Results for 'Niels Willem BOKHOVE'

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  1. Bibliographie der Schriften von Theodor Lipps.Niels W. Bokhove & Karl Schuhmann - 1991 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 45 (1):112-130.
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  2. Voorbij de kalme zonneschijn van de geest.Willem Lemmens & Niels Jørgen CAPPELØRN - 2010 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 72 (3):423.
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    The Causality Problem in Atomic Physics.Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg & Evert Willem Beth - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (1):66-66.
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    Human Person in Science and Theology.Niels Henrik Gregersen, Willem Drees & Ulf Görman - 2000 - A&C Black.
    The dialogue between science and theology is no longer confined to discussing theology, physics and biology, but, as these essays make clear, sociology, psychology & neuroscience are now open for discussions between theologians and scientists.
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  5. Studies in Science and Theology, vol. 7(1999–2000), University of Aarhus, Aarhus.Niels Henrik Gregersen, Ulf Görman & Willem B. Drees (eds.) - 2000
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    Is the syllable frame stored?Willem J. M. Levelt & Niels O. Schiller - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (4):520-520.
    This commentary discusses whether abstract metrical frames are stored. For stress-assigning languages (e.g., Dutch and English), which have a dominant stress pattern, metrical frames are stored only for words that deviate from the default stress pattern. The majority of the words in these languages are produced without retrieving any independent syllabic or metrical frame.
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  7. Lyn Frazier, Maria nella Carminati, Anne E. cook, Helen Majewski and Keith Rayner (university of massachusetts) semantic evaluation of syntactic structure: Evidence from eye movements, b53–b62 Andrea Weber (saarland university), Martine Grice (university of cologne) and Matthew W. Crocker (saarland university). [REVIEW]Tania Lombrozo, Susan Carey, Joana Cholin, Willem Jm Levelt, Niels O. Schiller, Rebecca J. Woods & Teresa Wilcox - 2006 - Cognition 99:385-387.
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    Resonance: From Physics to Theology.Niels Henrik Gregersen - 2024 - In Anne Runehov & Michael Fuller, Science, Religion, the Humanities and Hope: Essays in Honour of Willem B. Drees. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 19-32.
    Resonance is a ubiquitous phenomenon in the world of physics and biology, emerging from energy exchanges between interrelated but distinct systems. Resonance experiences, by contrast, are widespread in the human and animal world but not ubiquitous. This essay discusses theological and ethical aspects of resonance theory, particularly pertaining to everyday human experiences of resonance in relation to the more-than-human world. Consistently, resonance experiences intersect the human and the non-human world, and the phenomenon of resonance may thus serve as a bridging (...)
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    Sacred Polities, Natural Law and the Law of Nations in the 16th-17th Centuries.Hans Willem Blom (ed.) - 2022 - Boston: BRILL.
    A fresh look at the importance of natural and international law in the religious politics at the heartlands of the Reformation, from the Low Countries, the German principalities up to Transylvania; from Niels Hemmingsen to Gian Battista Vico; from religious reasons for the universalist claims of natural law to political arguments for the sacred polity, their tension and creative potential.
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    Bohr Niels. The causality problem in atomic physics. New theories in physics, Conference organized in collaboration with The International Union of Physics and The Polish Intellectual Co-operation Committee, Warsaw, May 30th-June 3rd 1938, International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation, Paris 1939, pp. 11–38. Discussion, pp. 38–45, by C. Białobrzeski, L. Brillouin, Jean-Louis Destouches, J. von Neumann, and the author.Heisenberg Werner. Language and reality in modern physics. Physics and philosophy, The revolution in modern science, by Heisenberg Werner, Harper & Brothers, New York 1958, pp. 167–186.Beth Evert Willem. Die Stellung der Logik im Gebäude der heutigen Wissenschaft. Studium generate, vol. 8 , pp. 425–431. [REVIEW]Alfons Borgers - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (1):66-66.
  11. The Human Person in Science and Theology. Edited by Niels Henrik Gregersen, Will cm R. Drees, and Ull Gorman. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2000. 230 pages. $25.00 (paper). Niels Henrik Gregersen, a theologian at the University or Aarhus, Denmark, Willem B. Drees, chaired professor ot nam re and tech nologv ai the I'niversirv of. [REVIEW]Gkanvm I. I. C. Hi Nry - 2004 - Zygon 39 (3-4):724.
