Results for 'Paweł Wacek'

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  1. Ewolucjonizm w swietle nauki, Pawel Siwek.Paweł Siwek - 1973 - London,: Veritas Foundation Publication Centre.
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    Freshwater Invertebrates—Neglected Victims of Biological Monitoring: An Ethical View.Paweł Koperski - 2022 - Ethics and the Environment 27 (2):29-57.
    Abstract:Invertebrates are generally excluded from ethical consideration in scientific research and in environmental protection. In this paper I present and characterize controversies related to the use of freshwater benthic invertebrates in biological monitoring in the light of diverse ethical concepts. I consider the inherent contradictions which arise from simultaneously treating wild animals as: items possessing bio-indicative value, ecologically important elements of ecosystems, representatives of rare and endangered species and finally, as sentient beings with the capacity to suffer. The analysis is (...)
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    The (Un)Holy Grail of Epistemology.Paweł J. Zięba - 2015 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 22 (1):21-33.
    As formulated by Duncan Pritchard and John McDowell, epistemological disjunctivism is the claim that perceptual experience can provide the subject with epistemic justification that is reflectively accessible and externally grounded at the same time. Pritchard calls this thesis ‘the holy grail of epistemology’, since it reconciles two traditionally rival theories of justification, namely epistemic internalism and epistemic externalism. The main objection against epistemological disjunctivism thus understood is that it does not do justice to the well-known internalist intuitions expressed in The (...)
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  4. Structural representations: causally relevant and different from detectors.Paweł Gładziejewski & Marcin Miłkowski - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (3):337-355.
    This paper centers around the notion that internal, mental representations are grounded in structural similarity, i.e., that they are so-called S-representations. We show how S-representations may be causally relevant and argue that they are distinct from mere detectors. First, using the neomechanist theory of explanation and the interventionist account of causal relevance, we provide a precise interpretation of the claim that in S-representations, structural similarity serves as a “fuel of success”, i.e., a relation that is exploitable for the representation using (...)
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    Stanisław Kowalczyk, Zarys filozofii polityki [An Outline of the Political Philosophy] by Paweł Urgacz.Paweł Urgacz - 2008 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 13 (2):387-390.
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    Computing with default logic.Paweł Cholewiński, Victor W. Marek, Mirosław Truszczyński & Artur Mikitiuk - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 112 (1-2):105-146.
  7.  43
    Pure Altruistic Gift and the Ethics of Transplant Medicine.Paweł Łuków - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (1):95-107.
    The article argues that altruistic giving based on anonymity, which is expected to promote social solidarity and block trade in human body parts, is conceptually defective and practically unproductive. It needs to be replaced by a more adequate notion which responds to the human practices of giving and receiving. The argument starts with identification of the main characteristics of the anonymous altruistic donation: social separation of the organ donor from the recipient, their mutual replaceability, non-obligatoriness of donation, and non-obligatoriness of (...)
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    Pawel Florenski, Eis und Algen. Briefe aus dem Lager. 1933–1937. [REVIEW]Pawel Florenski, Fritz Mierau & Sieglinde Mierau - 2004 - Studies in East European Thought 56 (1):73-76.
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    God and Cogito: Semen Frank on the ontological argument.Paweł Rojek - 2019 - Studies in East European Thought 71 (2):119-140.
    Semen Frank (1877–1950) was one of the first and most ardent advocates of the ontological argument in the twentieth century. He proposed an original interpretation of the ontological argument based on its analogy to Descartes’ Cogito. Frank believed that it is possible to develop Cogito ergo sum into Cogito ergo est ens absolutum. In this paper, I analyze his version of the ontological argument. First, I propose a simple reconstruction of his reasoning, paying attention to its hidden premise. Second, departing (...)
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    Etyka z rosyjskiej perspektywy (A.A. Gusienow, R.G. Apresjan, Etyka).Paweł Czarnecki - 2004 - Etyka 37:290-293.
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    George Berkeley: Forging the Irish Nation.Paweł Hanczewski - 2019 - Ruch Filozoficzny 74 (4):135.
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    The Occurrence of the Day-of-the-Week Effects on Polish and Major World Stock Markets.Paweł Jamróz & Grzegorz Koronkiewicz - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 37 (1):71-88.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze the occurrence of the so called day of the week effects in market return time series from the period of January 2003 to September 2013. The study focuses on four indices of the Warsaw Stock Exchange and additionally five indices of major world stock exchanges. The main data sample was divided into three subperiods in order to determine whether or not the intensity of day of the week anomalies is constant in time. (...)
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    Differences in End-Customer Power Prices Across the EU – Reasons and Challenges for the Future.Paweł Lont - 2021 - Studia Humana 10 (3):1-9.
