Results for 'Organ trade'

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  1.  1
    Ending the organ trade: an ethical assessment of regulatory possibilities.Andreas Albertsen - forthcoming - Monash Bioethics Review:1-16.
    While the trade of human organs are illegal and widely condemned, a black market flourishes. Estimates indicate that 10% of kidney transplants from living donors involve illegal payments to the kidney seller. This paper presents a typology for approaches aimed at curtailing the black market in human organs. The policies are evaluated from two perspectives: their ethical permissibility and their expected efficiency in ending and minimizing the trade in human organs. To end or minimize organ trading, we (...)
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    Ethics of Global Organ Trade.Amit Chattopadhyay & Sharmila Chatterjee - 2011 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 2 (4):295-304.
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    The Global Organ Trade.Ofra Greenberg - 2013 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 22 (3):238-245.
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    The Complexities of Victimhood : Insights from the Organ Trade.Martin Gunnarson & Susanne Lundin - unknown
    The aim of this paper is to explore the complexity of the concept of the victim within the context of organ trading. By examining the intricate phenomenon of organ trade, we show how prevailing notions of victimhood form the basis of concrete social practices. The empirical basis for this exploration comprises in-depth interviews conducted during fieldwork in South Africa and Kosovo. We also draw on research undertaken at various expert meetings. What our research in these locations attests (...)
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    Tales From the Organ Trade: Written and Directed by Ric Esther Bienstock, 2013, HBO Documentary Films.Katrina A. Bramstedt - 2014 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11 (1):99-100.
  6. Organic unities, non-trade-off, and the additivity of intrinsic value.Erik Carlson - 2001 - The Journal of Ethics 5 (4):335-360.
    Whether or not intrinsic value is additively measurable is often thought to depend on the truth or falsity of G. E. Moore's principle of organic unities. I argue that the truth of this principle is, contrary to received opinion, compatible with additive measurement. However, there are other very plausible evaluative claims that are more difficult to combine with the additivity of intrinsic value. A plausible theory of the good should allow that there are certain kinds of states of affairs whose (...)
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  7. Corporate cooptation of organic and fair trade standards.Daniel Jaffee & Philip H. Howard - 2010 - Agriculture and Human Values 27 (4):387-399.
    Recent years have seen a substantial increase in alternative agrifood initiatives that attempt to use the market to curtail the negative social and environmental effects of production and trade in a globalized food system. These alternatives pose a challenge to capital accumulation and the externalization of environmental costs by large agribusiness, trading and retail firms. Yet the success of these alternatives also makes them an inviting target for corporate participation. This article examines these dynamics through a case study of (...)
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    Fair Trade Organizations in Belgium: Unity in Diversity? [REVIEW]Benjamin Huybrechts - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (2):217 - 240.
    This article analyzes the dual process occurring in the field of Fair Trade organizations (FTOs) in Belgium. On the one hand, there has been a gradual diversification of the organizational landscape over time from pioneering volunteer-based non-profit organizations to a broader array including cooperatives, group structures, businesses and individual entrepreneurs exclusively devoted to FT. On the other hand, a process of networking is currently taking place among the various types of FTOs in the context of the creation of a (...)
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    Organ Vouchers and Barter Markets: Saving Lives, Reducing Suffering, and Trading in Human Organs.Mark J. Cherry - 2017 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42 (5):503-517.
    The essays in this issue of The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy explore an innovative voucher program for encouraging kidney donation. Discussions cluster around a number of central moral and political/theoretical themes: What are the direct and indirect health care costs and benefits of such a voucher system in human organs? Do vouchers lead to more effective and efficient organ procurement and allocation or contribute to greater inequalities and inefficiencies in the transplantation system? Do vouchers contribute to the inappropriate (...)
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  10. Rotten trade : millennial capitalism, human values and global justice in organs trafficking.Nancy Scheper-Hughes - 2009 - In Mark Goodale, Human rights: an anthropological reader. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Organ Transplant Trade: A Moral Examination.Seeiso J. Koali - 2015 - Open Journal of Philosophy 5 (5):261-267.
