Results for 'Paul Tapsell'

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  1.  24
    A Spiral of Innovation Framework for Social Entrepreneurship: Social Innovation at the Generational Divide in an Indigenous Context.Paul Tapsell & Christine Woods - 2008 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 10 (3).
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    Taniwha, taonga, and tangata.Krushil Watene - 2023 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):1-7.
    This comment draws on Paul Tapsell’s work on taonga to help make explicit some of what I take to be working behind Dan Hikuroa’s writings on taniwha and thus Justine Kingsbury’s Taniwha project. I detail some of the insights that a more detailed and complex account of taniwha—one that is framed around taniwha and taonga relationships—can provide. I contend that understanding taniwha in relation to taonga helps to highlight the way that Kingsbury’s account necessarily lacks elements essential to (...)
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    A Differential Color Mixer with Stationary Disks.Paul Thomas Young - 1923 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 6 (5):323.
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    21st-century humanities: Art, complexity, and interdisciplinarity.Paul Youngman - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (2):111-121.
    This article contends that the evolution toward interdisciplinary collaboration that we are witnessing in the sciences must also occur in the humanities to ensure their very survival. That is, humanists must be open to working with scientists and social scientists interested in similar research questions and vice versa. Digital humanities is a positive first step. Complexity science should be the next step. Even though much of the ground-breaking work in complexity science has been done in the natural sciences and mathematics, (...)
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    The Phenomena of Organic Set.Paul Thomas Young - 1925 - Psychological Review 32 (6):472-478.
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    Grammar and Understanding.Paul Yu - 1979 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):261 - 281.
    Despite significant advances in various special areas in the study of language, the question of what the basic nature of the theory of a language is remains controversial and unclear. In this paper we propose to rectify this situation and argue for a general perspective — one which only a few theorists have explicitly endorsed — by showing that it is at once theoretically illuminating and empirically plausible. This perspective consists of the following claims: that the most basic theory of (...)
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    Archaeology of Prehistoric Arabia: Adaptation and Social Formation from the Neolithic to the Iron Age. By Peter Magee.Paul A. Yule - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (1).
    The Archaeology of Prehistoric Arabia: Adaptation and Social Formation from the Neolithic to the Iron Age. By Peter Magee. Cambridge World Archaeology. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014. Pp. xv + 309, illus. $99.
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    D’Aden à Zafar: Villes d’Arabie du sud préislamique. By Jérémie Schiettecatte.Paul Alan Yule - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 133 (2).
    D’Aden à Zafar: Villes d’Arabie du sud préislamique. By Jérémie Schiettecatte. Orient & Méditeranée, Archéologie, vol. 6. Paris: De Boccard, 2011. Pp. 372, illus. €64.
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    Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies.Paul Yule - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (2):408.
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    Pendulum phenomena and the assessment of scientific inquiry capabilities.Paul Zachos - 2004 - Science & Education 13 (7-8):743-756.
  11. Filozofia versus prírodné vedy: „dogmatizmus“ v spore o „vedecký monizmus“ po roku 1900.: ( Peter Zigman.Paul Ziche - 2005 - Filosoficky Casopis 53:473-476.
    [ Philosophy against the natural sciences: “Dogmatism” in the dispute about “scientific monism” after 1900].
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  12. Undirected directionality : Jakob Friedrich Fries on hope, faith, and comprehensive feelings.Paul G. Ziche - 2023 - In Katerina Mihaylova & Anna Ezekiel, Hope and the Kantian Legacy: New Contributions to the History of Optimism. London, Vereinigtes Königreich: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    About Behaviorism.Paul Ziff - 1958 - Analysis 18 (6):132-136.
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    Philosophic Turnings.Paul Ziff - 1967 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 26 (1):130-130.
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    Concerning Town PlanningBuilding for Modern Man: A SymposiumThe Architecture of the Old SouthAn Outline of European ArchitectureRussian Architecture. Trends in Nationalism and ModernismEliel Saarinen.Paul Zucker, Thomas H. le CorbusierCreighton, Henry Chandlee Forman, Nikolaus Pevsner, Arthur Voyce & Albert Christ-Janer - 1950 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 8 (3):200.
