Results for 'Nicholas Haritos'

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  1.  10
    Accuracy of Satellite-Measured Wave Heights in the Australian Region for Wave Power Applications.Nicholas Haritos, Lu Aye & Siân E. Meath - 2008 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 28 (3):244-255.
    This article focuses on the accuracy of satellite data, which may then be used in wave power applications. The satellite data are compared to data from wave buoys, which are currently considered to be the most accurate of the devices available for measuring wave characteristics. This article presents an analysis of satellite- (Topex/poseidon) and buoy-measured significant wave heights for a 1-year period at Cape Sorell and Rottnest Island, off the Australian coast. The analysis found that the satellite-measured wave heights showed (...)
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  2. Patients, doctors and risk attitudes.Nicholas Makins - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (11):737-741.
    A lively topic of debate in decision theory over recent years concerns our understanding of the different risk attitudes exhibited by decision makers. There is ample evidence that risk-averse and risk-seeking behaviours are widespread, and a growing consensus that such behaviour is rationally permissible. In the context of clinical medicine, this matter is complicated by the fact that healthcare professionals must often make choices for the benefit of their patients, but the norms of rational choice are conventionally grounded in a (...)
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  3. Quasi-fideist Presuppositionalism: Cornelius Van Til, Wittgenstein, and Hinge Epistemology.Nicholas Smith - 2023 - Philosophia Reformata 88 (1):26-48.
    I argue that the epistemology underlying Cornelius Van Til’s presuppositional apologetic methodology is quasi-fideist. According to this view, the rationality of religious belief is dependent on absolutely certain ungrounded grounds, called hinges. I further argue that the quasi-fideist epistemology of presuppositional apologetics explains why Van Til’s method is neither fideist nor problematically circular: hinges are rational in the sense that they are partly constitutive of rationality, and all beliefs (not just religious ones) depend on hinges. In addition, it illuminates something (...)
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  4. What Lakatos Overlooked: A Metaphysical “Hard Core” of Unity for Science.Nicholas Maxwell - unknown
    Lakatos held that science proceeds by means of competing research programme, each with its own “hard core” or paradigm. He intended this view to reconcile the competing views of Kuhn and Popper. But what Lakatos overlooked is that science needs to be construed to be one gigantic research programme with, as its “hard core”, a metaphysical thesis that asserts that the universe is such that there is an inherent unity in the laws that govern the way physical phenomena occur. The (...)
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    Risk-sharing in pension plans: multiple options.Nicholas Barr - 2025 - Economics and Philosophy 41 (1):192-198.
    A response to pressures on pension finance caused by population ageing and economic turbulence has been a substantial move from traditional defined-benefit plans in which, at least in principle, all risk falls on the contributions side, to defined-contribution plans in which risk during accumulation all falls on the benefits side. This paper argues that both designs are ‘corner solutions’ and hence generally suboptimal, and goes on to set out a range of designs that offer different ways of sharing risk among (...)
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    Reference to Abstract Objects in Discourse.Nicholas Asher - 1993 - Dordrecht, Boston, and London: Kluwer.
    This volume is about abstract objects and the ways we refer to them in natural language. Asher develops a semantical and metaphysical analysis of these entities in two stages. The first reflects the rich ontology of abstract objects necessitated by the forms of language in which we think and speak. A second level of analysis maps the ontology of natural language metaphysics onto a sparser domain--a more systematic realm of abstract objects that are fully analyzed. This second level reflects the (...)
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  7. Another adverbial expletive in German?Nicholas Catasso - 2024 - Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 6 (1-2):59-93.
    In this paper, I propose that a previously understudied lexical item with the polysemous form so (‘so’) in German can be classified as an adverbial expletive. While so has been extensively analyzed in functions such as modal adverb and discourse marker, this study focuses on its occurrence as a prefield element introducing elaboration or exemplification in formal written registers. Based on corpus data from journalistic and academic prose, I suggest that “this” so (labeled “so ex” here) is inserted in Spec,FinP (...)
