Results for 'Pa Cantiracēkaram'

986 found
  1. Pātañjala Yoga vimarśa: Vācaspati Miśra aura Vijñāna Bhikshu ke pariprejñya meṃ.Vijaya Pāla Śāstrī - 1991 - Naī Dillī: Klāsikala Pabliśiṅga Kampanī.
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    Pa Chin and His Writings: Chinese Youth between the Two Revolutions.R. M. & Pa Chin - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):367.
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  3. Mkhas-grub Sbyin-pa-dar-rgyas kyi gsuṅ rtsom phyogs bsgrigs. Sbyin-Pa-Dar-Rgyas - 2006 - [Qinghai]: Mtsho-sṅon naṅ bstan rig gnas sgyu rtsal źabs źu lte gnas źabs zu khaṅ.
    Selected works of author predominantly on Buddhist dialectical and logical study.
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  4. Grub paʾi mthaʾi rnam par bźag pa gsal bar bśad pa thub bstan lhun poʾi mdzes rgyan: a monumental survey of the Buddhist philosophical systems. Rol-paʼi-rdo-rje - 1983 - Dharamsala, H.P.: Rnam-rgyal Grwa-tshaṅ.
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    Srid zhiʼi gtsug rgyan skyabs mgon rdo rje ʼchang Lcang-skya Rol-paʼi-rdo-rje zhal snga nas kyi gsung ʼbum. Rol-paʼi-rdo-rje - 2015 - Lha-sa: Bod-ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang.
    Collected works of Rol-paʼi-rdo-rje on the doctrines of Dge-lugs-pa (Sect) and Buddhist philosophy.
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    Bhāratīya darśana meṃ cetanā kā svarūpa: Vasubandhu, Śaṅkara, evaṃ Śrīaravinda darśana ke viśesha sandarbha meṃ.Śrīprakāśa Pāṇḍeya - 2009 - Vārāṇasī: Kalā Prakāśana.
    Study on the aspect of consciousness in Indic philosophy with special reference to the works of Vasubandhu, Śaṅkarācārya, and Aurobindo Ghose, 1872-1950, philosophers.
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    Jñāna-kośa: eka nirdeśa grantha: Bhāratīya dharma aura darśana sambandhī śabdoṃ aura vākyāṃśoṃ kā pāribhāshika evaṃ vyākhyātmaka kośa.Ayodhyā Prasāda Pāṭhaka - 2009 - Ilāhābāda: Hindustānī Ekeḍemī.
    Encyclopedia of words and phrases of Hindu religion and philosophy.
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    Theg pa spyi bcings rtsa ʼgrel. Dam-Pa-Bde-Gshegs - 1997 - [Chengdu]: Si-khron Zhing-chen Zhin-hwa dpe tshong khang gis bkram. Edited by Ye-śEs-Rgyal-Mtshan.
    Text with commentary of Ye-shes-rgyal-mtshan's Theg dgu spyi bciṅs kyi ʼgrel bshad nyi maʼi ʼod zer on general perspective of the philosophical concept of Buddhist doctrine.
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    Theories of objects: Meinong and Twardowski.Jacek Paśniczek (ed.) - 1992 - Lublin: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej.
  10. Concepții asupra dezvoltării științei: direcții de reconstrucție și modele sistematice ale evoluției științei: [studii].Ilie Pârvu (ed.) - 1978 - București: Editura Politică.
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  11. A matematikai logika alapjai.Zoltán Páter - 1978 - Kolozsvár-Napoca: Dacia.
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    Lta baʼi gsung mgur zab mo dgongs ʼgrel dang bcas pa bzhugs so. Rol-paʼi-rdo-rje - 2018 - Dharamsala: Bod kyi dpe-mdzod-khang.
    On essence of Mādhyamika philosophy by Lcaṅ-skya II Rol-paʼi-rdo-rje, 1717-1786 and commentaries by Dkon-mchog-ʼjigs-med-dbang-po, Khri-chen-bstan-pa-rab-rgya, and Dalai Lama XIV Bstan-ʼdzin-rgya-mtsho, 1935-.
