Results for 'Philippe Svandra'

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    Du concept au problème.Philippe Svandra - 2012 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 62 (2):52-57.
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    Michel Foucault et le christianisme.Philippe Chevallier - 2011 - Lyon: ENS éditions.
    Des premiers rites baptismaux à la confession moderne, les références au christianisme sont constantes dans l'œuvre de Michel Foucault. Cette constance s'inscrit dans un questionnement philosophique plus large sur notre actualité : comprendre le rapport que nous avons aujourd'hui à nous-mêmes demande de s'interroger sur les actes de vérité que l'Occident a instaurés depuis les premiers siècles chrétiens. Que faut-il dire et manifester de soi pour être transformé dans son être, pardonné, sauvé, jugé ou guéri)? Ce livre propose une étude (...)
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    The Dynamics of Epistemic Attitudes in Resource-Bounded Agents.Philippe Balbiani, David Fernández-Duque & Emiliano Lorini - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (3):457-488.
    The paper presents a new logic for reasoning about the formation of beliefs through perception or through inference in non-omniscient resource-bounded agents. The logic distinguishes the concept of explicit belief from the concept of background knowledge. This distinction is reflected in its formal semantics and axiomatics: we use a non-standard semantics putting together a neighborhood semantics for explicit beliefs and relational semantics for background knowledge, and we have specific axioms in the logic highlighting the relationship between the two concepts. Mental (...)
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    From Viruses to Genes: Syncytins.Philippe Pérot, Pierre-Adrien Bolze & François Mallet - 2012 - In Witzany Guenther (ed.), Viruses: Essential Agents of Life. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 325--361.
  5. Robustness and the genotype phenotype maps.Philippe Huneman - unknown
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    Guerre ou paix en philosophie?Philippe Mengue - 2011 - [Meaux]: Germina.
    La philosophie peut-elle faire la guerre, comme Bernard-Henri Lévy dans un récent ouvrage le revendique pour sa propre philosophie? Les notions de guerre et de paix sont-elles ici à prendre au pied de la lettre? Ou ne sont-elles que métaphores se référant aux luttes, aux réfutations, aux disputes où peuvent s'engager les philosophes? S'il n'est guère possible de définir la philosophie comme une guerre réelle, il ne paraît pas plus pertinent de la définir comme une guerre de papier. Plutôt que (...)
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    Si ça continue, ça va pas durer.Philippe Val - 2009 - Paris: Echappés.
    " Mai 68, avec ses slogans parfois stupides et son jargon marxisant - déjà kitsch à l'époque -, était une période joyeuse. On s'y levait tard pour gagner moins. On faisait des pieds de nez aux statues des grands hommes. On prenait au sérieux la question du bonheur. Ceux qui haïssent Mai 68, au fond, sont à plaindre : ils avouent que déjà, à vingt ans, ils étaient des petits vieux qui regardaient passer l'avenir dans un rétroviseur. Et pourtant ce (...)
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    Every world can see a Sahlqvist world.Philippe Balbiani, I. Shapirovsky & V. Shshtman - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 69-85.
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    Présentation.Philippe Chevallier - 2013 - Archives de Philosophie 76 (4):609-610.
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    La guerre peut-elle être juste?: réflexions sur le jus post bellum.Philippe Assalé - 2018 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La 4e de couv. indique : "La guerre peut-elle être juste? Peut-elle s'affubler d'un qualificatif juste sans injustice? Les récits cosmogoniques sont la merveilleuse monstration que les hommes se sont toujours fait la guerre. L'attitude belliqueuse de certains souverains et les atrocités des champs de bataille ont amené des analystes à définir des critères stricts pour limiter la souffrance humaine. Désormais, tout Etat qui n'observerait pas scrupuleusement les linéaments de cet édit risque d'être déclaré Hostis humani generis. Dans sa conception (...)
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  11. Figures de ruines. Notes pour une esthétique de lindex.Philippe Dubois - 1981 - Rivista di Estetica 8:8-20.
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    Before announcement.Philippe Balbiani, Hans van Ditmarsch & Andreas Herzig - 2016 - In Lev Beklemishev, Stéphane Demri & András Máté (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 11. CSLI Publications. pp. 58-77.
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    Dr. Angry and Mr. Smile: when categorization flexibly modifies the perception of faces in rapid visual presentations.Philippe G. Schyns & Aude Oliva - 1999 - Cognition 69 (3):243-265.
  14. Généalogie et comparatisme sous le regard de la théologie.Philippe Borgeaud - 2008 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 140 (4):301-306.
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  15. Platon et les étrangers.Philippe Bornet - 2000 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 132 (2):113-129.
