Results for 'Nicolae Paulescu, Dumnezeu, Apologie, Fiziologie, Ştiinţă, Teologie'

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  1. Studii de teologie morală.Nicolae - 1969 - Sibiu: Editura și Tipografia Arhiepiscopiei.
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    Candice Delmas, Le devoir de résister. Apologie de la désobéissance incivile, Paris : Hermann, 2022, 364 pages. [REVIEW]Nicolas Lacroix - 2023 - Philosophiques 50 (2):420-426.
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    [ Sans Titre - No Title ]Candice Delmas, Le devoir de résister. Apologie de la désobéissance incivile, Paris : Hermann, 2022, 364 pages. [REVIEW]Nicolas Lacroix - 2023 - Philosophiques 50 (2):420.
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    Dumnezeul gândurilor mărunte.Nicolae Turcan - 2009 - Cluj: Limes.
    O carte de cugetări, în care se întâlnește tradiția ortodoxă a Răsăritului creștin cu gândirea filosofică occidentală. „Simulez viața, ca să par la fel cu cei ce trăiesc. Îi ascult ce discută, pentru a ști cum discută oamenii. Dar de fiecare dată rămân mut de uimire. De când am început să cred în Dumnezeu am uitat atât de multe încât sunt mai aproape de extratereștri decât de oamenii fără zei, «oamenii naturali», «bunii sălbatici».”.
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  5. Concepte Deschise: Simbolul Între Istoria Religiilor Și Teologie. Mircea Eliade - Alexander Schmemann.Adrian Boldisor - 2014 - In SIMPOZIONUL NAȚIONAL „CONSTANTIN NOICA”, Ediția a VI-a, „CONCEPTE DESCHISE”. București: Editura Academiei Române. pp. 234-247.
    Simbolismul religios a trezit mereu interesul cercetătorilor din domenii diferite de activitate, lumea întreagă reprezentând un mare simbol ce trebuie să fie descifrat. În dorința de a înțelege sensurile universului înconjurător, oamenii de știință au folosit descoperirile din domenii conexe pentru a-și formula propriile teorii. În acest sens, se pot realiza conexiuni pertinente între felurile în care istoricul religiilor Mircea Eliade și teologul ortodox Alexander Schmemann au definit simbolul și felul în care acesta este prezent în viața de zi cu (...)
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  6. Relația dintre misiune și eclesiologie în viziunea Pr. Prof. Ion Bria.Doru Marcu - 2022 - Craiova: Editura Mitropolia Olteniei.
    Cartea de față este teza de doctorat în Teologie a autorului, alcătuită și susținută în cadrul Școlii Doctorale „Sf. Nicodim” a Universității din Craiova, în noiembrie 2021. Lucrarea se remarcă prin rigurozitatea și amploarea cercetării teologice despre o temă actuală în misiologie, anume relația dintre misiune și eclesiologie. În acest sens, opera și personalitatea Pr. Prof. Ion Bria sunt punctele de referință pentru susținerea dimensiunii misionare a Bisericii Ortodoxe. Amintim că Pr. Ion Bria ne-a fost un apropiat, mai ales (...)
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    Mimesis, fiction, paradoxes.Françoise Lavocat - 2010 - Methodos 10.
    Les théories contemporaines de la fiction, comme les poétiques de la Renaissance, privilégient une conception de la mimesis fondée sur la vraisemblance : la démonstration du profit cognitif et moral de la fiction passe toujours par une définition de l’imitation (de quelque façon qu’on la définisse) fondée sur la rationalité. L’auteur de cet article examine tout d’abord le statut des contradictions et de l’impossible chez quelques théoriciens actuels (principalement J.-M. Schaeffer, M.-L. Ryan, L. Doležel) et poéticiens du 16e siècle (L. (...)
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    Existentialism as Philosophy of the Possible.Nicola Abbagnano & Daniele Fulvi - 2020 - Journal of Continental Philosophy 1 (2):260-276.