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  13. Mṅon pa bśad paʾi blo rtags sgrig ma mkhas paʾi dgyes byed daṅ blo rtags gñis kyi sdom tshig rigs gsal me loṅ. Grags-Pa-BśAd-Sgrub - 1994 - [Bylakuppe, Karnataka State]: Ser-smad dpe mdzod khaṅ.
    Elementary Buddhist logic and dialectical studies.
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    Tshad ma rig paʼi gzhan sel gyi rnam gzhag skor la spyad pa. Bstan-Pa-Tshe-Ring - 2021 - Pe-cin: Mi-rigs Dpe-skrun-khang.
    Study on Buddhist philosophy and logic of affirming and non-affirming negative.
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  15. Childrens memory for visits to the doctor.Pa Ornstein, Bn Gordon & Dm Braddy - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):351-351.
  16. Bon lugs daṅ ʾJaṅ-rigs Gto-paʾi chos lugs kyi khyad chos dpyad bsdur. Lhag-Pa-Tshe-Riṅ - 2003 - Pe-cin: Mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
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  17. Infinitul și infinitatea lumii: studiu epistemologic.Ilie Pârvu - 1985 - București: Editura Politică.
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  18. Rje-btsun Grags-pa-bśad-sgrub kyi mdzad paʾi grub mthaʾ, sa lam daṅ Stoṅ-ʾkhor Źabs-druṅ gi mdzad paʾi don bdun cu bcas. Grags-Pa-BśAd-Sgrub - 1995 - Bylakuppe, Mysore District, Karnataka State, India: Ser-smad dpe mdzod khaṅ. Edited by ʾjam-Dpal-Dge-ʾdun-Rgya-Mtsho.
    Explanation of the philosophical position (siddhānta) of the Vaibhāṣika, Sautrāntika, Yogācārya, and Mādhyamika schools of Buddhism.
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  19. Grub mthaʾ thams cad kyi sñiṅ po bsdus pa źes bya ba bźugs so. Grags-Pa-BśAd-Sgrub - 1969 - [Ldi-li: Ser Smad Grwa-tshaṅ.
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    Rtags rigs kyi rnam gźag rgyas pa rigs lam blo gros mig ʾbyed. Grags-Pa-BśAd-Sgrub - 1995 - Bylakuppe, Distt. Mysore, Karnataka State, India: Ser-smad dpe mdzod khaṅ.
    On Buddhist logic and dialectical studies.
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  21.  27
    The changing picture of object substitution masking: reply to Di Lollo.Endel Põder - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  22. Abadhūta gitā.Rāmakṛshṇa Pādhī (ed.) - 1974
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    On the angular component map modulo P.Johan Pas - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (3):1125-1129.
  24. Dbu ma bżi brgya paʼi tshig don rnam par bśad pa klu dbaṅ dgoṅs rgyan: a rare and previously unpublished commentary on Āryadeva's monumental work on Madhyamaka philosophy, the Catuḥśatakaśāstrakārikā.Mdo-sṅags Bstan-paʼi-ñi-ma - 1978 - New Delhi: Ngawang Topgay.
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  25. Śer phyin mṅon par rtogs paʼi rgyan gyi tshig don rnam par bśad pa ma pham źal luṅ: a commentary on the monumental systematization of Prajñāpāramita philosophy, the Abhisāmayālaṅkāra.Mdo-sṅags Bstan-paʼi-ñi-ma - 1978 - New Delhi: Ngawang Topgay.
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  26. The syllabus for the study of Prajñāpāramitā philosophy of Smad Grwa-tshaṅ of Se-ra Monastery. Bstan-Pa-Dar-Rgyas - 1981 - New Delhi: Geshe Lobsang Tharchin.