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    Le Corbusier: Architect, Painter, WriterNew World of Space.Paul Zucker, Stamo Papadaki & Le Corbusier - 1949 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 7 (4):369.
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    Portrait of Canterbury CathedralPortrait of Salisbury CathedralColonial Williamsburg-Its Buildings and Gardens.Paul Zucker, G. H. Cook, A. Lawrence Kocher & Howard Dearstyne - 1950 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 8 (4):269.
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    Voices of German ExpressionismFrench Painters and Paintings from the 14th-Century to Post-Impressionism.Paul Zucker, Victor M. Miesel & Gerd Muehsam - 1971 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 29 (3):428.
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    Duty to Self: Moral, Political, and Legal Self-Relation.Paul Schofield - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    That we owe duties to others is a commonplace, the subject of countless philosophical treatises and monographs. Morality is interpersonal and other-directed, many claim. But what of what we owe ourselves? In Duty to Self, Paul Schofield flips the paradigm of interpersonal morality by arguing that there are moral duties we owe ourselves, and that in light of this, philosophers need to significantly rethink many of their views about practical reason, moral psychology, politics, and moral emotions. -/- Among these (...)
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  20. The Limits of Free Will: Replies to Bennett, Smith and Wallace.Paul Russell - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (1):357-373.
    This is a contribution to a Book symposium on The Limits of Free Will: Selected Essays by Paul Russell. Russell provides replies to three critics of The Limits of Free Will. The first reply is to Robert Wallace and focuses on the question of whether there is a conflict between the core compatibilist and pessimist components of the "critical compatibilist" position that Russell has advanced. The second reply is to Angela Smith's discussion of the "narrow" interpretation of moral responsibility (...)
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    Adam Smith Reconsidered: History, Liberty, and the Foundations of Modern Politics.Paul Sagar - 2022 - Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
    A radical reinterpretation of Adam Smith that challenges economists, moral philosophers, political theorists, and intellectual historians to rethink him—and why he matters Adam Smith has long been recognized as the father of modern economics. More recently, scholars have emphasized his standing as a moral philosopher—one who was prepared to critique markets as well as to praise them. But Smith’s contributions to political theory are still underappreciated and relatively neglected. In this bold, revisionary book, Paul Sagar argues that not only (...)
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  22.  16
    Studies on Early Modern Aristotelianism.Paul Richard Blum - 2012 - Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.
    In Studies on Early Modern Aristotelianism Paul Richard Blum shows that Aristotle’s thought remained the touchstone of modern philosophy; for it was the philosophy taught at universities. The concept of philosophy at Jesuit schools forms the first part of this book. Their impact on the sciences and mathematics in combination with Renaissance ideas of nature is the topic of the second part. The transformation of Aristotelian metaphysics and theology under the influence of the Renaissance is the third area of (...)
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  23.  10
    The Divine Goodness of Jesus: Impact and Response.Paul Moser - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, Paul Moser explores Jesus' role as God's filial inquirer and clarifies a method of inquiry regarding Jesus, one that offers a compelling explanation regarding his experiential impact and his audience's response. Moser's method values the roles of history and moral/religious experience in inquiry about him, and it saves inquirers from distorting biases in their inquiry. His study illuminates Jesus' puzzling features, including his challenging question for inquirers of him, his distinctive experience of God as father, his (...)
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  24. Recasting Hume and Early Modern Philosophy: Selected Essays.Paul Russell - 2021 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    In this collection of essays, philosopher Paul Russell addresses major figures and central topics of the history of early modern philosophy. Most of these essays are studies on the philosophy of David Hume, one of the great figures in the history of philosophy. One central theme, connecting many of the essays, concerns Hume's fundamental irreligious intentions. Russell argues that a proper appreciation of the significance of Hume's irreligious concerns, which runs through his whole philosophy, serves to discredit the deeply (...)
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    Malaise de l'Occident: vers une révolution conservatrice? : essai.Paul-François Paoli - 2014 - Paris: Pierre-Guillaume de Roux.
