Results for 'Old Evidence'

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  1. New theory about old evidence. A framework for open-minded Bayesianism.Sylvia9 Wenmackers & Jan-Willem Romeijn - 2016 - Synthese 193 (4).
    We present a conservative extension of a Bayesian account of confirmation that can deal with the problem of old evidence and new theories. So-called open-minded Bayesianism challenges the assumption—implicit in standard Bayesianism—that the correct empirical hypothesis is among the ones currently under consideration. It requires the inclusion of a catch-all hypothesis, which is characterized by means of sets of probability assignments. Upon the introduction of a new theory, the former catch-all is decomposed into a new empirical hypothesis and a (...)
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  2. On the Origins of Old Evidence.Benjamin Eva & Stephan Hartmann - 2020 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 98 (3):481-494.
    The problem of old evidence, first described by Glymour [1980], is still widely regarded as one of the most pressing foundational challenges to the Bayesian account of scientific reasoning. Many solutions have been proposed, but all of them have drawbacks and none is considered to be definitive. Here, we introduce and defend a new kind of solution, according to which hypotheses are confirmed when we become more confident that they provide the only way of accounting for the known (...). (shrink)
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  3. The 'old evidence' problem.Colin Howson - 1991 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 42 (4):547-555.
    This paper offers an answer to Glymour's ‘old evidence’ problem for Bayesian confirmation theory, and assesses some of the objections, in particular those recently aired by Chihara, that have been brought against that answer. The paper argues that these objections are easily dissolved, and goes on to show how the answer it proposes yields an intuitively satisfactory analysis of a problem recently discussed by Maher. Garber's, Niiniluoto's and others’ quite different answer to Glymour's problem is considered and rejected, and (...)
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  4. Old evidence again.Simon Evnine - manuscript
    A critique of Mark Kaplan's attempt to solve the problem of old evidence by restricting the principle of when something is evidence explicitly to cases in which we are less than certain of it.
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  5. Old evidence and new explanation II.Carl G. Wagner - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66 (2):283-288.
    Additional results are reported on the author's earlier generalization of Richard Jeffrey's solution to the problem of old evidence and new explanation.
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  6. Fragmentation and Old Evidence.Will Fleisher - 2023 - Episteme 20 (3):542-567.
    Bayesian confirmation theory is our best formal framework for describing inductive reasoning. The problem of old evidence is a particularly difficult one for confirmation theory, because it suggests that this framework fails to account for central and important cases of inductive reasoning and scientific inference. I show that we can appeal to the fragmentation of doxastic states to solve this problem for confirmation theory. This fragmentation solution is independently well-motivated because of the success of fragmentation in solving other problems. (...)
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    The old evidence problem and the inference to the best explanation.Cristina Sagrafena - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (1):1-18.
    The Problem of Old Evidence (POE) states that Bayesian confirmation theory cannot explain why a theory H can be confirmed by a piece of evidence E already known. Different dimensions of POE have been highlighted. Here, I consider the dynamic and static dimension. In the former, we want to explain how the discovery that H accounts for E confirms H. In the latter, we want to understand why E is and will be a reason to prefer H over (...)
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  8. Old Evidence and New Explanation III.Carl G. Wagner - 2001 - Philosophy of Science 68 (3):S165 - S175.
    Garber (1983) and Jeffrey (1991, 1995) have both proposed solutions to the old evidence problem. Jeffrey's solution, based on a new probability revision method called reparation, has been generalized to the case of uncertain old evidence and probabilistic new explanation in Wagner 1997, 1999. The present paper reformulates some of the latter work, highlighting the central role of Bayes factors and their associated uniformity principle, and extending the analysis to the case in which an hypothesis bears on a (...)
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  9. Old Evidence in the Development of Quantum Theory.Molly Kao - 2018 - Philosophy of Science 85 (1):126-143.
    In this article, I evaluate Hartmann and Fitelson’s solution to the Bayesian problem of old evidence by applying it to an early stage in the development of quantum theory. I argue that this case study suggests that whether old evidence is anomalous affects its support for a hypothesis. I introduce and defend two formal assumptions to accommodate this idea. This analysis not only explicates an important historical example, but it also shows that the given solution captures the intuitive (...)
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  10. The Old Evidence Problem and AGM Theory.Satoru Suzuki - 2005 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 13 (2):105-126.
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    Problems of Old Evidence†.Ellery Eells - 2017 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 66 (3-4):283-302.