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  27. Tshad maʾi gźuṅ don ʾbyed paʾi bsdus grwaʾi rnam bźag rigs lam ʾphrul gyi lde mig ces bya ba bźugs so.Phur-Bu-Lcog Byams-Pa-Rgya-Mtsho - 1999 - [Mundgod, North Karnataka]: Dgaʾ-byaṅ dpe mdzod khaṅ.
    On Buddhist logic and dialectical studies.
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  28. (1 other version)Tshad maʾi gźuṅ don ʾbyed paʾi Bsdus grwaʾi rnam gźag rigs lam ʾphrul gyi lde mig.Phur-Bu-Lcog Byams-Pa-Rgya-Mtsho - 1965 - [Buxar: S.N.
    Buddhist logic; the principles of diputation arranged for the beginner.
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  29. Tshad maʼi gźuṅ don ʼbyed paʼi bsdus grwa daṅ blo rtgas kyi rnam gźag rigs lam ʼphrul gyi lde mig.Phur-Bu-Lcog Byams-Pa-Rgya-Mtsho - 1988 - Lan-krou: Kan-suʼu Źiṅ-chen Źin-hwa dpe khaṅ gis bkrams.
    Basic course of study of elementary Buddhist logic and dialectrical studies of Lamaist Buddhist in Tibet.
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    Śakttiviśishṭādvaita darśana meṃ jīva-svarūpa.Vrajeśa Kumāra Pāṇḍeya - 2008 - Dillī: Śivālika Prakāśana.
    Study on the concept of jiva in Śaktiviśiṣṭādvaitavedānta philosophy and also in Indic philosophy.
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  31. The wisdom of the Qurʾan, set forth in selected verses conveying the moral, religious, and social philosophy of Islam, preceded by an introduction expounding the teachings of the Qurʾan.Mahmut Muhtar Paşa & John Paull Naish (eds.) - 1937 - Lahore: al-Irshad : distributors, Co-opera Bookshop & Art Gallery.
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  32. Mānava āṇi Mārksa.Prabhākara Pādhye - 1980 - Puṇe: Śrīvidyā Prakāśana.
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    Teoria științifică: modalități de reconstrucție și modele sistematics ale structurii și dinamicii teoriilor științifica.Ilie Pârvu - 1981 - București: Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică.
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  34. Śrīpārthasārathimiśraviracita Śāstradīpikāyastarkapādaḥ : Paṇḍitaśrīmaṇidrāviḍaśāstrikr̥tavivr̥tisahitaḥ = Śāstradīpikā - Tarka pāda of Pārthasārathi Miśra. Pārthasārathimiśra - 2016 - Mumbai: Giri Trading Agency Private. Edited by Maṇi Drāviḍa & Sharda Narayanan.
    Classical commentary, with supercommentaries, on Jaimini's Mīmāṃsāsūtra, basic work of the Mīmāṃsā school in Hindu philosophy.
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    Tārīkh-i falsafah-ʼi muʻāṣir-i gharb.Bahman Pāzūkī - 2020 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-ʼi Pizhūhishī-i Ḥikmat va Falsafah-i Īrān.
    Philosophy Modern -- History- Philosophy European -- History.
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    A rend bástyái: Molnár Tamás pályarajza és filozófiájának alapelvei.János Pánczél Hegedűs - 2022 - Budapest: Konzervatív Értékrend Alapítvány.
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  37. Grub paʼi mthaʼ rnam par bśad paʼi mdzod.Dbus-Pa Blo-Gsal-Rtsod-Paʼi-Seṅ-Ge - 2004 - In Stag-Tshaṅ Lo-Tsā-Ba ŚEs-Rab-Rin-Chen (ed.), Grub mthaʼ. Pe-cin: Mtsho-sṅon mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
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  38. Grub paʼi mthaʼ rnam par bśad paʼi mdzod.Dbus-Pa Blo-Gsal-Rtsod-Paʼ & I.-seṅ-ge - 2004 - In Stag-Tshaṅ Lo-Tsā-Ba ŚEs-Rab-Rin-Chen (ed.), Grub mthaʼ. Pe-cin: Mtsho-sṅon mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
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    Locke, ‘the Father of Modernity’?Pa Schouls - 1996 - Philosophia Reformata 61 (2):175-195.