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    Does Fair Trade Compete with Carbon Footprint and Organic Attributes in the Eyes of Consumers? Results from a Pilot Study in Scotland, The Netherlands and France.Faical Akaichi, Steven de Grauw, Paul Darmon & Cesar Revoredo-Giha - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (6):969-984.
    Several studies on ethical and social food attributes have shown that consumers, especially in developed countries, are willing to pay a price premium for fair trade foods products. However, there is a scant literature on how consumers’ preferences and willingness to pay for fair trade products are affected by the presence of other ethical food attributes. To fill this gap, a choice experiment was conducted in Scotland, the Netherlands and France to assess consumers’ preferences and WTP for ethical (...)
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    Pakistan and kidney trade: battles won, battles to come.Farhat Moazam - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (4):925-928.
    This essay provides a brief overview of the rise of organ trade in Pakistan towards the end of the last century and the concerted, collective struggle—of physicians and medical associations aided by the media, journalists, members of civil society, and senior judiciary—in pressuring the government to bring about and implement a national law criminalizing such practices opposed by an influential pro-organ trade lobby. It argues that among the most effective measures to prevent re-emergence of organ (...)
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    Re-embedding global agriculture: The international organic and fair trade movements. [REVIEW]Laura T. Raynolds - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (3):297-309.
    The international organic agricultureand fair trade movements represent importantchallenges to the ecologically and sociallydestructive relations that characterize the globalagro-food system. Both movements critique conventionalagricultural production and consumption patterns andseek to create a more sustainable world agro-foodsystem. The international organic movement focuses onre-embedding crop and livestock production in ``naturalprocesses,'' encouraging trade in agriculturalcommodities produced under certified organicconditions and processed goods derived from thesecommodities. For its part, the fair trade movementfosters the re-embedding of international commodityproduction and distribution in ``equitable (...)
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    Noble goals and challenging terrain: Organic and fair trade coffee movements in the global marketplace. [REVIEW]Robert A. Rice - 2001 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 14 (1):39-66.
    Social relations associated with conventional agricultural exports find their origins in long term associations based on business, family, and class alliances. Working outside these boundaries presents a host of challenges, especially where small producers with little economic or political power are concerned. Yet, in many developing countries, alternative trade organizations (ATOs) based on philosophies of social justice and/or environmental well-being are carving out spaces alongside traditional agricultural export sectors by establishing new channels of trade and marketing. Coffee provides (...)
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    Are the precautionary principle and the international trade of genetically modified organisms reconcilable?Mariëlle Matthee & Dominique Vermersch - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 12 (1):59-70.
    This paper seeks to find possibilities forreconciliation of the implementation of theprecautionary principle and the promotion ofinternational trade of genetically modified organisms,based on the assumption that a sustainabledevelopment is a right objective to strive for. Itstarts with an explanation of the background and therole of the precautionary principle, and describes inwhat way measures based on the precautionary principlecan easily lead to the creation of trade barriers. Thearticle then examines to what extent the WTO (WorldTrade Organisation) Agreements allow theimplementation (...)
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    Exploitation, Criminalization, and Pecuniary Trade in the Organs of Living People.Hugh V. McLachlan - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (2):229-241.
    It is often maintained that, since the buying and selling of organs—particularly the kidneys—of living people supposedly constitutes exploitation of the living vendors while the so-called “altruistic” donation of them does not, the former, unlike the latter, should be a crime. This paper challenges and rejects this view. A novel account of exploitation, influenced by but different from those of Zwolinski and Wertheimer and of Wilkinson, is developed. Exploitation is seen as a sort of injustice. A distinction is made between (...)
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    Impact of Religion-Based Caste System on the Dynamics of Indian Trade Unions: Evidence From Two State-Owned Organizations in North India.Biju Varkkey & Jatin Pandey - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (5):995-1034.
    Religion and its envisaged structures have both macro- and micro-level implications for business. Of the many stratification schemas prevalent in India, two macro-social stratification schemas are important at the workplace: caste, which has been an age-old, religion-mandated, closed social stratification prevalent in Hinduism that had led to inequality in the society, and trade union, which is a relatively new and optional open workplace stratification that empowers workers and fosters equality. This study tries to decipher whether these two structures influence (...)
