  1.  35
    Exploring film genre preferences through taste cultures: A survey on contemporary film consumption amongst youth in Flanders (Belgium).Daniël Biltereyst, Philippe Meers & Aleit Veenstra - 2020 - Communications 45 (2):240-251.
    This article explores contemporary film genre preferences through an in-depth sociological analysis of taste cultures in film preferences amongst youth aged 16–18 in Flanders (the northern Dutch-speaking part of Belgium). Building on a representative sample of 1015 respondents we statistically analyze the assumption that contemporary media audiences demonstrate mobility and that they are eager to shape their media consumption in accordance with their personal preferences. This article examines whether societal structures that have been found to reflect media preferences remain in (...)
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  2.  23
    Everything You Wanted to Know About the Movies but were Afraid to Ask Film Studies. Teaching, Reading, and ‘Reinventing’ the Field.Philippe Meers - 2005 - Communications 30 (1):97-108.
    What is the current state of film studies? How do you enter this field from a media studies background? Is it worthwhile for media scholars to engage in this neighboring field? Can you get a grasp of the key issues, theoretical currents, and analytical approaches consulting a limited number of publications? I will try to answer these questions in an extensive review essay on four fairly recent film studies books. The books approach the field on different levels. Two introductory textbooks (...)
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  3.  15
    A semi-public diasporic space: Turkish film screenings in Belgium.Sofie Van Bauwel, Roel Vande Winkel, Philippe Meers & Kevin Smets - 2011 - Communications 36 (4):395-414.
    This article presents an analysis of Turkish film screenings in Belgium as a case study of diasporic media practices in Europe. Turkish blockbusters have only recently become part of the programs of Belgian mainstream film theaters. This study provides insight into both historical and recent dynamics that characterize this new film and audience segment in film exhibition. After analyzing transnational patterns of distribution, selection and promotion, we put forward that changing circulation patterns and the associated power relations define the social (...)
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