Results for 'Pedro Laureano'

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  1.  19
    Repetição, negação e ideologia. Marx, Hegel e o problema do sujeito.Pedro Laureano - 2018 - Trans/Form/Ação 41 (3):105-124.
    Resumo: Este artigo parte da análise da influência de Hegel na construção do conceito de capital e de ideologia, na obra de Marx. Para tal, buscou-se analisar a passagem dos primeiros escritos humanistas de Marx à sua teoria tardia. Da ruptura realizada por Marx em relação a suas obras de juventude, surge o problema de como determinar o sujeito, uma vez que a perspectiva humanista inicial é abandonada. A ideia é a de que, paradoxalmente, quando critica a dialética hegeliana, Marx (...)
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    Considerações preludiais sobre o advento da física contempor'nea.Pedro Menezes Alves Laureano - 2024 - Cognitio 25 (1):e65862.
    O presente ensaio resulta de uma indagação introdutória e parcimoniosa acerca da transformação da mundividência científica e epistemológica no século XX. Em primeira instância, são analisados os conceitos fundacionais da Relatividade Restrita e da Relatividade Geral, visando elencar as principais dissonâncias entre a proposta científica de Albert Einstein e a cosmovisão estabelecida pela física clássica. De seguida, é invocada a célebre experiência de Edwin Hubble, responsável pela origem da Teoria do Big-Bang. Como não poderia deixar de ser, esta é também (...)
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    Do universo da precisão à serenidade do desvelamento: Heidegger e a questão da técnica.Pedro Lucas Dulci - 2014 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 9 (1):282-305.
    O artigo tem como objetivo apresentar os problemas teóricos e históricos ligados à compreensão da técnica moderna na filosofia de Martin Heidegger. Para tal investigação começaremos investigando sobre qual é a constituição da essência da técnica para que, então, possamos explorar o significado da técnica à luz de sua caracterização mais essencial. Isto nos dará condições de identificar quais sãos os riscos envolvidos na era em que a dominação técnica atingiu níveis nunca vistos antes. Tudo isto será questionado para que (...)
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    Voltaire crítico da teologia da história.Pedro Miguel Sousa Santos - 2014 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 10 (2):133-151.
    A teologia esforça-se por repertoriar e sistematizar o que a revelação e a fé trazem ao crente sobre o problema do sentido da história, da peregrinação através do tempo da humanidade pensada em seu conjunto. Ela enfatiza, não tanto o conhecimento, mas o estado espiritual de felicidade ao qual a humanidade deve ascender antes do fim da vida na terra. Os modernos não aceitam a proposta teológica e têm por ambição descentralizar a história tradicionalmente ordenada por uma visão cristocêntrica do (...)
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  5. Hacia la unidad de la escolástica.Pedro García Asensio - 1957 - Pensamiento 13 (51):263-296.
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  6. Distinguishing causality principles.Miklós Rédei & Iñaki San Pedro - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 43 (2):84-89.
    We distinguish two sub-types of each of the two causality principles formulated in connection with the Common Cause Principle in Henson and raise and investigate the problem of logical relations among the resulting four causality principles. Based in part on the analysis of the status of these four principles in algebraic quantum field theory we will argue that the four causal principles are non- equivalent.
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  7. Culturally sensitive agricultures and biocultural diversity.Cláudia Brites & Pedro Mendes Moreira - 2018 - In Inger J. Birkeland (ed.), Cultural sustainability and the nature-culture interface: livelihoods, policies, and methodologies. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, earthscan from Routledge.
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  8. Os direitos humanos em Unger.Pedro Lino de Carvalho Júnior - 2019 - In Carlos Sávio G. Teixeira (ed.), Rebeldia imaginada: instituições e alternativas no pensamento de Roberto Mangabeira Unger. [São Paulo, SP]: Autonomia Literária.
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  9. Sobre la "Fenomenología del espíritu" y su lugar en el sistema de la ciencia hegeliana: Heriberto Boeder octogenario sapientiae servienti.Martín Pedro Zubiria - 2009 - Diálogo Filosófico 74:283-296.
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    Declarative probabilistic logic programming in discrete-continuous domains.Pedro Zuidberg Dos Martires, Luc De Raedt & Angelika Kimmig - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 337 (C):104227.
