Results for 'Norman Jay Peterson'

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  1. Social cognition, language acquisition and the development of the theory of mind.Jay L. Garfield, Candida C. Peterson & Tricia Perry - 2001 - Mind and Language 16 (5):494–541.
    Theory of Mind (ToM) is the cognitive achievement that enables us to report our propositional attitudes, to attribute such attitudes to others, and to use such postulated or observed mental states in the prediction and explanation of behavior. Most normally developing children acquire ToM between the ages of 3 and 5 years, but serious delays beyond this chronological and mental age have been observed in children with autism, as well as in those with severe sensory impairments. We examine data from (...)
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    Social Cognition, Language Acquisition and The Development of the Theory of Mind.Candida C. Peterson Jay L. Garfield - 2001 - Mind and Language 16 (5):494-541.
    Theory of Mind is the cognitive achievement that enables us to report our propositional attitudes, to attribute such attitudes to others, and to use such postulated or observed mental states in the prediction and explanation of behavior. Most normally developing children acquire ToM between the ages of 3 and 5 years, but serious delays beyond this chronological and mental age have been observed in children with autism, as well as in those with severe sensory impairments. We examine data from studies (...)
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    Folk psychology meets folk darwinism.Hegde Jay & A. Johnson Norman - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (5).
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    Folk psychology meets folk darwinism.Jay Hegdé & Norman A. Johnson - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (5):476-477.
    The fact that beliefs in the supernatural are useful to people who hold them does not necessarily mean that these beliefs confer an evolutionary advantage to those who hold them. An evolutionary explanation for any biological phenomenon must meet rigorous criteria, but the facts in this case, even when taken at their face value, fall well short of these criteria.
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    The university world turned upside down: Does confidentiality of assessment by Peers guarantee the quality of academic appointment?William W. Van Alstyne, Ann H. Franke, Martha A. Toll, Allan Kornberg, Margaret R. Bates, Jacqueline A. Reynolds, Edward A. Tiryakian, Jay M. Weiss, Sidney Davidson & Norman M. Bradburn - forthcoming - Minerva.
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    Why Financial Executives Do Bad Things: The Effects of the Slippery Slope and Tone at the Top on Misreporting Behavior.Anna M. Rose, Jacob M. Rose, Ikseon Suh, Jay Thibodeau, Kristina Linke & Carolyn Strand Norman - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (2):291-309.
    This paper employs theory of normal organizational wrongdoing and investigates the joint effects of management tone and the slippery slope on financial reporting misbehavior. In Study 1, we investigate assumptions about the effects of sliding down the slippery slope and tone at the top on financial executives’ decisions to misreport earnings. Results of Study 1 indicate that executives are willing to engage in misreporting behavior when there is a positive tone set by the Chief Financial Officer, regardless of the presence (...)
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    A multicenter study of key stakeholders' perspectives on communicating with surrogates about prognosis in intensive care units.Wendy G. Anderson, Jenica W. Cimino, Natalie C. Ernecoff, Anna Ungar, Kaitlin J. Shotsberger, Laura A. Pollice, Praewpannarai Buddadhumaruk, Shannon S. Carson, J. Randall Curtis, Catherine L. Hough, Bernard Lo, Michael A. Matthay, Michael W. Peterson, Jay S. Steingrub & Douglas B. White - unknown
    RationaleSurrogates of critically ill patients often have inaccurate expectations about prognosis. Yet there is little research on how intensive care unit clinicians should discuss prognosis, and existing expert opinion-based recommendations give only general guidance that has not been validated with surrogate decision makers.ObjectiveTo determine the perspectives of key stakeholders regarding how prognostic information should be conveyed in critical illness.MethodsThis was a multicenter study at three academic medical centers in California, Pennsylvania, and Washington. One hundred eighteen key stakeholders completed in-depth semistructured (...)
