Results for 'Petkov Georgi'

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  1.  95
    Relation-Based Categorization and Category Learning as a Result From Structural Alignment. The RoleMap Model.Georgi Petkov & Yolina Petrova - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  2. Modeling Active Recognition as a Result of Analogical Mapping and Transfer.Georgi Petkov & Luiza Shahbazyan - 2007 - In McNamara D. S. & Trafton J. G. (eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Annual Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 1837--1842.
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  3. Simple Pointing to Objects may Facilitate Remembering.Georgi Petkov & Prolet Nikolova - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    Objective vs. subjective scales: the challenge that the scale type poses to the JUDGEMAP model of context sensitive judgment.Penka Hristova, Georgi Petkov & Boicho Kokinov - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman (ed.), Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 263--276.
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    Context-sensitivity of human memory: episode connectivity and its influence on memory reconstruction.Boicho Kokinov, Georgi Petkov & Nadezhda Petrova - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman (ed.), Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 317--329.
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    Space, Time, and Spacetime: Physical and Philosophical Implications of Minkowski's Unification of Space and Time.Vesselin Petkov (ed.) - 2010 - Springer.
    This volume is dedicated to the centennial anniversary of Minkowski's discovery of spacetime.
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    Ethics in the COVID-19 pandemic: myths, false dilemmas, and moral overload.Georgy Ishmaev, Matthew Dennis & M. Jeroen van den Hoven - 2021 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (1):19-34.
  8. On the Reality of Minkowski Space.Vesselin Petkov - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (10):1499-1502.
    Should physicists deal with the question of the reality of Minkowski space (or any relativistic spacetime)? It is argued that they should since this is a question about the dimensionality of the world at the macroscopic level and it is physics that should answer it.
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  9. In Defence of Reasonable Doubt.Georgi Gardiner - 2017 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 34 (2):221-241.
    In criminal trials the state must establish, to a particular standard of proof, the defendant's guilt. The most widely used and important standard of proof for criminal conviction is the ‘beyond a reasonable doubt' standard. But what legitimates this standard, rather than an alternative? One view holds the standard of proof should be determined or justified – at least in large part – by its consequences. In this spirit, Laudan uses crime statistics to estimate risks the average citizen runs of (...)
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  10. The safe, the sensitive, and the severely tested: a unified account.Georgi Gardiner & Brian Zaharatos - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-33.
    This essay presents a unified account of safety, sensitivity, and severe testing. S’s belief is safe iff, roughly, S could not easily have falsely believed p, and S’s belief is sensitive iff were p false S would not believe p. These two conditions are typically viewed as rivals but, we argue, they instead play symbiotic roles. Safety and sensitivity are both valuable epistemic conditions, and the relevant alternatives framework provides the scaffolding for their mutually supportive roles. The relevant alternatives condition (...)
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  11. The Commutativity of Evidence: A Problem for Conciliatory Views of Peer Disagreement.Georgi Gardiner - 2014 - Episteme 11 (1):83-95.
    Conciliatory views of peer disagreement hold that when an agent encounters peer disagreement she should conciliate by adjusting her doxastic attitude towards that of her peer. In this paper I distinguish different ways conciliation can be understood and argue that the way conciliationism is typically understood violates the principle of commutativity of evidence. Commutativity of evidence holds that the order in which evidence is acquired should not influence what it is reasonable to believe based on that evidence. I argue that (...)
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  12. Reference and Ambiguity in Complex Demonstratives.Geoff Georgi - 2012 - In Bill Kabasenche, Michael O'Rourke & Matthew Slater (eds.), Reference and Referring: Topics in Contemporary Philosophy, Volume 10. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. pp. 357-384.
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    Is Gravitation Interaction or just Curved-Spacetime Geometry?Vesselin Petkov - unknown
    As there have still been attempts to regard gravity, a 100 years after Einstein's general relativity, not as a manifestation of the non-Euclidean geometry of spacetime, but as a physical field, it is high time to face the ultimate judge -- the experimental evidence -- to settle this issue once and for all. Two rulings of the ultimate judge are reminded -- the experimental fact that falling particles do not resist their fall rules out the option that gravity may be (...)
