Results for 'Orlando Acevedo-Charry'

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  1.  39
    Sequence mapping in a three-dimensional space by a numeric method and some of its applications.Leonard R. Lareo & Orlando E. Acevedo - 1999 - Acta Biotheoretica 47 (2):123-128.
    In this work we report a simple way to assign a single numeric value in a three-dimensional space to a given nucleotide sequence. The method reported allows for theoretical comparisons of naturally occurring nucleotide sequences.
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    En se souvenant de François Fédier.Jorge Acevedo Guerra - 2023 - Heidegger Studies 39 (1):337-343.
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    La Sociedad como proyecto en la perspectiva de Ortega.Jorge Acevedo - 1994 - Santiago de Chile: Editorial Universitaria.
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    The Grace of God and the Law of Christ.Ellen T. Charry - 2003 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 57 (1):34-44.
    It is a mistake to oppose law and grace, for God's grace makes way for a radically transformed social and moral order. The law of Christ enables a new way of life that is obedient to God.
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    La herencia de Bacon en la doctrina spinocista del lenguaje.Juan Francisco Manrique Charry - 2010 - Universitas Philosophica 27 (54):121-130.
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    El mínimo vital gratuito como una garantía del derecho fundamental al agua potable.Yenny Marcela Monsalve Acevedo - 2009 - Ratio Juris 4 (8):105-119.
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    Control lineal indirecto de campo del motor de inducción.Santiago Sánchez Acevedo, Eduardo Giraldo & Didier Giraldo Buitrago - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  8. Sobre los polinomios ortogonales, las fracciones continuas y las medidas espectrales.Jairo A. Charris & Germán Preciado-López - 2002 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 2:3.
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    Lo Unheimlich y su capacidad de «detonar» nuestra condición hermenéutica.Orlando Ortega Chacón - 2022 - Revista Filosofía Uis 21 (2):155-176.
    A la hora de pensar lo más inmediato a nosotros mismos es necesario acudir a lo que somos en cuanto Dasein. Sin embargo, la experiencia de lo inmediato tiene la condición de presentarse bajo la forma de un extrañamiento, un «no saber». Se verá que la corporeidad y su extrañamiento abren a la posibilidad de una hermenéutica de nuestra propia condición porque la experiencia de lo Unheimlich es una vía de epojé que «detona» (revienta) la cadena de significaciones habitual y (...)
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    La construcción simbólica que los estudiantes en la carrera de docencia tienen sobre la neuropedagogía en su formación profesional.Orlando Terre Camacho & Marco Antonio Gamboa Robles - 2024 - Voces de la Educación 9 (17):169-193.
    La perspectiva que estudiantes de docencia tienen sobre las disciplinas inherentes a la educación y en el logro del perfil de egreso, es multifacética; hay quienes conciben con mayor peso la psicología, didáctica y filosofía, otros incluyen sociología y antropología, pero pocos incluyen la neuropedagogía; por lo que dicha visión poco incide en decisiones para emocionar el cerebro para aprender.
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    How Does Perceived Effectiveness Affect Adults’ Ethical Acceptance of Anti-obesity Threat Appeals to Children? When the Going Gets Tough, the Audience Gets Going.Karine Charry, Patrick De Pelsmacker & Claude L. Pecheux - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (2):243-257.
    Little is known on the appraisal of ethically questionable not- for-profit actions such as social marketing advertising campaigns. The present study evaluates the ethical acceptance by adults of anti-obesity threat appeals targeting children, depending on the claimed effectiveness of the campaign. An experiment conducted among 176 Belgian participants by means of an online survey shows that individuals’ acceptance of social marketing practices increases along with the claimed effectiveness of the campaign. As such it demonstrates that the audience adopts a pragmatic (...)
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    A tarefa de estudo: Ciência E criatividade do professor.Orlando Aquino & Neire Cunha - 2015 - Educação E Filosofia 29 (57):125-152.
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    E. Kant: dalla critica alla metafisica della moralità.Orlando Carpi - 1988 - Bologna: Distribuzione EDS.
