Results for 'Nikola Đurković'

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  1. The context sensitivity of knowledge ascriptions.Nikola Kompa - 2002 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 64 (1):1-18.
    According to contextualist accounts, the truth value of a given knowledge ascription may vary with features of the ascriber's context. As a result, the following may be true: "X doesn't know that P but Y says something true in asserting 'X knows that P'". The contextualist must defend his theory in the light of this unpleasant but inevitable consequence. The best way of doing this is to construe the context sensitivity of knowledge ascriptions not as deriving from an alleged indexicality (...)
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  2. Critique and Disclosure: Critical Theory Between Past and Future.Nikolas Kompridis - 2011 - MIT Press.
    In Critique and Disclosure, Nikolas Kompridis argues provocatively for a richer and more time-responsive critical theory. He calls for a shift in the normative and critical emphasis of critical theory from the narrow concern with rules and procedures of Jürgen Habermas's model to a change-enabling disclosure of possibility and the enlargement of meaning. Kompridis contrasts two visions of critical theory's role and purpose in the world: one that restricts itself to the normative clarification of the procedures by which moral and (...)
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    Stylization, Authenticity and TV News Review.Nikolas Coupland - 2001 - Discourse Studies 3 (4):413-442.
    Mainstream news broadcasting pursues an authentication project, to bolster its claims to serious, weighty and factual news reporting. News review contributes to this project when it seeks to humanize front-stage news personnel. It moves away from the traditional, institutionalized concern with `authenticity-from-above' and works to generate `authenticity-from-below'. As an extreme instance of resistance to the `from-above' formulation, this article considers data from a televised UK weekday morning show, The Big Breakfast, and specifically its `review of the papers' slot. The show's (...)
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    Mnenii︠a︡ i sŭmnenii︠a︡: po dirite na edno literaturovedsko chergarstvo.Nikola Georgiev - 1999 - Sofii︠a︡: Literaturen vestnik.
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    Nikola Visković: pravo - politika - bioetika: zbornik povodom osamdesetog rođendana.Josip Guć, Hrvoje Jurić & Nikola Visković (eds.) - 2020 - Zagreb: Znanstveni centar izvrsnosti za integrativnu bioetiku.
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  6. Gubernamentalidad.Nikolas Rose, Pat O'Malley & Mariana Valverde - 2012 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 8.
    Este estudio revisa el desarrollo del análisis propuesto por Michel Foucault sobre el poder político en términos de gubernamentalidad, y esboza sus características principales. Se examina el despliegue de esta perspectiva, centrándose particularmente en cómo este enfoque genealógico del análisis de la conducta de todos y cada uno ha sido acogido y desarrollado en el mundo angloparlante. Se evalúan algunas de las críticas fundamentales que han sido planteadas a la analítica de la gubernamentalidad, y se arguye en favor de la (...)
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  7. "Malkii︠a︡t svi︠a︡t" na goli︠a︡mata nauka.Nikola Kostadinov Stefanov - 1981 - Sofii︠a︡: Nauka i izkustvo.
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  8. Osnovy naukovedenii︠a︡.Nikola Kostadinov Stefanov & S. R. Mikulinskiĭ (eds.) - 1985 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    Matematički simbol za Svepostojeće-Boga, najjednostavnija opća teorija svega.Nikola Ugrinović - 2016 - Donja Stubica: N. Ugrinović.
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    The Human Sciences in a Biological Age.Nikolas Rose - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (1):3-34.
    We live, according to some, in the century of biology, where we now understand ourselves in radically new ways as the insights of genomics and neuroscience have opened up the workings of our bodies and our minds to new kinds of knowledge and intervention. Is a new figure of the human, and of the social, taking shape in the 21st century? With what consequences for the politics of life today? And with what implications, if any, for the social, cultural and (...)
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  11. (1 other version)The Politics of Life Itself.Nikolas Rose - 2001 - Theory, Culture and Society 18 (6):1-30.
    This article explores contemporary biopolitics in the light of Michel Foucault's oft quoted suggestion that contemporary politics calls `life itself' into question. It suggests that recent developments in the life sciences, biomedicine and biotechnology can usefully be analysed along three dimensions. The first concerns logics of control - for contemporary biopolitics is risk politics. The second concerns the regime of truth in the life sciences - for contemporary biopolitics is molecular politics. The third concerns technologies of the self - for (...)
