Results for 'Omer Azizi'

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  1.  20
    Understanding the Impact of Face Masks on the Processing of Facial Identity, Emotion, Age, and Gender.Daniel Fitousi, Noa Rotschild, Chen Pnini & Omer Azizi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced new challenges for governments and individuals. Unprecedented efforts at reducing virus transmission launched a novel arena for human face recognition in which faces are partially occluded with masks. Previous studies have shown that masks decrease accuracy of face identity and emotion recognition. The current study focuses on the impact of masks on the speed of processing of these and other important social dimensions. Here we provide a systematic assessment of the impact of COVID-19 masks on (...)
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    From Bidirectional Associative Memory to a noise-tolerant, robust Protein Processor Associative Memory.Omer Qadir, Jerry Liu, Gianluca Tempesti, Jon Timmis & Andy Tyrrell - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (2):673-693.
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    PeerNomination: A novel peer selection algorithm to handle strategic and noisy assessments.Omer Lev, Nicholas Mattei, Paolo Turrini & Stanislav Zhydkov - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 316 (C):103843.
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    Avicenna on the Ontological Nature of Knowledge and its Categorical Status.Ömer Mahir Alper - 2006 - Journal of Islamic Philosophy 2 (1):25-35.
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    The influence of k-dependence on the complexity of planning.Omer Giménez & Anders Jonsson - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence 177-179 (C):25-45.
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    Not a Prophet, A Mirror.Atalia Omer - 2022 - Journal of Religious Ethics 50 (2):303-311.
    Shaul Magid's Meir Kahane: The Public Life and Political Thought of an American Jewish Radical (2021) has the potential to urge American and Israeli Jews to “own” Meir Kahane and hold him up as a mirror reflecting the toxic and tragic dimensions of modern Jewish history. Such a look in the mirror can only happen once Jews see Palestinian suffering as central to the building of the state of Israel and also how they are complicit and implicated in such suffering.
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    Mikkonen, Jukka, Philosophy, Literature and Understanding: On Reading and Cognition.Rym Lina Mohammed-Azizi - 2024 - Kritike 18 (2):143-150.
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    Mantique et télestique dans le Phèdre de Platon.Omer Ballériaux - 1990 - Kernos 3:35-43.
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    Utility as the Norm of Law.Omer Hillman Mott - 1941 - New Scholasticism 15 (4):377-390.
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    The Middle Included - Logos in Aristotle.Ömer Aygün - 2016 - Evanston, Illinois, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri: Northwestern University Press.
    The Middle Included is a systematic exploration of the meanings of logos throughout Aristotle’s work. It claims that the basic meaning is “gathering,” a relation that holds its terms together without isolating them or collapsing one to the other. This meaning also applies to logos in the sense of human language. Aristotle describes how some animals are capable of understanding non-firsthand experience without being able to relay it, while others relay it without understanding. Aygün argues that what distinguishes human language, (...)
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    When radical uncertainty is too much: Clinical aspects of Conviction Narrative Theory.Omer Linkovski & Renana Eitan - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e101.
    We propose extrapolating Conviction Narrative Theory (CNT) to clinical psychology and psychiatry. We demonstrate how CNT principles may benefit assessment, therapy, and possibly even modify public health views of neuropsychiatric disorders. Our commentary focuses on hoarding disorder as a model, elaborates on discrepancies in the scientific literature and suggests how the CNT may resolve them.
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    Beyond uncertainty: A broader scope for “incentive hope” mechanisms and its implications.Omer Linkovski, Noam Weinbach, Shimon Edelman, Marcus W. Feldman, Arnon Lotem & Oren Kolodny - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    We propose that food-related uncertainty is but one of multiple cues that predicts harsh conditions and may activate “incentive hope.” An evolutionarily adaptive response to these would have been to shift to a behavioral-metabolic phenotype geared toward facing hardship. In modernity, this phenotype may lead to pathologies such as obesity and hoarding. Our perspective suggests a novel therapeutic approach.
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    Forward bounding on pseudo-trees for DCOPs and ADCOPs.Omer Litov & Amnon Meisels - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 252 (C):83-99.
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    Katibi and Gencine-i Adalet’s.Hacı Ömer Karpuz - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:75-86.
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    The Cry of the Forgotten Stones.Atalia Omer - 2015 - Journal of Religious Ethics 43 (2):369-407.
