Results for 'Pacetti Serafini'

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  1.  6
    Roberto Papini e l'Istituto internazionale Jacques Maritain.Pacetti Serafini & Maria Silvia (eds.) - 2021 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Beyond the Person: Roberto Esposito and the Body as ‘Common Good’.Luca Serafini - 2017 - Theory, Culture and Society 34 (7-8):215-228.
    In this review of Persons and Things, recently translated into English and published by Polity Press, we discuss how this text investigates some of the most important themes of Roberto Esposito’s thought. Specifically, the book continues the process of constructing an idea of community intended as lack, gift and impropriety that the Italian philosopher has been developing since the publication of Communitas. In this case, it is the notion of body that demolishes the metaphysical apparatus that has conditioned the moulding (...)
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    Etica dell'estetica: narcisismo dell'Io e apertura agli altri nel pensiero postmoderno.Luca Serafini - 2017 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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  4. Il mistero di Cristo nella vita dell'uomo; riflessi antropologici del Cristocentrismo di Duns Scoto.Marcella Serafini - 2010 - In Francesco Fiorentino, Lo scotismo nel Mezzogiorno d'Italia: atti del Congresso Internazionale (Bitonto 25-28, marzo 2008), in occasione del VII Centenario della morte di Giovanni Duns Scoto. Porto: Fédération internationale des instituts d'études médiévales.
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    Callahan on Harming the Dead.Anthony Serafini - 1990 - Journal of Philosophical Research 15:329-339.
    In this paper I try to defend the notion that the dead can be harmed, in opposition to Callahan and in accord with some ideas of Feinberg. In agreement with Parlit, I argue that the existence of a person has degrees. I suggest that properlies of a subject, such as “reputations” and claims, can persist after death, aIthough the subject as such does not and that these can be harmed. A promise, e.g., can be frustrated merely by being ignored; in (...)
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    Heideggerian Ethics and Kantian Ethics: Diverging Interpretations in Contemporary French Debate.Luca Serafini - 2017 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 48 (4):319-335.
    The purpose of this paper is to show how the interaction between Kantian ethics and some aspects of Heideggerian philosophy can lead to the model of a subject in immediate relationship with others and with his or her community. The positions of Jean-Luc Nancy and Jacques Derrida on this question are presented in contrast with those of Alain Renaut and Emmanuel Lévinas to elucidate their differing ways of interpreting the relationship between Kant and Heidegger with regard to ethics, apriorism, and (...)
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    A History of Philosophy.Anthony Serafini - 2001
    This work is a brief, cogent introduction to the enterprise of Western philosophy. It is designed for the student who has had only a brief introduction or no introduction at all to the development of philosophy, beginning with the Pre-Socratic Period and covering all the major periods in Philosophy up to the present day. This work allows the philosopher to speak in his own voice, through quotation, and is very strong in developing the principal arguments of the thinkers included. It (...)
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    La dea Ecate e i luoghi di passaggio.Nicola Serafini - 2015 - Kernos 28:111-131.
    La déesse Hécate est une déesse intimement liée aux lieux de passage. Son caractère liminal, qui se traduit par un lien étroit avec les carrefours et les portes, se manifeste en une grande variété de formes cultuelles. Le présent article analyse cette relation à la lumière des témoignages littéraires qui attestent une série de rituels accomplis en son honneur aux carrefours : de l’offrande de nourriture durant la nuit de la nouvelle lune (les « repas d’Hécate ») jusqu’aux sacrifices de (...)
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    La libertà innata: volontà, amore e giustizia nel pensiero di Giovanni Duns Scoto.Marcella Serafini - 2022 - Roma: Città nuova.
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  10. Ragione e fede nel de primo principio di G. Duns Scoto.Marcella Serafini - 2003 - Miscellanea Francescana 103 (3-4):550-578.
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    Comparing formal theories of context in AI.Luciano Serafini & Paolo Bouquet - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence 155 (1-2):41-67.
  12. From Institutions to the Platform Society: An Interdisciplinary Reading of Recent Works by Roberto Esposito.Luca Serafini - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (7-8):239-252.
    In recent years, reflection on institutions has assumed great prominence in Italian Theory. Roberto Esposito especially, in his three most recent books, has provided a genealogy of institutions, aimed at challenging the prevailing way in which they have been thematized in Western thought. As he sees it, a repressive conception of institutions has dominated in philosophy as well as in sociology and legal studies, which views them as apparatuses that limit the free expansion of individual instincts and life itself. Following (...)
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    Is coma morally equivalent to anencephalia?Anthony Serafini - 1993 - Ethics and Behavior 3 (2):187 – 198.
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    Gillett on consciousness and the comatose.Anthony Serafini - 1992 - Bioethics 6 (4):365-374.
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    Norman Malcolm: A Memoir.Anthony Serafini - 1993 - Philosophy 68 (265):309 - 324.