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  12. New theory about old evidence. A framework for open-minded Bayesianism.Sylvia9 Wenmackers & Jan-Willem Romeijn - 2016 - Synthese 193 (4).
    We present a conservative extension of a Bayesian account of confirmation that can deal with the problem of old evidence and new theories. So-called open-minded Bayesianism challenges the assumption—implicit in standard Bayesianism—that the correct empirical hypothesis is among the ones currently under consideration. It requires the inclusion of a catch-all hypothesis, which is characterized by means of sets of probability assignments. Upon the introduction of a new theory, the former catch-all is decomposed into a new empirical hypothesis and a new (...)
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    Participation and Degrees.Jan Willem Wieland - 2022 - Utilitas 34 (1):39-56.
    What's wrong with joining corona parties? In this article, I defend the idea that reasons to avoid such parties come in degrees. I approach this issue from a participation-based perspective. Specifically, I argue that the more people are already joining the party, and the more likely it is that the virus will spread among everyone, the stronger the participation-based reason not to join. In defense of these degrees, I argue that they covary with the expression of certain attitudes.
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    Analysing Thought Experiments.Jan Willem Wieland & Matthijs Endt - 2017 - Teaching Philosophy 40 (3):367-383.
    Philosophers such as Gettier, Frankfurt, and Thomson are famous for their thought experiments. This makes one wonder: how did they invent their cases? Were they just lucky to devise a good case, or did they follow some basic rules that are available to all of us? In this paper, we argue for the latter answer by presenting a guidebook for analysing thought experiments. Our guidebook clearly specifies which factors should be included in a thought experiment, and which factors should be (...)
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  15. What's Special about Moral Ignorance?Jan Willem Wieland - 2017 - Ratio 30 (2).
    According to an influential view by Elizabeth Harman, moral ignorance, as opposed to factual ignorance, never excuses one from blame. In defense of this view, Harman appeals to the following considerations: that moral ignorance always implies a lack of good will, and that moral truth is always accessible. In this paper, I clearly distinguish these considerations, and present challenges to both. If my arguments are successful, sometimes moral ignorance excuses.
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    Highly Recommended? How Relation-Specific Attachment Styles Bias Customers Willingness to Recommend.Willem J. M. I. Verbeke, Maarten J. Gijsenberg, Larissa M. E. Hendriks, Jelle T. Bouma & Linda H. Teunter - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  17. Responsibility for Strategic Ignorance.Jan Willem Wieland - 2017 - Synthese 194 (11):4477-4497.
    Strategic ignorance is a widespread phenomenon. In a laboratory setting, many participants avoid learning information about the consequences of their behaviour in order to act egoistically. In real life, many consumers avoid information about their purchases or the working conditions in which they were produced in order to retain their lifestyle. The question is whether agents are blameworthy for such strategically ignorant behaviour. In this paper, I explore quality of will resources, according to which agents are blameworthy, roughly, depending on (...)
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    The role of attachment styles in regulating the effects of dopamine on the behavior of salespersons.Willem Verbeke, Richard P. Bagozzi & Wouter E. van den Berg - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  19. When envy leads to schadenfreude.Niels van de Ven, Charles E. Hoogland, Richard H. Smith, Wilco W. van Dijk, Seger M. Breugelmans & Marcel Zeelenberg - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (6):1007-1025.
    Previous research has yielded inconsistent findings concerning the relationship between envy and schadenfreude. Three studies examined whether the distinction between benign and malicious envy can resolve this inconsistency. We found that malicious envy is related to schadenfreude, while benign envy is not. This result held both in the Netherlands where benign and malicious envy are indicated by separate words (Study 1: Sample A, N = 139; Sample B, N = 150), and in the USA where a single word is used (...)
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    Are smokers less deserving of expensive treatment? A randomised controlled trial that goes beyond official values.Joar Björk, Niels Lynøe & Niklas Juth - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):28.