    In this paper Abbagnano outlines his conception of “positive existentialism” as a philosophy of freedom and of responsible choice, in opposition to any form of dogmatism. In our everyday existence, we constantly face possibilities, meaning we are always required to make choices between the different alternatives we are presented with. Abbagnano thus argues that philosophy must provide a criterion for our existential choices, which he identifies in the possible itself. Existentialism is then understood as that philosophy which establishes valid criteria (...)
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    Fra il tutto e il nulla.Nicola Abbagnano - 1973 - Milano,: Rizzoli.
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  10. Guglielmo di Ockham.Nicola Abbagnano - 1933 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 40 (1):14-15.
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    La filosofia medievale.Nicola Abbagnano - 1963 - Bari,: Laterza.
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    La saggezza della vita.Nicola Abbagnano - 1985 - Milano: Rusconi.
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    Outline of a philosophy of existence.Nicola Abbagnano - 1948 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 9 (2):200-211.
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    Philosophy In Italy: PHILOSOPHY.Nicola Abbagnano - 1956 - Philosophy 31 (118):253-255.
    About a year ago some important philosophical works were published in Italy which, both in the agreement and in the divergence of the trends they indicate, may be useful for characterizing the present situation of Italian philosophy. I think it opportune, therefore, for the information of the English reader, to give a fuller notice of these books than usual. One of them is by Ugo Spirito, La vita come amore , with the subtitle “The downfall of Christian civilization ”. Ugo (...)
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    Per o contro l'uomo.Nicola Abbagnano - 1968 - Milano,: Rizzoli.
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    Saggi di critica delle scienze.Nicola Abbagnano (ed.) - 1950 - Torino: F. de Silva.
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  17. Sobre el método de la filosofía.Nicola Abbagnano - 1957 - Dianoia 3 (3):191.
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    Knowing our nature: A note on Régis’ response to Malebranche.Fred Ablondi - 2007 - History of European Ideas 33 (2):135-141.
    Nicolas Malebranche was the first Cartesian philosopher to challenge Descartes’ claim that we are capable of possessing a clear and distinct understanding of the soul's nature. Other Cartesians, including Clauberg, La Forge, and Cordemoy, accepted without question the conclusion of the Second Meditation that the nature of the soul is better known than is the nature of body. After presenting an overview of Malebranche's argument, this note turns to the Cartesian philosopher Pierre-Sylvain Régis. Régis, like the Cartesians before Malebranche, sides (...)
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  19. Plato lezen: liefde, filosofie en democratie in de Apologie van Socrates.Emiliano Acosta - 2020 - Brussel: Uitgeverij VUBPRESS.
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    The Foundations of Economic Policy: Values and Techniques.Nicola Acocella - 1998 - Cambridge University Press.
    Recent developments in public economics have largely been in the direction of reaffirming the limits of the market and of establishing new ones. The possible existence of fundamental non-convexities, imperfect and asymmetric information, incentive compatibility, imperfect competition, strategic complementarity, and scale economies led to the conclusion that a large set of market failures exist; such situations also imply government failure. Acocella, considers this complicated picture and provides a discussion of the different approaches to establishing social 'rankings' of the possible situations (...)
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  21. Notes arméno-byzantines: Les Dalassènes,'.Nicolas Adontz - 1935 - Byzantion 10:171-85.
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    Skyrmions: A Great Finishing Touch to Classical Newtonian Philosophy.Maricel Agop & Nicolae Mazilu (eds.) - 2011 - Nova Science Publisher.
    This book continues the classical Newtonian theory in both its initial spirit and the spirit of general relativity. It throws a bridge between classical Newtonian theory of forces and some contemporary concepts of the atomic, nuclear and particle theories. This book takes the Skyrme theory of nuclear matter mainly from the point of view that it allows the initial analogy between the atomic edifice and the solar system in all details. Especially important is the detail that the atomic nucleus works (...)
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  23. Hacia la nueva reforma política.Liévano Aguirre & Nicolás[From Old Catalog] - 1953 - Bogotá,: Impr. Municipal.