    Locke was the first to develop with profundity and defend the thesis that we are all responsible for our believings, and that to do one’s duty with respect to one’s believings one must, at appropriate junctures and in appropriate ways, listen to the voice of Reason. Reason must be one’s guide. Locke had forebears and cohorts in this line of thought; I want not only to concede but to insist on this. Nonetheless, Locke was the great genius behind our modern (...)
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    Mkhas shing grub paʼi dbang phyug chen po Rdo Grub-chen ʼJigs-med-bstan-paʼi-nyi-ma dpal bzang poʼi gsung ʼbum legs bshad nor buʼi bang mdzod bzhugs. ®Jigs-Med-Bstan-Pa®I.-Äni-Ma & Mgo-Log Khul Gna® Rtsom Bya Ba®I. Gâzuçn Las Khaçn - 2003 - [Chʻeng-tu]: Si-khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang.
    Complete works of 3rd Rdo Grub-chen ʼJigs-med-bstan-paʼi-ñi-ma, 1865?-1926 on Rñiṅ-ma-pa doctrines, Buddhist philosophy and rituals text.
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  41. Tshad maʼi mdo daṅ gźuṅ lugs sde bdun gyi de kho na ñid bsdus pa.Śākya-Mchog-Ldan Dri-Med-Legs-Paʼ Mdzad Pa Po & I.-Blo-Gros - 2009 - In Yoṅs-ʼ, Dzin Rnam-Rgyal-Grags-Pa & Śākya-Mchog-Ldan (eds.), Rigs gźuṅ rgya mtshoʼi ʼjug ṅogs baiḍūryaʼi them skas. Kathmandu, Nepal: Rigpe Dorje Publications.
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  42.  38
    Kant on Love.Pärttyli Rinne - 2018 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    What did Immanuel Kant really think about love? This book is the first in-depth study of the concept of love in Kant's philosophy. It argues that love is much more important to Kant than previously thought, and that understanding love is actually essential for Kantian ethical life. Perhaps surprisingly, for Kant, love permeates human existence from the strongest impulses of nature to the highest ideals of morally deserved happiness.
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  43. Conditional discrimination of colors and odors by honeybees.Pa Couvillon & Me Bitterman - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (5):354-354.
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  44. Destecroix, Gem.Pa Brunt - 1985 - History of Political Thought 6 (1-2):R19 - R20.
  45. Advaitabedānte pratikarmabyabasthā: mānameẏabyabasthā.Nirmalakumāra Pānigrāhī - 1994 - Kalikātā: Saṃskr̥ta Kaleja.
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    The dwarf and the puppet: YT Wu's “Christian materialism”.Chin Ken Pa - 2014 - Critical Research on Religion 2 (1):23-37.
    Marxism came to China along with the Russian Revolution. Many Chinese scholars and students became interested in Marxism, which was interpreted in terms of patriotism and as an anti-imperialist movement. As a leader of the Christian Youth Student Fellowship of YMCA in Shanghai, YT Wu was deeply concerned with the nature of current thought on campus, and sought dialogue between Christianity and materialism. This article analyzes Wu's thought, especially his proposal of a Christian materialism which would reconcile the two. Like (...)
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  47. Filozófiai istentan.Pál Bolberitz - 1981 - Budapest: Budapesti Római Katolikus Hittudományi Akadémia Jegyzetosztálya.
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    Isten, ember, vallás a keresztény filozófiai gondolkodás tükrében.Pál Bolberitz - 1981 - [Budapest]: Ecclesia.
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  49. Dīdhitikāropajñavicārāṇāmālocanam.Śrīrāma Pāṇḍeya - 1983 - Vārāṇasyām: Sampūrṇānanda-Saṃskr̥ta-Viśvavidyālayaḥ.
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  50. Curente și tendințe în filozofia românească.Lucrețiu Pătrășcanu - 1971 - București,: Editura politică.
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