Results for 'Nonobjectivity'

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  1.  29
    Objectivity versus Nonobjectivity in Quantum Mechanics.Claudio Garola - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (9):1539-1565.
    Nonobjectivity of physical properties enters physics with the standard interpretation of quantum mechanics (QM), and a number of paradoxes of this theory follow from it. It seems, however, based on sound physical arguments (double slit experiment, Heisenberg's principle, Bell–Kochen–Specker theorem, etc.), so that most physicists think that avoiding it is impossible. We discuss these arguments here and show that they can be criticized from a physical viewpoint. Our criticism proves that nonobjectivity must be considered an epistemological choice rather (...)
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    The nonobjectivity of past events in quantum mechanics.Ralf Quadt - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (8):1027-1035.
    It is shown in this paper that a classical way of speaking about the past can be rejected when quantum systems without superselection rules are considered. To show this, use is made of a formal quantum language. The noncontextuality of quantum measurements is a presupposition of the quantum language. In addition, it is shown that introspective measurements, in contrast to the claims of Albert et al., do not violate the noncontextuality, and hence the result of rejecting the classical way of (...)
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    Nonobjective Thinking in Economics.Friedrich Baerwald - 1949 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 24 (3):407-429.
  4.  19
    The Great Image has No Form, or on the Nonobject Through Painting.François Jullien - 2009 - University of Chicago Press.
    In premodern China, painters used imagery not to mirror the world, but to evoke unfathomable experience. Considering this art alongside the philosophical traditions that inform it, this book explores the 'nonobject', a notion exemplified by paintings that do not seek to represent observable surroundings.
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    Recognition memory for nonobject drawings.Lien-Chong Mou, Nancy S. Anderson, W. S. Vaughan & Richard O. Rouse - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (5):399-401.
  6.  15
    The Great Image has No Form, or on the Nonobject Through Painting.Jane Marie Todd (ed.) - 2009 - University of Chicago Press.
    In premodern China, elite painters used imagery not to mirror the world around them, but to evoke unfathomable experience. Considering their art alongside the philosophical traditions that inform it, _The Great Image Has No Form_ explores the “nonobject”—a notion exemplified by paintings that do not seek to represent observable surroundings. François Jullien argues that this nonobjectifying approach stems from the painters’ deeply held belief in a continuum of existence, in which art is not distinct from reality. Contrasting this perspective with (...)
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    Mónica Amor. Theories of the Nonobject: Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, 1944–1969. Berkeley, Calif: University of California Press, 2016. 344 pp. [REVIEW]Megan Sullivan - 2017 - Critical Inquiry 44 (1):207-208.
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    Embedding Quantum Mechanics into a Broader Noncontextual Theory.Claudio Garola & Marco Persano - 2014 - Foundations of Science 19 (3):217-239.
    Scholars concerned with the foundations of quantum mechanics (QM) usually think that contextuality (hence nonobjectivity of physical properties, which implies numerous problems and paradoxes) is an unavoidable feature of QM which directly follows from the mathematical apparatus of QM. Based on some previous papers on this issue, we criticize this view and supply a new informal presentation of the extended semantic realism (ESR) model which embodies the formalism of QM into a broader mathematical formalism and reinterprets quantum probabilities as (...)
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  9.  79
    The Status of Style.Nelson Goodman - 1975 - Critical Inquiry 1 (4):799-811.
    Obviously, subject is what is said, style is how. A little less obviously, that formula is full of faults. Architecture and nonobjective painting and most of music have no subject. Their style cannot be a matter of how they say something, for they do not literally say anything; they do other things, they mean in other ways. Although most literary works say something, they usually do other things, too; and some of the ways they do some of these things are (...)
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  10. Color in the theory of colors? Or: Are philosophers' colors all white?Berit Brogaard - 2010 - In George Yancy, Barbara Applebaum, Susan E. Babbitt, Alison Bailey, Berit Brogaard, Lisa Heldke, Sarah Hoagland, Cynthia Kaufman, Crista Lebens, Cris Mayo, Alexis Shotwell, Shannon Sullivan, Lisa Tessman & Audrey Thompson, The Center Must Not Hold: White Women Philosophers on the Whiteness of Philosophy. Lexington Books.