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    Contexts and Constraints on Use.Geoff Georgi - 2019 - Theoria 87 (1):136-151.
    Theoria, Volume 87, Issue 1, Page 136-151, February 2021.
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    Persons, Moral Worth, and Embryos. A Critical Analysis of Pro-Choice Arguments.Grace Petkovic - 2021 - The New Bioethics 27 (4):371-374.
    That abortion is the unjust killing of an innocent human person is the contention of the authors of this book. It does not intend to be a comprehensive defence of a pro-life position; rather, it ad...
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    Fractured Identity and Agency and the Plays of Adrienne Kennedy.Georgie Boucher - 2006 - Feminist Review 84 (1):84-103.
    This paper examines the plays of African-American playwright Adrienne Kennedy, Funnyhouse of a Negro (1962) and The Owl Answers (1963), which remain important for their engagement with notions of African-American identity, resistance and agency through their attention to mixed race female characters or mulattos who experience bodily and psychological traumas that demonstrate the abuse of the colonized on a deeply visceral level. Kennedy's plays have remained controversial because of their failure to comply with the nationalistic orientation of the Black Arts (...)
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    Common Narratives in Discourses on National Identity in Russia and Japan.Georgy Buntilov - 2016 - Asian Philosophy 26 (1):1-19.
    ABSTRACTThis article discusses some common narratives found in discourses on national identity in Russia and Japan, and their temporal transformations reflecting the needs of a nation as it becomes a colonial empire. National identity discourse is examined from the viewpoint of national antagonism arising from an external threat. Russian and Japanese intellectuals, with their vastly different historical and cultural heritage, have dwelled upon similar issues pertaining to modernization of the state and adoption or rejection of foreign ideas and ways of (...)
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    Questioning geopolitics: political projects in a changing world-system.Georgi M. Derluguian & Scott L. Greer (eds.) - 2000 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    Annotation Redefines globalization as merely the framework of the current political debate on the future of world power.
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  19. Gumanitarnyĭ kommentariĭ k fizike i khimii: dialog mezhdu naukami o prirode i o cheloveke.Georgiæi Dmitrievich Gachev - 2003 - Moskva: Logos.
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  20. Wer suchet... Qualität deutscher Produktinformationen.Ursula Georgy - 1995 - Cogito 6:22-23.
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    Formi: pogled vŭrkhu sŭvremennata filosofii︠a︡ prez kulturnite naglasi kŭm istoricheskoto vreme.Georgi Gerdzhikov - 2019 - Sofii︠a︡: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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  22. Ideas of Law in Hellenistic and Roman Legal Practice.Georgy Kantor - 2012 - In Paul Dresch & Hannah Skoda (eds.), Legalism: anthropology and history. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
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    Sine arte scientia nihil est: izsledvanii︠a︡ v chest na prof. dfn Oleg Georgiev.Georgi Kapriev & Oleg Georgiev (eds.) - 2019 - Sofii︠a︡: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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  24. The eucharisty discussion in Latin middle ages and its incomensurability with eastern tradition.Georgi Kapriev - 2005 - Synthesis Philosophica 20 (1):33-46.
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    Trading zones.Georgi P. Kornev - 2017 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 54 (4):34-38.
    The author considers the specifics of “trading zones” as a cognitive model for the study of interdisciplinary interaction which is aimed to compensate lack of understanding between different scientific and non-scientific practices. It is argued that “trading zones” represents the unity of its intellectual, material and social components that creates the «communications area» for joint activities to produce new creative products. It is emphasized that the understanding of the mechanism of formation and functioning of the “trading zone” is a matter (...)
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    Fundamentals of dialectical materialism.Georgy Alekseevich Kursanov - 1967 - Moscow,: Progress Publishers.