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  12. Governmentality: a conversation with Wendy Brown, Partha Chatterjee and Nikolas Rose.Partha Chatterjee Wendy Brown, Martina Tazzioli Nikolas Rose & William Walters - 2023 - In William Walters & Martina Tazzioli, Handbook on governmentality. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
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  13. Technology's challenge to democracy: what of the human.Nikolas Kompridis - 2009 - Parrhesia 8:20-33.
  14. Naturalism and simulationism in the philosophy of memory.Nikola Andonovski & Kourken Michaelian - 2024 - In Ali Hossein Khani, Gary Kemp, Hassan Amiriara & Hossein Sheykh Rezaee, Naturalism and its challenges. New York, NY: Routledge.
    In this chapter, we examine the naturalist approach in the philosophy of memory through the lens of the simulation theory of memory. On the theory, episodic memory is a kind of constructive simulation performed by a functionally specialized neurocognitive system. Taking naturalism to be a kind of methodological stance characterized by a cluster of epistemic guidelines, we illustrate the roles these guidelines have played in the development of the theory. We show how scientific evidence has guided both the selection of (...)
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  15. SINGULARISM about Episodic Memory.Nikola Andonovski - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (2):335-365.
    In the philosophy of memory, singularism is the view that episodic memories are singular mental states about unique personally experienced past events. In this paper, I present an empirical challenge to singularism. I examine three distinct lines of evidence from the psychology of memory, concerning general event memories, the transformation of memory traces and the minimized role temporal information plays in major psychological theories of episodic memory. I argue that singularist views will have a hard time accommodating this evidence, facing (...)
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  16. Eliminating episodic memory?Nikola Andonovski, John Sutton & Christopher McCarroll - forthcoming - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
    In Tulving’s initial characterization, episodic memory was one of multiple memory systems. It was postulated, in pursuit of explanatory depth, as displaying proprietary operations, representations, and substrates such as to explain a range of cognitive, behavioural, and experiential phenomena. Yet the subsequent development of this research program has, paradoxically, introduced surprising doubts about the nature, and indeed existence, of episodic memory. On dominant versions of the ‘common system’ view, on which a single simulation system underlies both remembering and imagining, there (...)
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  17. Mutnye liki: tipy religioznoĭ mysli v Rossii.Nikolaæi Aleksandrovich Berdëiìaev - 2004 - Moskva: Reabilitat︠s︡ii︠a︡.
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  18. IN MEMORIAM-Prof. dr Milan Ranković 1932-2012.Nikola Božilović & Beba Rakić - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (3):409-411.
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    (1 other version)Acknowledgments.Nikola Chardonnens & Michael Lackner - 2014 - In Nikola Chardonnens & Michael Lackner, Polyphony Embodied - Freedom and Fate in Gao Xingjian’s Writings. De Gruyter.
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  20. Savremena marksistička teorija umetnosti.Nikola Dedić, Sanela Nikolić & Rade Pantić (eds.) - 2015 - Beograd: Fakultet za medije i komunikacije.
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    On some problems of meaning - polysemy between sense enumeration and core meaning paradigms.Nikola Dobric - 2014 - Filozofija I Društvo 25 (4):146-163.
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    Austin and the Very Idea of the Theory of Knowledge.Nikola Grahek - 2003 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):145-153.
    Austin’s destructive contextualist criticism of the theory of knowledge, as grounded on foundationalism, is presented. It is claimed that incorrigibility is not a secondary issue for the foundationalist conception of knowledge and justification, even if the hallmark of foundationalism is not to be sought in the so-called ‘quest for certainty’, but rather in the idea of epistemological realism.
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    The society of the debacle: Triptych of the discourse of the university.Nikola Janovic - 2010 - Filozofija I Društvo 21 (2):117-142.
    Namera ovog teksta je da prikaze tri medjusobno povezane projekcije savremene globalne krize postmodernog kapitalizma: diskurzivnu, sociolosku i kulturolosko-politicku. Diskurzivna projekcija promislja krizu postmodernog kapitalizma kroz perspektivu prestrukturacije paradigme diskursa, socioloska projekcija podaje interpretaciju paradigme postmodernih drustvenih ekonomija, dok kulturolosko-politicka promislja postmodernu formu?ideologije? svakodnevnog zivota, postavljajuci pitanje: da li imamo adekvatnu alternativu?
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    Raščinjavanja.Nikola Kajtez - 1995 - Novi Sad: Svetovi.
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    Über Welterschließung: Heidegger, Habermas, Dewey.Nikolas Kompridis - 1993 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 41 (3):525-538.
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  26. The Recovery of the Human: Cavell, Skepticism, Romanticism.Nikolas Kompridis - 2022 - In Stephen Cade Hetherington & David Macarthur, Living Skepticism. Essays in Epistemology and Beyond. Boston: BRILL.