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  19. Organ Markets and Disrespectful Demands.Simon Rippon - 2017 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 31 (2):119-136.
    There is a libertarian argument for live donor organ markets, according to which live donor organ markets would be permitted if we simply refrained from imposing any substantive and controversial moral assumptions on people who reasonably disagree about morality and justice. I argue that, to the contrary, this endorsement of live donor organ markets depends upon the libertarians’ adoption of a substantive and deeply controversial conception of strong, extensive property rights. This is shown by the fact that (...)
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    Standards and standards organizations in the international free trade regime.Raymund Werle - 2001 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 14 (3):127-140.
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    The role of world trade organizations in settling trade disputes between the united states and the european union.Erin Walker - 2002 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 3.
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    Trade in health: economics, ethics and public policy.David A. Reisman - 2014 - Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar.
    'Trade in Health is a timely reflection on the interface of economics with the ethics and public policy facets of the international movement of patients. Health issues such as these are at the forefront of modern political economy."National" health is increasingly less so. Reisman's previous scholarship in this area is brought to bear in an insightful and eminently readable and engaging fashion. In an area where uncovering the facts is more difficult than "decyphering the Dead Sea Scrolls", such a (...)
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    Alternative trade in bananas: Obstacles and opportunities for progressive social change in the global economy. [REVIEW]Douglas L. Murray & Laura T. Raynolds - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (1):65-74.
    Fair trade bananas are the latest inan increasing array of commodities that are beingpromoted by various organizations in an effort tocreate alternative production and consumption patternsto the environmentally destructive and sociallyinequitable patterns inherent in traditionalproduction and trade systems. Fair trade is touted asa strategy to achieve more sustainable developmentthrough linking environmentally and socially consciousconsumers in the North with producers pursuingenvironmentally sound and socially just productionpractices in the South. Promotion of fair tradebananas in Europe has achieved impressive initialgains (...)
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  24. The Moral Evaluation of Living Organ Donation and Trade in Human Organs in Light of Kant's Ethics.Piotr Grzegorz Nowak - 2015 - Diametros 46:30-54.
    In the article I justify the acceptability of ex vivo transplantation and I provide the ethical evaluation of trafficking in human organs from the Kantian perspective. Firstly, I refer to passages of Kant's works, where he explicitly states that depriving oneself of one’s body parts for other purposes than self-preservation is not permitted. I explain that the negative ethical evaluation of the disposal of the body parts was given various justifications by Kant. Subsequently, I provide partial criticism of this justification, (...)
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    Why a Market in Organs is Inevitably Unethical.Alastair V. Campbell - 2016 - Asian Bioethics Review 8 (3):164-176.
    In this paper I shall be arguing against the claim made by Erin and Harris and others, that creating a “regulated market” in organs for transplantation taken from living vendors is both viable practically and a moral imperative. No-one can doubt that there is currently a crisis in the provision of organs for transplantation, with a massive gap between supply and demand. There are a number of reasons for this crisis. Since its development as a life-saving measure in the second (...)
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  26. Fair Trade: Three Key Challenges for Reaching the Mainstream.Anil Hira & Jared Ferrie - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 63 (2):107-118.
    After nearly 20 years of work by activists, fair trade, a movement establishing alternative trading organizations to ensure minimal returns, safe working conditions, and environmentally sustainable production, is now gaining steam, with increasing awareness and availability across a variety of products. However, this article addresses several major remaining challenges: (a) a lack of agreement about what fair trade really means and how it should be certified; (b) uneven awareness and availability across different areas, with marked differences between some (...)
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    Organ Donation and Transplantation and Their Ethics in the Light of Islamic Shariah.Fazal Fazli & Toryalai Hemat - 2023 - European Journal of Philosophy Culture and Religion 7 (1):56-63.
    Purpose: Organ donation and transplantation are practices that are supported by all of the world's major religions, including Sikhism, Christianity, Hinduism, and Judaism. Recent developments in the fields of organ donation and organ transplantation have sparked a renewed sense of optimism for the treatment of critical illnesses. The jurists permitted organ transplants on the basis of certain principles, including ownership and categories of property. On the other hand, moralists strive to deny the ownership of human organs (...)
