Results for 'Paul A. J. M. Boon'

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  1.  14
    Validity, Reliability, and Diagnostic Cut-off of the Kinyarwandan Version of the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale in Rwanda.Peter Dedeken, Joao Ricardo Nickenig Vissoci, Fidele Sebera, Paul A. J. M. Boon, Eugene Rutembesa & Dirk E. Teuwen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  2. Paul and Jesus: Collected Essays.A. J. M. Wedderburn - 1989
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    Ethics and the professions.Paul A. Distler, DanHenry Pletta & J. M. Duncan (eds.) - 1993 - Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
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    Faith, Reason, and Political Life Today.Michelle E. Brady, Paul A. Cantor, Thomas Darby, Henry T. Edmondson Iii, Stephen L. Gardner, Marc D. Guerra, Gregory R. Johnson, Joseph M. Knippenberg, Peter Augustine Lawler, Daniel J. Mahoney, James F. Pontuso, Paul Seaton & Ashley Woodiwiss (eds.) - 2001 - Lexington Books.
    This rich and varied collection of essays addresses some of the most fundamental human questions through the lenses of philosophy, literature, religion, politics, and theology. Peter Augustine Lawler and Dale McConkey have fashioned an interdisciplinary consideration of such perennial and enduring issues as the relationship between nature and history, nature and grace, reason and revelation, classical philosophy and Christianity, modernity and postmodernity, repentance and self-limitation, and philosophy and politics.
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    Physical Activity, Sleep, and Nutrition Do Not Predict Cognitive Performance in Young and Middle-Aged Adults.Hieronymus J. M. Gijselaers, Barberà Elena, Paul A. Kirschner & Renate H. M. de Groot - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The Logic of Climate and Culture: Evolutionary and Psychological Aspects of CLASH.Paul A. M. Van Lange, Maria I. Rinderu & Brad J. Bushman - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40:e104.
    A total of 80 authors working in a variety of scientific disciplines commented on the theoretical model of CLimate, Aggression, and Self-control in Humans (CLASH). The commentaries cover a wide range of issues, including the logic and assumptions of CLASH, the evidence in support of CLASH, and other possible causes of aggression and violence (e.g., wealth, income inequality, political circumstances, historic circumstances, pathogen stress). Some commentaries also provide data relevant to CLASH. Here we clarify the logic and assumptions of CLASH (...)
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    Developmental aspects of cortical excitability and inhibition in depressed and healthy youth: an exploratory study.Paul E. Croarkin, Paul A. Nakonezny, Charles P. Lewis, Michael J. Zaccariello, John E. Huxsahl, Mustafa M. Husain, Betsy D. Kennard, Graham J. Emslie & Zafiris J. Daskalakis - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:103212.
    Objectives: The objective of this post hoc exploratory analysis was to examine the relationship between age and measures of cortical excitability and inhibition. Methods: Forty-six participants (24 with major depressive disorder and 22 healthy controls) completed MT, SICI, ICF, and CSP testing in a cross-sectional protocol. Of these 46 participants, 33 completed LICI testing. Multiple linear robust regression and Spearman partial correlation coefficient were used to examine the relationship between age and the TMS measures. Results: In the overall sample of (...)
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    How the evaluability bias shapes transformative decisions.Yoonseo Zoh, L. A. Paul & M. J. Crockett - 2024 - Synthese 203 (2):1-22.
    Our paper contributes to the rapidly expanding body of experimental research on transformative decision making, and in the process, marks out a novel empirical interpretation for assessments of subjective value in transformative contexts. We start with a discussion of the role of subjective value in transformative decisions, and then critique extant experimental work that explores this role, with special attention to Reuter and Messerli (2018). We argue that current empirical treatments miss a crucial feature of practical deliberation manifesting across a (...)
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  9.  42
    Aggression and violence around the world: A model of CLimate, Aggression, and Self-control in Humans.Paul A. M. Van Lange, Maria I. Rinderu & Brad J. Bushman - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40:1-63.
    Worldwide there are substantial differences within and between countries in aggression and violence. Although there are various exceptions, a general rule is that aggression and violence increase as one moves closer to the equator, which suggests the important role of climate differences. While this pattern is robust, theoretical explanations for these large differences in aggression and violence within countries and around the world are lacking. Most extant explanations focus on the influence of average temperature as a factor that triggers aggression, (...)