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    (1 other version)The Ethical Function of Research and Teaching.Pedro Alexis Tabensky - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory (1):1-12.
  12. El naturalismo científico de Ronald Giere y Philip Kitcher: Un ensayo de comparación crítica.Jesús Pedro Zamora Bonilla - 2000 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 24:169-190.
    Se discute el proyecto de la "naturalización de la filosofía de la ciencia", a través de las teorías de Ronald Giere y Philip Kitcher. Ambas tienen en común la atención preferente que prestan a los procesos de decisión de los científicos individuales y la defensa de una concepción realista y racionalista de la ciencia. La comparación se lleva a cabo desde una triple perspectiva: su consideración como teorías darwinianas del desarrollo científico, su referencia a los modelos de la psicología cognitiva, (...)
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  13. Filosofía y enseñanza media. Ante la reforma.Pedro Ortega Campos - 1986 - Diálogo Filosófico 6:345-354.
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  14. Lo dado como interrogante, El camino hacia una ontología de lo sensible en la obra de Merlau-Ponty.Riera Jaime & J. Pedro - 2005 - In Angel Alvarez Gómez (ed.), Paideia. Santiago de Compostela: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico.
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    Los límites del Estado: una revisión krausista con proyección en Iberoamérica.Alvarez Lázaro & F. Pedro (eds.) - 2020 - Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
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  16. Acerca de la pregunta por la determinante de la cosa del pensar.Martín Pedro Zubiria - 1989 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 66:320-331.
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    De la melancolía liberal al “ethos” liberal: en torno a “La rebelión de las masas” de José Ortega y Gasset.Pedro Cerezo Galán - 2000 - Endoxa 1 (12-1):313.
  18.  19
    Distributive Justice in the Lab: Testing the Binding Role of Agreement.Pedro Francés-Gómez, Laura Marcon & Marco Faillo - 2020 - Analyse & Kritik 42 (1):107-136.
    Lorenzo Sacconi and his coauthors have put forward the hypothesis that impartial agreements on distributive rules may generate a conditional preference for conformity. The observable effect of this preference would be compliance with fair distributive rules chosen behind a veil of ignorance, even in the absence of external coercion. This paper uses a Dictator Game with production and taking option to compare two ways in which the device of the veil of ignorance may be thought to generate a motivation for, (...)
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  19. Librepensamiento y secularización en la Europa contemporánea.Alvarez Lázaro & F. Pedro (eds.) - 1996 - Madrid: UPCO.
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  20. Una oposición fundamental en el pensamiento moderno: causalidad y evolución: [discurso de incorporación.Loyola Leyton & Pedro León - 1954 - Santiago]: Editorial Jurídica de Chile. Edited by Roberto Munizaga Aguirre.
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  21. La cuestión del límite y el Tractatus como una reflexión trascendental.Pedro Diego Karczmarczyk - 2008 - Discusiones Filosóficas 9 (13):13 - 23.
    El Tractatus Logico-philosophicus es una obra filosófica de una enorme complejidad. Su estilo es sentencioso, por momentos oracular, otras veces casi telegráfico, de manera que en muchas ocasiones cuesta discernir los nexos entre las diversas proposiciones. Con todo, en el "Prólogo", en particular en sus observaciones sobre la cuestión del límite, Wittgenstein proporciona algunas indicaciones de las que conviene tomar debida nota para la interpretación de la obra. Este trabajo es fundamentalmente una propuesta de interpretación de estas observaciones, de su (...)
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  22. Hegel en Marx.Gabriel Pedro Albiac López - 1980 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 1:313-332.
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  23. Artigos O estatuto predicativo Das diferenças em aristóteles.António Pedro Mesquita - 2000 - Philosophica 16:3-46.
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    Da Filosofia como Universalização: Universalidade e Situação da Filosofia num Passo Nuclear de A Razão Experimental de Leonardo Coimbra.António Pedro Mesquita - 1996 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 52 (1/4):539 - 553.
  25.  8
    (2 other versions)O Argumento Ontológico em Platão.António Pedro Mesquita - 1993 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 1 (2):31-42.