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  8. What Some Generic Sentences Mean.Nicholas Asher & Michael Morreau - 1995 - In Greg N. Carlson & Francis Jeffry Pelletier, The Generic Book. University of Chicago Press. pp. 300--339.
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  9. Belief in discourse representation theory.Nicholas Asher - 1986 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 15 (2):127 - 189.
    I hope I have convinced the reader that DR theory offers at least some exciting potential when applied to the semantics of belief reports. It differs considerably from other approaches, and it makes intuitively acceptable predictions that other theories do not. The theory also provides a novel approach to the semantics of other propsitional attitude reports. Further, DR theory enables one to approach the topic of anaphora within belief and other propositional attitude contexts in a novel way, thus combining the (...)
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  10. Reward Prediction Error Signals are Meta‐Representational.Nicholas Shea - 2014 - Noûs 48 (2):314-341.
    1. Introduction 2. Reward-Guided Decision Making 3. Content in the Model 4. How to Deflate a Metarepresentational Reading Proust and Carruthers on metacognitive feelings 5. A Deflationary Treatment of RPEs? 5.1 Dispensing with prediction errors 5.2 What is use of the RPE focused on? 5.3 Alternative explanations—worldly correlates 5.4 Contrast cases 6. Conclusion Appendix: Temporal Difference Learning Algorithms.
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  11. Workplace Democracy Implies Economic Democracy.Nicholas Vrousalis - 2019 - Journal of Social Philosophy 50 (3):259-279.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  12.  45
    Encapsulation, inference and utterance interpretation.Nicholas Allott - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    1. People standardly communicate by uttering phrases or sentences with certain intonation patterns, accompanied by facial expressions, eye contact and often a variety of gestures. If all goes well...
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    Exploitation as Domination: A Response to Arneson.Nicholas Vrousalis - 2016 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 54 (4):527-538.
    In a recent paper in this journal, Richard Arneson criticizes the domination account of exploitation and attributes it to me and Allen Wood. In this paper, I defend the domination account against Arneson's criticisms. I begin by showing that the domination view is distinct from the vulnerability-based view defended by Wood. I also show that Alan Wertheimer's influential account of exploitation is congenial to the domination view. I then argue that Arneson's own fairness-based view of exploitation generates false negatives and (...)
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  14. Rousseau.Nicholas J. H. Dent - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    In this superb introduction, Nicholas Dent covers the whole of Rousseau's thought. Beginning with a helpful overview of Rousseau's life and works, he introduces and assesses Rousseau's central ideas and arguments. These include the corruption of modern civilization, the state of nature, his famous theories of _amour de soi _and _amour propre_, education, and his famous work _Emile_. He gives particular attention to Rousseau's theories of democracy and freedom found in his most celebrated work, _The Social Contract_, and explains (...)
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  15. What’s transmitted? Inherited information.Nicholas Shea - 2011 - Biology and Philosophy 26 (2):183-189.
    Commentary on Bergstrom and Rosvall, ‘The transmission sense of information’, Biology and Philosophy. In response to worries that uses of the concept of information in biology are metaphorical or insubstantial, Bergstrom and Rosvall have identified a sense in which DNA transmits information down the generations. Their ‘transmission view of information’ is founded on a claim about DNA’s teleofunction. Bergstrom and Rosvall see their transmission view of information as a rival to semantic accounts. This commentary argues that it is complementary. The (...)
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  16. Neural mechanisms of decision-making and the personal level.Nicholas Shea - 2012 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 1063-1082.
    Can findings from psychology and cognitive neuroscience about the neural mechanisms involved in decision-making can tell us anything useful about the commonly-understood mental phenomenon of making voluntary choices? Two philosophical objections are considered. First, that the neural data is subpersonal, and so cannot enter into illuminating explanations of personal level phenomena like voluntary action. Secondly, that mental properties are multiply realized in the brain in such a way as to make them insusceptible to neuroscientific study. The paper argues that both (...)