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  27. Technologies of the will and their Christian roots : self and (socio-)scientific knowledge.Nikolas Rose - 2007 - In Sabine Maasen & Barbara Sutter, On willing selves: neoliberal politics vis-à-vis the neuroscientific challenge. New York: Plagrave Macmiilan.
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    Jezik prava.Nikola Visković - 1989 - Zagreb: Naprijed.
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  29. Politički oportunizam.Nikola Visković - 1974 - Split: Marksistički centar.
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    Konstantius' Sarmatenkrieg im Jahre 368 und 359.Nikola Vulić - 1929 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 30 (1).
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  31. Causation in Memory: Necessity, Reliability and Probability.Nikola Andonovski - 2021 - Acta Scientiarum 43 (3).
    In this paper, I argue that causal theories of memory are typically committed to two independent, non-mutually entailing theses. The first thesis pertains to the necessity of appropriate causation in memory, specifying a condition token memories need to satisfy. The second pertains to the explanation of memory reliability in causal terms and it concerns memory as a type of mental state. Post-causal theories of memory can reject only the first (weak post-causalism) or both (strong post-causalism) theses. Upon this backdrop, I (...)
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    ‘Screen and intervene’: governing risky brains.Nikolas Rose - 2010 - History of the Human Sciences 23 (1):79-105.
    This article argues that a new diagram is emerging in the criminal justice system as it encounters developments in the neurosciences. This does not take the form that concerns many ‘neuroethicists’ — it does not entail a challenge to doctrines of free will and the notion of the autonomous legal subject — but is developing around the themes of susceptibility, risk, pre-emption and precaution. I term this diagram ‘screen and intervene’ and in this article I attempt to trace out this (...)
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    Polystyrene Thermo Insulation Performance Comparison.Nikolas Fana, Flavio Kaziaj, Balla Gerardo & Klodjan Xhexhi - 2022 - International Journal of Modern Research in Engineering and Technology (Ijmret) 7 (3):1-5.
    The goal of this project is to compare the performance of a thermally insulated wall to that of a non-insulated wall. Parallel to the comparison, useful statistics will be generated in order to better understand the advantages of thermal insulation materials and the efficiency of the facility where they are used. Thermal insulation will be the primary focus of our efforts. Concrete examples will be treated in the city of Tirana in order to further enhance the study. Many changes in (...)
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    Disclosing possibility: The past and future of critical theory.Nikolas Kompridis - 2005 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 13 (3):325 – 351.
    In this paper I indicate the reasons why critical theory needs an alternative conception of critique, and then I sketch out what such an alternative should be. The conception of critique I develop involves a time-responsive redisclosure of the world capable of disclosing new or previously unnoticed possibilities, possibilities in light of which agents can change their self-understanding and their practices, and change their orientation to the future and the past.
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  35. Autonoesis and the Galilean science of memory: Explanation, idealization, and the role of crucial data.Nikola Andonovski - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (3):1-42.
    The Galilean explanatory style is characterized by the search for the underlying structure of phenomena, the positing of "deep" explanatory principles, and a view of the relation between theory and data, on which the search for "crucial data" is of primary importance. In this paper, I trace the dynamics of adopting the Galilean style, focusing on the science of episodic memory. I argue that memory systems, such as episodic and semantic memory, were posited as underlying competences producing the observable phenomena (...)
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  36. Engrams as mental files.Nikola Andonovski - 2024 - Synthese 204 (6):1-36.
    Engrams—physical memory traces resulting from specific experiences—are the central posits of modern memory science. In this paper, I examine engrams through the lens of the theory of mental files. Integrating evidence from a variety of research programs, I argue that engrams exhibit the core functional properties of mental files. I characterize them as discrete informational structures, formed upon individual experiences of events and causally involved in their subsequent recall. Engrams are plausibly structurally complex in a file-like way, consisting of a (...)
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  37. Objective and subjective aspects of pain.Nikola Grahek - 1991 - Philosophical Psychology 4 (2):249-66.
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    Memory as Triage: Facing Up to the Hard Question of Memory.Nikola Andonovski - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 12 (2):227-256.
    The Hard Question of memory is the following: how are memory representations stored and organized so as to be made available for retrieval in the appropriate circumstances and format? In this essay, I argue that philosophical theories of memory should engage with the Hard Question directly and seriously. I propose that declarative memory is a faculty performing a kind of cognitive triage: management of information for a variety of uses under significant computational constraints. In such triage, memory representations are preferentially (...)
