Results for 'Oliver Brokel'

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  1. Points, particles, and structural realism.Oliver Pooley - 2006 - In Dean Rickles, Steven French & Juha T. Saatsi (eds.), The Structural Foundations of Quantum Gravity. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 83--120.
    In his paper ``What is Structural Realism?'' James Ladyman drew a distinction between epistemological structural realism and metaphysical (or ontic) structural realism. He also drew a suggestive analogy between the perennial debate between substantivalist and relationalist interpretations of spacetime on the one hand, and the debate about whether quantum mechanics treats identical particles as individuals or as `non-individuals' on the other. In both cases, Ladyman's suggestion is that an ontic structural realist interpretation of the physics might be just what is (...)
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  2. Relativity, the Open Future, and the Passage of Time.Oliver Pooley - 2013 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 113 (3pt3):321-363.
    Is the objective passage of time compatible with relativistic physics? There are two easy routes to an affirmative answer: (1) provide a deflationary analysis of passage compatible with the block universe, or (2) argue that a privileged global present is compatible with relativity. (1) does not take passage seriously. (2) does not take relativity seriously. This paper is concerned with the viability of views that seek to take both passage and relativity seriously. The investigation proceeds by considering how traditional A-theoretic (...)
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  3. On the Mathematics and Metaphysics of the Hole Argument.Oliver Pooley & James Read - forthcoming - The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    We make some remarks on the mathematics and metaphysics of the hole argument, in response to a recent article in this journal by Weatherall ([2018]). Broadly speaking, we defend the mainstream philosophical literature from the claim that correct usage of the mathematics of general relativity `blocks' the argument.
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  4. Background Independence, Diffeomorphism Invariance, and the Meaning of Coordinates.Oliver Pooley - 2016 - In Dennis Lehmkuhl, Gregor Schiemann & Erhard Scholz (eds.), Towards a Theory of Spacetime Theories. New York, NY: Birkhauser.
    Diffeomorphism invariance is sometimes taken to be a criterion of background independence. This claim is commonly accompanied by a second, that the genuine physical magnitudes (the ``observables'') of background-independent theories and those of background-dependent (non-diffeomorphism-invariant) theories are essentially different in nature. I argue against both claims. Background-dependent theories can be formulated in a diffeomorphism-invariant manner. This suggests that the nature of the physical magnitudes of relevantly analogous theories (one background free, the other background dependent) is essentially the same. The temptation (...)
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  5. Animal Lessons: How They Teach Us to Be Human.Kelly Oliver - 2009 - Columbia University Press.
    Introduction: The role of animals in philosophies of man -- Part I: What's wrong with animal rights? -- The right to remain silent -- Part II: Animal pedagogy -- You are what you eat : Rousseau's cat -- Say the human responded : Herder's sheep -- Part III: Difference worthy of its name -- Hair of the dog : Derrida's and Rousseau's good taste -- Sexual difference, animal difference : Derrida's sexy silkworm -- Part IV: It's our fault -- The (...)
  6. Kant's Conception of Human Dignity.Oliver Sensen - 2009 - Kant Studien 100 (3):309-331.
    In this article I argue that Kant's conception of dignity is commonly misunderstood. On the basis of a few passages in the Grundlegung scholars often attribute to Kant a view of dignity as an absolute inner value all human beings possess. However, a different picture emerges if one takes into account all the passages in which Kant uses ‘dignity’. I shall argue that Kant's conception of dignity is a more Stoic one: He conceives of dignity as sublimity ( Erhabenheit ) (...)
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  7. Handedness, parity violation, and the reality of space.Oliver Pooley - 2002 - In Katherine Brading & Elena Castellani (eds.), Symmetries in Physics: Philosophical Reflections. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 250--280.
    In the first part of this paper a relational account of incongruent counterparts is defended against an argument due to Kant. I then consider a more recent attack on such an account, due to John Earman, which alleges that the relationalist cannot account for the lawlike left--right asymmetry manifested in parity-violating phenomena. I review Hoefer's, Huggett's and Saunders' responses to Earman's argument and argue that, while a relationalist account of parity-violating laws is possible, it comes at the cost of non-locality.