  16. L'avenir du passé : Médiévisme et sciences de l'imaginaire.Philippe Walter - 2011 - In Yves Durand, Jean-Pierre Sironneau & Alberto Filipe Araújo (eds.), Variations sur l'imaginaire: l'épistémologie ouverte de Gilbert Durand: orientations et innovations. Bruxelles: E.M.E..
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    The actor-network fantasy.Philippe Stamenkovic - 2025 - Dialogues in Sociology 1:1-4.
    Latour’s actor-network ‘theory’ (ANT), and more generally Latour’s constructivist and relativistic work, has since long been debunked. (1) It does not make any sense, mixing all conceptual categories together (humans and non-humans, facts and moral prescriptions, science and politics); (2) nevertheless, it pretends to explain important issues such as our current environmental crisis and what to do to overcome it; (3) consequently, it can have extremely damaging political consequences. Latour’s ANT may perhaps be considered as a work of art but (...)
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    Unpacking the Narrative Decontestation of CSR: Aspiration for Change or Defense of the Status Quo?Déborah Philippe & Aurélien Feix - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (1):129-174.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has repeatedly been described as an “essentially contested concept,” which means that its signification is subject to continuous struggle. We argue that the “CSR institution” (CSRI; i.e., the set of standards and rules regulating corporate conduct under the banner of CSR) is legitimized by narratives which “decontest” the underlying concept of CSR in a manner that safeguards the CSRI from calls for alternative institutional arrangements. Examining several such narratives from a structuralist perspective, we find them to (...)
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    Definability and Computability for PRSPDL.Philippe Balbiani & Tinko Tinchev - 2014 - In Rajeev Goré, Barteld Kooi & Agi Kurucz (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 10: Papers From the Tenth Aiml Conference, Held in Groningen, the Netherlands, August 2014. London, England: CSLI Publications. pp. 16-33.
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  20. Temporal Experiences and Their Parts.Philippe Chuard - 2011 - Philosophers' Imprint 11.
    The paper develops an objection to the extensional model of time consciousness—the view that temporally extended events or processes, and their temporal properties, can be directly perceived as such. Importantly, following James, advocates of the extensional model typically insist that whole experiences of temporal relations between non-simultaneous events are distinct from mere successions of their temporal parts. This means, presumably, that there ought to be some feature(s) differentiating the former from the latter. I try to show why the extensional models (...)
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    Diagnostic recognition: task constraints, object information, and their interactions.Philippe G. Schyns - 1998 - Cognition 67 (1-2):147-179.
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    Sahlqvist Theorems for Precontact Logics.Philippe Balbiani & Stanislav Kikot - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 55-70.
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    L'action humaine dans l'œuvre de Teilhard de Chardin.Philippe Bergeron - 1969 - Montréal,: Fides.
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  24. Anomie and fatalism in Durkheim's theory of regulation.Philippe Besnard - 1993 - In Stephen P. Turner (ed.), Emile Durkheim: sociologist and moralist. New York: Routledge. pp. 169--90.
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    (1 other version)Systèmes d'inférence non monotone.Philippe Besnard - 1995 - Theoria 10 (2):37-47.
  26. Volonté de puissance et liberté dans le Don Giovanni de Mozart.Philippe Caspar - 2007 - Nova et Vetera 82 (1):83-99.
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    Some Truths Are Best Left Unsaid.Philippe Baldiani, Hans van Ditmarsch, Andreas Herzig & Tiago de Lima - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 36-54.
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    Just democracy: the Rawls-Machiavelli programme.Philippe van Parijs (ed.) - 2011 - London: ECPR Press.
    In this book, he argues that the purpose of democracy should be to promote justice - we need not just democracy (in the sense of unqualified democracy) but a just democracy. Machiavelli and Rawls must be brought together.
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  29. Realizing external freedom: the Kantian argument for a world state.Louis-Philippe Hodgson - 2012 - In Elisabeth Ellis (ed.), Kant's Political Theory: Interpretations and Applications. Pennsylvania State University Press.
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    Television Series as Critical Theories: From Current Identitarianism to Levinas. American Crime, The Sinner, Sharp Objects, Unorthodox.Philippe Corcuff - 2021 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):105-117.
    Critical theory with emancipatory aims today to find a source of regeneration in ordinary cultures, and in particular, in TV series. Certain series can play a role in reinventing critical theories, drawing on the tradition of the Frankfurt School but shifting some of that School’s formulations through contact with current forms of interpretive sociology and pragmatic sociology. This requires a cross-border dialogue between the “language game” of TV series and the “knowledge game” of political theory, to use concepts inspired by (...)
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    Gestion publique et gestion privée des services publics : l'exemple de la restructuration des entreprises publiques économiques en Belgique.Philippe Quertainmont - 1992 - Res Publica 34 (1):24-33.