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    Towards Neuroecosociality: Mental Health in Adversity.Nikolas Rose, Rasmus Birk & Nick Manning - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (3):121-144.
    Social theory has much to gain from taking up the challenges of conceptualizing ‘mental health’. Such an approach to the stunting of human mental life in conditions of adversity requires us to open up the black box of ‘environment’, and to develop a vitalist biosocial science, informed by and in conversation with the life sciences and the neurosciences. In this paper we draw on both classical and contemporary social theory to begin this task. We explore human inhabitation – how humans (...)
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    Individual differences in spatial cognition influence mental simulation of language.Nikola Vukovic & John N. Williams - 2015 - Cognition 142 (C):110-122.
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    Causation and mnemonic roles: on Fernández’s Functionalism.Nikola Andonovski - 2021 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 64:139-153.
    Debates about causation have dominated recent philosophy of memory. While causal theorists have argued that an appropriate causal connection to a past experience is necessary for remembering, their opponents have argued that this necessity condition needs to be relaxed. Recently, Jordi Fernández has attempted to provide such a relaxation. On his functionalist theory of remembering, a given state need not be caused by a past experience to qualify as a memory; it only has to realize the relevant functional role in (...)
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    Revising Republican Liberty: What is the Difference Between a Disinterested Gentle Giant and a Deterred Criminal?Nikolas Kirby - 2016 - Res Publica 22 (4):369-386.
    This paper assesses the most well thought out contemporary conception of republican liberty put forward by Philip Pettit and Quentin Skinner. I demonstrate that it is incoherent: at least insofar as it seeks to pick out a form of unfreedom not captured by the negative conception of liberty. This incoherence arises because Pettit and Skinner cannot both hold that republican unfreedom is defined by one agent’s mere capacity to interfere arbitrarily with another agent and, at the same time, claim that (...)
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    Two Concepts of Basic Equality.Nikolas Kirby - 2018 - Res Publica 24 (3):297-318.
    It has become somewhat a commonplace in recent political philosophy to remark that all plausible political theories must share at least one fundamental premise, ‘that all humans are one another's equals’. One single concept of ‘basic equality’, therefore, is cast as the common touchstone of all contemporary political thought. This paper argues that this claim is false. Virtually all do indeed say that all humans are ‘equals’ in some basic sense. However, this is not the same sense. There are not (...)
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    Context of culture: Critique of the primitive mind.Nikola Bozilovic - 2010 - Filozofija I Društvo 21 (2):71-95.
    Autor ovoga clanka imao je intenciju da se analizom primitivnog mentaliteta ranih drustvenih zajednica probije do novog znacenja i smisla toga pojma. Takodje i da ukaze na eventualne refleksije duha i svesti nasih predaka na nas, ovde i sada. Prvi deo rada posvecen je kritickom promisljanju antropoloskih sporova koji su nastali povodom rasudne moci takozvanih primitivaca. Krucijalno pitanje je u sledecem: da li je razlika izmedju?primitivnog? i?civilizovanog? mentaliteta fundamentalna ili je ona moguca samo u odredjenom stepenu. Pojam primitivnog mentaliteta autor (...)
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    Kič kultura.Nikola Božilović - 2006 - Niš: Zograf.
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    Probability in Theories With Complex Dynamics and Hardy’s Fifth Axiom.Nikola Burić - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (8):1081-1087.
    L. Hardy has formulated an axiomatization program of quantum mechanics and generalized probability theories that has been quite influential. In this paper, properties of typical Hamiltonian dynamical systems are used to argue that there are applications of probability in physical theories of systems with dynamical complexity that require continuous spaces of pure states. Hardy’s axiomatization program does not deal with such theories. In particular Hardy’s fifth axiom does not differentiate between such applications of classical probability and quantum probability.
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    Illustrations.Nikola Chardonnens & Michael Lackner - 2014 - In Nikola Chardonnens & Michael Lackner, Polyphony Embodied - Freedom and Fate in Gao Xingjian’s Writings. De Gruyter.
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    Index of Works by Gao Xingjian.Nikola Chardonnens & Michael Lackner - 2014 - In Nikola Chardonnens & Michael Lackner, Polyphony Embodied - Freedom and Fate in Gao Xingjian’s Writings. De Gruyter. pp. 259-260.
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    Untätige Gauner« und »Junge Mädchen.Nikola Mirkovic - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2020 (1):105-113.
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    Editorial.Susanne Brauer Nikola Biller‐Andorno - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (3):ii-iv.
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