Results for 'Patricia McKee'

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  1.  40
    Examining the Business Ethics Training and Development Practices of Canadian Organizations.Wendy R. Carroll, Margaret C. McKee, Cathy Driscoll & Terry H. Wagar - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:4-12.
    Ethics training has been highlighted as essential for building and fostering business ethics in organizations. National and international trends show that over 40% of businesses have some form of business ethics training. We use data collected from 199 firms to examine the presence of ethics training in top Canadian companies and found that the presence varied by region and firm size, and that the Canadian average (35%) lags other countries.
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    Corporate Governance as a Key Driver of Corporate Sustainability in France: The Role of Board Members and Investor Relations.Patricia Crifo, Elena Escrig-Olmedo & Nicolas Mottis - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (4):1127-1146.
    This paper examines the relationships between corporate governance and corporate sustainability by focusing on two main components of companies’ governance structure: boards of directors and investor relations officers. We propose an original empirical strategy based on the 120 biggest French capitalizations for the year 2013, allowing us to measure boards of directors’ independence and expertise, as well as investor relations officers’ convictions and communication on corporate sustainability. Our results show that corporate governance has an ambiguous impact on corporate sustainability because (...)
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    Moral Reasoning in a Pluralistic World.Patricia Marino - 2015 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Moral diversity is a fundamental reality of today’s world, but moral theorists have difficulty responding to it. Some take it as evidence for skepticism – the view that there are no moral truths. Others, associating moral reasoning with the search for overarching principles and unifying values, see it as the result of error. In the former case, moral reasoning is useless, since values express individual preferences; in the latter, our reasoning process is dramatically at odds with our lived experience. Moral (...)
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  4. Responsible Psychopaths Revisited.Patricia Greenspan - 2016 - The Journal of Ethics 20 (1-3):265-278.
    This paper updates, modifies, and extends an account of psychopaths’ responsibility and blameworthiness that depends on behavioral control rather than moral knowledge. Philosophers mainly focus on whether psychopaths can be said to grasp moral rules as such, whereas it seems to be important to their blameworthiness that typical psychopaths are hampered by impulsivity and other barriers to exercising self-control. I begin by discussing an atypical case, for contrast, of a young man who was diagnosed as a psychopath at one point (...)
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    Axiomatic and ecological rationality: choosing costs and benefits.Patricia Rich - 2016 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 9 (2):90.
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    The logic of probabilistic knowledge.Patricia Rich - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (6):1703-1725.
    Sarah Moss’ thesis that we have probabilistic knowledge is from some perspectives unsurprising and from other perspectives hard to make sense of. The thesis is potentially transformative, but not yet elaborated in sufficient detail for epistemologists. This paper interprets Mossean probabilistic knowledge in a suitably-modified Kripke framework, thus filling in key details. It argues that probabilistic knowledge looks natural and plausible when so interpreted, and shows how the most pressing challenges to the thesis can be overcome. Most importantly, probabilistic knowledge (...)
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    Mary Astell: Theorist of Freedom From Domination.Patricia Springborg - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Philosopher, theologian, educational theorist, feminist and political pamphleteer, Mary Astell was an important figure in the history of ideas of the early modern period. Among the first systematic critics of John Locke's entire corpus, she is best known for the famous question which prefaces her Reflections on Marriage: 'If all men are born free, how is it that all women are born slaves?' She is claimed by modern Republican theorists and feminists alike but, as a Royalist High Church Tory, the (...)
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  8.  51
    A complementary processes account of the development of childhood amnesia and a personal past.Patricia J. Bauer - 2015 - Psychological Review 122 (2):204-231.
  9.  24
    SYMPOSIUM: On West and Fenstermaker's “Doing Difference”.Patricia Hill Collins - 1995 - Gender and Society 9 (4):491-494.
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  10. Presocratic accounts of perception and cognition.Patricia Curd - 2018 - In John E. Sisko, Philosophy of mind in antiquity. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Index.Patricia S. Churchland - 2011 - In Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells Us About Morality. Princeton University Press. pp. 261-276.
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    Medieval Islamic Political Thought.Patricia Crone - 2004 - Edinburgh University Press.