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  10.  15
    The Relation Between Cognitively Measured Executive Functions and Reported Self-Regulated Learning Strategy Use in Adult Online Distance Education.Celeste Meijs, Hieronymus J. M. Gijselaers, Kate M. Xu, Paul A. Kirschner & Renate H. M. De Groot - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    While executive functions and self-regulated learning strategy use have been found to be related in several populations, this relationship has not been studied in adult online distance education. This is surprising as self-regulation, and thus using such strategies, is very important here. In this setting, we studied the relation between basic executive functions and reported SRL-strategy use within a correlational design with 889 adult online distance students. In this study, we performed regression analyses and took age and processing speed into (...)
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  11.  11
    The effect of fragmented sleep on emotion regulation ability and usage.Merel Elise Boon, M. L. M. van Hooff, J. M. Vink & S. A. E. Geurts - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (6):1132-1143.
    Sleep has a profound effect on our mood, but insight in the mechanisms underlying this association is still lacking. We tested whether emotion regulation is a mediator in the relationship between fragmented sleep and mood disturbance. The effect of fragmented sleep on the emotion regulation strategies, including cognitive reappraisal, distraction, acceptance and suppression ability, was assessed. We further tested whether the use of these strategies, as well as rumination and self-criticism, mediated the association between fragmented sleep and negative and positive (...)
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  12.  35
    "A Splendid Failure": Nietzsche's Understanding of the Tragic.Paul J. M. van Tongeren - 1996 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 11:23-34.
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    Medium- and high-spin band structure of the chiral-candidate nucleus Pr-134.J. Timar, K. Starosta, I. Kuti, D. Sohler, D. B. Fossan, T. Koike, E. S. Paul, A. J. Boston, H. J. Chantler, M. Descovich, R. M. Clark, M. Cromaz, P. Fallon, I. Y. Lee, A. O. Macchiavelli, C. J. Chiara, R. Wadsworth, A. A. Hecht, D. Almehed, S. Frauendorf & Bob Wadsworth - unknown
    Medium- and high-spin states of Pr-134 were populated using the Cd-116(Na-23, 5n) reaction and studied with the GAMMASPHERE spectrometer. Several new bands have been found in this nucleus, one of them being linked to the previously observed chiral-candidate twin-band structure. The ground state of Pr-134 could be determined through establishing a level structure that connects the two previously known long-lived isomeric states. Unambiguous spin-parity assignments for the excited states could be performed based on the known 2(-) spin-parity of the ground (...)
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  14.  26
    Averroes' natural philosophy and its reception in the Latin west.Paul J. J. M. Bakker, Cristina Cerami, Jean-Baptiste Brenet, Dag Nikolaus Hasse, Silvia Donati, Cecilia Trifogli, Edith Dudley Sylla & Craig Martin (eds.) - 2015 - Leuven: Leuven University Press.
    Ibn Rushd (1126-1198), or Averroes, is widely known as the unrivalled commentator on virtually all works by Aristotle. His commentaries and treatises were used as manuals for understanding Aristotelian philosophy until the Age of the Enlightenment. Both Averroes and the movement commonly known as 'Latin Averroism' have attracted considerable attention from historians of philosophy and science. Whereas most studies focus on Averroes' psychology, particularly on his doctrine of the 'unity of the intellect', Averroes' natural philosophy as a whole and its (...)
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    The Remmelink Study Two Years Later.Johannes J. M. van Delden, Loes Pijnenborg & Paul J. van der Maas - 1993 - Hastings Center Report 23 (6):24.
    The Remmelink Committee published its report on medical decisions at the end of life in the Netherlands in September 1991. As a result, the Dutch debate about physician aid‐in‐dying has been broadened to include life‐terminating acts that have not been explicitly requested by the patient.
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  16. Young peoples same-sex relationships sexual health and well-being.Peter Aggleton, Ian Warwick, Paul Boyce, Y. Sahip, J. M. Turan, A. Swidler, S. C. Watkins, C. O. Izugbara, F. N. Modo & A. Agardh - 2007 - Journal of Biosocial Science 39 (6):98-112.