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    Foucault und das Politische: transdisziplinäre Impulse für die politische Theorie der Gegenwart.Oliver Marchart & Renate Martinsen (eds.) - 2019 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Das Werk Michel Foucaults hat das Feld politiktheoretisch informierter Analysen erheblich erweitert und dazu beigetragen, Grundbegriffe der Politischen Theorie neu zu verstehen. Der Band unternimmt erstmalig eine Bestandsaufnahme zum Spektrum der aktuellen Arbeiten mit und zu Foucault in der Politischen Theorie. Die Beiträge thematisieren Foucaults Konzeptionen von Freiheit, Kritik, Wahrheit, Macht oder Staat, verorten Foucault im Verhältnis zu Latour, Bourdieu oder Haraway und problematisieren Foucault u.a. vor dem Hintergrund der Geschichte des Marxismus und der Gegenwart des Neoliberalismus. Der Inhalt• Foucault, (...)
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  9. Infinite Regresses of Justification.Oliver Black - 1988 - International Philosophical Quarterly 28 (4):421-437.
    This paper uses a schema for infinite regress arguments to provide a solution to the problem of the infinite regress of justification. The solution turns on the falsity of two claims: that a belief is justified only if some belief is a reason for it, and that the reason relation is transitive.
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  10. A hole revolution, or are we back where we started?Oliver Pooley - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 37 (2):372-380.
    Doubts are raised concerning Rickles' claim that ``an exact analog of the hole argument can be constructed in the loop representation of quantum gravity'' (Rickles, `A new spin on the hole argument', Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 36 (2005) 415–434).
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    Formal learning theory.Oliver Schulte - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Formal learning theory is the mathematical embodiment of a normative epistemology. It deals with the question of how an agent should use observations about her environment to arrive at correct and informative conclusions. Philosophers such as Putnam, Glymour and Kelly have developed learning theory as a normative framework for scientific reasoning and inductive inference.
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    Is the Good Corporation Dead?: Social Responsibility in a Global Economy.John W. Houck & Oliver F. Williams (eds.) - 1996 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Can corporations remain socially responsible in today's fiercely competitive global economy? For several decades after World War II, companies like IBM, which exemplified what journalist Robert J. Samuelson called the 'good corporation,' poured forth material comforts and technological ideas while guaranteeing full employment and adequate retirement. In the 1980s all of that changed, as corporations moved to 'downsize' and become lean, mean global competitors. In this collection, thirteen prominent scholars in business ethics, finance, management, and religion and six corporate leaders (...)
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    Die Vorsokratiker: Griechisch/Deutsch.Jaap Mansfeld & Primavesi Oliver (eds.) - 2012 - Reclam.
  14. Relationism rehabilitated? II: Relativity.Oliver Pooley - 2001
    In a companion paper (Pooley & Brown 2001) it is argued that Julian Barbour's Machian approach to dynamics provides a genuinely relational interpretation of Newtonian dynamics and that it is more explanatory than the conventional, substantival interpretation. In this paper the extension of the approach to relativistic physics is considered. General relativity, it turns out, can be reinterpreted as a perfectly Machian theory. However, there are difficulties with viewing the Machian interpretation as more fundamental than the conventional, spacetime interpretation. Moreover, (...)
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  15. The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Jewish Philosophy.Daniel H. Frank & Oliver Leaman - 2004 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 66 (3):574-577.
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  16. Motherhood, Sexuality, and Pregnant Embodiment: Twenty-Five Years of Gestation.Kelly Oliver - 2010 - Hypatia 25 (4):760-777.
    My essay is framed by Hypatia's first special issue on Motherhood and Sexuality at one end, and by the most recent special issue (as of this writing) on the work of Iris Young, whose work on pregnant embodiment has become canonical, at the other. The questions driving this essay are: When we look back over the last twenty-five years, what has changed in our conceptions of pregnancy and maternity, both in feminist theory and in popular culture? What aspects of feminist (...)
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  17. Linear Confirmatory Models for MTMM Matrices: The Case of Several Indicators Per Trait-Method Combination.Jose Manuel Tomds, Antparo Oliver & Pedro M. Hontangas - 2002 - In Serge P. Shohov (ed.), Advances in Psychology Research. Nova Science Publishers. pp. 99.
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  18. The Continuity of Consciousness.Oliver Rashbrook - 2011 - European Journal of Philosophy 21 (4):611-640.