    Let’s say that a philosophical theory is white just in case it treats the perspective of the white (perhaps Western male) as objective.1 The potential dangers of proposing or defending white theories are two-fold. First, if not all of reality is objective, a fact which I take to be established beyond doubt,2 then white theories could well turn out to be false.3 A white theory is unwarranted (and indeed false) when it treats nonobjective reality as objective. Second, by proposing or (...)
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  11. Love in the time of cholera.Benj Hellie - 2014 - In Berit Brogaard, Does Perception Have Content? New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 241–261.
    We begin with a theory of the structure of sensory consciousness; a target phenomenon of 'presentation' can be clearly located within this structure. We then defend the rational-psychological necessity of presentation. We conclude with discussion of these philosophical challenges to the possibility of presentation. One crucial aspect of the discussion is recognition of the <cite>nonobjectivity</cite> of consciousness (a technical appendix explains what I mean by that). The other is a full-faced stare at the limitations of rational psychology: much of (...)
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  12.  47
    On the Problem of the World in Husserl's Phenomenology.Mikhail A. Belousov - 2016 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 54 (1):20-34.
    Already in his Logical Investigations Husserl is opposing consciousness and the world and raising the question of an objective, “true” existence of the world beyond phenomenological research. This opposition becomes increasingly radical in Husserl's subsequent works, especially in his early and mature periods. For Husserl, phenomenology is not simply about “bracketing” any conditions concerning the existence or nonexistence of the world; it is also designed to carry out a kind of “deworlding” of consciousness, which allows for revealing it not as (...)
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  13. Autonomy and Free Will.Bernard Berofsky - 2004 - In James Stacey Taylor, Personal Autonomy: New Essays on Personal Autonomy and its Role in Contermporary Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    If the incompatibilist is right, determinism annuls free will, but not necessarily autonomy. The possibly deterministic origin of values and beliefs that are objectively grounded does not undermine the autonomy of agents who maintain these for the right reasons. Nonobjective perspectives—preferences about lifestyle, profession, choice of mate— cannot anyway be entirely removed even for an unlimited being. Moreover, if one were lucky to have inherited contingencies that mesh perfectly with the world one happened to inhabit even if it is deterministic, (...)
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  14.  77
    Could There Be a Rationally Grounded Universal Morality?E. J. Bond - 1990 - Journal of Philosophical Research 15:15-45.
    Williams claims that the only particular moral truths, and perhaps the only moral truths of any kind, are nonobjective, i.e., culture-bound. For Lovibond we have moral truths when an assertion-condition is satisfied, and that is determined by the voice of the relevant moral authority as embodied in the institutions of the sittlich morality. According to MacIntyre one must speak from within a living tradition for which there can be no external rational grounding. However, if my criticisms of traditional philosophical ethics (...)
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  15.  53
    The paradox of kandinsky's abstract representation.Kenneth Berry - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (1):99-104.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Paradox of Kandinsky's Abstract RepresentationKenneth BerryThere is a paradox in the relationship between Kandinsky's use of the terms, "abstract" and "concrete," which is presented in the expression, "Kandinsky's abstract representation." Thisexpression, while being apparently contradictory, may point to a feature underpinning Kandinsky's art, which is pivotal to a proper experience of his work, just as, in Christopher Middleton's view, a poetic language may be pivotal to the formation (...)
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  16.  47
    A Semantic Approach to the Completeness Problem in Quantum Mechanics.Claudio Garola & Sandro Sozzo - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (8):1249-1266.
    The old Bohr–Einstein debate about the completeness of quantum mechanics (QM) was held on an ontological ground. The completeness problem becomes more tractable, however, if it is preliminarily discussed from a semantic viewpoint. Indeed every physical theory adopts, explicitly or not, a truth theory for its observative language, in terms of which the notions of semantic objectivity and semantic completeness of the physical theory can be introduced and inquired. In particular, standard QM adopts a verificationist theory of truth that implies (...)
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  17.  18
    Reflexiones sobre el proceso de subjetivación. Una lectura general de la fenomenología levinasiana.Hugo Martínez García - 2022 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 64:119-154.