    To investigate whether Swedish physicians, contrary to Swedish health care policy, employ considerations of patient responsibility for illness when rationing expensive treatments.
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    Exploring the Effect of Attachment Styles and Winning or Losing a Status Contest on Testosterone Levels.Willem J. Verbeke, Frank Belschak, Tsachi Ein-Dor, Richard P. Bagozzi & Michaéla Schippers - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  22. Overzicht der staatkundige denkbeelden van Johan Rudolf Thorbecke (1798-1872).Willem Verkade - 1935 - Arnhem,: Van Loghum Slaterus' iutgeversmaatschappij n.v..
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  23. Sceptical Rationality.Jan Willem Wieland - 2014 - Analytic Philosophy 55 (1):222-238.
    It is widely assumed that it is rational to suspend one’s belief regarding a certain proposition only if one’s evidence is neutral regarding that proposition. In this paper I broaden this condition, and defend, on the basis of an improved ancient argument, that it is rational to suspend one’s belief even if the available evidence is not neutral – or even close to neutral.
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    On the counterfactual nature of envy: “It could have been me”.Niels van de Ven & Marcel Zeelenberg - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (6):954-971.
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    The Legacy and interpretation of Kierkegaard.Lars Bejerholm, Niels Thulstrup & Marie Mikulová Thulstrup (eds.) - 1981 - Copenhagen: Reitzel.
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    Hvad en revolution fortæller os.Niels Glæsner - 2015 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 71:261-265.
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  27. Studies in Science and Theology, vol. 9(2003–2004), Lunds Universitet, Lund.Ulf Görman, Willem B. Drees & Hubert Meisinger (eds.) - 2004
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    Det nye menneske: efter naturalisme og eksistentialisme: et religionsfilosofisk essay.Niels Grønkjær - 2017 - København: Eksistensen.
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  29. Zur modernen Deutung der Aristotelischen Logik. Bd III: Modallogik und Mehrwertigkeit.Albert Menne & Niels Öffenberger - 1992 - Studia Leibnitiana 24 (1):121-124.
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  30. Opdrageren mellem to grøfter.Niels Nøjgaard - 1953 - [København]: G.E.C. Gad.
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    La conception stoïcienne du bonheur chez Montesquieu et chez quelques-uns de ses contemporains.Machiel Willem Rombout - 1958 - Leiden,: Universitaire Pers Leiden.
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    Decency versus justice: the call for morality in the Netherlands.Jan Willem Sap - 1997 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
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    De pyrronistische zaak.Jan Willem Wieland - 2012 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 74 (3):523-532.
    This article critically reviews a new collection on Pyrrhonism edited by Diego Machuca, Pyrrhonism in Ancient, Modern, and Contemporary Philosophy, which fits within the recent focus on the systematic, philosophical import of Pyrrhonism. In this article I both situate and summarize the problems posed by the authors regarding the Pyrrhonist's position (concerning its coherence, its theoretical motivation, and its practical motivation), and indicate to what extent Pyrrhonists might be able to meet them. I conclude that, so far, Pyrrhonism, i.e. the (...)
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    Can the University Escape From the Labyrinth of Technology? Part 1: Rethinking the Intellectual and Professional Division of Labor and its Knowledge Infrastructure.Willem H. Vanderburg - 2006 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 26 (3):171-177.
    The role tradition played in preindustrial societies has been supplanted by the decisions of countless specialists organized by means of an intellectual and professional division of labor shaping a knowledge infrastructure that sustains these decisions. Three limitations of this knowledge system are discussed: (a) on the macrolevel, it imposes an end-of-pipe approach for dealing with the undesired consequences of decision making, rarely getting to the root of any problem; (b) on the microlevel, individual practitioners of a specialty are trapped in (...)
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    Can the University Escape From the Labyrinth of Technology? Part 3: A Strategy for Transforming the Professions.Willem H. Vanderburg - 2006 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 26 (3):189-203.
    This third part continues the exploration of how we can overcome the limitations of the present knowledge system. In preparation, two aspects of current engineering theory and practice are examined because they are paradigmatic: the concept that engineering is essentially problem-solving, which goes against our understanding of human skill acquisition, and the existence of parallel modes of knowing technology derived from professional education and practice and from living in a society permeated by technology. The former suspends practitioners in the previously (...)