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  17. G. A. Cohen on exploitation.Nicholas Vrousalis - 2014 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 13 (2):151-164.
    This paper argues that Cohen’s early work on Marxism, and his work in political philosophy, entails commitment to a distributive paradigm, that is, the view that exploitation obtains only if distributive injustice obtains. Cohen’s early espousal of that paradigm is explicitly reaffirmed in his defence of luck egalitarianism. The paper argues that Cohen’s distributive paradigm is neither the only defensible theory of exploitation, nor indeed the most plausible. It also shows that Cohen himself had doubts about the distributive paradigm, and (...)
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  18.  9
    Can a Theory of Content Rely on Selected Effect Functions? Response to Christie, Brusse, et al.Nicholas Shea - 2022 - Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (4):400-411.
    In the target article, Christie, Brusse, et al. argue that selected effect functions do not, in general, explain why a trait exists in a population and, therefore, theories of representational content should not rely on selected effect functions. This response focuses on the claim about functions-for-representation. The role of evolutionary functions in a theory of content is to pick out outcomes that have been systematically stabilized by natural selection. Correctness conditions are conditions involved in explaining how that happened. Selected effect (...)
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  19.  89
    Imitation as an inheritance system.Nicholas Shea - 2009 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 364:2429-2443.
    What is the evolutionary significance of the various mechanisms of imitation, emulation and social learning found in humans and other animals? This paper presents an advance in the theoretical resources for addressing that question, in the light of which standard approaches from the cultural evolution literature should be refocused. The central question is whether humans have an imitationbased inheritance system—a mechanism that has the evolutionary function of transmitting behavioural phenotypes reliably down the generations. To have the evolutionary power of an (...)
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  20.  83
    Socialism Unrevised: A Reply to Roemer on Marx, Exploitation, Solidarity, Worker Control.Nicholas Vrousalis - 2020 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 49 (1):78-109.
  21. The Agony of Defeat?Nicholas Silins - 2014 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 88 (3):505-532.
  22.  78
    Leibniz and Phenomenalism.Nicholas Jolley - 1986 - Studia Leibnitiana 18 (1):38-51.
    Leibniz est-il devenu phénoménaliste pendant ses années dernières ? Contre Furth et Loeb, ce travail rend une réponse négative à cette question. Quoique Leibniz a caressé les idées phénoménalistes, il ne les a jamais vraiment acceptées ; au contraire, il soutient une autre thèse réductioniste, c'est-à-dire que les corps sont des agrégats des monades. Cependant, cette conclusion entraîne ses propres difficultés, car à certains égards, la doctrine phénoménaliste paraît plus satisfaisante que l'option concurrante. On soutient que la répugnance leibnizienne à (...)
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  23.  5
    Analytical economics: issues and problems.Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen - 1966 - Cambridge,: Harvard University Press.
  24.  12
    Critique of Judgement.Nicholas Walker (ed.) - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    Kant's Critique of Judgement analyses our experience of the beautiful and the sublime in relation to nature, morality, and theology. Meredith's classic translation is here lightly revised and supplemented with a bilingual glossary. The edition also includes the important First Introduction.
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    Did Plato Write the "Alcibiades I?".Nicholas D. Smith - 2004 - Apeiron 37 (2):93-108.
  26. Classical logic, conditionals and “nonmonotonic” reasoning.Nicholas Allott & Hiroyuki Uchida - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (1):85-85.
    Reasoning with conditionals is often thought to be non-monotonic, but there is no incompatibility with classical logic, and no need to formalise inference itself as probabilistic. When the addition of a new premise leads to abandonment of a previously compelling conclusion reached by modus ponens, for example, this is generally because it is hard to think of a model in which the conditional and the new premise are true.
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    The fortunes of inquiry.Nicholas Jardine - 1986 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The belief that science shows an accumulation of a body of objective knowledge has been widely challenged by philosophers and historians in the latter half of this century. In this treatise, Dr. Jardine defends this belief with a careful appreciation of the complexities involved, drawing on many controversial issues concerning truth in science, interpretation of past theories, and grounds of scientific method.