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    Does Kant Reduce the Cosmological Proof to the Ontological Proof?John Peterson - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (3):463-469.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:DOES KANT REDUCE THE COSMOLOGICAL PROOF TO THE ONTOLOGICAL PROOF? JOHN PETERSON The University of Rhode Island Kingston, Rhode Island KANT ARGUES in the Dialectic that the cosmological proof fails because it feeds on the central proposition of the ontological proof.1 The ontological proof he has in mind is that of Descartes.2 The proposition he refers to, call it H, is that the highest being is a necessary (...)
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    Vračanje pogleda: Ameriški odziv na francosko kritiko okularocentrizma.Martin Jay - 1995 - Filozofski Vestnik 16 (1).
    Razširjeno sumničenje nadvlade vida v moderni kulturi, ki so ga v tem stoletju izrazili številni francoski intelektualci, je vplivalo na prakso in samorazumevanje nedavne ameriške umetnosti. S sledenjem vpliva mislecev, kakršni so Bataille, Foucault in Derrida ter umetnikov, kot je Duchamp, skuša članek razložiti zavračanje visokomodernističnega vrednotenja čiste optičnosti, ki sta ga v dobi neposredno po drugi svetovni vojni zagovarjala Clement Greenberg ter Michael Fried. Čeprav so pogosto komentirali premestitev težišča modernistične umetnosti iz Pariza v New York po letu 1945, (...)
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    Liturgy against history: The competing visions of Lanfranc and Eadmer of Canterbury.Jay Rubenstein - 1999 - Speculum 74 (2):279-309.
    The Anglo-Saxon saints, like the Anglo-Saxons as a whole, once seemed to have suffered immensely because of the Norman Conquest. Respected historians, among them David Knowles and Frank Stenton, left colorful images in the historical imagination of bigoted Norman churchmen treating with contempt the old English saints who rested in the communities over which they took charge. But now, in large part because of the work of Susan Ridyard, our perceptions have altered dramatically. Norman churchmen now appear (...)
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  11. Let's pretend: How pretence scaffolds the acquisition of theory of mind.Jay Garfield - manuscript
    De Villiers and de Villiers (2000) propose that the acquisition of the syntactic device of sentential complementation is a necessary condition for the acquisition of theory of mind (ToM). It might be argued that ToM mastery is simply a consequence of grammatical development. On the other hand, there is also good evidence (Garfield, Peterson & Perry 2001) that social learning is involved in ToM acquisition. We investigate the connection between linguistic and social-cognitive development, arguing that pretence is crucially involved (...)
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    Whose Evolution? Which Theology?Gregory R. Peterson - 2000 - Zygon 35 (2):221-232.
    The importance of scientific conflicts for theology andphilosophy is difficult to judge. In many disputes of significance, prominent scientists can be found on both sides. Profound philosophical and religious implications are sometimes said to be implied by the new theory as well. This article examines the dispute over natural selection between Richard Dawkins and Stephen Jay Gould as a contemporary instance of such a conflict. While both claim that profound philosophical conclusions flow from their own alternativeaccount of evolution, I suggest (...)
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  13. Ecogrounds : Language, matrix, practice. Ecotheology and world religions / Jay McDaniel ; talking the walk : A practice-based environmental ethic as grounds for hope / Anna L. Peterson ; talking dirty : Ground is not foundation / Catherine Keller ; ecofeminist philosophy, theology, and ethics : A comparative view.Rosemary Radford Ruether - 2007 - In Laurel Kearns & Catherine Keller (eds.), Ecospirit: Religions and Philosophies for the Earth. Fordham University Press.
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    Walter E. Broman, Timothy C. Lord, Roy W. Perrett, Colin Dickson, Jill P. Baumgaertner, Eva L. Corredor, William E. Cain, Ronald Bogue, Timothy V. Kaufman-Osborn, Jay S. Andrews, David M. Thompson, David Carey, David Parker, David Novitz, Norman Simms, David Herman, Paul Taylor, Jeff Mason, Robert D. Cottrell, David Gorman, Mark Stein, Constance S. Spreen, Will Morrisey, Jan Pilditch, Herman Rapaport, Mark Johnson, Michael McClintick, John D. Cox, Arthur Kirsch, Burton Watson, Michael Platt, Gary M. Ciuba, Karsten Harries, Mary Anne O'Neil. [REVIEW]Wendell V. Harris - 1992 - Philosophy and Literature 16 (2):373.