    : In this paper I discuss two puzzles that concern the sense in which consciousness can be described as ‘continuous’. The first puzzle arises out of recent work by Dainton and Tye, both of whom appear to oscillate between ascribing the property of ‘continuity’ to the stream of experience, and ascribing it to the objects of experience. The second puzzle concerns the notion that the stream of consciousness could be in some sense unreal or illusory—a puzzle stemming from the thought (...)
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  19. The Research and Teaching of Aesthetics in the Visegrad Countries: A Survey (Aesthetics in Central Europe).Ondřej Dadejík, Oliver Bakoš, Mária Valentová, Jana Sošková, Tomáš Hlobil, Jakub Stejskal, Piotr J. Przybysz, Monika Bokiniec & Zoltán Papp - 2009 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics:203-218.
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  20. Musik in der deutschen Philosophie.Stefan Lorenz Sorgner & Oliver Fürbeth - 2007 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 33:91-92.
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    Respect: philosophical essays.Richard Dean & Oliver Sensen (eds.) - 2021 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Respect is one of the central concepts in contemporary moral thought. It plays a prominent role in everyday, pre-philosophical moral thinking, as well as in recent moral theory and applied ethics. Yet basic questions about the concept and role of respect have received less attention than might be expected. This volume takes up some of these basic questions. The book is not meant to be a comprehensive handbook that covers all aspects of the topic of respect, nor is the focus (...)
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    Visceral Sensory Neuroscience: Interoception.Oliver G. Cameron - 2002 - Oxford University Press USA.
    It has been known for over a century that there is an afferent, as well as an efferent, component to the visceral-atonomic nervous system. Despite the fundamental importance of bodily afferent information- sometimes called interoception- to central nervous system control of visceral organ function, emotional-motivational processes, and dysfunction of these processes, including psychosomatic disorders, its role did not receive much attention until quite recently. This is the first comprehensive review of this topic and it covers both neurobiological and psychobiological aspects. (...)
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  23. Original sin and atonement.Oliver D. Crisp - 2008 - In Thomas P. Flint & Michael Rea (eds.), The Oxford handbook of philosophical theology. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The atonement is one of the central and defining doctrines of Christian theology. Yet the nature of the atonement – how it is that Christ's life and death on the cross actually atone for human sin – remains a theological conundrum. This article offers a new argument for an old theory of the atonement, namely, penal substitution. First, it sets out the theological context for the argument. This involves giving some account of alternative theories of the atonement in the tradition, (...)
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    A Meta-Ethical Perspective on Organizational Identity.David Oliver, Matthew Statler & Johan Roos - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (3):427 - 440.
    Although much of the growing literature on organizational identity implicitly recognizes the normative nature of identity, the ethical implications of organizational identity work and talk have not yet been explored in depth. Working from a meta-ethical perspective, we claim that the dynamic, processual, and temporal activities recently associated with organizational identity always have an ethical dimension, whether "good" or "bad." In order to describe the ethical dimensions of organizational identity, we introduce the balance theory of practical wisdom as a theoretical (...)
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  25. Comments on Sklar's "Barbour's relationist metric of time".Oliver Pooley - 2004 - Chronos 6:77-86.
    Julian Barbour's approach to dynamics is reviewed. With a particular focus on questions of explanation and confirmation, the approach is contrasted with standard formulations of dynamics. This paper expands upon my commentary on Lawrence Sklar's paper at the Philosophy of Time Society meeting at the APA's Central Division meeting in Chicago, April 2004. Although a commentary, the current paper is comprehensible without reference to Sklar's paper.
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    Alter Staat--neue Politik: Tocquevilles Entdeckung der modernen Demokratie.Karlfriedrich Herb & Oliver Hidalgo (eds.) - 2004 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
  27.  19
    Women Making Art: Women in the Visual, Literary, and Performing Arts Since 1960.Deborah J. Johnson & Wendy Oliver - 2001 - Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    This interdisciplinary book examines the work of several female artists since 1960 in the areas of dance, music, installation, photography, architecture, poetry, literature, theater, film, and performance art. Each chapter is primarily devoted to an important work by a single artist, seen within its historical context, and with particular attention to how each artist incorporated gender issues or feminist thought into her respective art form. Laurie Anderson, Gwendolyn Brooks, Jane Campion, Judy Chicago, Zaha Hadid, Pauline Oliveros, Yvonne Rainer, Cindy Sherman, (...)