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  17. Medievalia Et Humanistica No. 30: Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Culture.Jane Griffiths, Sarah Gordon, Fabian Alfie, Joseph Grossi, Z. J. Kosztolnyik, John R. C. Martyn, Donald Cooper, Wendy Pfeffer, Daniel Gustav Anderson, Jane Gilbert, Miri Rubin, Paul Warde, Jan M. Ziolkowski, James A. Schultz & John Alexander (eds.) - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Since its founding in 1943, Medievalia et Humanistica has won worldwide recognition as the first scholarly publication in America to devote itself entirely to medieval and Renaissance studies. Since 1970, a new series, sponsored by the Modern Language Association of America and edited by an international board of distinguished scholars and critics, has published interdisciplinary articles. In yearly hardbound volumes, the new series publishes significant scholarship, criticism, and reviews treating all facets of medieval and Renaissance culture: history, art, literature, music, (...)
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  18.  41
    Moral Philosophy as a Hermeneutics of Moral Experience.Paul J. M. van Tongeren - 1994 - International Philosophical Quarterly 34 (2):199-214.
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  19.  48
    Butterfly eyespot patterns: Evidence for specification by a morphogen diffusion gradient.Antónia Monteiro, Vernon French, Gijs Smit, Paul M. Brakefield & Johan A. J. Metz - 2001 - Acta Biotheoretica 49 (2):77-88.
    In this paper we describe a test for Nijhout's hypothesis that the eyespot patterns on butterfly wings are the result of a threshold reaction of the epidermal cells to a concentration gradient of a diffusing degradable morphogen produced by focal cells at the centre of the future eyespot. The wings of the nymphalid butterfly, Bicyclus anynana, have a series of eyespots, each composed of a white pupil, a black disc and a gold outer ring. In earlier extirpation and transplantation experiments (...)
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  20.  41
    Guiral Ot Et Le Mouvement. Autour De La Question De Motu Conservée Dans Le Manuscrit Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, 4229.Paul J. J. M. Bakker - 2003 - Early Science and Medicine 8 (4):298-319.
    This article examines the authenticity of an anonymous question on local motion extant in manuscript Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, 4229. This quaestio discusses the motion of three types of mobile objects, namely celestial bodies, heavy and light bodies, and projectiles. A comparison of this anonymous text with three questions from the Sentences commentary of Giraldus Odonis shows that this Franciscan theologian is very likely to be the author of the anonymous question found in the Madrid manuscript, even if the precise relation (...)
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  21.  19
    The Later Roman Empire 284-602. A Social, Economic and Administrative Survey.Paul J. Alexander & A. H. M. Jones - 1966 - American Journal of Philology 87 (3):337.
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  22.  34
    A methodological behaviourist model for imitation.Paul J. M. Jorion - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (5):695-695.
    Byrne & Russon's target article displays all the difficulties encountered when one fails to take a methodological behaviourist approach to imitation. Their conceptual apparatus is grounded in a mixture of introspection and folk psychology. Their distinction between action-level and program-level imitation falters on goal imputation for sequential acts. In an alternative gradient descent model, behaviour can be simulated as a frustration/satisfaction gradient descent in the animal's “potentiality space,” as defined by knowledge, inventiveness, and the surrounding environment.
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    High-spin yrast states in the gamma-soft nuclei Pr-135 and Ce-134.E. S. Paul, C. Fox, A. J. Boston, H. J. Chantler, C. J. Chiara, R. M. Clark, M. Cromaz, M. Descovich, P. Fallon, D. B. Fossan, A. A. Hecht, T. Koike, I. Y. Lee, A. O. Macchiavelli, P. J. Nolan, K. Starosta, R. Wadsworth, I. Ragnarsson & Bob Wadsworth - unknown
    High-spin states have been studied in Pr-135(59), populated through the Cd-116(Na-23,4n) reaction at 115 MeV, using the Gammasphere gamma-ray spectrometer. The negative-parity yrast band has been significantly extended to spin similar to 45 (h) over bar and excitation energy 21.5 MeV, showing evidence for several rotational alignments. The positive-parity yrast band of Ce-135(58), populated through the p4n channel of this reaction, was also populated to spin similar to 38 (h) over bar and excitation energy 18 MeV. Cranking calculations indicate that (...)
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    Boekbesprekingen.J. van Ruiten, J. T. A. G. M. van Ruiten, P. C. Beentjes, Marc Vervenne, Frans Brasseur, Bart J. Koet, Martin Parmentier, Kitty Bouwman, G. Rouwhorst, Paul Begheyn, P. van Veldhuijsen, Pim Valkenberg, Guido Vanheeswijck & A. Braeckman - 1993 - Bijdragen 54 (2):199-227.
