Olaf Blanke [24]O. Blanke [2]
  1. Video ergo sum: Manipulating bodily self-consciousness.Bigna Lenggenhager, Tej Tadi, Thomas Metzinger & Olaf Blanke - 2007 - Science 317 (5841):1096-1099.
    Genes adjacent to species-specific loci are 6.2% older than genes adjacent to other dynamic loci (P < 10−2 by randomization; gray bars in Fig. 3); thus, species-specific genes are not randomly distributed but are found preferentially in the older regions, indicating that the incipient Escherichia and Salmonella lineages continued to participate in recombination at loci unlinked to lineage-specific genes.
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  2. Out-of-body experience, heautoscopy, and autoscopic hallucination of neurological origin. Implications for neurocognitive mechanisms of corporeal awareness and self consciousness.Olaf Blanke & Christine Mohr - 2005 - Brain Research Reviews 50 (1):184-199.
  3. Spatial aspects of bodily self-consciousness.Bigna Lenggenhager, Michael Mouthon & Olaf Blanke - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (1):110-117.
    Visual, somatosensory, and perspectival cues normally provide congruent information about where the self is experienced. Separating those cues by virtual reality techniques, recent studies found that self-location was systematically biased to where a visual–tactile event was seen. Here we developed a novel, repeatable and implicit measure of self-location to compare and extend previous protocols. We investigated illusory self-location and associated phenomenological aspects in a lying body position that facilitates clinically observed abnormal self-location . The results confirm that the self is (...)
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  4.  49
    Unconscious integration of multisensory bodily inputs in the peripersonal space shapes bodily self-consciousness.Roy Salomon, Jean-Paul Noel, Marta Łukowska, Nathan Faivre, Thomas Metzinger, Andrea Serino & Olaf Blanke - 2017 - Cognition 166 (C):174-183.
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  5.  53
    Peripersonal space as the space of the bodily self.Jean-Paul Noel, Christian Pfeiffer, Olaf Blanke & Andrea Serino - 2015 - Cognition 144:49-57.
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  6.  73
    The wheelchair as a full-body tool extending the peripersonal space.Giulia Galli, Jean Paul Noel, Elisa Canzoneri, Olaf Blanke & Andrea Serino - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  7. The out-of-body experience: Precipitation factors and neural correlates.S. Bünning & Olaf Blanke - 2005 - In Steven Laureys (ed.), The Boundaries of Consciousness: Neurobiology and Neuropathology. Elsevier.
  8.  80
    The mental time line: An analogue of the mental number line in the mapping of life events.Shahar Arzy, Esther Adi-Japha & Olaf Blanke - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (3):781-785.
    A crucial aspect of the human mind is the ability to project the self along the time line to past and future. It has been argued that such self-projection is essential to re-experience past experiences and predict future events. In-depth analysis of a novel paradigm investigating mental time shows that the speed of this “self-projection” in time depends logarithmically on the temporal-distance between an imagined “location” on the time line that participants were asked to imagine and the location of another (...)
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    How vestibular stimulation interacts with illusory hand ownership.Christophe Lopez, Bigna Lenggenhager & Olaf Blanke - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):33-47.
    Artificial stimulation of the peripheral vestibular system has been shown to improve ownership of body parts in neurological patients, suggesting vestibular contributions to bodily self-consciousness. Here, we investigated whether galvanic vestibular stimulation interferes with the mechanisms underlying ownership, touch, and the localization of one’s own hand in healthy participants by using the “rubber hand illusion” paradigm. Our results show that left anodal GVS increases illusory ownership of the fake hand and illusory location of touch. We propose that these changes are (...)
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  10.  35
    Voluntary self-touch increases body ownership.Masayuki Hara, Polona Pozeg, Giulio Rognini, Takahiro Higuchi, Kazunobu Fukuhara, Akio Yamamoto, Toshiro Higuchi, Olaf Blanke & Roy Salomon - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  11.  41
    Balancing awareness: Vestibular signals modulate visual consciousness in the absence of awareness.Roy Salomon, Mariia Kaliuzhna, Bruno Herbelin & Olaf Blanke - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 36:289-297.
  12.  88
    Illusory own body perceptions: Case reports and relevance for bodily self-consciousness☆.Lukas Heydrich, Sebastian Dieguez, Thomas Grunwald, Margitta Seeck & Olaf Blanke - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (3):702-710.
    Neurological disorders of body representation have for a long time suggested the importance of multisensory processing of bodily signals for self-consciousness. One such group of disorders – illusory own body perceptions affecting the entire body – has been proposed to be especially relevant in this respect, based on neurological data as well as philosophical considerations. This has recently been tested experimentally in healthy subjects showing that integration of multisensory bodily signals from the entire body with respect to the three aspects: (...)