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    From Niche to Mass Markets: Rival Strategies in Promoting Fair Trade Organic Commodity Chains.Winfried Ruigrok - 2011 - Analyse & Kritik 33 (1):213-234.
    This article examines rival strategies employed by public, private and civil society actors to promote fair trade organic commodity chains. The article analyses the case of fair trade organic cotton as a produce that is on the brink of reaching a mass market, and compares this with patterns of the more widely documented fair trade organic fruit case. It is shown how variations in commodity chain configurations and interfaces reflect different stakeholder positions and interests, as well as (...)
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  29. Organ markets and harms: A reply to Dworkin, Radcliffe Richards and Walsh.Simon Rippon - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (3):155-156.
    In my recent article in the Journal of Medical Ethics, I attacked the Laissez Choisir Argument in defence of letting individuals choose whether to sell kidneys or other organs as living donors, and I argued that such transactions should generally remain prohibited.1 The LC Argument arises as a response to a prohibitionist claim that I endorse: organ sales should be banned to protect potential poverty-stricken vendors, even if a free market could provide great benefits to potential organ recipients. (...)
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    Inclusive Trade: Justice, Innovation, or More of the Same?Patricia Goff - 2021 - Ethics and International Affairs 35 (2):273-301.
    Inclusive trade is taking hold in various forms in international organizations and in the trade policy of national governments. Absent empirical evidence that will take time to generate, it can be difficult to assess the achievements of this new approach to trade. Nancy Fraser's three justice idioms provide a conceptual entry point for evaluating the potential of the inclusive trade agenda. Fraser argues that the contemporary global justice conversation must acknowledge claims for recognition, representation, and redistribution. (...)
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    Trading with the Waiting‐List: The Justice of Living Donor List Exchange.Govert den Hartogh - 2008 - Bioethics 24 (4):190-198.
    ABSTRACT In a Living Donor List Exchange program, the donor makes his kidney available for allocation to patients on the postmortal waiting‐list and receives in exchange a postmortal kidney, usually an O‐kidney, to be given to the recipient he favours. The program can be a solution for a candidate donor who is unable to donate directly or to participate in a paired kidney exchange because of blood group incompatibility or a positive cross‐match. Each donation within an LDLE program makes an (...)
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    Are speed/accuracy trade-offs caused by neuromotor noise, or not?Willem P. De Jong & Gerard P. Van Galen - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):306-307.
    Notwithstanding its overwhelming descriptive power for existing data, it is not clear whether the kinematic theory of Plamondon & Alimi could generate new insights into biomechanical constraints and psychological processes underlying the way organisms trade off speed for accuracy. The kinematic model should elaborate on the role of neuromotor noise and on biomechanical strategies for reducing endpoint variability related to such noise.
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    Organ transplantation in Nepal: Ethical, legal, and practical issues.Alok Atreya, Manish Upreti, Ritesh George Menezes, Ambika Dawadi & Nuwadatta Subedi - 2023 - Developing World Bioethics 23 (3):285-292.
    In Nepal, live donor organ transplantation is only 14 years old with the first successful kidney transplant made in 2008 and a successful liver and bone marrow transplant made in 2016. However, transplantation of cadaveric cornea dates back to 1998. There are still no cases of animal-to-human organ transplantation in Nepal. There are stringent laws to regulate human body organ transplantation in Nepal which are amended from time to time. However, there is a racket of human traffickers (...)
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  34. The fair trade movement: Parameters, issues and future research. [REVIEW]Geoff Moore - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 53 (1-2):73-86.
    Although Fair Trade has been in existence for more than 40 years, discussion in the business and business ethics literature of this unique trading and campaigning movement between Southern producers and Northern buyers and consumers has been limited. This paper seeks to redress this deficit by providing a description of the characteristics of Fair Trade, including definitional issues, market size and segmentation and the key organizations. It discusses Fair Trade from Southern producer and Northern trader and consumer (...)
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  35. The donor organ as an ‘object a’: a Lacanian perspective on organ donation and transplantation medicine.Hub Zwart - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (4):559-571.
