Results for 'Oliver Manarang'

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  1. Apophasis and the shoah : Where was Jesus Christ at auschwitz in silence and the word : Apophasis and incarnation.Oliver Davies & Denys Turner - 2007 - In David Ford (ed.), Shaping theology: engagements in a religious and secular world. Oxford: Blackwell.
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  2. Sin.Oliver Lodge - 1904 - Hibbert Journal 3:1.
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  3. Union and Breadth: A Plea for Essential Unity amid Formal Difference in a National Church.Oliver Lodge - 1906 - Hibbert Journal 5:23.
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    The impact of induced anxiety on response inhibition.Oliver J. Robinson, Marissa Krimsky & Christian Grillon - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Ge-stell und Megamaschine: Zur Genese zweier Deutungsapparaturen.Oliver Müller - 2019 - In Kevin Liggieri & Oliver Müller (eds.), Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion: Handbuch Zu Geschichte – Kultur – Ethik. J.B. Metzler. pp. 88-94.
    Angesichts der enormen Entwicklungen in der Technik zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts, insbesondere angesichts der »totalen Mobilmachung«, die man im Ersten Weltkrieg zu beobachten und zu erfahren glaubte, entstand in den 1920er und 1930er Jahren ein Diskurs über die Technik, in dem das ›Allesumfassende‹ und ›Allesvereinnahmende‹, also ›Totalisierende‹ der Maschinerien zum Thema gemacht wurde. So fragte sich Hans Freyer 1929 wie es sein konnte, dass »ein System von bloßen Mitteln derart schicksalsbestimmend, menschenverwandelnd, geschichtsbildend wirken kann«. Karl Jaspers wiederum beschrieb die (...)
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    Inhalt.Oliver Müller & Thiemo Breyer - 2016 - In Oliver Müller & Thiemo Breyer (eds.), Funktionen des Lebendigen. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Marx und die Philosophie der Technik.Oliver Müller - 2018 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 43 (3):323-352.
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    Normative Selbstverhältnisse und pragmatische Anthropologie: Überlegungen zur Verschränkung von Anthropologie und Ethik am Beispiel des Neuro-Enhancement.Oliver Müller - 2015 - In Jan-Christoph Heilinger & Julian Nida-Rümelin (eds.), Anthropologie und Ethik. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 81-96.
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    Vorwort.Oliver Müller & Thiemo Breyer - 2016 - In Oliver Müller & Thiemo Breyer (eds.), Funktionen des Lebendigen. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Will Structuring the Collaboration of Students Improve Their Argumentation?Oliver Scheuer, Bruce McLaren, Maralee Harrell & Armin Weinberger - unknown
    Learning to argue in a computer-mediated and structured fashion is investigated in this research. A study was conducted to compare dyads that were scripted in their computer-mediated collaboration with dyads that were not scripted. A process analysis of the chats of the dyads showed that the scripted experimental group used significantly more words, engaged in significantly more broadening and deepening of the discussion, and appeared to engage in more critical and objective argumentation than the non-scripted control group.
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  11. Infinite Regresses of Justification.Oliver Black - 1988 - International Philosophical Quarterly 28 (4):421-437.
    This paper uses a schema for infinite regress arguments to provide a solution to the problem of the infinite regress of justification. The solution turns on the falsity of two claims: that a belief is justified only if some belief is a reason for it, and that the reason relation is transitive.
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    MERITT, Documents on Athenian Tribute.W. J. Oliver - 1938 - Classical Weekly 32 (8):87.
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    (1 other version)Das Postfaktische und der Dokumentarfilm.Oliver Fahle - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 9 (2):145-160.