    I first met Norman Malcolm in the fall of 1963 when, as a terrified sophomore, I took his course in Free Will and Determinism at Cornell. I believe I had already heard that Malcolm was a figure of almost legendary proportions.
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    Lifted inference beyond first-order logic.Sagar Malhotra, Davide Bizzaro & Luciano Serafini - 2025 - Artificial Intelligence 342 (C):104310.
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    Art, Extractivism, and the Ontological Shift: Toward a (Post)Extractivist Aesthetics.Paula Serafini - forthcoming - Theory, Culture and Society.
    This article aims to contribute to a (post)extractivist aesthetics at a time of ontological shifts, meaning an aesthetics that focuses on the role of art in struggles for (post)extractivist worlds. First, it argues for a contextualized approach to the use of the extractivism framework and proposes that this framework is particularly productive for approaching the socio-environmental crisis due to the way it allows us to engage with the ontological basis of this crisis. The article then builds on empirical research conducted (...)
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    Momento mori.Anthony Serafini, Charles Weijer, David DeGrazia, P. W. Armstrong & Robert S. Olick - 1994 - Hastings Center Report 24 (3):49-50.
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  19. The Word Reaction: From Physics to Psychiatry.Jean Starobinski & Judith P. Serafini-Sauli - 1976 - Diogenes 24 (93):1-27.
    Reagere, reactio does not belong to classical Latin. Reagere appears, as late as the fourth century A.D., in Avienus, but not reactio. Nonetheless, antiquity was not unaware of the concept of reciprocal action, where the “patient” reacts in return on the agent. The Aristotelian doctrine of antiperistasis occupied physicists up until the time of Galileo: “All movers, as long as they move, are at the same time moved.” The Latin authors dispense with reagere and reactio. It is the verb pati, (...)
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    Perspectives on Contexts.Paolo Bouquet, Luciano Serafini & Richmond H. Thomason (eds.) - 2008 - Center for the Study of Language and Inf.
    Most human thinking is thoroughly informed by context but, until recently, theories of reasoning have concentrated on abstract rules and generalities that make no reference to this crucial factor. _Perspectives on Contexts_ brings together essays from leading cognitive scientists to forge a vigorous interdisciplinary understanding of the contextual phenomenon. Applicable to human and machine cognition in philosophy, artificial intelligence, and psychology, this volume is essential to the current renaissance in thinking about context.
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  21. Perspectives on Contexts, CSLI Lecture Notes No. 180.Paolo Bouquet, Luciano Serafini & Richmond H. Thomason (eds.) - 2008 - Center for the Study of Language and Information Publications.
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    Clean and sterile delivery: two different approaches to infection control.Lorena Charrier, Paola Serafini, Vincenza Chiono, Monica Rebora, Grace Rabacchi & Carla M. Zotti - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (4):771-775.
  23. The Statue Within.Franklin Philip, Francis Crick, Anthony Serafini, Arthur Kornberg & Lily E. Kay - 1992 - Journal of the History of Biology 25 (1):149-155.
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    A Note on ‘Philosophy as Therapy: A Cure for Cartesian Pain’.Anthony Serafini - 1998 - Cogito 12 (3):223-225.
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    Applying Philosophy to Journalism.Anthony Serafini - 1987 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 3 (4):45-49.
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    Ethics and social concern.Anthony Serafini (ed.) - 1989 - New York: Paragon House.
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    La bioetica in Italia: da una storia di battaglie etico-politiche a spiragli di dialogo tra pensiero cattolico e pensiero laico.Sebastiano Serafini - 2019 - Roma: Studium edizioni.
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  28. La struttura logica del De Primo Principio di G. Duns Scoto: Alle radici della contingenza.M. Serafini - 1997 - Miscellanea Francescana 97 (3-4):601-663.
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  29. Nature di Dio e vera religione nel pensiero di J. Smith, platonico di Cambridge.Marcella Serafini - 2004 - Filosofia Oggi 27 (108):363-400.
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    Reading the visual: an introduction to teaching multimodal literacy.Frank Serafini - 2014 - New York: Teachers College Press.
    Reading the Visual is an essential introduction that focuses on what teachers should know about multimodal literacy and how to teach it. This engaging book provides theoretical, curricular, and pedagogical frameworks for teaching a wide-range of visual and multimodal texts, including historical fiction, picture books, advertisements, websites, comics, graphic novels, news reports, and film. Each unit of study presented contains suggestions for selecting cornerstone texts and visual images and launching the unit, as well as lesson plans, text sets, and analysis (...)
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  31. Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Symposium on the Centennial of his Birth.Soren Teghrarian, Anthony Serafini & Edward M. Cook (eds.) - 1989 - Longwood Academic.
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    Multilanguage hierarchical logics, or: How we can do without modal logics.Fausto Giunchiglia & Luciano Serafini - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 65 (1):29-70.