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    John Paul II and the Jewish People: A Jewish‐Christian Dialogue – Edited by David G. Dalin and Matthew Levering.Ellen T. Charry - 2009 - Modern Theology 25 (3):523-526.
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  15. Study as spiritual formation.Ellen T. Charry - 2019 - In David Fergusson, Bruce L. McCormack & Iain R. Torrance, Schools of faith: essays on theology, ethics and education in honour of Iain R. Torrance. New York, NY, USA: T & T Clark.
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    The case for concern: Athanasian christology in pastoral perspective.Ellen T. Charry - 1993 - Modern Theology 9 (3):265-283.
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    Una ecología cristiana en un mundo insostenible.Álvaro Hernández Acevedo - 2018 - Franciscanum 60 (170):243-272.
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    Os muitos males na universidade portuguesa.Orlando Lourenço - 2006 - Critica.
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    (1 other version)Abduction, realism and ethics.Eleonora Orlando - 2001 - Theoria 16 (2):331-352.
    In this paper, I am concerned with the possibility of applying an abductive strategy in founding ethical realism. First, I criticize Harman’s position, according to which abduction, though useful for founding scientific realism, does not serve to found ethical realism. Secondly, I examine Sturgeon’s critique, according to which distinctively moral facts do constitute the best explanations of the moral evidence. Finally,I conclude that Sturgeon is right in as far as the ontological status of moral properties is concerned but his answer (...)
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    Aseguramiento del proceso de diseño y desarrollo en un taller metalmecánico.Giovanni Torres Charry - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Direma, semillero de investigación en diseño y reconversión de máquinas.Giovanni Torres Charry - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Guglielmo d'Occam: filosofo della contingenza.Orlando William & Todisco - 1998 - Padova: EMP. Edited by Orlando Todisco.
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  23. Micro-domination.Orlando Lazar - 2023 - European Journal of Political Theory 22 (2):217-237.
    This article analyses the phenomenon of ‘micro-domination’, in which a series of dominated choices are individually inconsequential for a person’s freedom but collectively consequential. Where the choices concerned are objectively inconsequential, micro- domination poses a problem for ‘objective threshold’ accounts of domination which either prioritise particularly bad forms of domination or exclude powers that do not risk causing serious harm to their victims. Where the choices concerned are subjectively inconsequential to the victim, micro-domination poses a problem for the common republican (...)
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    Dogwhistling as a narrative-evoking form of communication.Eleonora Orlando - 2023 - Manuscrito 46 (3):2023-0022.
    In this essay I defend the view that dogwhistling is a a speech act performed with a narrative-evoking perlocutionary effect in the so-called target audience. What is evoked is a certain kind of narrative, previously endorsed by the relevant audience, which endows its members with the use of some linguistic expressions (and some non-linguistic representations) with non-conventional, derived meanings. In the dogwhistling scenarios, those derived meanings are recovered and put to work by means of different mechanisms, which has an impact (...)
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  25. By the Renewing of Your Minds: The Pastoral Function of Christian Doctrine.Ellen T. Charry - 1997
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    Testimonio de lo inefable. Técnica narrativa y retórica en El deshabitado (2016), de Javier Sicilia.Juan Berdeja Acevedo - 2024 - Escritos 32 (68):1-19.
    _El deshabitado _(Grijalbo, 2016) puede estudiarse como un testimonio novelado, porque es un relato complejo y sobrecogedor en primera persona, escrito por el poeta Javier Sicilia, quien se representa como protagonista y testigo de las terribles causas sociales de la muerte de su hijo Juanelo, y de las consecuencias que tuvo sobre Sicilia ese fatídico hecho. En la lectura, asistimos al recuento del duelo del escritor y a la rememoración de la posterior fundación del Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia (...)
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    Thinking About the Opposite of What Is Said: Counterfactual Conditionals and Symbolic or Alternate Simulations of Negation.Orlando Espino & Ruth M. J. Byrne - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (8):2459-2501.
    When people understand a counterfactual such as “if the flowers had been roses, the trees would have been orange trees,” they think about the conjecture, “there were roses and orange trees,” and they also think about its opposite, the presupposed facts. We test whether people think about the opposite by representing alternates, for example, “poppies and apple trees,” or whether models can contain symbols, for example, “no roses and no orange trees.” We report the discovery of an inference‐to‐alternates effect—a tendency (...)