    This article, The ontological argument in Plato: the problem of immortality, discusses the interpretation of Socrates’ last demonstration of the immortality of the soul in the Phaedo as an ”ontological argument” and tries to refute this interpretation through an examination of the concept of immortality in Plato and its implications on the central relation soul/life. At the same time, it argues that the ontological argument should be seen as the very back-bone of Plato’s ontology, a point of view which will (...)
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    Tolerancia e intolerancia en los escritos antidonatistas de Agustín.Pedro Langa Aguilar - 2006 - Augustinus 51 (202):293-321.
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  27. La" plenitudo potestatis" en el defensor minor de Marsilio de Padua.Pedro Roche Arnas - 1996 - Endoxa 6:241-262.
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  28. La Iglesia, comunidad de educación en la fe y en la cultura.Pedro Ortega Campos - 2003 - Revista Agustiniana 44 (135):713-761.
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  29.  21
    The Left in the Mallands.Pedro C. U. Cavalcanti - 1982 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1982 (53):173-178.
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    Células madre embrionarias: enigma terapéutico, dilema ético y negocio de alta rentabilidad.Pedro Agustín Talavera Fernández - 2007 - In Jesús Ballesteros & Encarna Fernández (eds.), Biotecnología y posthumanismo. Cizur Menor (Navarra): Editorial Aranzadi.
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  31. Kant y la idea del progreso indefinido de la humanidad.Pedro Agustín Talavera Fernández - 2011 - Anuario Filosófico 44 (2):335-371.
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    (1 other version)El retorno a la subjetividad viva.Pedro Enrique García Ruiz - 2009 - Signos Filosóficos 11 (21):215-223.
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  33. El silencio en Luis Villoro y Ramón Xirau.Pedro Stepanenko Gutiérrez - 2022 - In Claudia Tame Domínguez, López López & José Luis (eds.), Reflexiones críticas sobre la filosofía de Luis Villoro: un homenaje en el centenario de su nacimiento. [Puebla, Mexico?]: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.
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    Final de etapa y nuevas perspectivas.Agustí Pedro I. Pons & Pedro Laín Entralgo - 1969 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 29:37-62.
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  35. The Kantian Attempt to Solve the Mind-Body Problem. A Critical Approach.Pedro Jesus Teruel - 2009 - Pensamiento 65 (243):23-52.
  36. Modernidad, ciudadanía y multiculturalismo: las transformaciones de la identidad.Pedro Enrique García Ruiz - 2008 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 32:97-114.
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    José Miguel Blanco: Escritor de bellas artes.Pedro Emilio Zamorano Pérez, Alberto Madrid Letelier & Claudio Cortés López - 2013 - Alpha (Osorno) 37:149-162.
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  38. Las generaciones en la historia.Pedro Laín Entralgo - 1945 - Madrid,: Instituto de estudios políticos.
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    Filosofia do direito.Pedro Soares Martínez - 1991 - Coimbra: Livraria Almedina.
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    Aristotle on natural simultaneity of relatives in the categories.Antonio Pedro Mesquita - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book addresses the issue of natural simultaneity of relatives, discussed by Aristotle in Categories 7, 7b15-8a12. Natural simultaneity is a form of symmetrical ontological dependence that holds between items that are not causally linked. In this section of the Categories, Aristotle introduces this topic in his analysis of relatives and maintains that, although relatives seem to be for the most part simultaneous by nature, there seem to be some exceptions. He mentions two pairs of relatives as exceptions, namely the (...)
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    Λόγοϛ e Φιλία em Heraclito. Sentido e Função do Conceito de Φιλία na Filosofia de Heraclito.António Pedro Mesquita - 1999 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 7 (13):13-42.
    In this article, we aim to offer a new overall interpretation of Heraclitus’ philosophy, through an analysis of his own implicit conception of ‘philosophy’, as it is insinuated in the few but important fragments where the word philia occurs. In these fragments, a clear distinction between reality and appearance is drawn for the first time in the history of philosophy; and, accordingly, philosophy itself is hinted at as a direct ‘attachment’ to reality, beyond the appearances that conceal it. Using this (...)
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    (1 other version)Entre Filosofia e Medicina.António Pedro Mesquita - 1998 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 6 (11):63-85.
