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  1. Tracing Hysteria’s Recent Trajectory: From a Crisis for Neurology to a New Scientific Object in Neuroimaging Research.Paula Muhr - 2023 - In Wissenskrisen–Krisenwissen. Zum Umgang mit Krisenzuständen in und durch Wissenschaft und Technik. Bielefeld: Transcript. pp. 271-96. Translated by Julia Engelschalt, Jason Lemberg, Arne Maibaum, Andie Rothenhäusler & Meike Wiegand.
  2. The Biologically Vulnerable Brain – Emerging Neuroimaging Research on the Roles of Early-Life Trauma, Genetics, and Epigenetics in Functional Neurological Disorder.Paula Muhr - 2024 - In Silvia Bonacchi, Vulnerability: Real, Imagined, and Displayed Fragility in Language and Society. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht unipress. pp. 111–128.
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    »What We Thought Was Unseeable«: Die mediale Konstruktion der ersten authentischen empirischen Bilder eines Schwarzen Lochs.Paula Muhr - 2024 - In Amrei Bahr & Gerrit Fröhlich, 'Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing?': Formen und Funktionen medialer Artefakt-Authentifizierung. Bielefeld: Transcript. pp. 19-49.
    The chapter examines how the process of creating the first empirical images of a black hole differs from creating photographic images. She shows that the authenticity of the first empirical black images was constructed through a specifically tailored discursive evidential procedure in which human and non-human actors used statistical modelling methods to produce sufficiently visually consistent image reconstructions from measurement data via a traceable cascade of numerous intermediary images.
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  4. Establishing Trust in Algorithmic Results: Ground Truth Simulations and the First Empirical Images of a Black Hole.Paula Muhr - 2024 - In Michael Resch, Nico Formanek, Joshy Ammu & Andreas Kaminski, Science and the Art of Simulation: Trust in Science. Springer. pp. 189–204.
    When the first empirical images of a black hole’s shadow were released in April 2019, they transformed this defining black hole feature from a theoretical into an explorable physical entity. But although derived from empirical measurements, the production of these images relied on the deployment of the algorithmic pipelines designed specifically for this purpose to enable the selection of optimal imaging parameters. How could the researchers involved trust their imaging pipelines to deliver faithful reconstructions of unknown images from the noisy, (...)
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  5. From Photography to fMRI: Epistemic Functions of Images in Medical Research on Hysteria.Paula Muhr - 2022 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
    Hysteria, a mysterious disease known since antiquity, is said to have ceased to exist. Challenging this commonly held view, this is the first cross-disciplinary study to examine the current functional neuroimaging research into hysteria and compare it to the nineteenth-century image-based research into the same disorder. Paula Muhr's central argument is that, both in the nineteenth-century and the current neurobiological research on hysteria, images have enabled researchers to generate new medical insights. Through detailed case studies, Muhr traces how different images, (...)
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  6. The “Cartographic Impulse” and Its Epistemic Gains in the Process of Iteratively Mapping M87's Black Hole.Paula Muhr - 2023 - Media+Environment 5 (1).
    After the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration released in April 2019 the first empirical images of a black hole, an astrophysical object previously thought “unseeable,” much of the public discourse has approached these images as straightforward visual depictions of a black hole. This article challenges this view by showing that the first images of a black hole went beyond merely making an invisible cosmic object visible and that the images published in April 2019 were just the first in a series of (...)
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  7. The Speechless Patient: Charcot’s Diagnostic Interpretation of Vocal, Gestural and Written Expressions in Hysterical Mutism.Paula Muhr - 2023 - In Josephine Hoegaerts & Janice Schroeder, Ordinary Oralities: Everyday Voices in History. De Gruyter. pp. 171-88.
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  8. Visualising the Hypnotised Brain: Hysteria Research from Charcot to Functional Brain Scans.Paula Muhr - 2018 - Culture Unbound 10:65–82.
    Contrary to the widely held belief in the humanities that hysteria no longer exists, this article shows that the advent of new brain imaging technologies has reignited scientific research into this age-old disorder, once again linking it to hypnosis. Even though humanities scholarship to date has paid no attention to it, image-based research of hysteria via hypnosis has been hailed in specialist circles for holding the potential to finally unravel the mystery of this elusive disorder. Following a succinct overview of (...)
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  9. The Unobserved Anatomy: Negotiating the Plausibility of AI-Based Reconstructions of Missing Brain Structures in Clinical MRI Scans.Paula Muhr - 2023 - In Antje Flüchter, Birte Förster, Britta Hochkirchen & Silke Schwandt, Plausibilisierung und Evidenz: Dynamiken und Praktiken von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Bielefeld University Press. pp. 169-192.
    Vast archives of fragmentary structural brain scans that are routinely acquired in medical clinics for diagnostic purposes have so far been considered to be unusable for neuroscientific research. Yet, recent studies have proposed that by deploying machine learning algorithms to fill in the missing anatomy, clinical scans could, in future, be used by researchers to gain new insights into various brain disorders. This chapter focuses on a study published in2019, whose authors developed a novel unsupervised machine learning algorithm for synthesising (...)
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  10. Epistemic Productivity of Seemingly Failed Approaches in fMRI-Based Research into Hysteria.Paula Muhr - 2022 - In Michael Jungert & Sebastian Schuol, Scheitern in den Wissenschaften: Perspektiven der Wissenschaftsforschung. Brill Deutschland GmbH. pp. 189-207.
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  11. Framing the Hysterical Body: A Comparative Analysis of a Historical and a Contemporary Approach to Imaging Functional Leg Paralysi.Paula Muhr - 2016 - In Nora S. Vaage, Rasmus T. Slaattelid, Trine Krigsvoll Haagensen & Samantha L. Smith, Images of Knowledge. The Epistemic Lives of Pictures and Visualisations. Peter Lang. pp. 97–125.
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  12. Visualising the Muscular Force. Charcot’s and Féré’s Approaches to Exploring the Neurophysiology of Movement in Hysteria Patients.Paula Muhr - 2022 - In Thomas Moser, Energetic Bodies: Sciences and Aesthetics of Strength and Strain. De Gruyter. pp. 81–101.
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  13. Wissenskrisen–Krisenwissen. Zum Umgang mit Krisenzuständen in und durch Wissenschaft und Technik.Paula Muhr (ed.) - 2023 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
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