  13. Where are Love and Strife? Incorporeality in Empedocles.Patricia Curd - 2013 - In Joe McCoy & Charles H. Kahn, Early Greek philosophy: the Presocratics and the emergence of reason. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press. pp. 113-138.
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    Kant’s Theory of Mind: An Analysis of the Paralogisms of Pure Reason.Patricia Kitcher & Karl Ameriks - 1983 - Philosophical Review 92 (2):285.
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    Verzerrung trifft Unsicherheitsverarbeitung: Ein Kommentar zu Weakness of Will and Delay Discounting.Patricia Rich - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 78 (2):280-284.
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    Bibliography.Patricia S. Churchland - 2011 - In Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells Us About Morality. Princeton University Press. pp. 235-258.
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    4. Cooperating and Trusting.Patricia S. Churchland - 2011 - In Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells Us About Morality. Princeton University Press. pp. 63-94.
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    1. Introduction.Patricia S. Churchland - 2011 - In Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells Us About Morality. Princeton University Press. pp. 1-11.
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  19.  77
    Logical form and ontological decisions.Patricia Smith Churchland - 1974 - Journal of Philosophy 71 (17):599-600.
  20.  12
    Notes.Patricia S. Churchland - 2011 - In Braintrust: What Neuroscience Tells Us About Morality. Princeton University Press. pp. 205-234.
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  21.  8
    La experiencia de lo sagrado: enfoque interdisciplinario.Patricia Andrea Ciner (ed.) - 2004 - San Juan: Editorial Fundación Universidad Nacional de San Juan.
  22.  51
    The New Politics of Community Revisited.Patricia Hill Collins - 2020 - The Pluralist 15 (1):54-73.
    the term community remains firmly entrenched in everyday speech and public discourse, circulating widely across disparate situations, with vastly different meanings attached to its use. Yet despite its seeming simplicity, the construct of community may underpin the social and political organization of power relations and the politics they engender. The myriad ways that community, power relations, and politics have informed one another suggest a potential theoretical richness for this word of power.Scholarly perspectives of community cluster around two competing focal points. (...)
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  23. Expertise in nursing practice: caring, clinical judgment & ethics.Patricia E. Benner - 2009 - New York: Springer. Edited by Christine A. Tanner & Catherine A. Chesla.
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    Parmenidean Clues in the Search for the Sophist.Patricia Kenig Curd - 1988 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 5 (4):307 - 320.
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    "Parmenides" 131c-132b: Unity and Participation.Patricia Kenig Curd - 1986 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 3 (2):125 - 136.
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    Parmenides142b5-144e7: The “unity is many” arguments.Patricia Kenig Curd - 1990 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):19-35.
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    The Mathematical Turn in Late Plato.Patricia Curd - 1999 - Apeiron 32 (1):49 - 66.
  28.  51
    Imperialism, Race, and Therapeutics: The Legacy of Medicalizing the “Colonial Body”.Patricia Barton - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (3):506-516.
    The BiDil controversy in America coincides with a renewed interest in the linkages between race and therapeutics, whether in the medical history of the United States itself, or in the colonial world. During the colonial era in South Asia, many anthropological and medical researchers conducted research which compared the European and “colonial” body, contrasting everything from blood composition to brain weight between the races of the Indian Empire. This, as Mark Harrison has shown, was fundamentally a phenomenon of the 19th (...)
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  29.  8
    Herder et les lumières: essai de biographie intellectuelle.Patricia Rehm - 2007 - Hildesheim: G. Olms.
  30.  20
    Our community as a discursive achievement.Patricia Rodney - 2007 - Nursing Philosophy 8 (1):1–2.
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  31.  25
    Les voies de la subjectivation.Patricia Rossi - 2004 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 163 (1):37-49.
    La clinique des femmes en situation précaire nous confronte aux effets abrupts de la forclusion de l’être sexué femme et à ses conséquences, les difficultés de subjectivation. Cette forclusion repose sur l’impensé d’une réalité : il y a deux sexes. Cela se traduit depuis des lustres par un contrôle de la potentialité créatrice qu’est la maternité au sein du matrimonial, qui mène les femmes vers des impasses quant à leur autonomie psychique en tant que sujets femmes. S’affranchir de cette condition (...)