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    Cristóbal Holzapfel, A la búsqueda del sentido.Jorge Acevedo Guerra - 2006 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 62:163-166.
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    Humberto Giannini. Breve Historia de la Filosofía.Jorge Acevedo Guerra - 2006 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 62:166-171.
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  30. Seis décadas de estudios sobre el autoengaño: problemas perennes y nuevos interrogantes.Gustavo Fernández Acevedo - 2018 - Páginas de Filosofía 19 (22):9-32.
    En las últimas seis décadas el fenómeno del autoengaño ha sido objeto de creciente interés no sólo en el ámbito de la filosofía, dentro de la cual fue tradicionalmente estudiado, sino también en el de distintas ciencias, entre ellas la psicología, las neurociencias, la biología evolucionista y las ciencias sociales. Este incremento en el interés ha redundado en una proliferación de interrogantes y propuestas teóricas de muy diversas clases, sin que hasta la fecha se haya logrado una teoría unificada que (...)
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    Sobre la teoría de la historia en Ortega.Jorge Acevedo - 2016 - Revista de filosofía (Chile):69-86.
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    Los vértices de la meritocracia.Orlando Albornoz - 2002 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 7 (17):121-124.
    La meritocracia es sinónimo de conocimientos o prácticas, que se jerarquizan y estratifican de acuerdo a principios de excelencia y competencia, dirección y capacitación, para la toma de decisiones. Una sociedad o institución es meritocrática, en la medida que se orienta por valores de máxima ..
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  33. Individualismo y organicismo.Lucio Cabrera Acevedo - 1947
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    Ausencia Y presencia de dios: Diez estudios fenomenológicos.Orlando Escobar - 2013 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 34 (109):4.
    Entendida como “la manera de vivir la historia, en cierto modo como condena o como fatalidad”, la fe ha sido recibida. Y esta ha sido transmitida en términos como en los que se sostiene que la filosofía debe aprenderse en Europa o Norteamérica, que nuestra economía es dependiente y que la piel y sangre que llevamos es impura. Para Vargas Guillén, la tragedia de nuestra historia se explica en parte por una educación patriarcalista que entrena solo para obedecer. Por esta (...)
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    Marx e Kelsen.Orlando Gomes - 1959 - [Salvador, Brasil]:
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  36. Lezioni di diritto costituzionale..Vittorio Emanuele Orlando - 1927 - Roma:
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  37. G. Duns Scoto e il pluralismo epistemologico.Orlando Todisco - 1993 - Miscellanea Francescana 93 (3-4):427-433.
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  38. Il mare aperto della liberta'francescana: Verso un nuovo inizio con Massimo Cacciari?Orlando Todisco - 2004 - Miscellanea Francescana 104 (1-2):189-259.
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    Social Interaction, Envy, and the Basic Income: Do Remedies to Technological Unemployment Reduce Well-being?Fabio D’Orlando - 2022 - Basic Income Studies 17 (1):53-93.
    The present article aims to utilize some insights from behavioral and happiness economics to discuss the consequences that the introduction of an unconditional basic income to cope with technological unemployment may hold for well-being. The impact of 21st-century technological progress on employment has only just begun to make itself felt and it will take time to realize its full extent. However, the main innovation is already common knowledge: robots are finding their way into the production process. According to several recent (...)
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  40. Index of Authors Volume 5, 2001.A. Acevedo, E. H. Y. Boo, J. Brinkmann, E. S. Callahan, B. Castro, L. Chalip, P. M. Clikeman, L. Dickie, J. Down & D. D. DuFrene - 2001 - Teaching Business Ethics 5 (485).
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    The Suppression of Inferences From Counterfactual Conditionals.Orlando Espino & Ruth M. J. Byrne - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (4):e12827.
    We examine two competing effects of beliefs on conditional inferences. The suppression effect occurs for conditionals, for example, “if she watered the plants they bloomed,” when beliefs about additional background conditions, for example, “if the sun shone they bloomed” decrease the frequency of inferences such as modus tollens (from “the plants did not bloom” to “therefore she did not water them”). In contrast, the counterfactual elevation effect occurs for counterfactual conditionals, for example, “if she had watered the plants they would (...)
