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    Hraničná skúsenosť čítania: Maurice Blanchot.Pavol Sucharek - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (8).
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    Care of the Self: Ancient Problematizations of Life and Contemporary Thought.Lívia Flachbartová & Pavol Sucharek (eds.) - 2017 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    _Care of the Self: Ancient Problematizations of Life and Contemporary Thought_, by Lívia Flachbartová, Pavol Sucharek, and Vladislav Suvák, focus on different manifestations of “taking care of the self” present in ancient and contemporary thought.
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  3. Boundary Experience of Reading Maurice Blanchot.Pavol Sucharek - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (8):781-792.
    Referring to a passage from Blanchot’s novel Thomas l’Obscure, the paper questions the clear contours between literature and philosophy as disciplines. The point where the clear distinction breaks down is the phenomenon of reading. In a decisive moment of each authentic reading, the author tries to introduce a “phenomenology of reading”, in which we ourselves as readers are being transformed to the ones who are read. Light, truth, clarity – all these are notions, which in Blanchot are opposed by passivity, (...)
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  4. Conscience as the Other within the Same. Ricoeur and Levinas: Two Different Non-epistemological Perspectives.Pavol Sucharek - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (9):845-859.
    The essay compares Ricœur’s and Levinas’s conceptions of the constitution of conscience in the sense of German Gewissen. Beginning with Ricœur’s basic distinction between “identity-idem” and “identity-ipse” it shows the proper place of conscience in his conception. For Ricœur conscience is a finite category of otherness as related to the self, i.e. its most interior, intrinsic otherness. For Levinas, on the other hand, conscience – the other in the same – is an initiatory category, which is described in terms of (...)
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    Svedomie ako „iné V Tom isTom “. ricœur, Levinas: Dye odlišné neepistemologické perspektívy.Pavol Sucharek - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (9).
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