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    Old evidence and new theories.Lyle Zynda - 1995 - Philosophical Studies 77 (1):67 - 95.
  13. Old evidence and new explanation.Carl G. Wagner - 1997 - Philosophy of Science 64 (4):677-691.
    Jeffrey has devised a probability revision method that increases the probability of hypothesis H when it is discovered that H implies previously known evidence E. A natural extension of Jeffrey's method likewise increases the probability of H when E has been established with sufficiently high probability and it is then discovered, quite apart from this, that H confers sufficiently higher probability on E than does its logical negation H̄.
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  14. The quantitative problem of old evidence.E. C. Barnes - 1999 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 50 (2):249-264.
    The quantitative problem of old evidence is the problem of how to measure the degree to which e confirms h for agent A at time t when A regards e as justified at t. Existing attempts to solve this problem have applied the e-difference approach, which compares A's probability for h at t with what probability A would assign h if A did not regard e as justified at t. The quantitative problem has been widely regarded as unsolvable primarily (...)
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  15. Predictivism and old evidence: a critical look at climate model tuning.Mathias Frisch - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 5 (2):171-190.
    Many climate scientists have made claims that may suggest that evidence used in tuning or calibrating a climate model cannot be used to evaluate the model. By contrast, the philosophers Katie Steele and Charlotte Werndl have argued that, at least within the context of Bayesian confirmation theory, tuning is simply an instance of hypothesis testing. In this paper I argue for a weak predictivism and in support of a nuanced reading of climate scientists’ concerns about tuning: there are cases, (...)
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    Fine-tuning as Old Evidence, Double Counting, and the Multiverse.Simon Friederich - 2017 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 31 (4):363-377.
    The idea that there might be multiple universes with different parameters of nature is often considered an attractive response to the finding that various parameters appear to be delicately fine-tuned for life. The present paper investigates whether the appeal to fine-tuning can legitimately be combined with an appeal to independent empirical evidence for other universes or whether, as suggested by Cory Juhl, combining such appeals inevitably results in illegitimate double counting of the finding that the parameters are right for (...)
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  17. Inductive explanation and Garber–Style solutions to the problem of old evidence.David Kinney - 2017 - Synthese 196 (10):3995-4009.
    The Problem of Old Evidence is a perennial issue for Bayesian confirmation theory. Garber (Test Sci Theor 10:99–131, 1983) famously argues that the problem can be solved by conditionalizing on the proposition that a hypothesis deductively implies the existence of the old evidence. In recent work, Hartmann and Fitelson (Philos Sci 82(4):712–717, 2015) and Sprenger (Philos Sci 82(3):383–401, 2015) aim for similar, but more general, solutions to the Problem of Old Evidence. These solutions are more general because (...)
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    Earman on old evidence and measures of confirmation.Branden Fitelson - manuscript
    In Bayes or Bust? John Earman quickly dismisses a possible resolution (or avoidance) of the problem of old evidence. In this note, I argue that his dismissal is premature, and that the proposed resolution (when charitably reconstructed) is reasonable.
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  19. Reply to Sprenger’s “A Novel Solution to the Problem of Old Evidence”.Fabian Pregel - 2024 - Philosophy of Science 91 (1):243-252.
    I discuss a contemporary solution to the dynamic problem of old evidence (POE), as proposed by Sprenger. Sprenger’s solution combines the Garber–Jeffrey–Niiniluoto (GJN) approach with Howson’s suggestion of counterfactually removing the old evidence from scientists’ belief systems. I argue that in the dynamic POE, the challenge is to explain how an insight under beliefs in which the old evidence E is known increased the credence of a scientific hypothesis. Therefore, Sprenger’s counterfactual solution, in which E has been (...)
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    Old Evidence, New Theories: Two Unresolved Problems in Bayesian Confirmation Theory.John Earman - 1989 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 70 (4):323-340.
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    Explanation and "Old Evidence".Peter Achinstein - 1993 - Philosophica 51 (1):125-137.
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    Inductive explanation and Garber-style solutions to the problem of old evidence.David Kinney - 2017 - Synthese.