    Any analysis of the Hippocratic anthropology must begin by taking a stand on two quite different issues. On the one hand, it must ascertain a precise and definite meaning of the word ‘Hippocratic’ in such a context, considering the historical problems surrounding the 'real' Hippocrates and the doctrinal heterogeneity of the Hippocratic collection. On the other hand, it must justify the very possibility of an anthropology within the Hippocratic tradition, by accommodating it with the obvious animadversion that its most representative (...)
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  43.  12
    Tipos de Predicação em Aristóteles.António Pedro Mesquita - 2005 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 13 (26):7-34.
    Predication is a complex entity in Aristotelian thought. The aim of the present essay is to account for this complexity, making explicit the diverse forms it assumes. To this end, we tum to a crucial chapter of the Posterior Analytics, where, in the most complete and developed manner within the corpus, Aristotle proceeds to systematize this topic. From the analysis, it will become apparent that predication can assume, generically, five forms: 1) the predication of essence, that is of the genus (...)
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    ¿Metodonomía de la ciencia?: una aplicación de la idea de verosimilitud.Jesús Pedro Zamora Bonilla - 1993 - Endoxa 1 (2):153.
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    Nicanor Plaza y Francisco Gazitúa: diálogo en torno a El Caupolicán.Pedro Emilio Zamorano Pérez - 2011 - Aisthesis 49:84-100.
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    The Role of Assessor Teaching in Human Culture.Laureano Castro, Miguel Ángel Castro-Nogueira, Morris Villarroel & Miguel Ángel Toro - 2019 - Biological Theory 14 (2):112-121.
    According to the dual inheritance theory, cultural learning in our species is a biased and highly efficient process of transmitting cultural traits. Here we define a model of cultural learning where social learning is integrated as a complementary element that facilitates the discovery of a specific behavior by an apprentice, and not as a mechanism that works in opposition to individual learning. In that context, we propose that the emergence of the ability to approve or disapprove of offspring behavior, orienting (...)
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  47.  29
    Assessor Teaching and the Evolution of Human Morality.Laureano Castro, Miguel Ángel Castro-Nogueira, Morris Villarroel & Miguel Ángel Toro - 2021 - Biological Theory 16 (1):5-15.
    We consider the evolutionary scheme of morality proposed by Tomasello to defend the idea that the ability to orient the learning of offspring using signs of approval/disapproval could be a decisive and necessary step in the evolution of human morality. Those basic forms of intentional evaluative feedback, something we have called assessor teaching, allow parents to transmit their accumulated experience to their children, both about the behaviors that should be learned as well as how they should be copied. The rationale (...)
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  48. Sleeping Beauty: Exploring a Neglected Solution.Laureano Luna - 2020 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (3):1069-1092.
    The strong law of large numbers and considerations concerning additional information strongly suggest that Beauty upon awakening has probability 1/3 to be in a heads-awakening but should still believe the probability that the coin landed heads in the Sunday toss to be 1/2. The problem is that she is in a heads-awakening if and only if the coin landed heads. So, how can she rationally assign different probabilities or credences to propositions she knows imply each other? This is the problem (...)
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    Yablo’s Paradox and Beginningless Time.Laureano Luna - 2009 - Disputatio 3 (26):89-96.
    The structure of Yablo’s paradox is analysed and generalised in order to show that beginningless step-by-step determination processes can be used to provoke antinomies, more concretely, to make our logical and our on-tological intuitions clash. The flow of time and the flow of causality are usually conceived of as intimately intertwined, so that temporal causation is the very paradigm of a step-by-step determination process. As a conse-quence, the paradoxical nature of beginningless step-by-step determina-tion processes concerns time and causality as usually (...)
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  50. Cultural transmission and social control of human behavior.Laureano Castro, Luis Castro-Nogueira, Miguel A. Castro-Nogueira & Miguel A. Toro - 2010 - Biology and Philosophy 25 (3):347-360.
    Humans have developed the capacity to approve or disapprove of the behavior of their children and of unrelated individuals. The ability to approve or disapprove transformed social learning into a system of cumulative cultural inheritance, because it increased the reliability of cultural transmission. Moreover, people can transmit their behavioral experiences (regarding what can and cannot be done) to their offspring, thereby avoiding the costs of a laborious, and sometimes dangerous, evaluation of different cultural alternatives. Our thesis is that, during ontogeny, (...)
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