    Based on extensive archival work, this essay assesses the contribution of a Palestinian liberation theology to a comprehensive view of peacebuilding that involves not only liberation from oppressive occupation but also a holistic vision and strategy for attaining just societal structures. Emerging out of the victim's viewpoint, a PLT is consistent with a multiperspectival approach to justice. It articulates a call for a holistic transformation of the interrelations between Jews and Palestinians, envisioning a just peace that must entail a re-framing (...)
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    The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Organizational Commitment: Exploring Multiple Mediation Mechanisms. [REVIEW]Omer Farooq, Marielle Payaud, Dwight Merunka & Pierre Valette-Florence - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 125 (4):1-18.
    Unlike previous studies that examine the direct effect of employees’ perceived corporate social responsibility (CSR) on affective organizational commitment (AOC), this article examines a mediated link through organizational trust and organizational identification. Social exchange and social identity theory provide the foundation for predictions that the primary outcomes of CSR initiatives are organizational trust and organizational identification, which in turn affect AOC. The test of the research model relies on data collected from 378 employees of local and multinational companies in South (...)
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  17. On the d-n model of scientific explanation.I. A. Omer - 1970 - Philosophy of Science 37 (3):417-433.
    This paper discusses the D-N model of scientific explanation. It is suggested that explanation is a part of assertive discourse where certain principles must be observed. Then use is made of the relation between the informative content and logical content of a sentence (as shown, for instance, by Popper) to draw some of the conditions necessary for a sound model. It is claimed that the conditions of the model proposed in the present paper exhaust the insights of the papers in (...)
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  18. Islamic law and international law in the Islamic Republic of Iran's constitution.Seyed Mostafa Mirmohammadi Azizi - 2015 - In Vernon V. Palmer, Muḥammad Yaḥyá Maṭar & Anna Koppel, Mixed legal systems, east and west. Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate.
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    Sobre quimeras e monstros fantásticos: lições de Montaigne sobre a epidemia, o isolamento e o contágio.Diego Azizi - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11:e19.
    O presente artigo busca, a partir da filosofia de Michel de Montaigne, explicitar quais lições podemos aprender sobre o contexto de epidemia em que vivemos. Mas, afinal, aqui fica a pergunta fundamental deste texto: o que podemos aprender com um filósofo francês do século XVI, Michel de Montaigne, sobre esse momento tão devastador que estamos vivendo? É claro que Montaigne não nos dirá nada sobre a natureza do vírus, nem sobre nosso sistema imunológico, muito menos sobre metodologias de investigação científicas (...)
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    TANGO E IDENTIDAD: Problematizando el lugar de la afrodescendencia en Argentina.Omer Nahum Freixa - 2018 - Odeere 3 (6):43.
    El tango es la música más evocativa del área del Río de la Plata. Mucho se ha dicho y escrito sobre este género que conquistó multitudes en varios contextos históricos y en diferentes lugares del mundo, pero existe un problema de visibilidad. En sus inicios y posterior desarrollo hay un aporte que se ha silenciado, el de la africanía, en línea con el blanqueo y el discurso histórico en Argentina que ha convertido al colectivo africano y afrodescendiente en el “primer (...)
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  21.  32
    Perennial Questions of Political Philosophy.Omer Moussaly - 2019 - Dialogue and Universalism 29 (1):85-104.
    In the history of political thought a major problem has been to determine if philosophers should get involved in political affairs. From Aristotle to Antonio Gramsci, a wide variety of positions have been presented on this topic. Today academics often choose to isolate themselves in the ivory tower of the university. Although there are many exceptions to this general rule there is no consensus about how philosophers should relate to politics. We hope that this article which explores the relation of (...)
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    The Political Implications of Marx’s Labour Theory of Value.Omer Moussaly - 2018 - Dialogue and Universalism 28 (3):81-100.
    In economic history value theory is simply one paradigm amongst others. It refers to an ensemble of economic ideas developed by classical political economists such as Adam Smith and David Ricardo. In the works of Karl Marx, however, value theory takes on a new meaning. It is charged with political significance and relates directly to class struggles in modern society. In this paper we will explore some aspects of Marx’s critique of capitalism as interpreted by Harry Cleaver, Isaak Illich Rubin, (...)