    Bioethical discourse on organ donation covers a wide range of topics, from informed consent procedures and scarcity issues up to ‘transplant tourism’ and ‘organ trade’. This paper presents a ‘depth ethics’ approach, notably focussing on the tensions, conflicts and ambiguities concerning the status of the human body. These will be addressed from a psychoanalytical angle. First, I will outline Lacan’s view on embodiment as such. Subsequently, I will argue that, for organ recipients, the donor organ (...)
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    Child organ trafficking: global reality and inadequate international response.Alireza Bagheri - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (2):239-246.
    In organ transplantation, the demand for human organs has grown far faster than the supply of organs. This has opened the door for illegal organ trade and trafficking including from children. Organized crime groups and individual organ brokers exploit the situation and, as a result, black markets are becoming more numerous and organized organ trafficking is expanding worldwide. While underprivileged and vulnerable men and women in developing countries are a major source of trafficked organs, and (...)
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    Fair Trade: Towards an Economics of Virtue. [REVIEW]Alex Nicholls - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (2):241 - 255.
    Over the past 10 years the sales of Fair Trade goods - particularly those carrying the Fair Trade Labelling Organizations International (FLO) certification mark - have grown exponentially. Academic interest in Fair Trade has also grown significantly over the past decade with researchers analysing the model from a wide range of theoretical perspectives. Whilst Fair Trade is generally acknowledged as a new supply chain model, it has tended to be studied at the micro/organisational level rather than (...)
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    An experimental investigation of the ‘tenuous trade-off’ between risk and incentives in organizations.Alexandros Karakostas & Subhasish M. Chowdhury - 2020 - Theory and Decision 88 (1):153-190.
    We investigate experimentally the relationship between risk and incentives in a principal–agent setting. In contrast to the existing empirical literature that describes such relationship as ‘tenuous’ or inconclusive, we find a clear negative relationship—supporting the prediction of the standard theoretical model. Specifically, we find that principals reduce the size of the offered piece rates with an increase in risk and instead provide positive fixed wages. Furthermore, we find no relationship between the variance in the performance and the effort choice of (...)
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    Trading Posts.Helen Juliette Muller - 2006 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 17:139-144.
    I examine the evolution of trade organizations in the southwest from their early manifestation to their present configurations with a particular focus on Trading Posts as socio-cultural and economic exchange organizations. At their inception as general stores they served displaced and remote populations, while at their peak they were social, cultural, and economic hubs connecting various ethnic groups. More recently, they have become non-profit and profit entities, both on- and off-reservation, and tribal government organizations, some of which still incorporate (...)
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    Agriculture, Trade and Sustainability.Erkan Rehber & Libor Grega - 2008 - The European Legacy 13 (4):463-479.
    In recent decades there has been growing concern about the combined undesired consequences of rapid economic growth, based on the free market movement, and developments in science and technology. This concern has placed the sustainable development concept on the world's agenda. The notion of sustainability, which originally referred mostly to the environmental consequences of human activities, along with their economic and social aspects, has been discussed not only at the national and the global levels but also in relation to particular (...)
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    Are Fair Trade Goods Credence Goods? A New Proposal, with French Illustrations.Gaëlle Balineau & Ivan Dufeu - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (2):331 - 345.
    In the literature, Fair Trade (FT) goods are usually associated with other products differentiated by process attributes such as organic food, genetically modified (GM) food or child labour-free clothing. All of these products are regarded as credence goods. This classification refers to the simplified definition of credence goods, which describes product attributes which consumers cannot evaluate, even after having consumed the good. Focusing on the characteristics of FT goods, this article proposes a reassessment of the link between FT goods (...)
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    One Voice, But Whose Voice? Exploring What Drives Trade Association Activity.Michael L. Barnett - 2013 - Business and Society 52 (2):213-244.
    Trade associations operate under the premise of advancing the shared interests of their member firms. How well do they fulfill this role? This article measures the activity of 148 major industry trade associations over time and relates this activity to the performance of the relevant industries and dominant firms within them. Findings suggest that trade association spending increases when the profitability of the four largest firms in an industry decreases, but spending is unrelated to the profitability of (...)
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    The Dynamics of Fair Trade as a Mixed-form Market.Leonardo Becchetti & Benjamin Huybrechts - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (4):733-750.