    Die Rede vom Postfaktischen bestimmt die aktuelle Diskussion zur vermeintlichen Objektivität der Berichterstattung audiovisueller Massenmedien. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit den Problemen, die durch das Postfaktische aufgeworfen werden, ist jedoch nicht neu, sondern bereits auf vielfältige Weise in klassischen und aktuellen Theorien des Dokumentarfilms diskutiert worden. Der Artikel plädiert dafür, den Begriff des Postfaktischen unter Hinzuziehung dieser Theorien (und auch filmischer Produktionen) von Vertov, Grierson, Balàzs, Buñuel und Niney fruchtbar zu machen. The talk of post-truth dominates the current discussion concerning the alleged (...)
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  14. CEUR Workshop Procecedings Vol-1007.Oliver Kutz, Mehul Bhatt, Stefano Borgo & Paulo Santos (eds.) - 2013
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  15. Is globalization a threat to Islam? : Said nursi's response.Oliver Leaman - 2005 - In Ian S. Markham & İbrahim Özdemir (eds.), Globalization, ethics, and Islam: the case of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. Burlington, Vt: Ashgate.
  16. Maimonides, the soul and the classical tradition.Oliver Leaman - 2009 - In Maha Elkaisy-Friemuth & John Myles Dillon (eds.), The afterlife of the Platonic soul: reflections of Platonic psychology in the monotheistic religions. Boston: Brill.
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    Leben schaffen?: philosophische und ethische Reflexionen zur Synthetischen Biologie.Joachim Boldt, Oliver Müller & Giovanni Maio (eds.) - 2012 - Paderborn: Mentis.
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    Interpreting the Philebus.Oliver Letwin - 1981 - Phronesis 26 (3):187 - 206.
  19. The Immortality of the Soul.Oliver Lodge - 1907 - Hibbert Journal 6:563.
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    Das Schwinden der Differenz: postkoloniale Poetiken: Alexander von Humboldt, Bram Stoker, Ernst Jünger, Jean Genet.Oliver Lubrich - 2004 - Bielefeld: Aisthesis.
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    Das Politische (in) der Politischen Theorie.Oliver Flügel-Martinsen, Franziska Martinsen & Martin Saar (eds.) - 2021 - Nomos.
    Der Sammelband nimmt seinen Ausgang in einer der prominentesten und lebendigsten Debatten inner-halb der neueren Politischen Theorie, die seit uber einer Dekade intensiv auch in der deutschsprachigen Politischen Theorie gefuhrt wird. Im Zentrum der Diskussion steht die Unterscheidung von Politik und Politischem, in deren Licht die Beitrage des Bandes Fragen der radikalen Demokratie, dem Widerstandigen des Politischen und den Rezeptionslinien dieser wichtigen Debatte nachspuren. Mit Beitragen von Werner Friedrichs, Mareike Gebhardt, Anastasoiya Kasko, Oliver Marchart, Martin Nonhoff, Hagen Scholzel, Karsten (...)
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  22. Texte interpretieren: Daten, Hypothesen und Methoden.Oliver R. Scholz - 2015 - In Jan Borkowski, Stefan Descher, Felicitas Ferder & Philipp David Heine (eds.), Literatur interpretieren: Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zur Theorie und Praxis. Mentis. pp. 147-171.
    Mein Beitrag behandelt zentrale Probleme der Methodologie der Textinterpretation im Lichte der neueren Erkenntnis- und Wissenschaftstheorie. Nach Vorbemerkungen zum Begriff der Interpretation wende ich mich den Methoden der Bildung und kritischen Prüfung von Interpretationshypothesen zu. Wie ist das Verhältnis von Daten und Hypothesen im Falle der Textinterpretation? Wie können Interpretationshypothesen epistemisch gerechtfertigt bzw. gestützt werden? Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen untersuche ich die Anwendung der Hypothetisch-Deduktiven Methode und der Methode des Schlusses auf die beste Erklärung auf die Textinterpretation. Der Vergleich zeigt, (...)
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    (1 other version)Meister Eckhart's Ethical Universalism, Confucianism, and the Future of Christianity.Oliver Davies - 2014 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 41 (S1):651-668.
