Results for 'Pascal Tassy'

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  1. (2 other versions)Pensées.B. Pascal - 1670/1995 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 60:111-112.
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  2. Believing, holding true, and accepting.Pascal Engel - 1998 - Philosophical Explorations 1 (2):140 – 151.
    Belief is not a unified phenomenon. In this paper I argue, as a number of other riters argue, that one should distinguish a variety of belief-like attitudes: believing proper - a dispositional state which can have degrees - holding true - which can occur without understanding what one believes - and accepting - a practical and contextual attitude that has a role in deliberation and in practical reasoning. Acceptance itself is not a unified attitude. I explore the various relationships and (...)
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    Arte e Pensiero Nelle Loro Istanza Metafisiche.Pascal P. Parente - 1954 - New Scholasticism 28 (4):494-494.
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  4. Belief and normativity.Pascal Engel - 2007 - Disputatio 2 (23):179-203.
    The thesis that mental content is normative is ambiguous and has many forms. This article deals only with the thesis that normativity is connected to our mental attitudes rather than with the content of the attitudes, and more specifically with the view that it is connected to belief. A number of writers have proposed various versions of a ‘norm of truth’ attached to belief. I examine various versions of this claim, and defend it against recent criticisms according to which this (...)
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  5. In what sense is knowledge the Norm of assertion?Pascal Engel - 2008 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 77 (1):45-59.
    The knowledge account of assertion (KAA) is the view that assertion is governed by the norm that the speaker should know what s/he asserts. It is not the purpose of this article to examine all the criticisms nor to try to give a full defence of KAA, but only to defend it against the charge of being normatively incorrect. It has been objected that assertion is governed by other norms than knowledge, or by no norm at all. It seems to (...)
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    Commentary on Mossio and Taraborelli: Is the enactive approach really sensorimotor?☆.Frédéric Pascal & J. Kevin O’Regan - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (4):1341-1342.
  7. Is Truth a Norm?Pascal Engel - unknown
    This paper tries to say in what sense truth is a norm, a thesis that Donald Davidson, whose view are examined, denies. After skteching his conception of rationality, it is argued that truth is a norm in only the sense that we ought to believe what we believe is true, not that we all to believe everything which is true. This minimal norm of truth is isolated and defended.
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  8. Thoughts.Blaise Pascal - 1961 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday.
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    Va savoir: de la connaissance en général.Pascal Engel - 2007 - Paris: Hermann.
    Le sceptique nous demande " Comment sais-tu que tu as deux mains? Peut-être rêves-tu, ou es-tu trompé par quelque Malin Génie? Peut-on même définir ce que c'est que la connaissance? Va savoir! " Lui rétorquer, comme le faisaient G.E. Moore et la tradition de la philosophie du sens commun : " Mais je sais bien que j'ai deux mains! " semble à la fois une pétition de principe et une bien mauvaise réponse. Le mieux, depuis que nous avons perdu le (...)
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  10. Belief and the right kind of reason.Pascal Engel - 2013 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):19-34.
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    The Doxastic Zoo.Pascal Engel - 2018 - In Annalisa Coliva, Paolo Leonardi & Sebastiano Moruzzi, Eva Picardi on Language, Analysis and History. Londra, Regno Unito: Palgrave. pp. 297-316.
    The doxastic zoo contains many animals: belief, acceptance, belief in, belief that, certainty, conjecture, guess, conviction, denial, disbelief in, disbelief that, judgment, commitment, etc. It also contains belief’s “strange bedfellows”: credences, partial beliefs, tacit beliefs, subdoxastic states, creedal feelings, feelings of knowing, in-between believings, pathological beliefs, phobias, aliefs, delusions, biases, besires. How to order the zoo? I propose to distinguish doxastic attitudes from non-doxastic epistemic attitudes. The criterion is the existence of correctness conditions. Most bedfellows do not have such normative (...)
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    André Caplet – Épiphanie (d'après une légende éthiopienne).Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
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    (4 other versions)5. Aristotelian Rhythm in Rome – part 1.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Previous chapter Between the 1st century BC and the 1st century AD, rhythm begun to be understood exclusively under its Platonic-Aristotelian guise. Rhythm defined as order of movement or succession of time-lengths set up the general theoretical framework within which reflection was to remain in the West until the 18th century. The Platonic metric paradigm became dominant, at the expense of the Democritean physical paradigm but also of the Aristotelian poetic paradigm. The former - Sur le concept de rythme – (...)
