Results for 'Nippon Hoso Kyokai'

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  1.  14
    Ganbarō Nippon.Giorgio Shani - 2015 - ProtoSociology 32:150-165.
    This article illustrates how Japanese national identity continues to be imagined along ethnic lines in the aftermath of the ‘triple disasters’ of March 11, 2011 (hereafter 3/11). It critically examines the ‘new’ discourse of tabunka kyōsei which seeks to incorporate migrants and other ethnic minorities in the nation through an emphasis on cultural difference and argues that the stress on the insurmountability of cultural difference reifies the identities of migrant and minority populations. This in turn allows the State to treat (...)
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    Nippon shindo ron: or, The national ideals of the Japanese people.Yutaka Hibino - 1928 - Westport, Conn.: Hyperion Press.
    First published in 1928, this book discusses 'the groundwork and skeleton of the common intellectual life of the people' of Japan.
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  3. Nippon shindo ron.A. P. McKenzie (ed.) - 1928 - Cambridge [Eng.]: The University Press.
  4.  5
    "Nipponʾichi sensei" wa kataru.Hama Ōmura - 1990 - Tōkyō: Kokudosha. Edited by Saburō Harada.
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    Kindai Nippon kokutairon no kenkyū: Aizawa Seishisai to kōshōgaku.Naosuke Sekiguchi - 2019 - Tōkyō-to Itabashi-ku: Kokusho Kankōkai.
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    Nippon Kenchiku-shi No Kenkyū ("Studies in Japanese Architecture")Nippon Kenchiku-shi No Kenkyu.Alexander C. Soper & Fukuyama Toshio - 1946 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 66 (4):320.
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  7. Dai Nippon Teikoku no shinro.Fuyō Takebayashi - 1937
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    The Manyōshū: The Nippon Gakujutsu Shinkōkai Translation of One Thousand Poems, with the Texts in RomajiThe Manyoshu: The Nippon Gakujutsu Shinkokai Translation of One Thousand Poems, with the Texts in Romaji.D. E. M. & Donald Keene - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (4):610.
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  9. Kekkai to kyokai: sei no kisō e tetsugakuteki danpen.Seigen Nasu - 1992 - Tōkyō: Kōjinsha.
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    Japan's First Cyborg? Miss Nippon, Eugenics and Wartime Technologies of Beauty, Body and Blood.Jennifer Robertson - 2001 - Body and Society 7 (1):1-34.
    In June 1931, on the eve of the invasion of Manchuria, the Japanese mass media announced the winner of the first Miss Nippon contest. Applicants were limited to rank amateurs whose photographs, and not bodies, were judged by a panel of mostly elderly men who regarded the contest as `culture work'. A second contest was held in 1934. One of the main objectives of the Miss Nippon contests was to locate and record photographically, young women whose allegedly `pure (...)
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  11.  21
    Miraculous Stories from the Japanese Buddhist Tradition: The Nihon ryoiki of the Monk Kyokai. Trans. and ed. Kyoko Motomachi Nakamura. [REVIEW]Michael J. Dankert - 1999 - Buddhist Studies Review 16 (2):242-245.
    Miraculous Stories from the Japanese Buddhist Tradition: The Nihon ryoiki of the Monk Kyokai. Trans. and ed. Kyoko Motomachi Nakamura. Curzon Press, Richmond 1997. xii, 322 pp. £40.00. ISBN 0 7007 0449 3.
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    Miraculous Stories from the Japanese Buddhist Tradition: The Nihon ryōiki of the Monk KyōkaiMiraculous Stories from the Japanese Buddhist Tradition: The Nihon ryoiki of the Monk Kyokai.H. Byron Earhart & Kyoko Motomochi Nakamura - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (3):554.
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    Mokchae Yi Sam-hwan kwa Hosŏ chibang Sŏngho hakt'ong.Se-gu Kang - 2016 - Sŏul-si: Hyean.
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  14. A brief report on recent Activities of Spinoza Kyokai.Hisao Takagi - 2008 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 16:245-247.
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    Yorio Otaka and Hideka Fukui, eds., Apocalypse [Bibliothèque nationale, fonds français, 403]. Reproduction photographique en couleurs. Introduction by Félix Lecoy. Osaka: Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd., for the Center for Anglo-Norman Research, Otemae Women's College, 1981. Pp. 159. [REVIEW]Gerard J. Brault - 1983 - Speculum 58 (3):849-850.
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    Nakasima Akira and Hanzawa Masao. The theory of equivalent transformation of simple partial paths in the relay circuit. Nippon electrical communication engineering , no. 9 , pp. 32–39.Nakasima Akira. The theory of four-terminal passive networks in relay circuit. Nippon electrical communication engineering , no. 10 , pp. 178–179.Nakasima Akira. Algebraic expressions relative to simple partial paths in the relay circuit. Nippon electrical communication engineering , no. 12 , pp. 310–314.Nakasima Akira. The theory of two-point impedance of passive networks in the relay circuit. Nippon electrical communication engineering , no. 13 , pp. 405–412.Nakasima Akira. The transfer impedance of four-terminal passive networks in the relay circuit. Nippon electrical communication engineering , no. 14 , pp. 459–466.Nakasima Akira and Hanzawa Masao. Expansion theorem and design of two-terminal relay networks . Nippon electrical communication engineering , no. 24 , pp. 203–210. [REVIEW]Alonzo Church - 1953 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 18 (4):346-346.