    Many years have passed since the first liberalization processes in the electricity sectors the in European Union that were performed in order to establish a single market for electricity. In practice, convergence between neighbouring market areas was established mainly between the Member States in Central-Western Europe, while other countries have allowed for only limited levels of competition. As a consequence, many market areas remain illiquid and consumers pay relatively higher prices for the energy they consume. The final bill is further (...)
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  14. Świadomość (ani umysl) Nie jest modelem świata.Pawel Przywara - 2008 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 44 (2):211-222.
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    Praca jako znak człowieczeństwa.Paweł Trzebuchowski - 1982 - Warszawa: Instytut Wydawniczy Pax.
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    Some Issues of Historical Epistemology in the Light of the Structuralist Philosophy of Science.Pawel Zeidler - 1996 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 47:169-180.
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    Philosophy in science: A name with a long intellectual tradition.Paweł Polak - 2019 - Philosophical Problems in Science 66:251-270.
    This paper presents Michael Heller’s notion of “philosophy in science” and re-introduces Michael Heller’s classical text that first presented this concept of philosophy entitled How is “philosophy in science” possible?. The paper discusses the historical context of Heller’s idea as it emerged from the discussions and works of the Krakow philosophical scene and discusses the basic tenants of this philosophy, its analytic character, the role of intellectual tradition in the development of this philosophy, and the critical role played by an (...)
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  18.  54
    Canberra‐Style Analysis and Law: A Critique of Andrei Marmor's Farewell to Conceptual Analysis.Paweł Banaś & Filip Gołba - 2017 - Ratio Juris 30 (4):549-559.
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    Can memes explain the birth of comprehension?Paweł Grabarczyk - 2019 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 10 (3).
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    Expert attention: Attentional allocation depends on the differential development of multisensory number representations.Pawel J. Matusz, Rebecca Merkley, Michelle Faure & Gaia Scerif - 2019 - Cognition 186 (C):171-177.
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    Pavel Florensky’s Theory of Religious Antinomies.Paweł Rojek - 2019 - Logica Universalis 13 (4):515-540.
    Pavel Florensky (1882–1937), a Russian theologian, philosopher, and mathematician, argued that the religious discourse is essentially contradictory and put forward the idea of the logical theory of antinomies. Recently his views raised interesting discussions among logicians who consider him a forerunner of many non-classical logics. In this paper I discuss four interpretations of Florensky’s views: paraconsistent, L-contradictory, non-monotonic and rhetorical. In conclusion I argue for the integral interpretation which unites these four approaches.
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    Straw Man Fallacy of the Complete Conversation System Claim against the Turing Test.Paweł Łupkowski - forthcoming - Diametros:1-16.
    This paper aims to present and discuss an argumentation against the Turing test (TT), which we shall call the CCSC (Complete Conversation System Claim). Exemplary arguments of the CCSC type include Lem’s “Space Gramophone,” the “machine equipped with a dictionary” proposed by Shannon and McCarthy, Block’s “Aunt Bubbles,” and Searle’s “Chinese Room” argument. CCSC argumentation is constructed to show that the TT is not properly designed and, consequently, is not a good hallmark of intelligence. Based on the original TT rules (...)
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    Multi-modal distraction: Insights from children’s limited attention.Pawel J. Matusz, Hannah Broadbent, Jessica Ferrari, Benjamin Forrest, Rebecca Merkley & Gaia Scerif - 2015 - Cognition 136 (C):156-165.
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    The rational role of the perceptual sense of reality.Paweł Gładziejewski - 2022 - Mind and Language 38 (4):1021-1040.
    Perceptual experience usually comes with “phenomenal force”, a strong sense that it reflects reality as it is. Some philosophers have argued that it is in virtue of possessing phenomenal force that perceptual experiences are able to non‐inferentially justify beliefs. In this article, I introduce an alternative, inferentialist take on the epistemic role of phenomenal force. Drawing on Bayesian modeling in cognitive science, I argue that the sense of reality that accompanies conscious vision can be viewed as epistemically appraisable in light (...)
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  25.  41
    Logic of informal provability with truth values.Pawel Pawlowski & Rafal Urbaniak - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (1):172-193.
    Classical logic of formal provability includes Löb’s theorem, but not reflection. In contrast, intuitions about the inferential behavior of informal provability (in informal mathematics) seem to invalidate Löb’s theorem and validate reflection (after all, the intuition is, whatever mathematicians prove holds!). We employ a non-deterministic many-valued semantics and develop a modal logic T-BAT of an informal provability operator, which indeed does validate reflection and invalidates Löb’s theorem. We study its properties and its relation to known provability-related paradoxical arguments. We also (...)
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    Explaining Cognitive Phenomena with Internal Representations: A Mechanistic Perspective.Paweł Gładziejewski - 2015 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 40 (1):63-90.