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    Lifted action models learning from partial traces.Leonardo Lamanna, Luciano Serafini, Alessandro Saetti, Alfonso Emilio Gerevini & Paolo Traverso - 2025 - Artificial Intelligence 339 (C):104256.
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    Distributed First Order Logic.Chiara Ghidini & Luciano Serafini - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 253 (C):1-39.
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    On relating heterogeneous elements from different ontologies.Chiara Ghidini, Luciano Serafini & Sergio Tessaris - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman, Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 234--247.
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    Vita quaerens intellectum: Tommaso d'Aquino e ricerca filosofica: studi 1997-1998.Giacomo Grasso & Stefano Serafini (eds.) - 1999 - Roma: Pontificia università S. Tommaso d'Aquino.
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  37. Minimality and Non-determinism in Multi-context Systems.Floris Roelofsen & Luciano Serafini - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman, Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 424--435.
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    Two formalizations of context: a comparison.Paolo Bouquet & Luciano Serafini - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman, Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 87--101.
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    Corpus-based terminological evaluation of ontologies.Marco Rospocher, Sara Tonelli, Luciano Serafini & Emanuele Pianta - 2012 - Applied ontology 7 (4):429-448.
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    Enhancing context knowledge repositories with justifiable exceptions.Loris Bozzato, Thomas Eiter & Luciano Serafini - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence 257 (C):72-126.
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    ML systems: A proof theory for contexts. [REVIEW]Luciano Serafini & Fausto Giunchiglia - 2002 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 11 (4):471-518.
    In the last decade the concept of context has been extensivelyexploited in many research areas, e.g., distributed artificialintelligence, multi agent systems, distributed databases, informationintegration, cognitive science, and epistemology. Three alternative approaches to the formalization of the notion ofcontext have been proposed: Giunchiglia and Serafini's Multi LanguageSystems (ML systems), McCarthy's modal logics of contexts, andGabbay's Labelled Deductive Systems.Previous papers have argued in favor of ML systems with respect to theother approaches. Our aim in this paper is to support these arguments (...)
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    Studio sulla satira di Giovenale.William S. Anderson & Augusto Serafini - 1959 - American Journal of Philology 80 (1):88.
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  43. Modelling and Using Context–Proceedings of the 2nd International and Interdisciplinary Conference (9-11 September 1999, Trento, Italy), Vol. 1688 of. [REVIEW]P. Bouquet, L. Serafini, P. Brezillon, M. Benerecetti & F. Castellani - 1999 - In P. Brezillon & P. Bouquet, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Springer.
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    A pilot study on the effect of cognitive training on BDNF serum levels in individuals with Parkinson’s disease.Francesco Angelucci, Antonella Peppe, Giovanni A. Carlesimo, Francesca Serafini, Silvia Zabberoni, Francesco Barban, Jacob Shofany, Carlo Caltagirone & Alberto Costa - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Logic Tensor Networks.Samy Badreddine, Artur D'Avila Garcez, Luciano Serafini & Michael Spranger - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 303 (C):103649.
  46. Synchronization Gauges and the Principles of Special Relativity.Guido Rizzi, Matteo Luca Ruggiero & Alessio Serafini - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (12):1835-1887.
    The axiomatic bases of Special Relativity Theory (SRT) are thoroughly re-examined from an operational point of view, with particular emphasis on the status of Einstein synchronization in the light of the possibility of arbitrary synchronization procedures in inertial reference frames. Once correctly and explicitly phrased, the principles of SRT allow for a wide range of “theories” that differ from the standard SRT only for the difference in the chosen synchronization procedures, but are wholly equivalent to SRT in predicting empirical facts. (...)
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  47. in Modeling and Using Context. Proceedings of the Second International and Interdisciplinary Conference.Paolo Bouquet, Patrick Brezillon, Francesca Castellani & Luciano Serafini (eds.) - 1999 - Springer.
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  48. Verifying Space and Time Requirements for Resource-Bounded Agents.Natasha Alechina, Piergiorgio Bertoli, Chiara Ghidini, Mark Jago, Brian Logan & Luciano Serafini - 2007 - In A. Lomuscio & S. Edelkamp, Model Checking and Artificial Intelligence. Springer.
    The effective reasoning capability of an agent can be defined as its capability to infer, within a given space and time bound, facts that are logical consequences of its knowledge base. In this paper we show how to determine the effective reasoning capability of an agent with limited memory by encoding the agent as a transition system and automatically verifying whether a state where the agent believes a certain conclusion is reachable from the start state. We present experimental results using (...)
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  49. Souren Teghrarian, Anthony Serafini, and Edward Cook, eds., Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Symposium on the Centennial of His Birth Reviewed by.Nicholas F. Gier - 1991 - Philosophy in Review 11 (6):430-432.
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    Juvenal Augusto Serafini: Studio sulla satira di Giovenale. Pp. xii+441. Florence: Le Monnier, 1957. Paper, L. 4,000.E. J. Kenney - 1958 - The Classical Review 8 (3-4):254-256.
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