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    Validity and diagnostics of the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (RMET) in non-demented amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients.Edoardo Nicolò Aiello, Laura Carelli, Federica Solca, Silvia Torre, Roberta Ferrucci, Alberto Priori, Federico Verde, Vincenzo Silani, Nicola Ticozzi & Barbara Poletti - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThe aim of this study was to explore the construct validity and diagnostic properties of the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test in non-demented patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.MaterialsA total of 61 consecutive patients and 50 healthy controls were administered the 36-item RMET. Additionally, patients underwent a comprehensive assessment of social cognition via the Story-Based Empathy Task, which encompasses three subtests targeting Causal Inference, Emotion Attribution, and Intention Attribution, as well as global cognitive [the Edinburgh Cognitive and Behavioral ALS (...)
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    Sleep-Related Attentional Bias in Insomnia: Time to Examine Moderating Factors?Umair Akram, Nicola L. Barclay & Bronwyn Milkins - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    COVID-19-Related Restrictions and Quarantine COVID-19: Effects on Cardiovascular and Yo-Yo Test Performance in Professional Soccer Players. [REVIEW]Lucas de Albuquerque Freire, Márcio Tannure, Márcio Sampaio, Maamer Slimani, Hela Znazen, Nicola Luigi Bragazzi, Esteban Aedo-Muñoz, Dany Alexis Sobarzo Soto, Ciro José Brito & Bianca Miarka - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The present study aimed to verify the quarantine’s effects during a serious viral outbreak on the cardiovascular and performance associated with the Yo-Yo test in a sample of professional soccer players. 20 high-level soccer players participated in this study. The intermittent Yo-Yo test was performed pre- and post- COVID-19 quarantine in a random order. During each test, the soccer players’ running performance outcomes were monitored using a portable 5-Hz GPS with a 100 Hz accelerometer and a paired t-test was conducted (...)
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    Joseph Ratzingers Apologie des Christentums: Bibeldeutung auf der Basis einer spiritualistischen Metaphysik.Hans Albert - 2007 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 59 (1):14-35.
    Ratzinger's Apology of Christianity can be characterized as an interpretation of the Bible based on spiritualist metaphysics. This paper is a critical analysis of the central theses and arguments of his book against the background of critical rationalism.
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    Structuring didactic materials on the web (STRUCT).Marco Alfano, Nicola Cuscino & Biagio Lenzitti - 2009 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 42 (1):51.
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    Diabetes and oral health: doctors' knowledge, perception and practices.Rola Al-Habashneh, Nicola Barghout, Lewis Humbert, Yousef Khader & Hayder Alwaeli - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (5):976-980.
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    ¿Qué concepción del conocimiento necesita la versión epistémica de la democracia deliberativa? Una propuesta de clasificación.Nicolás Alles - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68 (171):161-184.
    El presente artículo intenta desarrollar los elementos de una concepción del conocimientoque resulte operativa para una versión epistémica de la democracia deliberativa.Se intenta superar algunas limitaciones de los modelos epistémico-deliberativosactuales y profundizar la relación entre conocimiento, deliberación y legitimidad.
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    Verdad moral Y democracia en Carlos Nino.Nicolás E. Alles - 2016 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 44:99-126.
    El artículo analiza algunos aspectos de la concepción de verdad moral que presenta el filósofo argentino Carlos Nino. En particular, intentaremos probar dos puntos. En primer lugar, buscaremos mostrar que las concepciones de verdad moral y de democracia deliberativa formuladas por Nino son incompatibles con un idealismo de corte platónico, a diferencia de lo que sostienen algunos análisis teóricos que aquí discutiremos. La postura constructivista que Nino sostiene es lo que impide pensarla desde puntos de vista trascendentes. En segundo lugar, (...)
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    Rancière, Jacques (2019). Disenso. Ensayos sobre estética y política.Emilio Nicolás Alochis - 2021 - Páginas de Filosofía 22 (25):138-144.
    Se trata de una reseña del libro de Jacques Rancière. Disenso. Ensayos sobre estética y política, primera edición en español. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 275 páginas.
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    Le cartésianisme de Malebranche.Ferdinand Alquié - 1974 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
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    Magic Sets for disjunctive Datalog programs.Mario Alviano, Wolfgang Faber, Gianluigi Greco & Nicola Leone - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence 187-188 (C):156-192.