    Despite the fact that the notion of internal representation has - at least according to some - a fundamental role to play in the sciences of the mind, not only has its explanatory utility been under attack for a while now, but it also remains unclear what criteria should an explanation of a given cognitive phenomenon meet to count as a representational explanation in the first place. The aim of this article is to propose a solution to this latter problem. (...)
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    Perceptual justification in the Bayesian brain: a foundherentist account.Paweł Gładziejewski - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):11397-11421.
    In this paper, I use the predictive processing theory of perception to tackle the question of how perceptual states can be rationally involved in cognition by justifying other mental states. I put forward two claims regarding the epistemological implications of PP. First, perceptual states can confer justification on other mental states because the perceptual states are themselves rationally acquired. Second, despite being inferentially justified rather than epistemically basic, perceptual states can still be epistemically responsive to the mind-independent world. My main (...)
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    Wojciech Słomski. Szkice o filozofii polskiej XX wieku [Drafts on Polish Philosophy of the 20th century].Paweł Stanisław Czarnecki - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 9 (1):295-297.
    After a brief look at Drafts on Polish philosophy of the twentieth century you could get the impression that this is a work dedicated to the most recent works of Polish philosophy. However after a moment of consideration, it seems hard to believe that a contemporary philosopher would write a history of twentieth century philosophy which could be considered neither as his history nor his philosophy. The distinction between history and philosophy in this case is not accidental since Wojciech Słomski (...)
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  29. Indywidualna prewencja jako istotna cecha ustroju paternalistycznego.Paweł Borkowski - 2010 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 46 (1):159-174.
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    Evolutionary origin of synapses and neurons - Bridging the gap.Pawel Burkhardt & Simon G. Sprecher - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (10):1700024.
    The evolutionary origin of synapses and neurons is an enigmatic subject that inspires much debate. Non-bilaterian metazoans, both with and without neurons and their closest relatives already contain many components of the molecular toolkits for synapse functions. The origin of these components and their assembly into ancient synaptic signaling machineries are particularly important in light of recent findings on the phylogeny of non-bilaterian metazoans. The evolution of synapses and neurons are often discussed only from a metazoan perspective leaving a considerable (...)
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    The Subtraction Argument in an Infinite World.Pawel Garbacz - forthcoming - Metaphysica.
    Metaphysical nihilism can be defined as the view that there might be no con-crete objects. One may argue for this view defining a finite procedure of sub-traction on a set of concrete, contingent objects juxtaposed across possible worlds, which procedure will eventually terminate in an empty possible world. Obviously, this subtraction argument is not applicable if all non-empty possible worlds contain an infinite number of objects. In this paper, I will discuss in detail the limitations of this argument and then (...)
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  32. Publish of Perish? Theological Reflections on Ecclesial Understanding.Pawel Kapusta - 2008 - Gregorianum 89 (4):868-881.
    The present article considers the relationship between the understanding of the Word of God on the part of the Church and on the part of the individual theologian. The importance of written communication for this relationship is presented and analysed. The concept of body is applied analogically to the Church and to texts of the Tradition. The author suggests that fruitful incorporation of theological texts into the corpus of the living texts of Christian faith actualizes and symbolises the integration of (...)
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    Extending Baire property by uncountably many sets.Paweł Kawa & Janusz Pawlikowski - 2010 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 75 (3):896-904.
    We show that for an uncountable κ in a suitable Cohen real model for any family {A ν } ν<κ of sets of reals there is a σ-homomorphism h from the σ-algebra generated by Borel sets and the sets A ν into the algebra of Baire subsets of 2 κ modulo meager sets such that for all Borel B, B is meager iff h(B) = 0. The proof is uniform, works also for random reals and the Lebesgue measure, and in (...)
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    Kontrrewolucja: eseje i szkice.Paweł Lisicki - 2021 - Warszawa: Fronda PL Sp. z o.o..
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    Migracja i uchodźstwo w świetle nauczania Kościoła.Paweł A. Makowski - 2020 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 19:97-110.
    Migration and refugeeism have become widespread phenomena in the contemporary world. They affect both the migrants’ countries of origin, as well as transit and target countries. The contemporary migrant crisis is becoming a challenge not only for politicians, diplomats and economists, but also for sociologists, demographers and philosophers. It is also a challenge for the Catholic Church because it affects millions of Christians to whose countries migrants and refugees are coming. The purpose of this article is to explain the social (...)
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    Name game: the naming history of the chemical elements—part 1—from antiquity till the end of 18th century.Paweł Miśkowiec - 2022 - Foundations of Chemistry 25 (1):29-51.
    The aim of the series of the three articles entitled “Name game…” is to present the historical information about nomenclature history of every known chemical element. The process of naming each chemical element is analyzed, with particular emphasis on the first publication with a given name. It turned out that in many cases this information is not obvious and unambiguous, and the published data are even contradictory. In a few cases, the names of the elements were changed even several times. (...)