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    Nicholas of Amsterdam on Accidental Being: A Study and Edition of Two Questions from his Commentary on the Metaphysics.Paul J. J. M. Bakker - 2012 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 15 (1):131-180.
  26.  31
    Character in childhood and early adolescence: models and measurement.Jun Wang, Lacey J. Hilliard, Rachel M. Hershberg, Edmond P. Bowers, Paul A. Chase, Robey B. Champine, Mary H. Buckingham, Dylan A. Braun, Erin S. Gelgoot & Richard M. Lerner - 2015 - Journal of Moral Education 44 (2):165-197.
    In recent years, the construct of character has received substantial attention among developmental scientists, but no consensus exists about the content and structure of character, especially among children and early adolescents. In a study of positive development among racially diverse Cub Scouts in the greater Philadelphia area, we assessed the construct and concurrent validity of a new measure of character, the Assessment of Character in Children and Early Adolescents, among 906 Scouts and 775 non-Scout boys and girls. We identified an (...)
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    The Remmelink Study: Two Years Later.Johannes J. M. Delden, Loes Pijnenborg & Paul J. Maas - 1993 - Hastings Center Report 23 (6):24-27.
    The Remmelink Committee published its report on medical decisions at the end of life in the Netherlands in September 1991. As a result, the Dutch debate about physician aid‐in‐dying has been broadened to include life‐terminating acts that have not been explicitly requested by the patient.
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  28.  37
    Syntax, or, the embryogenesis of meaning.Paul J. M. Jorion - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (6):1027-1028.
    Syntax is better viewed as the dynamics of a morphogenetic field on a semantic universe of “content” words. This may take widely different forms, making the acquisition of any language by an aspiring speaker an entirely new experience. The existence of an underlying “universal syntax” might be illusory.
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    Social Mindfulness and Psychosis: Neural Response to Socially Mindful Behavior in First-Episode Psychosis and Patients at Clinical High-Risk.Imke L. J. Lemmers-Jansen, Anne-Kathrin J. Fett, Niels J. Van Doesum, Paul A. M. Van Lange, Dick J. Veltman & Lydia Krabbendam - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  30.  75
    Politics, Friendship and Solitude in Nietzsche.Paul J. M. Van Tongeren - 2000 - South African Journal of Philosophy 19 (3):209-222.
    The paper offers a counter- reading to Derrida's “utopian” reading of Nietzsche, focussing instead on Nietzsche's cynical view of friendship, based on the impossibility of being a friend to oneself. Unlike Aristotle, who sees the basis of human political nature in their shared rationality and mutual friendship, Nietzsche sees not only politics, but human beings themselves as being constituted by a violent act of submission, and characterised by an ongoing struggle for power. The paper further examines two intellectual traditions about (...)
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    Designing System Reforms: Using a Systems Approach to Translate Incident Analyses into Prevention Strategies.Natassia Goode, Gemma J. M. Read, Michelle R. H. van Mulken, Amanda Clacy & Paul M. Salmon - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  32. Two Decades of Research on Euthanasia from the Netherlands. What Have We Learnt and What Questions Remain?and Agnes van der Heide Judith A. C. Rietjens, Paul J. Van der Maas, Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen, Johannes J. M. Van Delden - 2009 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 6 (3):271.
    Two decades of research on euthanasia in the Netherlands have resulted into clear insights in the frequency and characteristics of euthanasia and other medical end-of-life decisions in the Netherlands. These empirical studies have contributed to the quality of the public debate, and to the regulating and public control of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. No slippery slope seems to have occurred. Physicians seem to adhere to the criteria for due care in the large majority of cases. Further, it has been shown (...)
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  33. Stronger Prejudices Are Associated With Decreased Model-Based Control.Miriam Sebold, Hao Chen, Aleyna Önal, Sören Kuitunen-Paul, Negin Mojtahedzadeh, Maria Garbusow, Stephan Nebe, Hans-Ulrich Wittchen, Quentin J. M. Huys, Florian Schlagenhauf, Michael A. Rapp, Michael N. Smolka & Andreas Heinz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Prejudices against minorities can be understood as habitually negative evaluations that are kept in spite of evidence to the contrary. Therefore, individuals with strong prejudices might be dominated by habitual or “automatic” reactions at the expense of more controlled reactions. Computational theories suggest individual differences in the balance between habitual/model-free and deliberative/model-based decision-making.Methods: 127 subjects performed the two Step task and completed the blatant and subtle prejudice scale.Results: By using analyses of choices and reaction times in combination with computational (...)