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  15. "Photographic Art: Media and Disclosure": Norman Peterson[REVIEW]Richard Woodfield - 1985 - British Journal of Aesthetics 25 (3):292.
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  16. Justice and Justification: Reflective Equilibrium in Theory and Practice.Norman Daniels - 1998 - Philosophical Quarterly 48 (192):399-401.
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  17. The Metaphysics of Theism.Norman Kretzmann - 1999 - Mind 108 (432):777-783.
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  18. Empty words: Buddhist philosophy and cross-cultural interpretation.Jay L. Garfield - 2002 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume collects Jay Garfield 's essays on Madhyamaka, Yogacara, Buddhist ethics and cross-cultural hermeneutics. The first part addresses Madhyamaka, supplementing Garfield 's translation of Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way, a foundational philosophical text by the Buddhist saint Nagarjuna. Garfield then considers the work of philosophical rivals, and sheds important light on the relation of Nagarjuna's views to other Buddhist and non-Buddhist philosophical positions.
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    Doing ethics in media: theories and practical applications.Jay Black - 2011 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Chris Roberts.
    Providing an accessible examination of ethics, Doing Ethics in Media, introduces students to ethical theory and provides a grounded discussion of ethics in the context of today's media outlets. Emphasizing the understanding of ethics, the text will help readers 'do ethics' expeditiously, honestly, and efficiently when they enter the workplace and need to make critical ethical decisions on deadline. The text is organized around six decision-making questions, and cases demonstrate the application of these questions to real-world scenarios. Each chapter focuses (...)
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  20. Memory and Mind.Norman Malcolm - 1977 - Philosophy 53 (204):270-272.
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  21. Free and Equal: A Philosophical Examination of Political Values.Richard Norman - 1988 - Philosophy 63 (244):276-277.
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    Aristotle on spoken sound significant by convention.Norman Kretzmann - 1974 - In John Corcoran (ed.), Ancient logic and its modern interpretations. Boston,: Reidel. pp. 3--21.
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    The Metaphysics of Theism : Aquinas's Natural Theology in Summa contra gentiles I: Aquinas's Natural Theology in Summa contra gentiles I.Norman Kretzmann - 1997 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The definitive study of the natural theology of Thomas Aquinas, the greatest medieval philosopher, written by one of the world's most eminent scholars of medieval thought.
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  24. I—R. Jay Wallace: Duties of Love.R. Jay Wallace - 2012 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 86 (1):175-198.
    A defence of the idea that there are sui generis duties of love: duties, that is, that we owe to people in virtue of standing in loving relationships with them. I contrast this non‐reductionist position with the widespread reductionist view that our duties to those we love all derive from more generic moral principles. The paper mounts a cumulative argument in favour of the non‐reductionist position, adducing a variety of considerations that together speak strongly in favour of adopting it. The (...)
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  25. The Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy.Norman Kretzmann, Anthony Kenny & Jan Pinborg - 1983 - Religious Studies 19 (1):105-106.
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  26. Faith Seeks, Understanding Finds: Augustine's Charter for Christian Philosophy'.Norman Kretzmann - 1990 - In Thomas P. Flint (ed.), Christian Philosophy. Univ Notre Dame Pr. pp. 1--36.
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    The psychopathology of everyday things.Donald A. Norman - 2002 - In Daniel J. Levitin (ed.), Foundations of Cognitive Psychology: Core Readings. MIT Press. pp. 417--442.
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    5 Philosophy of mind.Norman Kretzmann - 1993 - In Norman Kretzmann & Eleonore Stump (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Aquinas. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 128.
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    The Great Soul Robbery in Sophocles'" Philoktetes".Norman Austin - 2006 - Arion 14 (2):69-118.
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    Doctors talking: a guide to current medico-moral problems.Norman Autton - 1984 - London: Mowbray.