    L'état de crise générale qui règne aujourd'hui dans la société française, comme l'a révélé, entre autres, l'ampleur sans précédent de la "manif pour tous", menace aujourd'hui l'universalité même de notre modèle sociopolitique national. Depuis que les trois notions qui fondent nos "valeurs républicaines" - liberté, égalité, fraternité - ont été détournées de leur sens véritable. La "liberté", devenue illimitée, consacre un sujet dominé par son seul ego, l'"égalité" est désormais synonyme d'une abolition de toute différence, fût-elle biologique, et la "fraternité" (...)
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    Hermann Cohen and the crisis of liberalism: the enchantment of the public sphere.Paul Egan Nahme - 2019 - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, Office of Scholarly Publishing, Herman B Wells Library.
    Religion, reason, and the enchanted public sphere -- Minor protest(ant)s: Cohen and German-Jewish liberalism -- The dialectic of enchantment: science, religion, and secular reasoning -- Rights, religion, and race: Cohen's ethical socialism and the specter of anti-Semitism -- Enchanted reasoning: self-reflexive religion and minority -- Some minor reflections of enchantment.
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  27. Of Gods and Clocks: Free Will and Hobbes-Bramhall Debate.Paul Russell - 2021 - In Recasting Hume and Early Modern Philosophy: Selected Essays. New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press. pp. 133-157.
    Contrary to John Bramhall and critics like him, Thomas Hobbes takes the view that no account of liberty or freedom can serve as the relevant basis on which to distinguish moral from nonmoral agents or explains the basis on which an agent becomes subject to law and liable to punishment. The correct compatibilist strategy rests, on Hobbes’s account, with a proper appreciation and description of the contractualist features that shape and structure the moral community. From this perspective human agents may (...)
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  28. Elements.Paul Needham - 2007 - In Stamatios Gerogiorgakis, Johanna Seibt & Guido Imaguire, Handbook of Mereology. Munich: Philosophia. pp. 197-200.
  29. Mr. Passmore's aesthetics.Paul Welsh - 1955 - Philosophical Quarterly 5 (20):261-266.
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  30. True Religion and Hume's Practical Atheism.Paul Russell - 2021 - In Vicente Raga Rosaleny & Plínio Junqueira Smith, Sceptical Doubt and Disbelief in Modern European Thought. Cham: Springer. pp. 191-225.
    The argument and discussion in this paper begins from the premise that Hume was an atheist who denied the religious or theist hypothesis. However, even if it is agreed that that Hume was an atheist this does not tell us where he stood on the question concerning the value of religion. Some atheists, such as Spinoza, have argued that society needs to maintain and preserve a form of “true religion”, which is required for the support of our ethical life. Others, (...)
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    Public Entrepreneurship, Citizenship, and Self-Governance.Paul Dragos Aligica - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this book Paul Dragos Aligica revisits the theory of political self-governance in the context of recent developments in behavioral economics and political philosophy that have challenged the foundations of this theory. Building on the work of the 'Bloomington School' created by Nobel Laureate Elinor Ostrom and Public Choice political economy co-founder Vincent Ostrom, Aligica presents a fresh conceptualization of the key processes at the core of democratic-liberal governance systems involving civic competence and public entrepreneurship. The result is not (...)
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    Deuxième Congrès International d'Esthétique Et de Science de l'Art, Paris--1937.Paul Valéry - 1937 - Librairie F. Alcan.
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    Encounter Between Eastern Orthodoxy and Radical Orthodoxy: Transfiguring the World Through the Word – Edited by Adrian Pabst and Christoph Schneider.Paul Valliere - 2010 - Modern Theology 26 (2):316-319.
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    Exposition Internationale.Paul Valery - 1935 - Philosophy 10 (39):379 -.
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    Introduction à la poétique.Paul Valéry - 1938 - Paris: Gallimard.
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    La Politique de L'esprit: Notre Souverain Bien, Etc.Paul Valéry & Lucy Leveaux - 1941 - Éditions de l'Université de Manchester.
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    Permanence du théologico-politique politique et religion, de nouvelles donnes.Paul Valadier - 2006 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 4 (4):547-570.