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  32. The limits of physicalism.Patricia A. Ross - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66 (1):94-116.
    Mark Wilson, in his 1985 paper entitled "What Is This Thing Called 'Pain'?: The Philosophy of Science Behind the Contemporary Debate," proposed an account of physicalism that departs significantly from standard approaches. One of the main points of his paper was to explain the flaws in arguments claiming that psychological properties cannot be shown to be physical because of their functional nature. However, the positive proposal that Wilson makes in this article bears further examination. I argue that it not only (...)
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  33.  5
    Le Sujet Comme ‟Surchair”.Patricia Apostol - 2019 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:87-108.
    Michel Henry questions the opposition body - flesh as indebted to the opposition between what appears/the appearing, under the light of what he calls the reversal of phenomenology, i.e. the substitution of the phenomenology of the world for a phenomenology of life. This question raises another question: the constitution of intersubjectivity, which this article is trying to answer by developing a schema of intersubjectivity through a critical rereading of the theory of Nietzsche about active force and reactive force.
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    The Moral Imagination of Patricia Werhane: A Festschrift.R. Edward Freeman, Sergiy Dmytriyev, Andrew C. Wicks, James R. Freeland, Richard T. De George, Norman E. Bowie, Ronald F. Duska, Edwin M. Hartman, Timothy J. Hargrave, Mark S. Schwartz, W. Michael Hoffman, Michael E. Gorman, Mollie Painter-Morland, Carla J. Manno, Howard Harris, David Bevan & Patricia H. Werhane - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book celebrates the work of Patricia Werhane, an iconic figure in business ethics. This festschrift is a collection of articles that build on Werhane’s contributions to business ethics in such areas as Employee Rights, the Legacy of Adam Smith, Moral Imagination, Women in Business, the development of the field of business ethics, and her contributions to such fields as Health Care, Education, Teaching, and Philosophy. All papers are new contributions to the management literature written by well-known business ethicists, (...)
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    Fatiamento da Paisagem | Landscape slicing.Patricia Stuart Guibes - 2021 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 3 (1):571-580.
    A partir do fatiamento horizontal de uma fotografia, este ensaio apresenta uma reflexão sobre perda de referências e dissolução de perspectivas. As imagens alongadas, seis fatias de um todo, são compreendidas como questionamentos sobre a impermanência da paisagem urbana.
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    La Main Passive: Absence D’Œuvre, Resistance Et Desœuvrement.Patricia Apostol - 2018 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:39-58.
    The Passive Hand: Absence d’œuvre, Resistance and Désœuvrement. I question the rapport between the hand as an aesthetic notion and the value of passivity, in order to define the dynamic of the relationship between passivity and creation. I, first, examine the Blanchot’s metaphor regarding the act of creation as being a privative intervention of the left hand, passive, on the right hand, active, under the light of a critical reading of the Nietzschean concepts of active force—reactive force; then, I analyse (...)
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  37.  37
    Trends in health research ethics in the Philippines during the American Colonial Period (1898‐1946).Patricia Ana Vic H. Arcega, Chiara Louise P. Cabantac & Ronald Allan L. Cruz - 2019 - Developing World Bioethics 19 (3):180-185.
    Research involving human participants has been conducted in the Philippines since the beginning of the Spanish colonial period. Such studies are expected to adhere to internationally accepted ethical guidelines. This paper discusses trends in clinical research ethics in the Philippines during the American colonial period (1898‐1946). Specifically, studies were assessed on: 1) their observance of ethical protocols, including review; 2) identification of inclusion and exclusion criteria in the selection of participants; 3) use of vulnerable subjects; and 4) practice of the (...)
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  38.  49
    A national survey of ethics committees in state mental hospitals.Patricia Backlar & Bentson H. McFarland - 1993 - HEC Forum 5 (5):272-288.
    In June 1992, a national mail survey was directed to 204 state inpatient psychiatric institutions. This study was implemented following the 1992 Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) requirement that hospitals put in place some means with which to address ethical issues. The goals of the study were: 1. to examine state mental hospital characteristics and their response to the JCAHO requirements; 2. to describe healthcare ethics committee (HEC) composition, function, and role; 3. to study patient and family (...)