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    Long-distance agreement without probe-goal relations.Omer Preminger - 2009 - In Michael T. Putnam, Towards a Derivational Syntax: Survive-Minimalism. John Benjamins Pub. Company. pp. 144--1.
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  24. Part II. studies of movement phenomena and structure building in survive-minimalism: Long-distance agreement without probe-goal relations.Omer Preminger - 2009 - In Michael T. Putnam, Towards a Derivational Syntax: Survive-Minimalism. John Benjamins Pub. Company.
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    Khalīfa b. Khayyāt’s Historiography Method.Ömer Sabuncu & Mahmut Sabuncu - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):1321-1345.
    Khalīfa b. Khayyāt(d. 240/854-855) was an historian- muḥaddith in the ʿAbbāsid’s period. There are references in sources to his competence in history and lineage rather than Ḥadīth. Two works of him have survived. The first one is al-Ṭabaḳāt which is about study of men and the second one is al-Taʾrīkhwhich chronologically narratesthe events in the history of Islam until 232 AH. The latter is the most significant work to be applied for the historiography of ibnKhayyāt. In this article, Khalīfa b. (...)
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    Sayings In Neshati’s Divan.Ömer Savran - 2007 - Journal of Turkish Studies 2:1329-1337.
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    The Reflection Of The Body Into Letters In The Classical Turkish Poetry.Ömer Savran - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:896-905.
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    The Social Role of Understanding in G. K. Chesterton's Detective Fiction.Omer Schwartz - 2019 - Philosophy and Literature 43 (1):54-70.
    G. K. Chesterton's fictional detectives stand in stark methodical contrast to scientific detectives such as Sherlock Holmes. While the scientific detective focuses on external reality, seeking to reconstruct the crime, Chesterton's detectives—and Father Brown in particular—are preoccupied with inner perceptions, devoting their energy to understanding other minds. While Holmes may be seen as a positivist driven by the physical sciences, Chesterton's detectives are exegetes, perceiving human beings as a unique species demanding a distinctive approach. They thus reflect Chesterton's view that (...)
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  29. Torat ha-mishpaṭ: pirḳe mavo.Omer Shapira - 2007 - Tel Aviv: Bursi, hotsaʼah la-or shel sifre ḥoḳ u-mishpaṭ.
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    Nurettin Topçu'nun Meritokratik Demokrasi Arayışı.Ömer Taşgetiren - 2021 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 11 (11:2):817-834.
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    The Study of Chivalry Philosophy, Islamic Generosity and Moral Teachings in Athletic and Gymnasium Sports in Zurkhaneh.Bisotoon Azizi, Mohammad Mohammadi & Nima Deimary - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 15 (4):546-555.
    Defining the Perian word, ‘Fotowat’ or ‘Chivalry’ is not an easy task; in the rite of ‘Fotowat’, before entering any profession, one must set one’s soul free and pay attention to the moral teaching...
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    Linking Perceived Organizational Politics to Workplace Cyberbullying Perpetration: The Role of Anger and Fear.Omer Farooq Malik & Shaun Pichler - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 186 (2):445-463.
    The introduction of information and communication technologies in the workplace has extended the scope of bullying behaviors at work to the online context. However, less is known about the role of situational factors in encouraging cyberbullying behavior in the workplace. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of perceived organizational politics in fueling cyberbullying in the workplace, and to examine the central role of negative emotions in this process. The sample comprised 279 faculty members of three large (...)
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  33. R'gıb el-Isfah'nî’nin İlmî Mîrası / R'ghib Al-Isfah'nî’s Academical Heritage.Ömer Kara - 2015 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 44:9-66.
    Bu makale, Râgıb el-Isfahânî’nin hayatı, kisiligi, mezhebî mensubiyeti ve çok yönlü bilimselligi konularını ihtiva eden birinci makalemizin mütemmimi olarak tasarlanmıstır. Burada öncelikle Râgıb el-Isfahânî’nin, yetkin oldugu bilimsel alanlar basta olmak üzere, yazma ve matbu eserleriyle tüm ilmî mirası tanıtılacaktır. "kinci olarak da bu eserler üzerinde yapılan -ulasabildigimiz- bütün çalısmalar ele alınacaktır. Maksadımız, bir taraftan Râgıb’ın ilmî mirasını yazmasıyla matbusuyla ortaya koymak; kendisine nispet edilen eserlerin ona ait olup olmadıgını tespite çalısmak; öte yandan da üzerine yapılan çalısmaları serdetmek suretiyle Râgıb’ın hak (...)