    This article analyses the Fair Trade sector as a “mixed-form market,” i.e., a market in which different types of players (in this case, nonprofit, co-operative and for-profit organizations) coexist and compete. The purposes of this article are (1) to understand the factors that have led Fair Trade to become a mixed-form market and (2) to propose some trails to understand the market dynamics that result from the interactions between the different types of players. We start by defining briefly (...)
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    JPMorgan's 'London Whale' Trading Losses: A Tale of Human Fallibility.Lisa Warenski - 2024 - In Joakim Sandberg & Lisa Warenski, The Philosophy of Money and Finance. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. pp. 129-47.
    Good epistemic practices are essential to the well-functioning of organizations. Epistemic practices are adopted norms, policies, procedures, and general methodologies that further our epistemic aims or realize our epistemic values. This chapter argues for the importance of organizational good epistemic practices through an analysis of the failures of risk management implicated in JPMorgan’s notorious ‘London Whale’ trading losses, which roiled the financial markets in 2012. A number of these failures of risk management exemplified ways in which we, as fallible reasoners, (...)
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    Alliances and Networks: Creating Success in the UK Fair Trade Market.Iain A. Davies - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 86 (S1):109 - 126.
    Data from a longitudinal study into the key management success factors in the fair trade industry provide insights into the essential nature of inter-organizational alliances and networks in creating the profitable and growing fair trade market in the UK. Drawing on three case studies and extensive industry interviews, we provide an interpretive perspective on the organizational relationships and business networks and the way in which these have engendered success for UK fair trade companies. Three types of benefit (...)
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    A Role of Fair Trade Certification for Environmental Sustainability.Rie Makita - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (2):185-201.
    Although most studies on the Fair Trade initiative are, to some extent, cognizant of its contribution to environmental sustainability, what the environmental aspect means to Fair Trade has not yet been explored fully. A review of environmental issues in the Fair Trade literature suggests that Fair Trade might influence participant producers’ farming practices even if it does not directly impact natural resources. This paper attempts to interpret Fair Trade certification as an intermediary institution that links (...)
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    Changing women’s lives? Empowerment and aspirations of fair trade workers in South India.Priya Ange, Jérôme Ballet, Aurélie Carimentrand & Kamala Marius - 2019 - Journal of Global Ethics 15 (1):32-44.
    Fair trade is a new form of commercial partnership whereby actors in the North engage with actors in the South on a number of conditions, including setting a minimum price, a development bonus, and so on. But above all, fair trade organizations in the South are implementing mechanisms that more or less facilitate the empowerment of their members. This article analyzes the empowerment effects of two fair trade organizations in South India. It shows that while positive effects (...)
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    Fair Trade’s Sustainability.Sarah A. Bigney, Mark Haggerty & Stephanie A. Welcomer - 2010 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 21:158-162.
    This study examines the impact of Fair Trade on the sustainability of coffee growing. To examine sustainability we use an ethnographic approach, interviewingproducers and their associated buyers working in Fair Trade organizations in Chiapas Mexico. We focus on social, economic and ecological dimensions of the producers’ and buyers’ experience.
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  49. The Co-Operative and the Corporation: Competing Visions of the Future of Fair Trade.Gavin Fridell - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 86 (S1):81 - 95.
    This paper provides an analysis of the fair trade network in the North through a comparative assessment of two distinctly different fair trade certified roasters: Planet Bean, a worker-owned co-operative in Guelph, Ontario; and Starbucks Coffee Company, the world's largest specialty roaster. The two organizations are assessed on the basis of their distinct visions of the fair trade mission and their understandings of "consumer sovereignty". It is concluded that the objectives of Planet Bean are more compatible with (...)
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    Troubled Trades.Erik W. Schmidt - 2017 - Southwest Philosophy Review 33 (1):195-203.
    One common set of arguments against universal markets contends that the special status of certain goods (e.g., organs, reproductive services, or native artifacts) makes it inappropriate or wrong to compare their worth to the value of a commodity or to some amount of money. These arguments rest on the fear that market valuations would distort the way we value the goods in question rather than the fear that their sale could exploit or directly harm the people involved in the exchange. (...)
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