Results for 'Pasley Brian'

943 found
  1.  32
    Evidence for Predictive Coding in Human Auditory Cortex.Holdgraf Chris, De Heer Wendy, Rieger Jochem, Pasley Brian, Knight Robert & Theunissen Frederic - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  2. (1 other version)Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, VI.P. Marshall - unknown - Proceedings of the British Academy 150.
    Peter Brian Herrenden Birks 1941-2004Hugh Redwald Dacre 1914-2003William Hugh Clifford Frend 1916-2005John Andrew Gallagher 1919-1980Philip Grierson 1910-2006Stuart Newton Hampshire 1914-2004William McKane 1921-2004John Malcolm Sabine Pasley 1926-2004Benjamin John Pimlott 1945-2004Robert Duguid Forrest Pring-Mill 1925-2005John Edgar Stevens 1921-2002Peter Strawson 1919-2006Henry William Rawson Wade 1918-2004Alan Harold Williams 1927-2005Bernard Arthur Owen Williams 1929-2003John James Wymer 1928-2006.
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  3. Decision making with imprecise probabilities.Brian Weatherson - 1998
    Orthodox Bayesian decision theory requires an agent’s beliefs representable by a real-valued function, ideally a probability function. Many theorists have argued this is too restrictive; it can be perfectly reasonable to have indeterminate degrees of belief. So doxastic states are ideally representable by a set of probability functions. One consequence of this is that the expected value of a gamble will be imprecise. This paper looks at the attempts to extend Bayesian decision theory to deal with such cases, and concludes (...)
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    Nietzsche's Will to Power Naturalized: Translating the Human Into Nature and Nature Into the Human.Brian Lightbody - 2017 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book explains and defends a naturalized reading of Nietzsche’s doctrine of will to power. By providing a new interpretation of the term, Brian Lightbody argues that other aspects of Nietzsche’s philosophy, such as his ontology, epistemology and ethics become clearer and more coherent.
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    Francis Bacon and the Progress of Knowledge.Brian Vickers - 1992 - Journal of the History of Ideas 53 (3):495-518.
  6. Introduction: Epistemic modals and epistemic modality.Brian Weatherspoon & Andy Egan - 2011 - In Andy Egan & Brian Weatherson, Epistemic Modality. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
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    John Rawls, Mikhail Bakhtin, and the Praxis of Toleration.Brian Walker - 1995 - Political Theory 23 (1):101-127.
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    Data-Driven Finite Element Models of Passive Filamentary Networks.Brian Adam & Sorin Mitran - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-7.
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    The Challenges of Detection and Enforcement of Insider Trading.Brian J. Adams, Tod Perry & Colin Mahoney - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (2):375-388.
    Trading on non-public material information is fertile ground for a discussion of ethical behavior. The long-running legal tug-of-war over what constitutes illegal insider trading delivers challenges to regulatory authorities charged with detecting and enforcing the law, and is likely one of the reasons that prosecution of insider trading events remains rather uncommon. One can observe both increased volume in the equity and option markets and run-ups in the stock price prior to the announcement of the acquisitions; however, the detection of (...)
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    Objectivity in the Making: Francis Bacon and the Politics of Inquiry. Julie Robin Solomon.Brian Vickers - 1999 - Isis 90 (3):594-595.
  11.  34
    The Uncanny Wonder of Being Edible to Ticks.Brian Hisao Onishi - 2020 - Environmental Philosophy 17 (2):199-219.
    In this paper I argue that an encounter with a tick can produce both fear and wonder. I make a distinction between the legitimate danger of tick borne-diseases and the non-danger of our entanglement with the nature revealed by the tick’s bite in order to highlight the goodness of the tick and the possibilities for post-human existences beyond narratives of conquest and control. Ultimately, I argue that wonder is a helpful mechanism for thinking through the goodness of the tick by (...)
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    Thoreau on Democratic Cultivation.Brian Walker - 2001 - Political Theory 29 (2):155-189.
    None is so poor that he need sit on a pumpkin.Henry Thoreau, Walden.