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  13.  31
    Conceptual processing is referenced to the experienced location of the self, not to the location of the physical body.Elisa Canzoneri, Giuseppe di Pellegrino, Bruno Herbelin, Olaf Blanke & Andrea Serino - 2016 - Cognition 154 (C):182-192.
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  14.  73
    Audio-visual sensory deprivation degrades visuo-tactile peri-personal space.Jean-Paul Noel, Hyeong-Dong Park, Isabella Pasqualini, Herve Lissek, Mark Wallace, Olaf Blanke & Andrea Serino - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 61 (C):61-75.
  15.  46
    My face through the looking-glass: The effect of mirror reversal on reflection size estimation.Sebastian Dieguez, Jakob Scherer & Olaf Blanke - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1452-1459.
    People tend to grossly overestimate the size of their mirror-reflected face. Although this overestimation bias is robust, not much is known about its relationships to self-face perception. In two experiments, we investigated the overestimation bias as a function of the presentation of the own face , the identity of the seen face, and prior exposure to a real mirror. For this we developed a computerized task requiring size estimations of displayed faces. We replicated the observation that people overestimate the size (...)
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  16.  21
    Interplay between Narrative and Bodily Self in Access to Consciousness: No Difference between Self- and Non-self Attributes.Jean-Paul Noel, Olaf Blanke, Andrea Serino & Roy Salomon - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  17.  41
    I feel who I see: Visual body identity affects visual–tactile integration in peripersonal space.R. Salomon, M. van Elk, J. E. Aspell & O. Blanke - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1355-1364.
    Recent studies have shown the importance of integrating multisensory information in the body representation for constituting self-consciousness. However, one idea that has received only scant attention is that our body representation is also constituted by knowledge of bodily visual characteristics . Here in two experiments we used a full body crossmodal congruency task in which visual distractors were presented on a photograph of the participant, another person, who was either familiar or unfamiliar, or an object. Results revealed that during the (...)
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  18. Cognitive neuroscience of ownership and agency☆.Lars Schwabe & Olaf Blanke - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (3):661-666.
  19.  27
    Those are Your Legs: The Effect of Visuo-Spatial Viewpoint on Visuo-Tactile Integration and Body Ownership.Polona Pozeg, Giulia Galli & Olaf Blanke - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  20. Phenomenology as a Toolbox for Cognitive Science.Lars Schwabe & Olaf Blanke - 2008 - Abstracta 4 (3):71-85.
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  21.  31
    The effect of limb crossing and limb congruency on multisensory integration in peripersonal space for the upper and lower extremities.Michiel van Elk, Joachim Forget & Olaf Blanke - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):545-555.
    The present study investigated how multisensory integration in peripersonal space is modulated by limb posture and limb congruency . This was done separately for the upper limbs and the lower limbs . The crossmodal congruency task was used to measure peripersonal space integration for the hands and the feet. It was found that the peripersonal space representation for the hands but not for the feet is dynamically updated based on both limb posture and limb congruency. Together these findings show how (...)
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  22.  58
    Interoception and Empathy Impact Perspective Taking.Lukas Heydrich, Francesco Walker, Larissa Blättler, Bruno Herbelin, Olaf Blanke & Jane Elizabeth Aspell - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Adopting the perspective of another person is an important aspect of social cognition and has been shown to depend on multisensory signals from one’s own body. Recent work suggests that interoceptive signals not only contribute to own-body perception and self-consciousness, but also to empathy. Here we investigated if social cognition – in particular adopting the perspective of another person – can be altered by a systematic manipulation of interoceptive cues and further, if this effect depends on empathic ability. The own-body (...)
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    The Architectonic Experience of Body and Space in Augmented Interiors.Isabella Pasqualini, Maria Laura Blefari, Tej Tadi, Andrea Serino & Olaf Blanke - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Corrigendum to “Illusory own body perceptions: Case reports and relevance for bodily self-consciousness” [Consciousness and Cognition 19 702–710]. [REVIEW]Lukas Heydrich, Sebastian Dieguez, Thomas Grunwald, Margitta Seeck & Olaf Blanke - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (2):487.
    In the abstract the word “self-location” is repeated twice. The second “self-location” was meant to be “self-identification”. The correct sentence reads below:This has recently been tested experimentally in healthy subjects showing that integration of multisensory bodily signals from the entire body with respect to the three aspects: self-location, first-person perspective, and self-identification, is crucial for bodily self-consciousness.
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