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    Intertemporal Decision Making After Brain Injury: Amount-Dependent Steeper Discounting after Frontal Cortex Damage.Paweł Ostaszewski, Bartłomiej Swebodziński & Wojciech Białaszek - 2017 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 48 (4):456-463.
    Traumatic brain injuries to the frontal lobes are associated with many maladaptive forms of behavior. We investigated the association between brain damage and impulsivity, as measured by the rate of delay discounting. The main aim of this study was to test the hypothesis of steeper discounting of different amounts in a group of patients with frontal lobe damage. We used a delay discounting task in the form of a structured interview. A total of 117 participants were divided into five groups: (...)
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    Identity status and emotion regulation in adolescence and early adulthood.Paweł Jankowski - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (3):288-298.
    The article presents the results of a study investigating the links between emotion regulation and identity. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between the two variables. On the basis of neo-eriksonian theories, an attempt to specify the role of emotion regulation in the process of identity formation was made. The study involved 849 people aged 14-25. The participants attended six types of schools: lower secondary school, basic vocational school, technical upper secondary school, general upper secondary school, (...)
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  39. Predictive coding and representationalism.Paweł Gładziejewski - 2016 - Synthese 193 (2).
    According to the predictive coding theory of cognition , brains are predictive machines that use perception and action to minimize prediction error, i.e. the discrepancy between bottom–up, externally-generated sensory signals and top–down, internally-generated sensory predictions. Many consider PCT to have an explanatory scope that is unparalleled in contemporary cognitive science and see in it a framework that could potentially provide us with a unified account of cognition. It is also commonly assumed that PCT is a representational theory of sorts, in (...)
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    Koherencja drogowskazem prawdy? Spójność jako źródło błędnych reprezentacji Komentarz do książki Krystyny Bieleckiej Błądzę, więc myślę. Co to jest błędna reprezentacja?Paweł Gładziejewski - 2020 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 11 (3).
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    The Transhumanist Point of View to the Evolutionary Indifference to Pain and Suffering.Paweł Orzeł - 2024 - Scientia et Fides 12 (1):249-267.
    The text presents a transhumanist point of view on evolution. It focuses on the lack of clear and obvious evolutionary solutions to the issue of involuntary suffering. It poses difficult questions about the possibility of enhencement of human nature and respecting the laws of evolution. It reflects on the positive role of pain for the development of individual people and the entire human species. It considers the thesis that perhaps evolution “needs” pain for proper human development. It asks whether the (...)
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    Vom Wort zum Gebrauch: Wortbedeutung und ihre Eingebundenheit in Diskurse.Paweł Bąk & Boguslawa Rolek (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Peter Lang Edition.
    Die Beiträge dieses Buches untersuchen die Vielfalt der Herangehensweisen an die diversen Erscheinungsformen von Sprache, an das Wort und die Wortsemantik sowie an den Gebrauch von Sprache. Der Band enthält Arbeiten, die linguistische Fragestellungen zu sprachsystematischen Aspekten der Wort-, Satz-, Text- und Diskursebene behandeln sowie Perspektiven eröffnen, um diverse Aspekte von Sprache in einem über diese Domänen hinausgehenden Rahmen zu betrachten. Die Beiträger diskutieren Fragen der lexikalischen Semantik, Pragmalinguistik, Morphologie und der Lexikographie. Das Buch setzt seine Schwerpunkte neben der Wortsemantik (...)
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  43. Johna Searle'a opis intencjonalności pragnień.Paweł Bankiewicz - 2009 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 45 (2):155-169.
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  44. Moralność jako element regulacji homeostatycznej w koncepcji Antonio Damasia.Paweł Bankiewicz - 2008 - Estetyka I Krytyka 1 (1):35-48.
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  45. The philosophy of legal philosophy : an introduction.Pawel Banaś - 2016 - In Pawel Banas, Adam Dyrda & Tomasz Gizbert-Studnicki (eds.), Metaphilosophy of Law. Portland, Oregon: Hart.
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    Jedność przyrody [recenzja] J. Werle, Jedność przyrody - rzeczywistość czy iluzja?, 1992.Paweł Wojciech Błasik - 1994 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 16.
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    Ideał i praktyka.Paweł Beylin - 1966 - Warszawa]: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy.
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    Urwane ścieżki: Przybyszewski, Freud, Lacan.Paweł Dybel - 2000 - Kraków: Universitas.
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    Warszawska szkoła historii idei: tożsamość tradycja obecność.Paweł Grad (ed.) - 2014 - Warszawa: Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN.
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  50. Decision problem for finite equivalential algebras.Pawel M. Idziak - 1991 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 20 (1):7-9.
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