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    G. E. Moore's Ethical Theory: Resistance and Reconciliation.Brian Hutchinson - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This 2001 book is a comprehensive study of the ethics of G. E. Moore, the most important English-speaking ethicist of the twentieth century. Moore's ethical project, set out in his seminal text Principia Ethica, is to preserve common moral insight from scepticism and, in effect, persuade his readers to accept the objective character of goodness. Brian Hutchinson explores Moore's arguments in detail and in the process relates the ethical thought to Moore's anti-sceptical epistemology. Moore was, without perhaps fully realizing (...)
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  14.  10
    Trained capacities: John Dewey, rhetoric, and democratic practice.Brian Jackson & Gregory Clark (eds.) - 2014 - Columbia, South Carolina: The University of South Carolina Press.
    The essays in this collection demonstrate American philosopher John Dewey's wide-ranging influence on rhetoric in an intellectual tradition that addresses the national culture's fundamental conflicts between self and society, freedom and responsibility, and individual advancement and the common good. Editors Brian Jackson and Gregory Clark propose that this influence is at work both in theoretical foundations, such as science, pragmatism, and religion, and in Dewey's debates with other public intellectuals, such as Jane Addams, Walter Lippmann, James Baldwin, and W.E.B. (...)
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    The essentials of play?Brian Vandenberg - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (1):171-172.
  16.  17
    A Scholarly Tradition Continued.Brian Vickers - 1991 - British Journal for the History of Science 24 (3):343-351.
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    L'ambigua natura della magia: Filosofi, streghe, riti nel RinascimentoPaola Zambelli.Brian Vickers - 1994 - Isis 85 (2):318-320.
  18.  25
    Picatrix: The Latin Version of the Ghāyat al-ḥakīmDavid Pingree.Brian Vickers - 1990 - Isis 81 (1):103-104.
  19.  36
    Selected Philosophical Works. Francis Bacon.Brian Vickers - 2001 - Isis 92 (4):783-784.
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  20.  22
    How Kant Explains the Delusion that Some Actions are Supererogatory.Brian Watkins - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing, Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 705-712.
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  21.  61
    Morality in fiction and consciousness in imagination.Brian Weatherson - 2004
  22.  47
    Probability in Philosophy.Brian Weatherson - manuscript
    I’m not sure how much knowledge everyone already has, so I’d like to start with a little questionnaire. On a card, say for each of the following topics whether you’re familiar with the topic, have heard of it but aren’t familiar with it, or have never heard of it.
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  23.  10
    Earthquakes and eschatology in the Gospel According to Matthew.Brian Carrier - 2020 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    In this study, Brian Carrier provides a comprehensive analysis of the role that seismic language plays within the Matthean Gospel narrative. After reconstructing what connotations seismic language likely carried in Matthew's cultural context, the author utilizes an historically informed author-oriented narrative criticism that is complemented with redaction criticism to analyze the relationships that Matthew's seismic references display with regards to each other and to the overall narrative. This analysis leads to the conclusion that Matthew's seismic references collectively indicate that (...)
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  24.  32
    E-Co-Affectivity: Exploring Pathos at Life’s Material Interfaces.Brian Hisao Onishi - 2021 - Environmental Philosophy 18 (1):164-167.
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    George Yancy. Across Black Spaces: Essays and Interviews from an American Philosopher (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2020). Kindle Edition.Brian Hisao Onishi - 2020 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 26 (1):138-148.
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  26.  30
    Technology The Computer from Pascal to von Neumann. By Herman H. Goldstine. Princeton: Princeton University Press, and London: Oxford University University Press, 1973. Pp. xii + 378. £6.25. [REVIEW]Brian Randell - 1974 - British Journal for the History of Science 7 (3):289-290.
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    Book Review of An Elusive Science: The Troubling History of Education Research. [REVIEW]Brian D. Schultz - 2004 - Educational Studies 35 (3).
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Brian J. Spittle, Samuel M. Vinocur, Virginia Underwood, Robert L. Leight, L. Glenn Smith, Harold M. Bergsma, Robert H. Graham, William M. Bart, George D. Dalin, Lyle S. Maynard, Fred Drewe, Theodore Hutchcroft, Francesco Cordasco, Frank Andrews Stone, Roy R. Nasstrom, Edward B. Goellner, Margaret Gillett, Robert E. Belding, Kenneth V. Lottich & Arden W. Holland - 1981 - Educational Studies 12 (4):431-459.