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    Una narración fundacional para una antropología filosófica chilena: raza chilena de nicolás palacios.Miguel Alvarado & Héctor Fernández - 2011 - Cinta de Moebio 40:47-63.
    Este artículo propone que Palacios enuncia los elementos esenciales para un esbozo sistemático de una antropología filosófica, no exenta de las influencias de los pensadores de su época, principalmente racistas y evolucionistas, pero se separa de estos al intentar dar una visión panorámica del mesti..
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    “Cuando voy al trabajo…”: Cuerpo y oficio de Panaderos en el contexto de la narrativa chilena reciente.Lorena Amaro - 2020 - Aisthesis 68 (68):249-270.
    “Ponerle el cuerpo al trabajo” es en Chile tanto una expresión popular que resalta la materia-lidad del esfuerzo en todo tipo de actividad económica, como también una metáfora que nos lleva a reflexionar sobre la “falta de cuerpo” de la narrativa reciente, en que escasos relatos corporeizan las voces y experiencias de sus narradorxs a partir del trabajo físico/manual. Este artículo aborda una excepción, la novela Panaderos, de Nicolás Meneses, que presenta con detalle la cotidianidad de una madre temporera, un (...)
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    Politics and Commonality of Sensation from a Reading of Merleau-Ponty.Razvan Amironesei & Louis-Étienne Pigeon - 2017 - Substance 46 (1):69-89.
    During the afternoon of December 21, 1989, in Bucharest, a mass of demonstrators gather in a public square at the request of Nicolae Ceausescu, then president of Romania. In the previous days, students had shaken the country by taking to the streets in protest in the city of Timisoara. These mass protests had been preceded that year by a wave of other social movements that took place in Poland, Hungary, East Germany, Bulgaria, and Czechoslovakia. Now in a broadcast from (...)
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    La dimensión simbólica del arte en Nicolás de Cusa.Joâo Maria André - 1995 - Anuario Filosófico 28 (3):547-582.
    The article begins by placing Nicholas of Cusa's ideas in the context of Mysticism, whilst, at the same time, establishing the continuing actuality of the topic. After a short review of the concept of art as an imitation of nature through Antiquity and the Middle Ages, the second part of the essay deals with the originality of the Germán Cardinal's development of the concept of "imitatio" and the relation he posits between art and nature. The third part explores some significant (...)
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    Le siège cérébral des facultés mentales au XVIIe siècle.Raphaële Andrault - 2023 - Astérion 28 (28).
    In 1810, Gall and Spurzheim proposed the following diagnosis: the scant of knowledge of the cerebral substratum responsible for mental faculties must be attributed to the excessive subservience of anatomy to metaphysics. In this article, we examine this historic judgement with reference to Niels Steensen’s Discourse on the Anatomy of the Brain. By presenting the cerebral localisation “systems” of which Steensen is critical (those proposed by the “ancients”, by Thomas Willis and Descartes), we will firstly provide an overview of the (...)
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    Séparation conjugale, clivage parental et construction identitaire de l’enfant.Nicolas Andrades - 2023 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 241 (3):111-125.
    Les espaces de rencontre enfants/parents (ou erep ) sont des lieux dédiés aux rencontres d’un parent et de son ou ses enfants, dans un contexte de conflit conjugal rendant impossible l’exercice de droits de visite classiques. Ils peuvent être la scène de vécus difficiles pour les enfants concernés. Cet article propose, à travers le récit détaillé puis une lecture interprétative d’une vignette clinique concernant un enfant de 6 ans venant rencontrer son père en erep, la mise en évidence, à l’aide (...)
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    Infringing Software Property Rights: Ontological, Methodological, and Ethical Questions.Nicola Angius & Giuseppe Primiero - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 33 (2):283-308.
    This paper contributes to the computer ethics debate on software ownership protection by examining the ontological, methodological, and ethical problems related to property right infringement that should come prior to any legal discussion. The ontological problem consists in determining precisely what it is for a computer program to be a copy of another one, a largely neglected problem in computer ethics. The methodological problem is defined as the difficulty of deciding whether a given software system is a copy of another (...)
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    Los límites de la metafísica según Nicolas Béguelin, un contemporáneo de Kant.Misericòrdia Anglès Cervelló - 1992 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 4:155-162.