    Meister Eckhart is known for having developed a sophisticated form of inclusivist Christian universalism in the late Middle Ages. This universalism arose from the particular “globalizing” contexts of his times, for which there are real parallels in our own day. The author argues that in key respects, Eckhart's ethical universalism shows strong affinities with Confucian principles, and can be informed by these as set out historically by Xinzhong Yao and in a contemporary setting by Tu Weiming. In the conclusion, the (...)
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    Liberal Education in a Technical Age.R. A. C. Oliver - 1955 - British Journal of Educational Studies 4 (1):85.
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    Robert Elsie, Early Albania. A reader of historical texts 11 th –17 th centuries.Oliver Jens Schmitt - 2004 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 97 (2):575-576.
    Robert Elsie ist derzeit einer der profiliertesten und vielseitigsten Albanienkenner. Dem an griechischer Kultur interessierten Leser wird seine Übersetzung der Gedichte von Konstantin Kavafis bekannt sein; seine albanologischen Monographien, die dem Byzantinisten wohl weniger vertraut sind (besonders Dictionary of Albanian Literature. Westport-New York-London 1986; History of Albanian Literature. 2 Bde. Boulder-New York 1995; Handbuch zur albanischen Volkskultur. Wiesbaden 2002), zählen zu den Standardwerken der Balkankunde. Elsie interessiert sich epochenübergreifend für albanische Kultur. Neben seiner fachwissenschaftlichen Tätigkeit hat er zahlreiche Übersetzungen albanischer (...)
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  26. The co-discovery of conservation laws and particle families.Oliver Schulte - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 39 (2):288-314.
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    In the Eye of the Animal: Zoological Imagination in Ancient Christianity.Oliver B. Langworthy - 2020 - Journal of Animal Ethics 10 (2):203-209.
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    Knock Me Up, Knock Me Down: Images of Pregnancy in Hollywood Films.Kelly Oliver - 2012 - Columbia University Press.
    No longer is pregnancy a repulsive or shameful condition in Hollywood films, but an attractive attribute, often enhancing the romantic or comedic storyline of a female character. Kelly Oliver investigates this curious shift and its reflection of changing attitudes toward women's roles in reproduction and the family. Not all representations signify progress. Oliver finds that in many pregnancy films, our anxieties over modern reproductive practices and technologies are made manifest, and in some cases perpetuate conventions curtailing women's freedom. (...)
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    Causal Learning with Occam’s Razor.Oliver Schulte - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (5):991-1023.
    Occam’s razor directs us to adopt the simplest hypothesis consistent with the evidence. Learning theory provides a precise definition of the inductive simplicity of a hypothesis for a given learning problem. This definition specifies a learning method that implements an inductive version of Occam’s razor. As a case study, we apply Occam’s inductive razor to causal learning. We consider two causal learning problems: learning a causal graph structure that presents global causal connections among a set of domain variables, and learning (...)
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    A Philosophy of Loneliness by Lars Svendsen.Oliver Leaman - 2018 - Philosophy East and West 68 (3):1-2.
    This is an entertaining and intelligent book on a subject we often have preconceptions about, which the author takes delight in showing to be false. It is an interesting blend of philosophy and social science, which is not an easy combination to get to work properly. Sometimes when it is not well done the reader gets the impression that a lot of half-digested facts are being thrown at her and a bit of theory is then used to try to vaguely (...)
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    Economic value theory as a policy guide.Oliver - 1957 - Ethics 68 (3):186-193.
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    Pure competition and coercio.Oliver - 1946 - Ethics 57 (1):65-66.
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    A move towards heutagogy to empower theology students.Erna Oliver - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (1).
    Society is transforming from the industrial era to an information based, network society. Thereis widespread consensus that due to this revolution in society, education needs to make aparadigm shift in order to stay relevant to the changing needs of society. Although thisparadigm shift is promoted widely in academic literature, it seems as if in practice there arestumbling blocks preventing higher education to make positive strides into a new directionwithin the South African context. This research highlights some of the hurdles that (...)