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    10. A Rhythm Episteme?Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Previous chapter In a book that was only recently translated into English, Die Form des Werdens: Eine Kulturgeschichte der Embryologie, 1760-1830, Janina Wellmann has claimed that around 1800 the concept of rhythm emerged and penetrated the entire Western culture. In literature, in theoretical reflection on art, in philosophy, and above all in the newest life sciences, rhythm became, she argues, a common scientific “Paradigm” or better yet, a new “Episteme” - Sur le concept de rythme.
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    Bobby Hutcherson Quartet – Bouquet.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Bobby Hutcherson Herbie Hancock Bob Cranshaw Joe Chambers - Galerie sonore – Nouvel article.
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    Dr Livingstone, I Presume?Pascal Engel - 2021 - Episteme 18 (3):477-491.
    Presumption is often discussed in law, less often in epistemology. Is it an attitude? If so where can we locate it within the taxonomy of epistemic attitudes? Is it a kind of belief, a judgment, an assumption or a supposition? Or is it a species of inference? There are two basic models of presumption: judgmental, as a kind of judgment, and legal, taken from the use of presumptions in law. The legal model suggests that presumption is a practical inference, whereas (...)
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    N. R. Hanson and von Uexküll: A Biosemiotic and Evolutionary Account of Theories.C. David Suárez Pascal - 2021 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 52 (2):247-261.
    This paper proposes a biosemiotic conception of theories, as non-intentional organic theories, which is based on an analysis and comparison of philosopher Norwood Russell Hanson’s account of theories and zoologist Jakob von Uexküll’s theory of organisms. It is argued that Hanson’s proposals about scientific theories and their relation to observation are semiotic in nature and that there exists a correspondence between Hanson’s depiction of the relationship between theories, observation, and reality and von Uexküll’s views on the relationship between organisms and (...)
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    Le droit de ne pas croire.Pascal Engel - 2012 - ThéoRèmes 2 (1).
    Dans cet article, je défends la position évidentialiste à propos des croyances religieuses, à la suite de la fameuse maxime de Clifford et contre l'interprétation pragmatiste de l'éthique des croyances. Je défends, en suivant Shah que le test de transparence est mieux expliqué par l'existence d'une norme de correction de la croyance. Les croyances religieuses, si elles sont des croyances, doivent obéir à cette norme. Si elles n'y obéissent pas, ce ne sont pas des croyances. Et la non croyance est (...)
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    The Epistemology of Stupidity.Pascal Engel - 2016 - In Miguel Ángel Fernández Vargas, Performance Epistemology: Foundations and Applications. New York, NY: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 196-223.
    This chapter analyzes stupidity as a problem for epistemology. Its proper home belongs to virtue epistemology, as a specific epistemic vice, which has to be studied along the lines of both reliabilist virtue epistemology and of responsibilist virtue epistemology. The author distinguishes between two kinds of stupidity: stupidity proper and foolishness. The former is a defect in the competence of an agent, as well as in the performance of judgment, and it is generally studied as a failure of rationality along (...)
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  20. The norms of thought: Are they social?Pascal Engel - 2001 - Mind and Society 2 (1):129-148.
    A commonplace in contemporary philosophy is that mental content has normative properties. A number of writers associate this view to the idea that the normativity of content is essentially connected to its social character. I agree with the first thesis, but disagree with the second. The paper examines three kinds of views according to which the norms of thought and content are social: Wittgenstein’s rule following considerations, Davidson’s triangulation argument, and Brandom’s inferential pragmatics, and criticises each. It is argued that (...)
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    Persistent biases in the amino acid composition of prokaryotic proteins.Géraldine Pascal, Claudine Médigue & Antoine Danchin - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (7):726-738.
    Correspondence analysis of 28 proteomes selected to span the entire realm of prokaryotes revealed universal biases in the proteins’ amino acid distribution. Integral Inner Membrane Proteins always form an individual cluster, which can then be used to predict protein localisation in unknown proteomes, independently of the organism’s biotope or kingdom. Orphan proteins are consistently rich in aromatic residues. Another bias is also ubiquitous: the amino acid composition is driven by the GþC content of the first codon position. An unexpected bias (...)
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  22. Pensees, The Provincial Letters.Blaise Pascal - 1942 - Philosophical Review 51:237.