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  28. Existentialismus und Altersreflexion. Zur Anthropologie Albert Camus’.Christoph Kann & Oliver Victor - 2017 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 42 (2).
    Together with the experience of time, finiteness and death, age is among the crucial, though neglected, topoi of existentialism. Its early representative Kierkegaard already emphasized the fundamental role of ageing as a basic condition of human existence which finds orientation in projections of the future. Similarly, Camus, who presupposes that human beings are afflicted with the experience of absurdity, incorporates the ambivalent phenomenon of ageing in his anthropological reflections. Latently following stoic ideas and with recourse to aesthetical considerations of nature, (...)
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  29. The Semantics of Modal Predicate Logic I. Counterpart-Frames.Marcus Kracht & Oliver Kutz - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 299-320.
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    Freedom and the subject of theory: essays in honour of Christina Howells.Christina Howells, Oliver Davis & Colin Davis (eds.) - 2019 - Cambridge: Legenda, Modern Humanities Research Association.
    Freedom and the subject in Jean-Paul Sartre -- Freedom and necessity in Jacques Derrida -- Freedom and the subject in contemporary philosophy and theory -- Theorizing pathologies and therapeutics of freedom.
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  31. Imagination.Ursula Renz & Oliver Istvan Toth - 2024 - In Karolina Hübner & Justin Steinberg (eds.), The Cambridge Spinoza lexicon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 254–259.
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  32. Personal Identity.Ursula Renz & Oliver Istvan Toth - 2024 - In Karolina Hübner & Justin Steinberg (eds.), The Cambridge Spinoza lexicon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 419–421.
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    Wittgenstein über die Seele.Eike von Savigny & Oliver R. Scholz - 1995
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  34. Flight training with nonmimetic use of simulators.R. Warren & Cg Oliver - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):329-330.
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  35. The ethical issues regarding consent to clinical trials with pre-term or sick neonates: a systematic review (framework synthesis) of the empirical research.Eleanor Willman, Christopher Megone, Sandy Oliver, Lelia Duley, Gill Gyte & Judy Wright - 2016 - Trials 1 (17):443.
    Background Conducting clinical trials with pre-term or sick infants is important if care for this population is to be underpinned by sound evidence. Yet, approaching the parents of these infants at such a difficult time raises challenges to obtaining valid informed consent for such research. In this study, we asked, What light does the analytical literature cast on an ethically defensible approach to obtaining informed consent in perinatal clinical trials? -/- Methods In a systematic search, we identified 30 studies. We (...)
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  36. Marxism and Surrogacy.Kelly Oliver - 1989 - Hypatia 4 (3):95 - 115.
    In this article, I argue that the liberal framework-its autonomous individuals with equal rights-allows judges to justify enforcing surrogacy contracts. More importantly, even where judges do not enforce surrogacy contracts, the liberal framework conceals gender and class issues which insure that the surrogate will lose custody of her child. I suggest that Marx's analysis of estranged labor can reveal the class and gender issues which the liberal framework conceals.
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    (1 other version)Leaving patients to their own devices? Smart technology, safety and therapeutic relationships.Anita Ho & Oliver Quick - forthcoming - Most Recent Articles: Bmc Medical Ethics.
    This debate article explores how smart technologies may create a double-edged sword for patient safety and effective therapeutic relationships. Increasing utilization of health monitoring devices by patients w...
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  38. What do people owe to the environment?Oliver Golias - 2020 - In Sharon M. Kaye (ed.), Take a Stand!: Classroom Activities That Explore Philosophical Arguments That Matter to Teens. Waco, TX, USA: Prufrock Press.
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    Jens Peter Brune, Moral und Recht. Zur Diskurstheorie des Rechts und der Demokratie von Jürgen Habermas (= Alber Thesen, Bd. 40).Oliver Hidalgo - 2013 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 120 (2):415-417.
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    11 Knock Me Up, Knock Me Down: Images of Pregnancy in Hollywood Film and Popular Culture.Kelly Oliver - 2013 - In Sarah LaChance Adams & Caroline R. Lundquist (eds.), Coming to Life: Philosophies of Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Mothering. Fordham University Press. pp. 239-262.