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    Supervisor Abuse Effects on Subordinate Turnover Intentions and Subsequent Interpersonal Aggression: The Role of Power-Distance Orientation and Perceived Human Resource Support Climate.Orlando C. Richard, O. Dorian Boncoeur, Hao Chen & David L. Ford - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 164 (3):549-563.
    Despite mounting evidence that abusive supervision triggers interpersonal aggression, much remains unknown regarding the underlying causal mechanisms within this relationship. We explore the role of turnover intentions as a mediator in the relationship between abusive supervision and subsequent supervisor-rated interpersonal aggression. We use a sample of 324 supervisor–subordinate dyads from nine organizations and find support for this mediation effect. Furthermore, we find that power-distance orientation and perceived human resource support climate, as important boundary conditions, independently interact with abusive supervision to (...)
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  43.  24
    Psychological Well-Being and Youth Autonomy: Comparative Analysis of Spain and Colombia.Claudia Charry, Rosa Goig & Isabel Martínez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:564232.
    The construct of autonomy appears in the literature associated with individual psychological wellbeing. In Ryff's model, autonomy is presented as one of the dimensions of wellbeing, along with self-acceptance, positive relationships with others, environmental mastery, purpose in life, and personal growth. The present study compared the levels of autonomy and psychological wellbeing between Spanish and Colombian young people. Ryff's Scale of Psychological Wellbeing and the Transition to Adulthood Autonomy (EDATVA according to its initials in Spanish) scales were used on a (...)
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  44.  19
    Autoengaño y voluntarismo doxástico.Gustavo Fernández Acevedo - 2018 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 57:139-160.
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    El abandono del proyecto «ilustrado» humanístico. Apuntes para una «ética excéntrica».Orlando Ortega Chacón & Daniel Augusto Duarte Arias - 2023 - Revista Filosofía Uis 22 (2):117-134.
    Este artículo busca avizorar, desde el terreno de las pretensiones del humanismo, la posibilidad de una ética desprovista de «centro» que se asiente en la «compasión». Se buscará comprender la necesidad de abandonar los intentos de retornar al proyecto «humanístico» y se señalará su mayor riesgo: el «cínico ilustrado». Adicionalmente, se considerará «el humanismo» como el solemne destello de una «estrella que murió hace mucho» pero que da señales para la construcción de una ética excéntrica fundada en la compasión y (...)
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    Activation of end-terms in syllogistic reasoning.Orlando Espino, Carlos Santamaria & Juan A. Garcia-Madruga - 2000 - Thinking and Reasoning 6 (1):67 – 89.
    We report five experiments showing that the activation of the end-terms of a syllogism is determined by their position in the composite model of the premises. We show that it is not determined by the position of the terms in the rule being applied (Ford, 1994), by the syntactic role of the terms in the premises (Polk & Newell, 1995; Wetherick & Gilhooly, 1990), by the type of conclusion (Chater & Oaksford, 1999), or by the terms from the source premise (...)
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    In defense of Piaget's theory: A reply to 10 common criticisms.Orlando Lourenço & Armando Machado - 1996 - Psychological Review 103 (1):143-164.
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  48. Etica dialogica.Cristóbal Acevedo - 1994 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 64.
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    El lector en su contexto. La defensa de José Fernández Madrid frente a los testimonios y la escritura de la historia de Colombia, 1821-1830.Rafael Enrique Acevedo Puello - 2019 - Co-herencia 16 (31):223-258.
    En la historiografía nacional poco se ha estudiado el problema de la lectura y la confrontación del sentido del pasado en la historia de la revolución durante la tercera década del siglo xix. El objetivo de este artículo es reconstruir las prácticas lectoras a partir de las cuales se asumió una posición crítica y se construyó cierta opinión pública frente a la narración de los hechos del pasado republicano vinculado con los procesos de independencia en la Nueva Granada. Para ello, (...)
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  50. Filosofía contemporánea.Jorge Acevedo (ed.) - 1983 - Valparaiśo: EDEVAL.
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