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    Graham Rees assisted by Christopher Upton. Francis Bacon's Natural Philosophy: A New Source. A transcription of manuscript Hardwick 72A with translation and commentary. Chalfont St Giles, Bucks.: British Society for the History of Science, 1984. £7.90. [REVIEW]Brian Vickers - 1988 - British Journal for the History of Science 21 (2):256-257.
  30.  10
    Francis Bacon and the Project of Progress by Robert K. Faulkner; Francis Bacon: History, Politics, and Science, 1561-1626 by B. H. G. Wormald. [REVIEW]Brian Vickers - 1995 - Isis 86:324-325.
  31.  32
    Beyond Cognitive Metaphor Theory: Perspectives on Literary Metaphor. [REVIEW]Brian Walker - 2016 - Metaphor and Symbol 31 (4):256-259.
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    Review of Andrews Reath, Jens Timmermann (eds.), Kant's Critique of Practical Reason: A Critical Guide[REVIEW]Brian Watkins - 2010 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2010 (9).
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    Brian Teare, from The Empty Form Goes All the Way to Heaven.Brian Teare - 2013 - Journal of Medical Humanities 34 (2):277-281.
  34.  74
    An Interview With Professor Brian Barry.Brian Bany - 1999 - Cogito 13 (2):77-85.
  35. Gratuitous (post)humanism in education : 'There is no thought not yet thought'.And Pasley, Alejandra Jaramillo-Aristizabal & Noah Romero - 2024 - In Jessie Bustillos Morales & Shiva Zarabadi, Towards posthumanism in education: theoretical entanglements and pedagogical mappings. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  36. Brian Boyd responds:.Brian Boyd - 2007 - Philosophy and Literature 31 (1):196-199.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Brian Boyd responds:In responding to my critical discussion, Lisa Zunshine restates the argument of Why We Read Fiction at some length but replies to none of my specific criticisms. These criticisms are all based on the evidence of the texts that she offers as case studies, especially Mrs Dalloway and Lolita. Although I—and the textual evidence—contradict her claims, she provides no answers to the criticisms.Let me respond to (...)
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  37.  50
    Nietzsche: Imagery and Thought: A Collection of Essays.Malcolm Pasley (ed.) - 1978 - London: Routledge.
    The central theme of this collection of essays, first published in 1978, is the basic tension in Nietzsche, and so in his work, between the urge to weave a satisfying web out of reality and the equally strong compulsion to expose its painful truths. The book aims to stress, not to play down, the embarassing and fruitful fact that he cannot be neatly pigeonholed either as a literary figure or as a professional philosopher. The book meets a long-felt need for (...)
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  38. Old familiar vampires: the politics of the Buffyverse.J. Pasley - 2003 - In James B. South, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy: Fear and Trembling in Sunnydale. Chicago: Open Court. pp. 254--267.
  39.  59
    On the Value of Normative Theory: A Reply to Madry and Richeimer: Brian Leiter.Brian Leiter - 1998 - Legal Theory 4 (2):241-248.
    I am grateful to Alan Madry and Joel Richeimer for their intelligent and stimulating critique of my article “Heidegger and the Theory of Adjudication.” It is the most interesting commentary I have seen on the paper, and I have learned much from it. It may facilitate discussion, and advance debate, to state with some clarity where exactly we agree and disagree. I leave to the footnotes discussion of certain minor points where Madry and Richeimer are guilty of some critical overreaching.
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    Brian Bix.Brian Bix - 2017 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (11).
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  41. The Stag Hunt and the Evolution of Social Structure.Brian Skyrms - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    Brian Skyrms, author of the successful Evolution of the Social Contract has written a sequel. The book is a study of ideas of cooperation and collective action. The point of departure is a prototypical story found in Rousseau's A Discourse on Inequality. Rousseau contrasts the pay-off of hunting hare where the risk of non-cooperation is small but the reward is equally small, against the pay-off of hunting the stag where maximum cooperation is required but where the reward is so (...)