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  17.  46
    (1 other version)Modernidade, Cultura e Religião na Ordem Política e Social do Japão (Modernity, Culture and Religion in the Political and Social Order of Japan) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2011v9n23p799. [REVIEW]Domingos Salgado de Sousa - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (23):799-820.
    Dificilmente se encontrará um outro país que foi tão influenciado por outras culturas e civilizações como o Japão. De fato, os grandes pontos de viragem da sua história foram marcados pelo encontro com outras civilizações e culturas. Porém, as grandes mudanças que se operaram como resultado de influências exteriores nunca conseguiram pôr em questão as premissas básicas da cultura japonesa. Prevaleceu sempre um sistema de valores que carece de uma clara orientação transcendental e universalista. Enquanto no mundo ocidental a dimensão (...)
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  18. Parabola păsărilor, Andō Shōeki 安藤昌益.Roman Paşca - 2017 - European Journal of Japanese Philosophy 2:263-294.
    Original title: 「諸鳥会合シテ法世ヲ論ズ」『安藤昌益全集6巻』 [Opera completă a lui Andō Shōeki, vol. 6], Tōkyō: Nōsangyoson Bunka Kyōkai, 1997, 34–87).
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  19.  29
    De l’amitié entre hommes dans le roman moderne japonais : Kokoro ( Le pauvre cœur des hommes, 1914) de Natsume Sôseki.Claire Dodane - 2020 - Diogène n° 265-265 (1-2):127-139.
    Partant du constat que l’amitié n’est pas traitée par les femmes écrivains, cet article relit et analyse la portée du célèbre roman Kokoro de l’écrivain Natsume Sôseki (1867-1916), pilier de la littérature japonaise moderne, qui repose sur deux histoires consécutives d’amitié. Un jeune homme découvre l’amitié avec un homme un peu plus âgé, qui a lui-même dans sa jeunesse connu une amitié très vive avec un jeune homme du même village, avant qu’une histoire d’amour les séparent tragiquement. La lecture de (...)
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    When west writes east: In search of an ethic for cross-cultural interviewing.Rick Kenney & Kimiko Akita - 2008 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 23 (4):280 – 295.
    Cross-cultural interviewing can pose challenges for journalists, given potential differences in language, word choice, volume, body posture, and group dynamics. This article explores some of the complexities of cross-cultural interviews with the dual aim of heightening awareness of ethical considerations for journalists who conduct them and of discussing ethical principles that may help in guiding their work. This article attempts to move the discussion of cross-cultural interviews beyond traditional Western ethics. Eastern moral philosophy and ideals of trust and human relations (...)
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    An Introduction to the Buddhist Canon: 139 Buddhist Scriptures. Translated by Rolf W. Giebel.A. Saroop - 1990 - Buddhist Studies Review 7 (1-2):104-107.
    An Introduction to the Buddhist Canon: 139 Buddhist Scriptures. Translated by Rolf W. Giebel. Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai, Tokyo. Second edition, 1986. 309pp. Yen 1,500.
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  22.  7
    Topologie du néant: une approche de l'Ecole de Kyôto.Bernard Stevens - 2000 - Louvain: Peeters.
    Le philosophe japonais Nishida (1870-1945) et ses disciples de l'ecole de Kyoto, en elaborant une pensee situee a la croisee des cultures, ont ete persuades de repondre a une attente propre de leur epoque - une epoque marquee par l'europeanisation du globe et, singulierement, celle du Japon, depuis la politique d'occidentalisation systematique entamee par la restauration Meiji (1868). Afin de pouvoir faire face, en lui empruntant ses propres armes, a l'europeanisation heterogene et forcee que l'Occident faisait subir aux pays asiatiques, (...)
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  23.  20
    Review of: A Philological Approach to Buddhism. [REVIEW]Kate Crosby - 2008 - Buddhist Studies Review 25 (1):113-115.
    A Philological Approach to Buddhism: The Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai Lectures 1994, K.R. Norman, 2nd edn, pp. xx+250, £23. ISBN: 0860134210.
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  24.  36
    Ichidomo tsukawarenai kōri wa naniwo imisuruka: Echika daiichibu kōri 2 ni tsuite no kōsatsu (What does the "unused" axiom mean in Spinoza's Ethics?: A study of Axiom 2 in Part 1 of Ethica).Tomomi Asakura - 2005 - Spinozana (Spinoza Kyokai Nempo) 6:45-65.
    This work explores the hidden role of the Axiom 2 in Part 1 of Spinoza's Ethics, which is known for never being used or referred in the book from the perspective of the development of Spinoza's metaphysical system.
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