    The Problem of Old Evidence is a perennial issue for Bayesian confirmation theory. Garber (Test Sci Theor 10:99–131, 1983) famously argues that the problem can be solved by conditionalizing on the proposition that a hypothesis deductively implies the existence of the old evidence. In recent work, Hartmann and Fitelson (Philos Sci 82(4):712–717, 2015) and Sprenger (Philos Sci 82(3):383–401, 2015) aim for similar, but more general, solutions to the Problem of Old Evidence. These solutions are more general because (...)
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  23. The Autobiography of John Stuart Mill a Lecture Delivered in the New Hall of Science, Old Street, City Road, Under the Auspices of "the Christian Evidence Society".John Stuart Mill & Christian Evidence Society - 1874 - Hodder & Stoughton.
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  24. A New Garber-Style Solution to the Problem of Old Evidence.Stephan Hartmann & Branden Fitelson - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (4):712-717.
    In this discussion note, we explain how to relax some of the standard assumptions made in Garber-style solutions to the Problem of Old Evidence. The result is a more general and explanatory Bayesian approach.
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  25. A Novel Solution to the Problem of Old Evidence.Jan Sprenger - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (3):383-401.
    One of the most troubling and persistent challenges for Bayesian Confirmation Theory is the Problem of Old Evidence. The problem arises for anyone who models scientific reasoning by means of Bayesian Conditionalization. This article addresses the problem as follows: First, I clarify the nature and varieties of the POE and analyze various solution proposals in the literature. Second, I present a novel solution that combines previous attempts while making weaker and more plausible assumptions. Third and last, I summarize my (...)
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    A New Solution to the Problem of Old Evidence.Stephan Hartmann - 2014 - In Conference PSA 2014. Chicago, USA:
    The Problem of Old Evidence has troubled Bayesians ever since Clark Glymour first presented it in 1980. Several solutions have been proposed, but all of them have drawbacks and none of them is considered to be the definite solution. In this article, I propose a new solution which combines several old ideas with a new one. It circumvents the crucial omniscience problem in an elegant way and leads to a considerable confirmation of the hypothesis in question.
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  27. Fine-tuning and old evidence.Cory Juhl - 2007 - Noûs 41 (3):550–558.
  28. God, fine-tuning, and the problem of old evidence.Bradley Monton - 2006 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 57 (2):405-424.
    The fundamental constants that are involved in the laws of physics which describe our universe are finely-tuned for life, in the sense that if some of the constants had slightly different values life could not exist. Some people hold that this provides evidence for the existence of God. I will present a probabilistic version of this fine-tuning argument which is stronger than all other versions in the literature. Nevertheless, I will show that one can have reasonable opinions such that (...)
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    A New Garber-Style Solution to the Problem of Old Evidence.Stephan Hartmann and Branden Fitelson - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (4):712-717.
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    Lectiones falsae et emendatae in Apuleius’ Florida?: Old Evidence and a New Proposal on Apul. Flor. 14.4.Adalberto Magnavacca - 2019 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 163 (1):171-176.
    Journal Name: Philologus Issue: Ahead of print.
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    The developing cognitive substrate of sequential action control in 9- to 12-month-olds: Evidence for concurrent activation models. [REVIEW]S. A. Verschoor, M. Paulus, M. Spapé, S. Biro & B. Hommel - 2015 - Cognition 138 (C):64-78.
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  32. La prueba en el derecho soviético en comparación con la prueba en el derecho mexicano.Esquivel Y. Solís & Luis Fernando[From Old Catalog] - 1960 - México,:
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  33. Evidence from the old-testament relevant to the historical development of consciousness.S. Revusky - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):518-518.
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    Old statues, new meanings. Literary, epigraphic and archaeological evidence for Christian reidentification of statuary.Ine Jacobs - 2020 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 113 (3):789-836.
    This article examines literary, epigraphic and archaeological evidence for the Christian reidentification of statuary and reliefs as biblical scenes and protagonists, saints and angels. It argues that Christian identifications were promulgated, amongst others by local bishops, to make sense of imagery of which the original identity had been lost and/or was no longer meaningful. Three conditions for a new identification are discussed: the absence of an epigraphic label, geographical and/or chronological distance separating the statue from its original context of (...)
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    ERP evidence for lifespan differences in feedback-induced learning: How the processing of positive and negative feedback changes from childhood to old age.Ferdinand Nicola & Kray Jutta - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Distinguishing Old From New Referents During Discourse Comprehension: Evidence From ERPs and Oscillations.Mante S. Nieuwland, Cas W. Coopmans & Rowan P. Sommers - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  37. How Archaeological Evidence Bites Back: Strategies for Putting Old Data to Work in New Ways.Alison Wylie - 2017 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 42 (2):203-225.