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    Constraint satisfaction using constraint logic programming.Pascal Van Hentenryck, Helmut Simonis & Mehmet Dincbas - 1992 - Artificial Intelligence 58 (1-3):113-159.
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    Portrait de Simone de Beauvoir.Pascal Filleau - 2014 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 29 (1):105-107.
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    Didier Eribon vs. ‘The People’—A Critique of Chantal Mouffe’s Left Populism.Pascal Oliver Omlin - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (5):143.
    In this article, I develop a critique of Chantal Mouffe’s leftist populism and its construction of ‘the people’ against an opposed ‘them’, from a perspective informed by the thought of Didier Eribon. I draw on both his public interventions and his theoretical work, employing his concepts of return, society as verdict, and his two principles of critical thinking to question the desirability of crafting ‘the people’ in the first place. I contend that Eribon’s critique renders Mouffe’s proposal problematic on three (...)
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    Foucault, la politique de la vérité et la politique de la foutaise.Pascal Engel - 2019 - Diogène n° 261-262 (1):158-174.
    Pouvons-nous emprunter à Michel Foucault sa thèse selon laquelle il y a des régimes de vérité et l’appliquer à certains développements récents de notre univers médiatique et numérique? On peut parler de régimes de fausseté, mais il faudra partir sur de tout autres bases que celles du projet généalogique de Foucault pour envisager une « politique de la vérité » dans le contexte contemporain.
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  27. Penseés.Blaise Pascal - 1965 - New York,: Pantheon Books. Edited by H. F. Stewart.
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  28. Les normes épistémiques.Pascal Engel - 2011 - RÉPHA, revue étudiante de philosophie analytique 3:9-26.
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  29. Belief as a Disposition to Act: Variations on a Pragmatist Theme: A Crença como uma Disposição para Agir: Variações acerca de um Tema Pragmatista.Pascal Engel - 2005 - Cognitio 6 (2).
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  30. Etats d'esprit : questions de philosophie de l'esprit.Pascal Engel - 1994 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 184 (4):514-516.
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  31. Identité et référence. La théorie des noms propres chez Frege et Kripke.Pascal Engel - 1986 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 176 (4):529-529.
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    Un cas particulier de contre-transfert en TFP : le contre-transfert transfamilial.Pascal Nguyen, Fabrice Auddino, Jade Lang & Louann Miara - 2023 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 240 (2):139-157.
    L’intervention que reprend cet article porte sur un cadre-dispositif singulier de thérapie familiale basé sur l’épistémologie psychanalytique groupale. Ce cadre est singulier dans la mesure où il a été tenté d’articuler un travail entre groupe de thérapeutes et néo-groupe. La réflexion développée ici s’origine dans la clinique des auteurs : lorsqu’ils parlent en groupe d’une famille, la règle d’association libre les amène fréquemment à évoquer une autre famille rencontrée précédemment en séance. Quelle est la nature et la fonction de cette (...)
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  33. Œvres Complètes.Blaise Pascal & Jean Mesnard - 1964 - Desclée de Brouwer.
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  34. Pens\’ees.Blaise Pascal - 1991 - Bords. Edited by P. Sellier.
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    Paraconsistent logic! (A reply to Slater) Jean-Yves BéziauFoot note 1_.Blaise Pascal - unknown
    Paraconsistent logic is the study of logics in which there are some theories embodying contradictions but which are not trivial, in particular in a paraconsistent logic, the ex contradictione sequitur quod libet, which can be formalized as Cn(T, a,¬a)=F is not valid. Since nearly half a century various systems of paraconsistent logic have been proposed and studied. This field of research is classified under a special section (B53) in the Mathematical Reviews and watching this section, it is possible to see (...)
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    Scientific Misconduct and Research Integrity.Chris B. Pascal - 1999 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 7 (1):9-32.
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    The Mind on Fire.Blaise Pascal & James Mackintosh Houston - 1991
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    TIC et nouvelle économie : Entre mirages et miracles.Pascal Petit - 2006 - Hermes 44:39.
    La diffusion souvent très rapide des technologies de l'information et de la communication a conduit à spéculer sur l'émergence d'une nouvelle économie. Ces anticipations furent déçues par à la fois la crise boursière et l'atonie des gains de productivité. Mais la mise en oeuvre de ces technologies pose des problèmes spécifiques. Leur efficacité impose des formes de coopération nouvelles entre les acteurs, ce qui dans tous les domaines, économique, domestique et politique, implique à la fois apprentissages et changements institutionnels.Often very (...)