    The aim of this paper is to propose a scheme of conscious life that allows us to recognize three constitutive moments of the Levinasian subjectivation process: il y a, jouissance and éthique. Presenting such moments will provide an understanding of subjectivity as a development which is done based on its relationship with transcendence. It will be seen that this term means, firstly, a relationship with sensitive outward experience and, subsequently, a relationship with the Other or an ethics. When describing the (...)
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  18.  33
    (1 other version)Skepticism about Modern Art.Alan Lee - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 54 (1):35-50.
    From the time of the earliest self-conscious emergence of modern painting around 1905, there have not been widely accepted criteria by which to judge the artistic significance and value of the abstract and nonobjective styles that displaced the traditions of representational art. This circumstance has made the education of artists problematic. For the arts of literature and music, modernism was a relatively short-lived phase of innovation and experimentation that was played out in works that defied easy appreciation. The attention of (...)
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  19.  67
    Means without End: Production, Reception, and Teaching in Kant's Aesthetics.Gary Peters - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (1):35.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 38.1 (2004) 35-52 [Access article in PDF] Means Without End:Production, Reception, and Teaching in Kant's Aesthetics Gary Peters The Work of Art If aesthetics is to have a role within an art school context, it must be able to engage with the work of art as an ongoing and ontologically open productive enterprise. The reception of the artwork as a completed thing or act (...)
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  20.  48
    (1 other version)Tragweite und grenze der transzendentalphilosophie zur grundlegung der quantenphysik.Ingeborg Strohmeyer - 1987 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 18 (1-2):239-275.
    Summary The question underlying this article is whether the Kantian transcendental philosophy is wide enough to constitute the objects of quantum physics as objects of possible experience and consequently to found the objectivity of quantum physical knowledge. It is shown that the Kantian determinations of the categories (quality, substance, causality) can be interpreted and elaborated in such a way that the quantum physical concept of an object characterized by nonobjectivity of properties is conceived. Therefore the categories are valid in (...)
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  21.  31
    On Preserving Nature’s Aesthetic Features.L. Duane Willard - 1980 - Environmental Ethics 2 (4):293-310.
    I consider and reject four possible arguments directed against the preservation of natural aesthetic conditions. (1) Beauty is not out there in nature, but is “in the eye ofthe beholder.” I argue that since ingredients ofnature cause aesthetic experiences, we cannot justifiably disregard and exploit nature. Preservation of aesthetic conditions is compatible with both objective and nonobjective theories of aesthetic value. (2) Frequent aesthetic disagreements bring about irresolvable disputes concerning which segments of nature to preserve. I claim that these disputes (...)
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  22. Modal collapse in Gödel's ontological proof.Srećko Kovač - 2012 - In Miroslaw Szatkowski, Ontological Proofs Today. Ontos Verlag. pp. 50--323.
    After introductory reminder of and comments on Gödel’s ontological proof, we discuss the collapse of modalities, which is provable in Gödel’s ontological system GO. We argue that Gödel’s texts confirm modal collapse as intended consequence of his ontological system. Further, we aim to show that modal collapse properly fits into Gödel’s philosophical views, especially into his ontology of separation and union of force and fact, as well as into his cosmological theory of the nonobjectivity of the lapse of time. (...)
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  23.  39
    A derivation of local commutativity from macrocausality using a quantum mechanical theory of measurement.W. M. de Muynck & J. P. H. W. van den Eijnde - 1984 - Foundations of Physics 14 (2):111-146.
    A theory of the joint measurement of quantum mechanical observables is generalized in order to make it applicable to the measurement of the local observables of field theory. Subsequently, the property of local commutativity, which is usually introduced as a postulate, is derived by means of the theory of measurement from a requirement of mutual nondisturbance, which, for local observables performed at a spacelike distance from each other, is interpreted as a requirement of macrocausality. Alternative attempts at establishing a deductive (...)
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  24.  58
    Complementarity of Mental Observables.Irina Basieva & Andrei Khrennikov - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (1):74-78.
    The aim of this note is to complete the discussion on the possibility of creation of quantum-like (QL) representation for the question order effect which was presented by Wang and Busemeyer (2013). We analyze the role of a fundamental feature of mental operators (given, e.g., by questions), namely, their complementarity.
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