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  36. Access and the Shirker Problem.Jan Willem Wieland - 2015 - American Philosophical Quarterly 52 (3):289-300.
    The Access principle places an epistemic restriction on our obligations. This principle falls prey to the ‘Shirker Problem’, namely that shirkers could evade their obligations by evading certain epistemic circumstances. To block this problem, it has been suggested that shirkers have the obligation to learn their obligations. This solution yields a regress, yet it is controversial what the moral of the regress actually is. The aim of this paper is two-fold. First, I spell out this intricate dispute. Second, on the (...)
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    Can the University Escape From the Labyrinth of Technology? Part 4: Extending the Strategy to Medicine, the Social Sciences, and the University.Willem H. Vanderburg - 2006 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 26 (3):204-216.
    This fourth part outlines a strategy for overcoming the limitations of the knowledge system for engineering by combining intellectual maps, preventive approaches, umbrella concepts, and round tables as described in the earlier parts. A discussion of the issues faced by modern medicine illustrates the paradigmatic nature of the diagnosis and prescription made for engineering. The social sciences face mirror-image problems. One response has been the rise of new disciplines such as communications, environmental studies, urban affairs, criminology, and policy studies. To (...)
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    Children’s Grammars Grow More Abstract with Age-Evidence from an Automatic Procedure for Identifying the Productive Units of Language.Gideon Borensztajn, Willem Zuidema & Rens Bod - 2009 - Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (1):175-188.
    We develop an approach to automatically identify the most probable multiword constructions used in children’s utterances, given syntactically annotated utterances from the Brown corpus of CHILDES. The found constructions cover many interesting linguistic phenomena from the language acquisition literature and show a progression from very concrete toward abstract constructions. We show quantitatively that for all children of the Brown corpus grammatical abstraction, defined as the relative number of variable slots in the productive units of their grammar, increases globally with age.
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    A Theory of Instrument-Specific Absolute Pitch.Lindsey Reymore & Niels Chr Hansen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  40. Wide physical realization.Willem M. de Muynck - 2003 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 46 (1):97-111.
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    I. Begründungsfragen.Niels Gottschalk-Mazouz - 2000 - In Diskursethik: Theorien, Entwicklungen, Perspektiven. De Gruyter. pp. 27-108.
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    Literatur.Niels Gottschalk-Mazouz - 2000 - In Diskursethik: Theorien, Entwicklungen, Perspektiven. De Gruyter. pp. 295-302.
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    Personenregister.Niels Gottschalk-Mazouz - 2000 - In Diskursethik: Theorien, Entwicklungen, Perspektiven. De Gruyter. pp. 303-304.
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    Über den Folgerungsbegriff in der aristotelischen Logik.Albert Menne & Niels Öffenberger (eds.) - 1982 - New York: G. Olms.
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    Zur modernen Deutung der aristotelischen Logik.Albert Menne & Niels Öffenberger (eds.) - 1982 - New York: G. Olms.
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    Science, Religion, and Public Policy.Arthur C. Petersen & Willem B. Drees - 2018 - Zygon 53 (4):945-952.
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    Miracles persist: a reply to Sus.James Read & Niels Linnemann - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (1):1-10.
    In a recent article in this journal, Sus purports to account for what have been identified as the ‘two miracles’ of general relativity—that (1) the local symmetries of all dynamical equations for matter fields coincide, and (2) the symmetries of the dynamical equations governing matter fields coincide locally with the symmetries of the metric field—by application of the familiar result that every symmetry of the action is also a symmetry of the resulting equations of motion. In this reply, we argue (...)
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  48. Does information matter?Paul Davies & Niels Henrik Gregersen - 2010 - In Paul Davies & Niels Henrik Gregersen, Information and the nature of reality: from physics to metaphysics. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Moderne logica.Evert Willem Beth - 1967 - Assen,: Van Gorcum.
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  50. A letter concerning an early draft of Spinoza's treatise on religion and politics.Hans Willem Blom & J. M. Kerkhoven - 1985 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 1:371-380.
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