    Archaeological data are shadowy in a number of senses. Not only are they notoriously fragmentary but the conceptual and technical scaffolding on which archaeologists rely to constitute these data as evidence can be as constraining as it is enabling. A recurrent theme in internal archaeological debate is that reliance on sedimented layers of interpretative scaffolding carries the risk that “preunderstandings” configure what archaeologists recognize and record as primary data, and how they interpret it as evidence. The selective and (...)
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    New Evidence on the Old Babylonian Calendar and Real Estate Documents from Sippar.Samuel Greengus - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (2):257-267.
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    Preliminary evidence for selective cortical responses to music in one‐month‐old infants.Heather Kosakowski, Samuel Norman-Haignere, Anna Mynick, Atsushi Takahashi, Rebecca Saxe & Nancy Kanwisher - 2023 - Developmental Science 26 (5):e13387.
    Prior studies have observed selective neural responses in the adult human auditory cortex to music and speech that cannot be explained by the differing lower-level acoustic properties of these stimuli. Does infant cortex exhibit similarly selective responses to music and speech shortly after birth? To answer this question, we attempted to collect functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data from 45 sleeping infants (2.0- to 11.9-weeks-old) while they listened to monophonic instrumental lullabies and infant-directed speech produced by a mother. To match (...)
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    No Evidence That Abstract Structure Learning Disrupts Novel-Event Learning in 8- to 11-Month-Olds.Rachel Wu, Ting Qian & Richard N. Aslin - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Old and New Evidence of the Career of William Melton, O.F.M.Richard L. Homan - 1989 - Franciscan Studies 49 (1):25-33.
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    Scenarios, Probability, and Evidence Scholarship, Old and New.Paul Roberts - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (4):1213-1218.
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    Demonstrative induction, old and new evidence and the accuracy of the electrostatic inverse square law.Ronald Laymon - 1994 - Synthese 99 (1):23 - 58.
    Maxwell claimed that the electrostatic inverse square law could be deduced from Cavendish's spherical condenser experiment. This is true only if the accuracy claims made by Cavendish and Maxwell are ignored, for both used the inverse square law as a premise in their analyses of experimental accuracy. By so doing, they assumed the very law the accuracy of which the Cavendish experiment was supposed to test. This paper attempts to make rational sense of this apparently circular procedure and to relate (...)
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    Three-year-olds' comprehension of contrastive and descriptive adjectives: Evidence for contrastive inference.Catherine Davies, Jamie Lingwood, Bissera Ivanova & Sudha Arunachalam - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104707.
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  45. New evidence, old contradictions: Carl Schmitt and the Jewish question.Joseph Bendersky - 2005 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2005 (132):64-82.
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    Inhibitory Motor Control in Old Age: Evidence for De-Automatization?Elizabeth Ann Maylor, Kulbir Singh Birak & Friederike Schlaghecken - 2011 - Frontiers in Psychology 2.
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    Thirteen- to Sixteen-Months Old Infants Are Able to Imitate a Novel Act from Memory in Both Unfamiliar and Familiar Settings But Do Not Show Evidence of Rational Inferential Processes.Mikael Heimann, Angelica Edorsson, Annette Sundqvist & Felix-Sebastian Koch - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Product Placement in Old and New Media: Examining the Evidence for Concern.Lynne Eagle & Stephan Dahl - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (3):605-618.
    We provide an overview of the development of product placements within traditional and newer electronic media, followed by a critique of current regulations where they exist and highlight the challenges this form of brand promotion presents to regulators. We note the weaknesses in current theoretical perspectives on the way product placements impact more than awareness and argue that a failure to recognise the increasingly diverse nature of product placement within entertainment media content means that awareness campaigns and warnings regarding the (...)
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    Recurrences of form in the old world as evidence of collective consciousness: A hypothesis for historical research.Ignazio Masulli - 1997 - World Futures 48 (1):191-211.
    (1997). Recurrences of form in the old world as evidence of collective consciousness: A hypothesis for historical research. World Futures: Vol. 48, The Concept of Collective Consiousness: Research Perspectives, pp. 191-211.
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    Meaning from syntax: evidence from 2-year-olds.Sudha Arunachalam & Sandra R. Waxman - 2010 - Cognition 114 (3):442-446.
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