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  28. More than romance.Nicholas Tonti-Fillipini - 2012 - Bioethics Research Notes 24 (3):37.
    Tonti-Fillipini, Nicholas We all have friends or family who are gay or lesbians. These are people we know and love and are a part of our families. The Rudd government's removal of laws that discriminated against them was most significant in ending inequality in the law. Now though we face something very different: the redefinition of marriage to exclude the words "a man and a woman" from what marriage means.
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  29. Information dependency in quantificational subordination.Nicholas Asher - unknown
    The purpose of this paper is to (a) show that the received view of the problem of quantificational subordination (QS) is incorrect, and that, consequently, existing solutions do not succeed in explaining the facts, and (b) provide a new account of QS. On the received view of QS within dynamic semantic frameworks, determiners treated as universal quantifiers (henceforth universal determiners) such as all, every, and each behave as barriers to inter-sentential anaphora yet allow anaphoric accessibility in a number of situations. (...)
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  30. The Ethical Function of the Gorgias' Concluding Myth.Nicholas R. Baima - 2024 - In J. Clerk Shaw, Plato's Gorgias: a critical guide. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    The Gorgias ends with Socrates telling an eschatological myth that he insists is a rational account and no mere tale. Using this story, Socrates reasserts the central lessons of the previous discussion. However, it isn’t clear how this story can persuade any of the characters in the dialogue. Those (such as Socrates) who already believe the underlying philosophical lessons don’t appear to require the myth, and those (such as Callicles) who reject these teachings are unlikely to be moved by this (...)
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    (1 other version)Multiple constitution.Nicholas K. Jones - 2008 - In Dean W. Zimmerman, Oxford Studies in Metaphysics. Oxford University Press. pp. 216-261.
    This chapter outlines a novel solution to the problem of the many, according to which objects can be simultaneously constituted by many collections of particles. To support this proposal, it develops a conception of objects that implies it. On this view, objects are fundamentally subjects of change: the changes an object can survive are explanatorily prior to its constitution. From this perspective, PM arises, and objects are multiply constituted because the changes that objects survive are too coarse-grained to distinguish among (...)
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  32. Leibniz and Malebranche on innate ideas.Nicholas Jolley - 1988 - Philosophical Review 97 (1):71-91.
    This paper seeks to reconstruct an important controversy between leibniz and malebranche over innate ideas. It is argued that this controversy is in some ways more illuminating than the better-Known debate between leibniz and locke, For malebranche's objections to innate ideas raise fundamental questions concerning the status of dispositions and the relationship between logic and psychology. The paper shows that in order to meet malebranche's objections, Leibniz adopts a strategy which is doubly reductionist: ideas are reduced to dispositions to think (...)
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  33.  28
    Mortality salience biases attention to positive versus negative images among individuals higher in trait self-control.Nicholas J. Kelley, David Tang & Brandon J. Schmeichel - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (3):550-559.
  34.  94
    Republic of Equals.Nicholas Vrousalis - 2018 - Philosophical Review 127 (1):125-130.
  35.  16
    Imperatives and their logics.Nicholas J. Moutafakis - 1975 - New Delhi: Sterling Publishers.
    Study on the logic of normative discourse.
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  36. Theoretical reason, modifiers and probability.Nicholas Shackel - manuscript
    Theoretical reason, modifiers and probability.
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    Moral Bioenhancement and the Utilitarian Catastrophe.Nicholas Agar - 2015 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 24 (1):37-47.
  38. Occasionalism and efficacious laws in Malebranche.Nicholas Jolley - 2002 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 26 (1):245–257.
  39.  61
    The illocutionary force of laws.Nicholas Allott & Benjamin Shaer - 2018 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 61 (4):351-369.