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    (1 other version)Falsifiability and probability.Patricia Baillie - 1970 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 48 (1):99 – 100.
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  40. The Egyptian Revolution 2011: Mechanisms of Violence and Non-Violence.Patricia Bauer & Bertold Schweitzer - 2013 - In Bert Preiss & Claudia Brunner, Democracy in Crisis: The Dynamics of Civil Protest and Civil Resistance. Lit. pp. 309–328.
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    Responding to Modern Sensibilities: Emma and Edvard Entangled.Patricia G. Berman - 2017 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 7 (7):145-159.
    This article is an edited version of the response paper offered at the conclusion of the symposium, Modern Sensibilities. It ties together themes from the symposium papers, as well as ideas prompted by Mieke Bal’s exhibition, Emma & Edvard: Love in the Time of Loneliness, and her accompanying book, Emma and Edvard Looking Sideways: Loneliness and the Cinematic. It focuses on the anachronistic entanglements among Flaubert’s “Emma,” Munch’s motifs, Mieke Bal and Michelle Williams Gamaker’s Madame B, the Munch Museum’s architecture (...)
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    Instruments of Attraction.Patricia Fara - 1996
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  43.  28
    Bayesian animals sense ecological constraints to predict fitness and organize individually flexible reproductive decisions.Patricia Adair Gowaty & Stephen P. Hubbell - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3):215-216.
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    What if within-sex variation is greater than between-sex variation?Patricia Adair Gowaty - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (2):389-390.
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    Intersubjectivity evolved to fit the brain, but grammar co-evolved with the brain.Patricia M. Greenfield & Kristen Gillespie-Lynch - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):523-524.
    We propose that some aspects of language evolved to fit the brain, whereas other aspects co-evolved with the brain. Cladistic analysis indicates that common basic structures of both action and grammar arose in phylogeny six million years ago and in ontogeny before age two, with a shared prefrontal neural substrate. In contrast, mirror neurons, found in both humans and monkeys, suggest that the neural basis for intersubjectivity evolved before language. Natural selection acts upon genes controlling the neural substrates of these (...)
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  46.  78
    Identificatory love.Patricia S. Greenspan - 1986 - Philosophical Studies 50 (3):321 - 341.
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    Reconceiving practical reasons.Patricia Greenspan - manuscript
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    Priming patient safety: A middle‐range theory of safety goal priming via safety culture communication.Patricia S. Groves & Jacinda L. Bunch - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (4):e12246.
    The aim of this paper is discussion of a new middle‐range theory of patient safety goal priming via safety culture communication. Bedside nurses are key to safe care, but there is little theory about how organizations can influence nursing behavior through safety culture to improve patient safety outcomes. We theorize patient safety goal priming via safety culture communication may support organizations in this endeavor. According to this theory, hospital safety culture communication activates a previously held patient safety goal and increases (...)
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  49.  14
    Secular Womynism: A View From The Left.Patricia-Anne Johnson - 2007 - Feminist Theology 15 (3):368-383.
    This article will provide an introductory discussion of the feminist concept known as `secular womynism'. Secular Womynism, developed by Patricia-Anne Johnson, a.k.a. `Medusa', a professor of Womyn's and Theological Studies at California State University at Long Beach presents an alternative approach to the study of 'classical, or traditional' Christian Womanism. It is a non-Christo-centric philosophically ecumenical treatment of Womynism, the fundamental purpose of which is to disrupt the established boundaries of 'traditional' Womanism and to de-center and challenge its classical (...)
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  50.  2
    God, science, sex, gender: an interdisciplinary approach to Christian ethics.Patricia Beattie Jung, Aana Marie Vigen & John Anderson (eds.) - 2010 - Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
    God, Sex, Science, Gender: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Christian Ethics is a timely, wide-ranging attempt to rescue dialogues on human sexuality, sexual diversity, and gender from insular exchanges based primarily on biblical scholarship and denominational ideology. Too often, dialogues on sexuality and gender devolve into the repetition of party lines and defensive postures, without considering the interdisciplinary body of scholarly research on this complex subject. This volume expands beyond the usual parameters, opening the discussion to scholars in the humanities, social (...)
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