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    Population genetics.Norman Tj Bailey - 1956 - The Eugenics Review 48 (1):49.
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    James Logan's "The duties of man as they may be deduced from nature": an analysis of the unpublished manuscript.Norman Fiering - 2022 - Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society Press.
    Prologue: The moral order from Hobbes to Hutcheson -- "The duties of man as they may be deduced from nature" : James Logan's unpublished venture into moral philosophy, an analysis -- Epilogue: Logan and Benjamin Franklin.
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  33. Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning: Weighting and Partitioning.Ron Sun & Todd Peterson - unknown
    This paper addresses weighting and partitioning in complex reinforcement learning tasks, with the aim of facilitating learning. The paper presents some ideas regarding weighting of multiple agents and extends them into partitioning an input/state space into multiple regions with di erential weighting in these regions, to exploit di erential characteristics of regions and di erential characteristics of agents to reduce the learning complexity of agents (and their function approximators) and thus to facilitate the learning overall. It analyzes, in reinforcement learning (...)
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    Business Ethics.Norman P. Barry - 2000
    Discusses Anglo-American capitalism, exemplified by the commercial and financial systems of Wall Street and the City of London and including the ethics of the stock market, the morality of takeovers, and the problem of business and the environment.
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  35. Good can be as communicable as evil.Norman Corwin - 2006 - In Jay Allison, Dan Gediman, John Gregory & Viki Merrick (eds.), This I believe: the personal philosophies of remarkable men and women. New York: H. Holt.
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    Birth control laws in USA.Norman E. Himes - 1938 - The Eugenics Review 30 (3):227.
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    Medical Ethics and the Moral Practice of Medicine.Jay Nathanson - 2002 - American Journal of Bioethics 2 (4):1-1.
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    Reasons for actions: a critique of ultitarian rationality.Richard Norman - 1971 - Oxford,: Blackwell.
  39. Companion animal privacy in an electronic world.Norman D. Stevens & Ted E. Behr - 2002 - Journal of Information Ethics 11 (2):79-85.
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    Introduction.Norman L. Torrey - 1952 - Diderot Studies 2:9 - 20.
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  41. La memoria de la Historia.Norman Barraclough Valls - 1953 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 1 (3):158-158.
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  42. Anesthesiology ethics.Gail A. Van Norman - 2008 - In Peter A. Singer & A. M. Viens (eds.), The Cambridge textbook of bioethics. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    A Kantian Theory of Capitalism.Norman E. Bowie - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (S1):37-60.
    Some years ago Ed Freeman and William Evan wrote an article offering a Kantian stakeholder theory of corporate responsibility. Ed was kind enough to allow Tom Beauchamp and me to publish that previously unpublished piece in the second edition of Ethical Theory and Business. That article has appeared in every subsequent edition. But a Kantian theory of stakeholder relationships is not, I believe, a complete Kantian theory of the modem corporation. I believe Ed originally intended to expand that paper into (...)
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  44. Foreword.Jay Bolter - 2023 - In Holly Rogers, Joana Freitas & João Francisco Porfírio (eds.), Remediating sound: repeatable culture, YouTube and music. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  45. The copernican revolution.Norman Diamond - 1986 - In Les Levidow (ed.), Science as politics. London: Free Association Books.
  46. Theories of mind in collision: Plausibility and authority.Norman H. Freeman - 1995 - In Paul L. Harris (ed.), Mental Simulation. Cambridge: Blackwell.
  47. The anatomical basis of hemispheric differentiation.Norman Geschwind - 1974 - In Stuart J. Dimond & J. Graham Beaumont (eds.), Hemisphere Function in the Human Brain. Elek. pp. 7--24.
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    Laws relating to birth control in the United States and its territories.Norman E. Himes - 1939 - The Eugenics Review 31 (2):135.
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  49. The Limitations of Ethical Inquiry.Norman Wilde - 1903 - Philosophical Review 12:682.
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  50. A corrected version of the santa fe institute artificial stock market model.Norman Ehrentreich - forthcoming - Complexity.
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