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    Brian Davies, The Thought of Thomas Aquinas. First paperback ed. New York and Oxford: Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1993. Paper. Pp. xvi, 391. $19.95. First published in 1992. [REVIEW]Brian J. Shanley - 1995 - Speculum 70 (4):895-897.
  43.  23
    Contemplating the Future of Moral Theology: Essays in Honor of Brian V. Johnstone, C.Ss.R.Brian V. Johnstone, Robert C. Koerpel, Vimal Tirimanna & Charles E. Curran (eds.) - 2017 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    Professor Brian V. Johnstone, CSsR, has been quietly and unobtrusively contributing to the intellectual life of Catholicism, especially in the field of moral theology, for nearly four decades. Having published numerous theological articles on many topics, including biomedical ethics, peace and war, and fundamental moral theology, and directed many doctoral dissertations, it is no exaggeration to say that he has dedicated his entire life to teaching and writing theology. In honor of Johnstone's work, this felicitation volume covers a wide (...)
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    Two Wings: Integrating Faith and Reason by Brian Clayton and Douglas Kries.Brian Welter - 2019 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 19 (4):665-667.
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    Reasons Without Persons: Rationality, Identity, and Time.Brian Hedden - 2015 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    Brian Hedden defends a radical view about the relationship between rationality, personal identity, and time. On the standard view, personal identity over time plays a central role in thinking about rationality, because there are rational norms for how a person's attitudes and actions at one time should fit with her attitudes and actions at other times. But these norms are problematic. They make what you rationally ought to believe or do depend on facts about your past that aren't part (...)
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  46. A User's Guide to Capitalism and Schizophrenia: Deviations From Deleuze and Guattari.Brian Massumi - 1992 - MIT Press.
    A User's Guide to Capitalism and Schizophrenia is a playful and emphatically practical elaboration of the major collaborative work of the French philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. When read along with its rigorous textual notes, the book also becomes the richest scholarly treatment of Deleuze's entire philosophical oeuvre available in any language. Finally, the dozens of explicit examples that Brian Massumi furnishes from contemporary artistic, scientific, and popular urban culture make the book an important, perhaps even central text (...)
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  47.  18
    The intuitive way of knowing: a tribute to Brian Goodwin.Brian C. Goodwin, David Lambert, Chris Chetland & Craig Millar (eds.) - 2013 - Edinburgh: Floris Books.
    Professor Brian Goodwin (1931-2007) was a visionary biologist, mathematician and philosopher. Understanding organisms as dynamics wholes, he worked to develop an alternate view to extreme Darwinism based solely on genetic factors. He was a pioneer in the field of theoretical biology.
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    Clifford's Consequentialism.Brian Zamulinski - 2022 - Utilitas 34 (3):289-299.
    It is morally negligent or reckless to believe without sufficient evidence. The foregoing proposition follows from a rule that is a modified expression of W. K. Clifford's ethics of belief. Clifford attempted to prove that it is always wrong to believe without sufficient evidence by advancing a doxastic counterpart to an act utilitarian argument. Contrary to various commentators, his argument is neither purely nor primarily epistemic, he is not a non-consequentialist, and he does not use stoicism to make his case. (...)
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  49.  92
    Evolutionary Intuitionism: A Theory of the Origin and Nature of Moral Facts.Brian Edward Zamulinski - 2007 - Ithaca: Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    It seems impossible that organisms selected to maximize their genetic legacy could also be moral agents in a world in which taking risks for strangers is sometimes morally laudable. Brian Zamulinski argues that it is possible if morality is an evolutionary by-product rather than an adaptation.Evolutionary Intuitionism presents a new evolutionary theory of human morality. Zamulinski explains the evolution of foundational attitudes, whose relationships to acts constitute moral facts. With foundational attitudes and the resulting moral facts in place, he (...)
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  50.  45
    Moral Psychology with Nietzsche.Brian Leiter - 2019 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Brian Leiter draws on empirical psychology to defend a set of radical ideas from Nietzsche: there is no objectively true morality, there is no free will, no one is ever morally responsible, and our conscious thoughts play almost no significant role in our actions. Nietzsche emerges as not just a great philosopher but a prescient psychologist.
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