revealing another perspective on sets and set theories. Two series of Dotterer (...)
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    Philosophy in Primary Schools?John White - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (3):449-460.
    The article is a critical discussion of the aims behind the teaching of philosophy in British primary schools. It begins by reviewing the recent Special Issue of the Journal of Philosophy of Education Vol 45 Issue 2 2011 on ‘Philosophy for Children in Transition’, so as to see what light this might throw on the topic just mentioned. The result is patchy; many, but not all, of the papers in the Special Issue deal with issues far (...)
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    Philosophers in Schools: An assessment of the ongoing partnership between The Philosophy Foundation and King’s College London’s Philosophy Department.Henrik Røed Sherling & Emma Swinn - 2023 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 10 (2).
    In this paper, we pause to assess a long-standing and ongoing outreach programme by King’s College London and The Philosophy Foundation. In it, philosophy students at university are recruited and trained to facilitate philosophy sessions for pupils who go to schools with high rates of free school meals. This paper describes every stage of that programme, from the recruitment and training of students to the difficulties that can accrue along the way. It also argues that the (...)
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    Developing ethical formation through literature and philosophy in school.Lisa Rygaard Frost Kristensen - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 11 (2):61-78.
    When working with literature in the philosophical classroom, teachers can take pupils on journeys through time, history, other cultures, and fictional universes. Since literature invites readers into the lives and minds of others, the pupils can try on another person’s thoughts, emotions, life experiences, perspectives, attitudes, and worldviews. Thus, literature offers a unique window of experiences that has great potential for the philosophical classroom. In this—primarily theoretical—article, it is argued that the combination of literature and philosophy is valuable when (...)
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    What is ‘philosophy’? Understandings of philosophy circulating in the literature on the teaching and learning of philosophy in schools.Lynne Bowyer, Claire Amos & Deborah Stevens - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 7 (1):38.
    This paper is based on a literature review of articles discussing the teaching and learning of philosophy in primary and secondary schools. The purpose of this review was to address two research questions: What 'is 'philosophy? What does philosophy do? This paper addresses the first research question—What 'is' philosophy?—by gathering together the various understandings of the word ‘philosophy’ circulating in the literature. There are ten understandings of what philosophy 'is' that have arisen from (...)
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    Social reconstruction learning: dualism, Dewey and philosophy in schools.Jennifer Bleazby - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    This volume argues that educational problems have their basis in an ideology of binary opposites often referred to as dualism, and that it is partly because mainstream schooling incorporates dualism that it is unable to facilitate the thinking skills, dispositions and understandings necessary for autonomy, democratic citizenship and leading a meaningful life. Bleazby proposes an approach to schooling termed social reconstruction learning, in which students engage in philosophical inquiries with members of their community in order to reconstruct real social problems, (...)
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    Plato, metacognition and philosophy in schools.Peter Worley - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 5 (1):76-91.
    In this article, I begin by saying something about what metacognition is and why it is desirable within education. I then outline how Plato anticipates this concept in his dialogue Meno. This is not just a historical point; by dividing the cognitive self into a three-in-one—a ‘learner’, a ‘teacher’ and an ‘evaluator’—Plato affords us a neat metaphorical framework for understanding metacognition that, I contend, is valuable today. In addition to aiding our understanding of this concept, Plato’s model of metacognition not (...)
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    Philosophy in the School Music Program.Bennett Reimer - 2005 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 13 (2):132-135.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy in the School Music ProgramBennett ReimerWho is philosophy of music education for? Several groups of people immediately spring to mind. First, it is for those of us in music education who produce it and consume it as a major or important responsibility in our work—people like members of our Special Research Interest Group at MENC. Second, teachers of music education courses at the undergraduate and graduate (...)
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    (2 other versions)Philosophy in the Schools Project.David A. Shapiro - 2002 - Questions: Philosophy for Young People 2:8-8.
    In the pursuit of a quality and well-rounded education with philosophy, Shapiro conducts an introductory lesson to students and teachers alike in order to develop deeper, more philosophical questions from their students. Academically, the article expands detail on tutoring in philosophy, analytical practices, and metaphysical activities.
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  40. Philosophy in Schools: An Introduction for Philosophers and Teachers, ed. Sara Goering, Nicholas J. Shudak, and Thomas E. Wartenberg. [REVIEW]Christina Hendricks - 2015 - Teaching Philosophy 38 (3):339-343.
  41. (1 other version)Philosophy in Education: Questioning and Dialogue in Schools.Jana Mohr Lone & Michael D. Burroughs - 2015 - Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Edited by Michael D. Burroughs.
    Philosophy in Education: Questioning and Dialogue in Schools is intended for philosophers and philosophy students, precollege classroom teachers, administrators and educators, policymakers, and pre-college practitioners of all kinds. This text book offers a wealth of practical resources and lesson plans for use in precollege classrooms, as well as consideration of many of the broader educational, social, and political topics in the field.
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  42. The Ethics of Narrative Art: philosophy in schools, compassion and learning from stories.Laura D’Olimpio & Andrew Peterson - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 5 (1):92-110.
    Following neo-Aristotelians Alasdair MacIntyre and Martha Nussbaum, we claim that humans are story-telling animals who learn from the stories of diverse others. Moral agents use rational emotions, such as compassion which is our focus here, to imaginatively reconstruct others’ thoughts, feelings and goals. In turn, this imaginative reconstruction plays a crucial role in deliberating and discerning how to act. A body of literature has developed in support of the role narrative artworks (i.e. novels and films) can play in allowing us (...)
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  43. Teaching philosophy in secondary-schools-experiences and proposals.Ma Deltorre - 1993 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 48 (1):163-175.
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    Time, Thinking, and the Experience of Philosophy in School.Walter Omar Kohan - 2016 - Philosophy of Education 72:429-436.
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    Philosophy in Spanish Schools.John White - 1988 - Cogito 2 (3):32-33.
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    Philosophy in Education: Questioning and Dialogue in Schools.Trevor Norris - 2019 - Philosophical Inquiry in Education 26 (1).
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    PERSPECTIVES: The Center for the Advancement of Philosophy in Schools.Sara Goering - 2002 - Questions 2:10-10.
    Goering writes on the perspectives of her students through contrasting philosophy to unrelated anthological texts which include language arts and history.
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    Teaching Philosophy in the Comprehensive School.W. Scott - 1982 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 3 (3-4):31-34.
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  49. Philosophy in High Schools.Jana Mohr Lone & Mitchell Green - 2013 - Teaching Philosophy 36 (3):213-215.
  50. Teaching and Learning Philosophy in Ontario High Schools.Trevor Norris & Pinto Bialystok, Norris - 2019 - Journal of Curriculum Studies 8.
    Primary objective: This study represents the first large-scale research on high school philosophy in a public education curriculum in North America. Our objective was to identify the impacts of high school philosophy, as well as the challenges of teaching it in its current format in Ontario high schools. Research design: The qualitative research design captured the perspectives of students and teachers with respect to philosophy at the high school level. All data collection was structured around central (...)
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