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    Faking on direct, indirect, and behavioural measures of spider fear: Can you get away with it?Oliver Langner, Machteld Ouwens, Marjolein Muskens, Julia Trumpf, Eni S. Becker & Mike Rinck - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (3):549-558.
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    'Abd Al-Jabbar and the Concept of Uselessness.Oliver Leaman - 1980 - Journal of the History of Ideas 41 (1):129.
  36. A note on deviant logic and presupposition.Oliver Leaman - 1979 - Logique Et Analyse 22 (85):49.
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    15. Economics and Religion or Economics versus Religion: The Concept of an Islamic Economics.Oliver Leaman - 2015 - In Roger T. Ames Peter D. Hershock (ed.), Value and Values: Economics and Justice in an Age of Global Interdependence. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 272-282.
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    Islamic and Jewish Philosophers.Oliver Leaman & David E. Cooper - 1991 - In Robert L. Arrington (ed.), A Companion to the Philosophers. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 665–690.
    Averroes is the Latin name of Abu'l Walid ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Rushd (1126–1198 ce), who was born in Cordoba, Spain. He was a public official, serving as both royal physician and judge, but his political career was often difficult, and by the time of his death he had suffered banishment to North Africa. He is an outstanding representative of the great cultural achievements of Muslim Spain, and produced philosophical works which came to resonate through the West for many (...)
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    Islamic philosophy and western philosophies.Oliver Leaman - 2009 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 17 (3):633 – 634.
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    No title available: Religious studies.Oliver Leaman - 1993 - Religious Studies 29 (2):268-270.
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    Thinking historically about jewish philosophy.Oliver Leaman - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (2):321 – 331.
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    Time, Modernity, and Destructive Habits of Thought.Oliver Leaman - 1999 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 29 (sup1):127-145.
    (1999). Time, Modernity, and Destructive Habits of Thought. Canadian Journal of Philosophy: Vol. 29, Supplementary Volume 25: Civilization and Oppression, pp. 127-145.
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    The Lamp of Mysteries: A Commentary on the Light Verse of the Quran.Oliver Leaman - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (1):99-101.
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    Economics of an Islamic Economy (review).Oliver Leaman - 2012 - Philosophy East and West 62 (3):416-417.
  45. Konstitutionelles Gesetz im sozialen Rechtsstaat : zu einem Grundbegriff der Staatslehre Hellers.Oliver W. Lembcke - 2010 - In Marcus Llanque (ed.), Souveräne Demokratie und soziale Homogenität: das politische Denken Hermann Hellers. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    The Purpose of Politics.Oliver Letwin & Social Market Foundation - 1999
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  47. Two models of unawareness: comparing the object-based and the subjective-state-space approaches.Oliver J. Board, Kim-Sau Chung & Burkhard C. Schipper - 2011 - Synthese 179 (1):13 - 34.
    Over the past 20 years or so, a small but growing literature has emerged with the aim of modeling agents who are unaware of certain things. In this paper we compare two different approaches to modeling unawareness: the object-based approach of Board and Chung (Object-based unawareness: theory and applications. University of Minnesota, Mimeo, 2008) and the subjective-state-space approach of Heifetz et al. (J Econ Theory 130: 78-94,2006). In particular, we show that subjectivestate-space models (henceforth HMS structures) can be embedded within (...)
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    A Guide to Symptom Relief in Advanced Cancer.D. J. Oliver - 1985 - Journal of Medical Ethics 11 (2):107-107.
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    Dorothy L. Sayers and Chesterton's Cloak.E. J. Oliver - 1993 - The Chesterton Review 19 (1):63-71.
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    Die Reichsbeamten von Dazien.James H. Oliver & Arthur Stein - 1948 - American Journal of Philology 69 (2):222.
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