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    Açıklamalı felsefe eserleri bibliyografyası: Arap harfli Türkçe basmalar.Ömer Mahir Alper - 2004 - Cağaloğlu, İstanbul: Kitabevi.
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    Li̇se tari̇h ders ki̇taplarinda i̇slami̇yet öncesi̇ araplar hakkindaki̇ konu anlatimi.Ömer Faruk Kirmit - forthcoming - Dini Araştırmalar.
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    Hanefî, M'turîdî Gelenekten Gelen Diyobend Ekolü’nün Tasavvufa Bakışı.T. A. Y. Ömer - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (2):1275-1304.
    Muhammed Kâsım Nânotevî başkanlığında kurulan Diyobendîlerin ta-savvuf ile irtibatını konu edinen bu çalışmanın temel amacı, Hint alt kıtasının dinî yaşantısında etkin olan Diyobendîlerin tasavvufa olan yaklaşımlarını analiz etmektir. Çalışmada öncelikle Diyobend’in kuruluşu, İngilizlere karşı mücadeleleri, Osmanlı Devleti ile temasları ve daha sonra Diyobendîlerin tasavvuf anlayışına dâir bilgilere yer verilmiştir. Onların tasavvuf ile ilişkileri araştırılırken literatür açısından Diyobendîler ile ilgili temel kaynaklara bakılmıştır. Bu kaynaklar geniş bir incelemeye tabi tutularak onların tasavvufa bakış açıları tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar kısaca şöyle (...)
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    Indifference to symmetry in Hrushovski's ab initio construction.Omer Mermelstein - 2022 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 173 (1):103040.
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    Crisis discourse and framework transition in Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah.Omer Michaelis - 2020 - Open Philosophy 3 (1):664-680.
    In his works from the past decade, Menachem Fisch offered an analysis of a crucial distinction between two modes of rationalized transformation: an intra-framework transformation and an inter-framework one, the latter entailing a revolutionary shift of the framework itself. In this article, I analyze the attempt to produce such a framework transition in the tradition of Jewish Halakha (i.e., Jewish Law) by one of the key figures in its history, Moses Maimonides (1135–1204), and to explore how this transition was rationalized (...)
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  39. "Et la-ʻaśot la-H[a-Shem] heferu toratkha": masoret u-mashber be-haguto shel R. Mosheh ben Maimon = Crisis discourse and the dynamics of tradtion in Maimonides' oeuvre.Omer Michaelis - 2023 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit.
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    Interiority and law: Bahya ibn Paquda and the concept of inner commandments.Omer Michaelis - 2023 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    Interiority and Law presents a groundbreaking reassessment of a medieval Jewish classic, Baḥya ibn Paquda's Guide to the Duties of the Hearts. Michaelis reads this work anew as a revolutionary intervention in Jewish law, or halakha. Overturning perceptions of Baḥya as the shaper of an ethical-religious form of life that exceeds halakha, Michaelis offers a pioneering historical and conceptual analysis of the category of "inner commandments" developed by Baḥya. Interiority and Law reveals that Baḥya's main effort revolved around establishing a (...)
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    The Muʻtazilite Manifesto of a Muḥaddith: The Will of Abū Sa‘d as-Sammān.Ömer Sadiker - 2022 - Kader 20 (1):23-42.
    Isma‘īl b. ‘Ali, who is referred to as Abū Sa‘d as-Sammān, was born in Ray, Iran, between 981 and 983 and he devoted most of his life to educational travels, especially for hadith and he returned to his city of birth towards the end of his life and died there in 1053. Isma‘īl b. ‘Ali is well-known with the name of as- Sammān, meaning butter trader, because of he was grew up in a family of butter traders. The movables and (...)
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    Osmanlı’da Huzur Derslerine Katılan Erzurumlu Âlimler.Ömer Kara - 2017 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 47:57-74.
    Huzur dersleri, Osmanlıda padişah huzurunda ulemanın yaptığı müzakereli bir toplantıdır. Bu derslerin kapsam ve sistematiği ile ilgili kısa bir tanıtım yaptıktan sonra tarih boyunca bu derslere katılan Erzurumlu âlimleri tespit ettik. O kişinin bu derslere muhatap olarak katıldığını ortaya koyduk. Bunların biyografileri ve girdikleri derslerle ilgili ayrıntıları saptadık.