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  43. A new ideal leadership profile for Romania.Nicolae Bibu [ - 2010 - In Carla Millar & Eve Poole, Ethical leadership: global challenges and perspectives. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  44. Mapping the Aesthetic Mind: John Dennis and Nicolas Boileau.Ann T. Delehanty - 2007 - Journal of the History of Ideas 68 (2):233-253.
    This essay shows how two early modern literary critics, John Dennis and Nicolas Boileau, sought to map out how the mind came to know the transcendental aspects of a literary work, specifically poetry. Both theorize a non-rational faculty rooted in sensible experience which is able to gain knowledge outside of reason's grasp. The essay argues that each writer uses a religious model to describe the profoundest intellectual effects of poetry. This appropriation of a religious model, however, results in an inability (...)
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    Buite-aardse rasionaliteit: Uitvlug in fantasie of grootste uitdaging ooit aan filosofie en teologie?A. J. Antonites - 1996 - HTS Theological Studies 52 (1).
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  46. Abraham, Nicolas, Rhythms on the Work, Translation, and Psychoanalysis. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1995. Anderson, Walter Truett, Evolution Isn't What It Used to Be. New York: WH Freeman and Company, 1996. [REVIEW]Karl-Otto Apel, Atlantic Highlands, Daniel C. Arichea, Howard A. Hatton, Stanley Aronowitz & William DiFazio - 1996 - Semiotica 112 (3/4):421-427.
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  47. Libanius. Apologie des Sokrates, übersetz und erläutert.Otto Apelt - 1923 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 30 (3):13-13.
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  48. Justin de Naplouse devient Justin Martyr (1 Apologie 2,4).Gabriella Aragione - 2007 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 139 (2):127-141.
    Dans son Apologie, Justin structure son discours selon un double plan: il se prononce en faveur des chrétiens injustement haïs, mais aussi, de manière plus personnelle, comme quelqu�un qui pressent l�approche de sa condamnation et s�y prépare en assumant le rôle du sage qui, sur le point de mourir, fustige l�autorité politique, sans en craindre les conséquences. En recourant à un topos littéraire très connu dans l�Antiquité, Justin se «construit» une image de mort honorable au sein de sa communauté.
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    Open economics. Economics in relation to other disciplines. Richard Arena; Sheila Dow & Matthias Klaes (eds).Richard Arena, Sheila Dow, Matthias Klaes, Brian J. Loasby, Bruna Ingrao, Pier Luigi Porta, Sergio Volodia Cremaschi, Mark Harrison, Alain Clément, Ludovic Desmedt, Nicola Giocoli, Giovanna Garrone, Roberto Marchionatti, Maurice Lagueux, Michele Alacevich, Andrea Costa, Giovanna Vertova, Hugh Goodacre, Joachim Zweynert & Isabelle This Saint-Jean - 2009 - Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
    Economics has developed into one of the most specialised social sciences. Yet at the same time, it shares its subject matter with other social sciences and humanities and its method of analysis has developed in close correspondence with the natural and life sciences. This book offers an up to date assessment of economics in relation to other disciplines. -/- This edited collection explores fields as diverse as mathematics, physics, biology, medicine, sociology, architecture, and literature, drawing from selected contributions to the (...)
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    Dalla neuroeconomia alla neuroetica: verso una neuroscienza delle decisioni individuali e socio-morali.Maria Arioli & Nicola Canessa - 2017 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 8 (2):134-150.
    Riassunto: Neuroeconomia e neuroetica sono settori delle neuroscienze cognitive che studiano i correlati neurali di aspetti distinti, sebbene strettamente interconnessi, del processo decisionale. Mentre la neuroeconomia studia i meccanismi cerebrali che guidano verso la massimizzazione dell’utilità economica personale, la neuroetica integra tali conoscenze con quelle fornite dalle neuroscienze sociali per affrontare domande tipiche dell'etica e della filosofia morale. Gli studi oggi disponibili in questo ambito vengono qui discussi al fine di mettere a confronto l’ipotesi secondo cui le scelte economiche individuali (...)
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