  27.  27
    Alexei Sewertzoff and Adolf Naef: revising Haeckel’s biogenetic law.Georgy S. Levit, Uwe Hossfeld & Lennart Olsson - 2015 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 36 (3):357-370.
    Ernst Haeckel formulated his biogenetic law, famously stating that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, in 1872. The Russian evolutionist Alexei Sewertzoff, and the Swiss-born zoologist Adolf Naef were among those who revised Haeckel’s law, thus changing the course of evolutionary theory and of developmental biology. Although Sewertzoff and Naef approached the problem in a similar way and formulated similar hypotheses at a purely descriptive level, their theoretical viewpoints were crucially different. While Sewertzoff laid the foundations for a Darwinian evolutionary morphology and is (...)
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    Doticaj moderne kozmologije i religije: poimanje početka svemira.Tomislav Petković - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (2):307-320.
    Ujedinjenje velikih teorija fizike − teorije relativnosti, kvantne mehanike i fizike svemira i čestica − ostaje snom fizike i filozofije znanosti i na početku 21. stoljeća. Sve se one u pogledu konačnih zakona svemira slažu da je početak bio, te da su konačni zakoni oni koji su već vladali u početku evolucije svemira. Početak svemira podrazumijeva njegovo stvaranje i nužno upućuje na Stvoritelja−religijskog Boga, na uspostavljanje mosta između moderne kozmologije i religije. U tome se podudaraju klasične kozmologije s modernim kozmološkim (...)
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    Discourses on Violence and Punishment: Probing the Extremes.Krešimir Petković - 2017 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book probes the extreme variation in discourses on violence and punishment. Its comprehensive examination brings together normative political-theoretical discourses on punishment, historical changes in violence and punishment, and perspectives on punishment from political powers, world religions, literature and film, criminology, and theodicy.
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  30.  13
    O čemu govorimo kada govorimo o identitetu?Nikola Petković - 2020 - Zagreb: Disput.
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    On Relativistic Mass.Vesselin Petkov - unknown
    Despite "what has probably been the most vigorous campaign ever waged against the concept of relativistic mass" p. 51) it is argued that the relativistic increase of the mass is an experimental fact.
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    Studying Controversies: Unification, Contradiction, Integration.Stefan Petkov - 2019 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 50 (1):103-128.
    My aim here is to show that approximate truth as a paraconsistent notion can be successfully incorporated into the analysis of scientific unification, thus advancing towards a more realistic representation of theory development that takes into account the controversies that often loom alongside the progress of research programmes. I support my analysis with a case study of the recent debate in ecology centred around the existence of the paradox of enrichment and the controversy between ecological models of predation that employ (...)
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    Truth and compassion: lessons from the past and premonitions of the future.Robert Petkovšek & Bojan Žalec (eds.) - 2017 - Zürich: LIT Verlag.
    Truth and Compassion offers an integral and inter-disciplinary view on truth and compassion, their mutual connectedness, the meaning of their cultivation, and the devastating consequences of their neglect and destruction. The authors analyze their various forms, their origins, and concrete ways and attempts of their repression. Essays focus on the attention to truth and compassion under communism, but this is only one of its segments. As a whole, topics range from basic theological and philosophical analysis to concrete historiographic treatments of (...)
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    The Bellum Dardanicum and the Third Mithridatic War.Žarko Petković - 2014 - História 63 (2):187-193.
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    The Role Of Truth In Explanatory Understanding.Stefan Petkov - 2020 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 12 (2):87-98.
    This paper discusses the polemical question of whether explanations that produce understanding must be true. It argues positively for the role of truth in reaching explanatory understanding, by presenting three lines of criticism of alternative accounts. The first is that by rejecting truth as a criterion for evaluating explanations, any non-factual account thereby effectively cuts ties with the central theories of explanations, which provide at least partial criteria for explanatory understanding. The second line of criticism is that some of the (...)