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  34.  8
    Nietzsche and Ethics.Paul J. M. van Tongeren - 2006-01-01 - In Keith Ansell Pearson (ed.), A Companion to Nietzsche. Blackwell. pp. 387–403.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Nietzsche's Critique of Morality and Ethics The Morality of the Critique.
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    Nietzsche’s Transfiguration of History.Paul J. M. Van Tongeren - 1994 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 2 (2):23-46.
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  36.  42
    Thought as word dynamics.Paul J. M. Jorion - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (2):295-295.
    A Hebbian model for speech generation opens a number of paths. A cross-linguistic scheme of functional relationships (inspired by Aristotle) dispenses with distraction by the “parts of speech” distinctions, while bridging the gap between “content” and “structure” words. A gradient model identifies emotional and rational dynamics and shows speech generation as a process where a speaker's dissatisfaction gets minimized.
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    Psychology and the other disciplines: a case of cross-disciplinary interaction (1250-1750).Paul J. J. M. Bakker, Cornelis Hendrik Leijenhorst & Sander Wopke de Boer (eds.) - 2012 - Boston: Brill.
    Bringing together specialists in various fields, this volume shows that the transformation from the scholastic to more empirical approaches to psychology was a gradual process.
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    The elementary units of meaning.Paul J. M. Jorion - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (4):483-484.
    Examining the implications of a localist model for linguistic performance, I show the strengths of the P-graph, a network of elementary units of meaning where utterance results from relaxation through the operation of a dynamics of affect values. A unit of meaning is stored in a synaptic connection that brings together two words. Such a model, consistent with the anatomy and physiology of the neural tissue, eschews a number of traditional pitfalls of “semantic networks”: (1) ambiguity ceases to be an (...)
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    The uncanny power of words.Paul J. M. Jorion - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (4):622-623.
    In their quality as acoustic or visual percepts, words are linked to the emotional values of the state-of-affairs they evoke. This allows them to engender meanings capable of operating nearly entirely detached from percepts. Such a laying flat of meanings permits deliberation to take place within the window of consciousness. In such a theatre of the imagination, linguistically triggered, resides the originality of the human psyche.
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    Les Palaestrae De Jean De Spello: Exercices Scolaires D'Un Maître En Médecine à Pérouse Au XIVE Siècle.Paul J. J. M. Bakker - 1998 - Early Science and Medicine 3 (4):289-309.
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    Amygdala activation during emotional face processing in adolescents with affective disorders: the role of underlying depression and anxiety symptoms.Bianca G. van den Bulk, Paul H. F. Meens, Natasja D. J. van Lang, E. L. de Voogd, Nic J. A. van der Wee, Serge A. R. B. Rombouts, Eveline A. Crone & Robert R. J. M. Vermeiren - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  42.  42
    Boekbesprekingen.J. T. A. G. M. van Ruiten, P. C. Beentjes, W. G. Tillmans, Nico Schreurs, J. -J. Suurmond, Th C. de Kruijf, Martin Parmentier, G. Rouwhorst, Th Bell, H. J. Adriaanse, Paul Vermeer, A. H. C. van Eijk, Peter de Haan, R. G. W. Huysmans, P. G. van Hooijdonk, A. van de Pavert, A. J. Leijen, N. Cornips, Luc Anckaert, F. De Meyer & J. Y. H. A. Jacobs - 1994 - Bijdragen 55 (1):72-111.
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    In Search of Humanity: Essays in Honor of Clifford Orwin.Ryan Balot, Timothy W. Burns, Paul A. Cantor, Brent Edwin Cusher, Donald Forbes, Steven Forde, Bryan-Paul Frost, Kenneth Hart Green, Ran Halévi, L. Joseph Hebert, Henry Higuera, Robert Howse, S. N. Jaffe, Michael S. Kochin, Noah Lawrence, Mark J. Lutz, Arthur M. Melzer, Jeffrey Metzger, Miguel Morgado, Waller R. Newell, Michael Palmer, Lorraine Smith Pangle, Thomas L. Pangle, Marc F. Plattner, William B. Parsons, Linda R. Rabieh, Andrea Radasanu, Michael Rosano, Diana J. Schaub, Susan Meld Shell & Nathan Tarcov (eds.) - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    This collection of essays, offered in honor of the distinguished career of prominent political philosophy professor Clifford Orwin, brings together internationally renowned scholars to provide a wide context and discuss various aspects of the virtue of “humanity” through the history of political philosophy.