    The role of state services in a market economy has been lately at the care of an intellectual and political debate in Belgium as well as in most European countries. State companies as the Post Office, the Railways and the Telegraph Service have to face an ever more fierce competition and have to be efficient and profitable.The way to deal with privatisation bas however been much less clearcut in Belgium than in other countries such as the United Kingdom or France. (...)
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  32. "La pensée d’A.N. Whitehead et la dynamique du champ science et religion".Philippe Gagnon - 2024 - Connaître : Cahiers de l'Association Foi Et Culture Scientifique 61:77-93.
    This is the outline: 1. Introduction – Quelques remarques sur Dieu 2. Science et religion vont-elles se rencontrer ? 3. Le conflit va-t-il tout emporter ? 4. Au coeur du problème : une version sclérosée du dogmatisme 5. Quelle posture pour la rencontre entre science et religion ? 6. Y a-t-il une synthèse à l’horizon ? À quelles conditions ?
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  33. Aux origines d'une Tradition: culture de vie, culture de mort chez les Pères apostoliques.Philippe Caspar - 2001 - Nova et Vetera 76 (3):55-65.
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    Historicité et actualité des canons disciplinaires du concile d’Elvire.Philippe Badot & Daniel De Decker - 1997 - Augustinianum 37 (2):311-325.
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    Axiomatization and completeness of lexicographic products of modal logics.Philippe Balbiani - 2011 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 21 (2):141-176.
    This paper sets out a new way of combining Kripke-complete modal logics: lexicographic product. It discusses some basic properties of the lexicographic product construction and proves axiomatization/completeness results.
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    Nonmonotonic reasoning and modal logic, from negation as failure to default logic.Philippe Balbiani - 1991 - In Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier, Ronald R. Yager & Lotfi A. Zadeh (eds.), Uncertainty in Knowledge Bases: 3rd International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, IPMU'90, Paris, France, July 2 - 6, 1990. Proceedings. Springer. pp. 223--231.
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    Unification with parameters in the implication fragment of classical propositional logic.Philippe Balbiani & Mojtaba Mojtahedi - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (3):454-464.
    In this paper, we show that the implication fragment of classical propositional logic is finitary for unification with parameters.
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    Musée d’art socialiste.Philippe Bazin - 2023 - Rue Descartes 103 (1):93-100.
  39. Equality of resources versus undominated diversity.Philippe Van Parijs - 2004 - In Justine Burley (ed.), Dworkin and His Critics: With Replies by Dworkin. Philosophers and their Critics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
  40. From one strand to the other. The dialectics of life and existence according to Lavelle.Philippe Perrot - 2010 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de L Etranger 135 (2):207.
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  41. Saint Thomas et le mystère de la création: Une réponse aux interrogations de l'homme d'aujourd'hui.M. -D. Philippe - 1997 - Sapientia 52 (201):145-158.
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    Justice and Democracy: Are they Incompatible?Philippe Parijs - 1996 - Journal of Political Philosophy 4 (2):101-117.
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    KD is nullary.Philippe Balbiani & Çiğdem Gencer - 2017 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 27 (3-4):196-205.
    In the ordinary modal language, KD is the modal logic determined by the class of all serial frames. In this paper, we demonstrate that KD is nullary.
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    Functions: selection and mechanisms.Philippe Huneman (ed.) - 2013 - Springer.
    This volume handles in various perspectives the concept of function and the nature of functional explanations, topics much discussed since two major and conflicting accounts have been raised by Larry Wright and Robert Cummins’s papers in the 1970s. Here, both Wright’s ”etiological theory of functions’ and Cummins’s ”systemic’ conception of functions are refined and elaborated in the light of current scientific practice, with papers showing how the ”etiological’ theory faces several objections and may in reply be revisited, while its counterpart (...)
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    (1 other version)Bulletin de théologie morale.Philippe Bordeyne, Geneviève Médevielle & Alain Thomasset - 2007 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 1 (3):141-166.
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    Les dispositifs techno-sémiotiques: Signes ou objets?Philippe Verhaegen - 1999 - Hermes 25:111.
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    Impaired Modulation of Corticospinal Excitability in Drug-Free Patients With Major Depressive Disorder: A Theta-Burst Stimulation Study.Philippe Vignaud, Caroline Damasceno, Emmanuel Poulet & Jérôme Brunelin - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  48. Monsignore Ernst and research in moral theology at the international theological commission.Philippe Delhaye - 1992 - In Klaus Demmer, Karl-Heinz Ducke & Wilhelm Ernst (eds.), Moraltheologie im Dienst der Kirche: Festschrift für Wilhelm Ernst zum 65. Geburtstag. Leipzig: Benno Verlag.
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  49. Rencontre de Dieu et de l'homme.Philippe Delhaye - 1957 - [Tournai]: Desclée.
    1. Vertus théologales en général; foi, espérance, charité.
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  50. Une utopie pour le temps présent.Philippe Van Parijs - 1992 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme.
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