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    An unsupervised training method for non-intrusive appliance load monitoring.Oliver Parson, Siddhartha Ghosh, Mark Weal & Alex Rogers - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence 217 (C):1-19.
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    Dummett and Frege on the philosophy of mathematics.Alex Oliver - 1994 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 37 (3):349 – 392.
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    Ernst Cassirer and the Symbolic Mediation of Technological Artefacts.Oliver Alexander Tafdrup - 2024 - Techné Research in Philosophy and Technology 28 (1):49-70.
    The concept of mediation plays a central part in several positions of contemporary philosophy of technology. Especially Don Ihde and Peter-Paul Verbeek have served to establish mediation as one of the core concepts in the postphenomenologically rooted philosophical analysis of human-technology-world relations. While meditation theory provides many important conceptual and empirical contributions to our knowledge of how material artefacts shape our embodied being in the world, too little attention has arguably been given to the development of concepts that enable a (...)
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    Kristeva.Kelly Oliver - 1998 - In Simon Critchley & William Ralph Schroeder (eds.), A Companion to Continental Philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 599–606.
    Julia Kristeva was born in 1941 in Bulgaria. She was educated by French nuns, studied literature and worked as a journalist before going to Paris in 1966 to do graduate work with Lucien Goldmann and Roland Barthes. While in Paris she finished her doctorate in French literature, became involved in the influential journal Tel Quel, and began psychoanalytic training. In 1979 she finished her training as a psychoanalyst. Currently, Kristeva is a professor of linguistics as the University of Paris VII (...)
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    History of Jewish Philosophy.Daniel H. Frank & Oliver Leaman (eds.) - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    Jewish philosophy is often presented as an addendum to Jewish religion rather than as a rich and varied tradition in its own right, but the _History of Jewish Philosophy_ explores the entire scope and variety of Jewish philosophy from philosophical interpretations of the Bible right up to contemporary Jewish feminist and postmodernist thought. The links between Jewish philosophy and its wider cultural context are stressed, building up a comprehensive and historically sensitive view of Jewish philosophy and its place in the (...)
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    The “Slow and Differentiated” Machinations of Deconstructive Ethics.Kelly Oliver - 2014 - In Zeynep Direk & Leonard Lawlor (eds.), A Companion to Derrida. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 105–121.
    In this chapter the author tracks the ethics of deconstruction as it moves through The Beast and the Sovereign, to see where it leads us and where it leaves us; and examines the role of the machine in Derrida's deconstructive project, particularly as it operates in this seminar. He shows how machine is another nickname for the operation of difference in so far as it is an undecidable figure or concept that both works for and against the binary oppositions and (...)
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    The Person and Education: A New Approach to Philosophy of Education for Democracy.Harold Oliver Soderquist - 1964 - Columbus, Ohio,: Columbus, Ohio : Charles E. Merrill.
  48. Archaeological theory in the new millennium: introducing current perspectives.Oliver J. T. Harris - 2017 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Craig N. Cipolla.
    Provides an accessible account of the changing world of archaeological theory. It charts the emergence of the new emphasis on relations as well as engaging with current theoretical trends and the thinkers archaeologists regularly employ. This book will be an essential guide to cutting-edge theory for students and for professionals wishing to reacquaint themselves with this field. Oliver J.T. Harris is lecturer in archaeology in the School of Archaeology & Ancient History, University of Leicester. Craig N. Cipolla is lecturer (...)
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    Das Deutsche Reich und der Völkermord an den Armeniern.Oliver Stein - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 70 (2):195-198.
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    Spiele mit Glauben: Zur Erfassung und Analyse von religiösen Inhalten in ComputerspielenDieser Artikel ist im Rahmen des vom Schweizerischen Nationalfonds geförderten Projekts „,Between God Mode and God Mood‘. Religion in Computerspielen und die Bedeutung der Religion für Gamers“ an der Universität Bern entstanden. Ich danke Prof. Jens Schlieter, dem Betreuer des Projekts, herzlich für die konstruktiven Anmerkungen zum Text.Oliver Steffen - 2013 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 21 (2):200-227.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft Jahrgang: 21 Heft: 2 Seiten: 200-227.
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