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    The Social Psychology of Morality.Joseph P. Forgas, Lee J. Jussim & Paul A. M. Van Lange (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Psychology Press.
    Ever since Plato’s ‘Republic’ was written over two thousand years ago, one of the main concerns of social philosophy and later empirical social science was to understand the moral nature of human beings. The faculty to think and act in terms of overarching moral values is as much a defining hallmark of our species as is our intelligence, so _homo moralis_ is no less an appropriate term to describe humans as _homo sapiens_. This volume makes a case for the pivotal (...)
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    6. The Anonymous Liber de anima Ascribed to Nicholas Bonet.Paul J. J. M. Bakker - 2014 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 56:201-219.
    : This contribution offers a detailed presentation of an anonymous book on the soul ascribed to the fourteenth-century Franciscan philosopher and theologian Nicholas Bonet. The work is conserved in two manuscripts of the National Library of the Czech Republic in Prague. In both manuscripts the work is almost certainly incomplete. It has a strong focus on the vegetative and sensitive operations of the human soul and on phenomena such as light and colour. Keywords: Fourteenth-century philosophy, Nicholas Bonet, philosophical manuscripts, philosophical (...)
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    9. Secundum intentionem Doctoris subtilis: The Commentaries on Porphyry’s Isagoge and Aristotle’s De anima by Walter of Wervia.Paul J. J. M. Bakker & Femke J. Kok - 2014 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 56:263-279.
    This contribution offers a detailed presentation of the commentaries on Porphyry’s Isagoge and Aristotle’s De anima by Walter of Wervia. Walter wrote his commentaries between 1445 and 1472 at the University of Paris. Both works bear witness to the influence of John Duns Scotus and Scotism on Parisian Masters of Arts.
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    Success and Suppression: Arabic Sciences and Philosophy in the Renaissance by Dag Nicolaus Hasse.Paul J. J. M. Bakker - 2018 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 56 (3):557-558.
    Historiography of Renaissance philosophy and science has long been characterized by tendencies to minimize the influence of medieval Arabic philosophy and science. According to the standard narrative, the humanists successfully eliminated Arabic writers, along with their Latin scholastic interpreters. Against this background, Dag Nikolaus Hasse calls for a "sober historical approach" in order to "assess the factual influence of Arabic sciences and philosophy in the Renaissance". His narrative is summarized by the title of his impressively erudite and well-documented...
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    Cognitive Inflexibility in Gamblers is Primarily Present in Reward-Related Decision Making.Michiel Boog, Paul Hã¶Ppener, Ben J. M. V. D. Wetering, Anna E. Goudriaan, Matthijs C. Boog & Ingmar H. A. Franken - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Salvation and creation: on the role of forgiveness in the completion of Paul Ricoeur’s philosophy.Paul J. M. van Tongeren - 2014 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 75 (2):169-182.
    In the general introduction to the first part of his Philosophie de la Volonté, Le volontaire et l’involontaire Paul Ricoeur writes that the phenomenological or ‘pure description […] of the Voluntary and the Involuntary’ is ‘constituted by bracketing’ two things: first the fault, which is essentially a perversion of the pure nature or the essence of human willing; and second ‘Transcendence which hides within it the ultimate origin of subjectivity’. Evil, the condition of brokenness or the reality of the (...)
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  50. What Will Consumers Pay for Social Product Features?Pat Auger, Paul Burke, Timothy M. Devinney & Jordan J. Louviere - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 42 (3):281 - 304.
    The importance of ethical consumerism to many companies worldwide has increased dramatically in recent years. Ethical consumerism encompasses the importance of non-traditional and social components of a company's products and business process to strategic success - such as environmental protectionism, child labor practices and so on. The present paper utilizes a random utility theoretic experimental design to provide estimates of the relative value selected consumers place on the social features of products.
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