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    Spoken uit het verleden? Over de strijd tegen het'nieuw fascisme'.Georgi Verbeeck - 2003 - Krisis: Tijdschrift Voor Empirische Filosofie 4 (2):60-75.
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    On being called something.Geoff Georgi - 2017 - Linguistics and Philosophy 40 (6):595-619.
    Building on recent work by Delia Graff Fara and Ora Matushansky on appellative constructions like ‘Mirka called Roger handsome’, I argue that if Millianism about proper names is true, then the quantifier ‘something’ in ‘Mirka called Roger something’ is best understood as a kind of substitutional quantifier. Any adequate semantics for such quantifiers must explain both the logical behavior of ‘Mirka called Roger something’ and the acceptability of ‘so’-anaphora in ‘Mirka called Roger something, and everyone so called is handsome’. Millianism (...)
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    The Forgotten “Old-Darwinian” Synthesis: The Evolutionary Theory of Ludwig H. Plate (1862–1937).Georgy S. Levit & Uwe Hoßfeld - 2006 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 14 (1):9-25.
    Abstract.The German zoologist and geneticist Ludwig Plate was a pupil and successor of the “German Darwin” Ernst Haeckel as the director of the Institute of Zoology at Jena University. Plate campaigned for a revival of the original Darwinism. His research program, which he labelled “old-Darwinism”, proclaimed the synthesis of selectionism with “moderate Lamarckism” and orthogenesis.This article reconstructs and analyses Plate’s “old-Darwinian” synthesis and sheds light on Plate’s controversial biography, especially his conflict with Haeckel.
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  39. What Is Scientific Misunderstanding?Stefan Petkov & Haomiao Yu - 2023 - Journal of Human Cognition 7 (2):5-18.
    We present the negative phenomena of understanding in relation to scientific explanations. We begin by formulating the distinction between genuine understanding and lack of understanding, to define the epistemic category of misunderstanding. We illustrate misunderstanding with a short meta-philosophical study on the current debates about distinctively mathematical explanations.
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  40. What Is Scientific Misunderstanding?Stefan Petkov & Haomiao Yu - 2023 - Journal of Human Cognition 7 (2):5-18.
    We present the negative phenomena of understanding in relation to scientific explanations. We begin by formulating the distinction between genuine understanding and lack of understanding, to define the epistemic category of misunderstanding. We illustrate misunderstanding with a short meta-philosophical study on the current debates about distinctively mathematical explanations.
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    Ernst Mayr’s Critique of Thomas Kuhn.Georgy S. Levit & Uwe Hossfeld - 2022 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 59 (4):163-180.
    In the early 1960s, American philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn contributed to a “crisis of rationality” with his hypothesis that science develops by means of paradigm shifts. He challenged the positivist concept of cumulative and continuous scientific progress. According to Kuhn, the relation between two succeeding scientific traditions ‘separated by a scientific revolution’ is characterized by conceptual incommensurability that constrains the interpretation of science as a cumulative, steadily progressing enterprise. Thomas Kuhn’s philosophy was heavily criticized by German-American biologist Ernst Mayr (...)
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  42. Between the Void and Emptiness: Ontological Paradox and Spectres of Nihilism in Alain Badiou’s Being and Event and Graham Priest’s One.Georgie Newson - 2023 - Open Philosophy 6 (1).
    In this study, I reconstruct and compare Alain Badiou’s Being and Event (2005) and Graham Priest’s One (2014), arguing that the ontologies pursued within the two texts are intriguingly analogous in a number of ways. Both Badiou and Priest are committed to thinking through classically ontological problems without denying the validity of the paradoxes they raise; both regard Plato’s Parmenides as an early and formative account of these paradoxes; both establish conclusions to the effect that unity – or “oneness” – (...)