    This article provides a speech act analysis of ‘crime-enacting’ provisions in criminal statutes, focusing on the illocutionary force of these provisions. These provisions commonly set out not only particular crimes and their characteristics but also their associated penalties. Enactment of a statute brings into force new social facts, typically norms, through the official utterance of linguistic material. These norms are supposed to guide behaviour: they tell us what we must, may, or must not do. Our main claim is that the (...)
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  40.  16
    Militainment and mechatronics: Occultatio and the veil of science fiction cool in United States Air Force advertisements.Nicholas R. Maradin - 2013 - Ethics and Information Technology 15 (2):77-86.
    In 2009, the United States Air Force aired a series of science fiction-themed recruitment commercials on network television and their official YouTube channel. In these advertisements, the superimposition of science fiction imagery over depictions of Air Force operations frames these missions as near-future sci-fi adventure, ironically summarized by the tagline: “It’s not science fiction. It’s what we do every day.” Focusing on an early advertisement for the Air Force’s Reaper unmanned aerial vehicle, this essay explores how themes essential to the (...)
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    Subsidiarity in the writings of Aristotle and Aquinas.Nicholas Aroney - unknown
    The philosophical origins of the principle of subsidiarity must be understood historically. This chapter argues that the critical point for the emergence of the principle lay in Thomas Aquinas’s theological interpretation of Aristotle’s political philosophy and his application of it to the institutional pluralism of medieval Europe. From Aristotle, Aquinas developed the idea that human societies naturally progress from families, through villages to entire city-states, but he recognised that what Aristotle said of city-states could be applied not only to cities (...)
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  42.  15
    On agent-based software engineering.Nicholas R. Jennings - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 117 (2):277-296.
  43.  17
    Chomsky and Fodor on Modularity.Nicholas Allott & Neil Smith - 2021 - In Nicholas Allott, Terje Lohndal & Georges Rey, A Companion to Chomsky. Wiley. pp. 529–543.
    The philosopher Jerry Fodor was a key figure alongside Noam Chomsky in the revolution that led to the renaissance of the cognitive sciences from around 1960. This chapter describes key difference between Chomsky and Fodor. It focuses on Chomsky's and Fodor's conceptions of modularity. The chapter discusses two ways of understanding Chomsky's proposal, in particular how it claims an underlying faculty is related to processing and performance. Chomsky is largely agnostic on this question; the commitments of his programme are to (...)
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    Situations and events.Nicholas Asher & Daniel Bonevac - 1985 - Philosophical Studies 47 (1):57 - 77.
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  45. Then, Now, and Al.Nicholas Wolterstorff - 2011 - Faith and Philosophy 28 (3):253-266.
    In this article I review some of the more important developments in philosophy of the past fifty years with the aim of pointing out the contribution that the work of Alvin Plantinga has made to these developments. Along the way I also highlight the most important enduring themes in Plantinga’s work.
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  46. Taking anthropomorphism and anecdotes seriously.Robert W. Mitchell, Nicholas S. Thompson & H. Lyn Miles - 1997 - In Robert W. Mitchell, Nicholas S. Thompson & H. Lyn Miles, Anthropomorphism, Anecdotes, and Animals. SUNY Press. pp. 3--11.
  47. Metaphysics.Nicholas Jolley - 2006 - In Donald Rutherford, The Cambridge companion to early modern philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 95--135.
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    Philosophy and Argument.Nicholas Rescher - 1959 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 20 (4):559-560.
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    Making deep reasonings public.Nicholas Adams - 2006 - Modern Theology 22 (3):385-401.
    This essay makes six claims about the practice of scriptural reasoning. Scriptural reasoning does not try to ground its own possibility. It approaches metaphysics as an account of what is taken to be true, not as a means to demonstrate necessary truths. It relies on luck. It models a practice of learning traditions' languages. It promotes friendship above consensus and agreement. It is a practice of making deep reasonings public. In summary, scriptural reasoning is reparative reasoning which addresses the acute (...)
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  50.  34
    Metaphor in Discourse.Nicholas Asher & Alex Lascarides - 2001 - In Pierrette Bouillon & Federica Busa, The language of word meaning. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 262-289.
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