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    Modeling the role of emotion regulation and critical thinking in immunity in higher education.Meilan Li, Tahereh Heydarnejad, Zeinab Azizi & Zeynab Rezaei Gashti - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:1005071.
    It is deemed that the effectiveness of teachers is highly entangled with psycho-emotional constructs, such as critical thinking (CT), emotion regulation (ER), and immunity. Despite the potential roles of CR, ER, and immunity, their possible relationships have remained unexplored in the higher education context of Iran. To fill in this lacuna, this study explored the potential role of CT and ER in university teachers' immunity in the Iranian higher education context. For this purpose, a total of 293 English university teachers (...)
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  44.  23
    Adan Jarso Golole. Bağdat Büveyhîler’in Eline Düşerken (279- 334/892-945).Ömer Sazak - 2023 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 25 (47):291-297.
    The political, administrative and economic recovery process that took place after the Abbasid caliph al-Mu‘tadid moved the center of the state back to Baghdad in 279 (892) was short-lived. The fact that al Muktadir became caliph at an early age and political conflicts caused Baghdad to fall into the hands of the Buwayhids in 334 (945). This writing aims to evaluate the work prepared by Adan Jarso Golole as a doctoral thesis under the name Political, economic, and social life in (...)
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    Philosophy’s Desire for The City/State: A Comparison Between Platonopolis and al-Madinah al-Fadilah.Ömer Ceran - 2024 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 14 (14:1):153-166.
    Felsefelerinin amacı bireysel ve toplumsal anlamda mutluluğa ulaşmak olan bazı filozoflar bu amaca hizmet edeceklerini düşündükleri şehir ve devlet modelleri tasarlamışlardır. Bu düşüncenin zemininde insanın bir toplum içinde yaşamak zorunda olduğu düşüncesi bulunur. Ahlak ve siyaset felsefeleri de bu düşünceden hareket ederek üretilmiştir. Filozofların tasarladıkları şehir ve devlet modelleri kendi düşünceleri çerçevesinde ideal felsefi ortamın yaşanacağı toplumu da öne çıkarmaktadır. Üretilen bu düşüncelerden bazıları ütopya olarak değerlendirilmiş ve hayata geçirilme imkânı açısından eleştiriye tabi tutulmuştur. Biz bu çalışmamızda böyle bir şehir/devlet (...)
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    Relationship between nurses’ cultural competence and observance of ethical codes.Narges Sadeghi, Azim Azizi, Lili Tapak & Khodayar Oshvandi - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (4):962-972.
    Background Cultural competence is considered as one of the main skills of nurses enabling them to provide nursing care for those with different cultures. One of the cases related to nurses’ cultural competence is observance of ethical codes, but it has not been investigated sufficiently in studies. Aim This study has been conducted to determine the relationship between nurses’ cultural competence and observance of ethical codes in practice. Research design This descriptive-correlational study was conducted in 2020. Sampling was done at (...)
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    Weiße Stellen und schwarze Löcher: Vergangenheit und Gegenwart in Ostgalizien.Omer Bartov - 2007 - Naharaim 1 (2):155-194.
    I Das Grenzland Im Jahre 1772 annektierte das Habsburgerreich im Süden Polens gelegene Gebiete und gliederte sie als „Königreich Galizien und Lodomerien“ in seinen Herrschaftsbereich ein. Nach dem Zusammenbruch der Habsburger Monarchie im I. Weltkrieg wurde Galizien 1918 Teil des erneut unabhängigen Polen. In Ostgalizien gründeten ukrainische Nationalisten eine kurzlebige „West-Ukrainische Republik“. Im Anschluss weiterer Kampfhandlungen zwischen Polen, Ukrainern und Sowjets annektierte Polen dann ganz Ostgalizien, das von den Polen „Kleines Ostpolen“ genannt wurde, einschließlich der nördlichen Gebiete Wolhyniens und Polesiens. (...)
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    Fütûhi’s Naz u Niyaz And Lover And Beloved in Naz u Niyaz.Ömer Savran - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:492-507.
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    Sab'yî And His Uveys-n'me.Ömer Savran - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:478-537.
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  50. Ev Üstüne Felsefece Bir Deneme.Ömer Naci Soykan - 1999 - Cogito 18:102-112.
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