    Comment une société moderne, édifiée sur la rupture entre le théologique et le politique peut-elle subsister en ayant perdu sa base religieuse, d’une part, et, d’autre part, comment la religion peut-elle encore rester vivante, exilée de la vie sociale et, à la limite, sortie de l’histoire des hommes ? Cet article voudrait montrer que le problème des relations entre politique et religion a retrouvé de nouvelles couleurs, et que sans rien renier des ruptures révolutionnaires, et à cause même de nouvelles (...)
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    Qu'était-ce qu'un empereur romain?Paul Veyne - 2002 - Diogène 199 (3):3-25.
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  39. La méthode de Saint Anselme dans le "Monologion" et le "Proslogion".Paul Vignaux - 1965 - Aquinas 8 (2):110.
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    Philosophy in the Middle Ages.Paul Vignaux - 1959 - Westport, Conn.,: Greenwood Press.
  41. Gospodstvo prava.Paul Vinogradoff - 1911 - Moskva,:
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    Rebirth of Utopias.Paul Vi - 1971 - Moreana 8 (Number 31-8 (3-4):299-300.
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  43. The aesthetics of disappearance, part IV.Paul Virilio - 2000 - In Clive Cazeaux, The Continental Aesthetics Reader. New York: Routledge.
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  44. Freud on Justice: Supporting Illusions with Arguments.Paul Voice & Annamaria Carusi - 1995 - Studies in Psychoanalytic Theory 4:29-47.
  45.  14
    (1 other version)Yearbook of Private International Law: Volume IX (2007).Paul Volken & Andrea Bonomi - 2008 - Sellier de Gruyter.
    2007 was arguably the most extraordinary year in recent memory for the development of Private International Law. Reflecting the vitality and fluidity of a subject that is in constant motion, Volume IX of the Yearbook of Private International Law is again a very rich and multi-faceted book. An entire thematic section of this volume is devoted to the "Rome II" Regulation on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations, which was adopted by the EC institutions in July 2007. Being the first (...)
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  46.  13
    Matrimonial cruelty in civil and canon law.S. J. V. Paul Brassell - 1965 - Heythrop Journal 6 (1):46–54.
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    Aquinas on Friendship – By Daniel Schwartz.Paul J. Wadell - 2008 - Modern Theology 24 (2):299-301.
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    The Routledge Companion to Critical Theory.Paul Wake & Simon Malpas (eds.) - 2006 - Routledge.
    The Routledge Companion of Critical Theory is an indispensable aid for anyone approaching this exciting field of study for the first time. By exploring ideas from a diverse range of disciplines "theory" encourages us to develop a deeper understanding of how we approach the written word. This book defines what is generically referred to as "critical theory," and guides readers through some of the most complex and fundamental concepts in the field, ranging from Historicism to Postmodernism, from Psychoanalytic Criticism to (...)
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  49.  25
    Al-Ghazālī as a Key Historical Witness to the Ismaili Doctrine of taʿlīm.Paul E. Walker - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (1).
    The writings of al-Ghazālī give the distinct impression that he was highly concerned with the threat the Ismailis and their doctrines posed. By his own admission, he wrote six separate treatises to refute and condemn them, most importantly his Faḍāʾiḥ al-bāṭiniyya, which he composed in the year 488h in the months prior to his renunciation of government service and departure from Baghdad. His attack focused on the doctrine known as taʿlīm, with its insistence on the unrivaled absolute authority of a (...)
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  50.  29
    Applying Habermasian "ways of knowing" to medical education.Paul Walker & Terence Lovat - unknown
    Different ways by which we come to know something, are usefully applied to the pedagogy of medical education. Jürgen Habermas described three “ways” of knowing. These are empirical-analytic knowing, historical-hermeneutic knowing, and self-reflective critical knowing. These “ways” of knowing have an epistemological basis, which is able to be traced from the classical and medieval epochs of philosophical thought. Given that doctor-patient interactions have a fundamental basis in morality, the three “ways” of Habermas can be applied to the pedagogy of medical (...)
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