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  43. We Forge the Conditions of Love.Georgi Gardiner - 2023 - In Abrol Fairweather & Carlos Montemayor (eds.), Linguistic Luck: Safeguards and Threats to Linguistic Communication. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    This essay is not about what love is. It is about what self-ascriptions of love do. People typically self-ascribe romantic love when a nexus of feelings, beliefs, attitudes, values, commitments, experiences, and personal histories matches their conception of romantic love. But what shapes this conception? And (how) can we adjudicate amongst conflicting conceptions? -/- Self-ascriptions of love do not merely describe the underlying nexus of attitudes and beliefs. They also change it. This essay describes how conceptions of love affect romantic (...)
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  44. Evidentialism and Moral Encroachment.Georgi Gardiner - 2018 - In McCain Kevin (ed.), Believing in Accordance with the Evidence: New Essays on Evidentialism. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Moral encroachment holds that the epistemic justification of a belief can be affected by moral factors. If the belief might wrong a person or group more evidence is required to justify the belief. Moral encroachment thereby opposes evidentialism, and kindred views, which holds that epistemic justification is determined solely by factors pertaining to evidence and truth. In this essay I explain how beliefs such as ‘that woman is probably an administrative assistant’—based on the evidence that most women employees at the (...)
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  45. Tarot: A Table-Top Art Gallery of the Soul.Georgi Gardiner - 2024 - ASA Newsletter 44 (2):2-6.
    Tarot cards are a rich and fascinating art form. They are also an excellent tool for inquiry. I show why tarot has value, regardless of the user’s beliefs about magic. And I explain how novice or skeptical tarot users can appreciate (and create) that value by focusing on the card’s images, rather than consulting texts or expert guides. This is because, on a naturalistic conception, tarot’s zetetic value—that is, its value to inquiry—stems from its artistic properties.
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  46. Demonstratives and Indexicals.Geoff Georgi - 2015 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Demonstratives and Indexicals In the philosophy of language, an indexical is any expression whose content varies from one context of use to another. The standard list of indexicals includes pronouns such as “I”, “you”, “he”, “she”, “it”, “this”, “that”, plus adverbs such as “now”, “then”, “today”, “yesterday”, “here”, and “actually”. Other candidates include the tenses … Continue reading Demonstratives and Indexicals →.
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  47. Rethinking Trust in the Internet of Things.Georgy Ishmaev - 2018 - In R. Leenes, R. Van Brakel, S. Gutwirth & Paul De Hert (eds.), Data Protection and Privacy: The Internet of Bodies. Hart Publishing. pp. 203-230.
    This chapter argues that the choice of trust conceptualisations in the context of consumer Internet of Things (IoT) can have a significant impact on the understanding and implementations of a user’s private data protection. Narrow instrumental interpretations of trust as a mere precondition for technology acceptance may obscure important moral issues such as malleability of user’s privacy decisions, and power imbalances between suppliers and consumers of technology. A shift of focus in policy proposals from trust to the trustworthiness of technology (...)
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  48. The Reasonable and the Relevant: Legal Standards of Proof.Georgi Gardiner - 2019 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 47 (3):288-318.
    According to a common conception of legal proof, satisfying a legal burden requires establishing a claim to a numerical threshold. Beyond reasonable doubt, for example, is often glossed as 90% or 95% likelihood given the evidence. Preponderance of evidence is interpreted as meaning at least 50% likelihood given the evidence. In light of problems with the common conception, I propose a new ‘relevant alternatives’ framework for legal standards of proof. Relevant alternative accounts of knowledge state that a person knows a (...)
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  49. Theocracy in Paul's Praxis and Theology.Dieter Georgi & David L. Green - 1991
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    The manipulation of chemical reactions: probing the limits of interventionism.Georgie Statham - 2017 - Synthese 194 (12):4815-4838.
    I apply James Woodward’s interventionist theory of causation to organic chemistry, modelling three different ways that chemists are able to manipulate the reaction conditions in order to control the outcome of a reaction. These consist in manipulations to the reaction kinetics, thermodynamics, and whether the kinetics or thermodynamics predominates. It is possible to construct interventionist causal models of all of these kinds of manipulation, and therefore to account for them using Woodward’s theory. However, I show that there is an alternate, (...)
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