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    Daniel C. Dennett (1942-2024).Pascal Engel - 2024 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 149 (3):459-460.
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    Post-Truth is an Assertion Crisis.Pascal Engel - 2021 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 297 (3):27-41.
    On essaie ici de defendre l’idée que la production de foutaise est responsable en grande partie, et peut être centrale pour ce que nous appelons la post-vérité. La production de foutaise est basée sur l’attitude qui consiste à ignorer les normes de l‘assertion. Les conséquences de l’extension de cette attitude peuvent expliquer le défiance et le mépris pour la vérité et a connaissance qui envahissent nos sociétés, quand bien même on les appelle des « sociétés de connaissance ».
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  41. Croyances collectives et intentions partagées (2001).Pascal Engel - 2005 - In Alain Leroux & Pierre Livet, Leçons de Philosophie Économique. Economica. pp. 129--143.
    Draft as of 2001 of a book chapter a^ppeared in 2005. This paper gives an account of the belief/ acceptance distrinction applied to the issue of collective beliefs and intentionality in terms of the "doctrinal dilemma" proposed by some legal theorists.
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    Radical interpretation and the structure of thought.Pascal Engel - 1988 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 88:161-177.
    It is often argued that a radical interpretation procedure for the analysis of thought (especially davidson's) is committed to the thesis that thoughts are essentially structured entities, And is therefore false because many structures of thought do not match linguistic or semantic structures. The author attempts to defend davidson's theory of radical interpretation against such criticisms and to show that the interdependence of thought and language presupposed by this theory does not mean a primacy of either one over the other.
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  43. As portas das crenças.Pascal Dibie - 2010 - In Adauto Novaes, Mutações: a invenção das crenças. São Paulo, SP: Edições SESC SP.
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    Le cyclisme : le mécanisme refoulé.Pascal Dumont - 2001 - Cités 7 (3):79-91.
    Dans un roman d’anticipation qu’il situe en 19201, Alfred Jarry invente le personnage d’André Marcueuil, capable d’aller « au-delà des forces humaines », tant sexuelles que cyclistes. Durant la futuriste « course des dix mille milles »2, une quintuplette, sur laquelle pédalent cinq champions cyclistes, distance, grâce à un développement de « cinquante-sept mètres trente-quatre »,..
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    Quatre lettres inédites de Jean-Henri Fabre à Léon Dufour.Pascal Duris - 1991 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 44 (2):203-218.
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    Avant-propos.Pascal Engel - 2019 - Diogène n° 261-261 (1-2):3-4.
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    Intellectual Fertilizers.Pascal Engel - 2023 - In Pierre-Olivier Méthot, Philosophy, History and Biology: Essays in Honour of Jean Gayon. Springer Verlag. pp. 311-315.
    In a fine essay on agricultureAgriculturein Flaubert’sFlaubert, GustaveBouvard et Pécuchet, Jean Gayon shows how much knowledge of the biology and agronomy of his time FlaubertFlaubert, Gustave is able to display. He also suggests that Flaubert’sFlaubert, Gustaveinterest in Pouchet’sPouchet, Félix-Archimède views on spontaneous generationSpontaneous generation is connected to romantic theories of life and matter, and to his lifelong interest in the nature of stupidity.
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  48. Is truth effable?Pascal Engel - unknown
    An evaluation and criticism of Hintikka's analysis of truth. According to Hintikka, the main presupposition of most theories of truth and meaning in the XXth century is that of the ineffability of meaning and truth, itself a consequence of the universality thesis in logic and semantics. Hintikka argues on the contrary that truth can be defined through an IF logic and meaning through a game-theoretical semantics. Without putting ito question here these technical results, I argue that Hintikka's conception of truth (...)
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    Is There Really Something Wrong With Contemporary Epistemology?Pascal Engel - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Research 40 (Supplement):287-296.
    Analytic epistemology is thriving. Many people, however, think that it has gone wrong. They judge that it has become a new scholastics, narrow-minded, obsessed by a small set of problems, most of them examined through repetitive examples, thought experiments and paradoxes, such as the Gettier cases, stories about fake barns, bank cases, brains in vats and evil demons, or the lottery paradox. Philip Kitcher is one of these critics. In an article called “Epistemology without history is blind” published in Erkenntnis (...)
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    Jacques Bouveresse (1940-2021).Pascal Engel - 2021 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 111 (3):403-406.
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