Results for 'Nic Hooper'

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  1.  51
    Comparing thought suppression and mindfulness as coping techniques for spider fear.Nic Hooper, Nathan Davies, Laura Davies & Louise McHugh - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1824-1830.
    The current study compared thought suppression, focused attention and unfocused attention as strategies for managing spider fear. Spider fearful participants were exposed to a strategy induction before completing a Behavioural Approach Test . The BAT is a 10 step measurement of how close participants are willing to move towards a spider. Participants were instructed to use what they learned in the pre-BAT induction to help them advance through the steps of the BAT. The results of the study indicated that participants (...)
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    Mindful maths: Reducing the impact of stereotype threat through a mindfulness exercise.Ulrich W. Weger, Nic Hooper, Brian P. Meier & Tim Hopthrow - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):471-475.
    Individuals who experience stereotype threat – the pressure resulting from social comparisons that are perceived as unfavourable – show performance decrements across a wide range of tasks. One account of this effect is that the cognitive pressure triggered by such threat drains the same cognitive resources that are implicated in the respective task. The present study investigates whether mindfulness can be used to moderate stereotype threat, as mindfulness has previously been shown to alleviate working-memory load. Our results show that performance (...)
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    Is plagiarism a forerunner of other deviance? Imagined futures of academically dishonest students.Gwena Lovett-Hooper, Meera Komarraju, Rebecca Weston & Stephen J. Dollinger - 2007 - Ethics and Behavior 17 (3):323 – 336.
    This study explored the relationship of current incidences of academic dishonesty with future norm/rule-violating behavior. Data were collected from 154 college students enrolled in introductory and upper-level psychology students at a large Midwest public university who received credit for participating. The sample included students from many different majors and all years of study. Participants completed a self-report survey that included a measure of Academic Dishonesty (including three subscales: Self-Dishonest, Social Falsifying, and Plagiarism) and an Imagined Futures Scale (five subscales that (...)
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    Adding insult to injury: the healthcare brain drain.C. R. Hooper - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (9):684-687.
    Recent reports published by the United Nations and the World Health Organization suggest that the brain drain of healthcare professionals from the developing to the developed world is decimating the provision of healthcare in poor countries. The migration of these key workers is driven by a combination of economic inequalities and the recruitment policies of governments in the rich world. This article assesses the impact of the healthcare brain drain and argues that wealthy countries have a moral obligation to reduce (...)
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  5. Koan zen and Wittgenstein's only correct method in philosophy.Carl Hooper - 2007 - Asian Philosophy 17 (3):283 – 292.
    Koan Zen is a philosophical practice that bears a strong family resemblance to Wittgenstein's approach to philosophy. In this paper I hope to show that this resemblance is especially evident when we compare the Zen method of koan with Wittgenstein's suggestion, towards the end of his Tractatus, about what would constitute the only correct method in philosophy. Both koan Zen and Wittgenstein's method set limits to the reach of philosophical discourse. Each rules metaphysical speculation out of bounds. Neither, however, represents (...)
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  6. No Route to Material Origin Essentialism?Nic Damnjanovic - 2010 - Erkenntnis 72 (1):93 - 110.
    In the last 30 years repeated attempts have been made to develop a proof-sketch Kripke gave for essentialism about material origins into a cogent argument. I argue that there are general reasons that all such attempts have failed, and so we should likewise expect future attempts to fail.
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  7. Aeschylus' "Agamemnon" 819.Nic Bezantakos - 1995 - Hermes 123 (4):504.
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    The compositionality papers.Nic Damnjanovic - 2004 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 82 (2):366 – 367.
    Book Information The Compositionality Papers. The Compositionality Papers Jerry A. Fodor and Ernest Lepore , Oxford: Clarendon Press , 2002 , viii + 212 , US$65.00 ( cloth ), US$19.95 ( paper ) By Jerry A. Fodor. and Ernest Lepore. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Pp. viii + 212. US$65.00 (cloth:), US$19.95 (paper:).
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  9. Common Sense and the Rudiments of Philosophy.Charles E. Hooper - 1920 - Watts & Co.
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  10. Telepathy in the Light of Whitehead's Philosophy.Sydney E. Hooper - 1943 - Hibbert Journal 42:248.
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  11.  80
    A Reasonable Theory of Morality.Sydney E. Hooper - 1950 - Philosophy 25 (92):54.
    During the later years of his life, the late Professor Alexander devoted much of his time to the study of our aesthetic and moral experience. In regard to the latter, Alexander was impressed by Adam Smith's treatment of the Moral Sentiments and especially with what he considered his sure insight in seeking for the ground of obligation in the causes of conduct, rather than in its effects. These causes were the passions. In this he was in sympathy with his contemporary (...)
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  12.  20
    The Athenian Constitution: Written in the School of Aristotle, edited and translated by Peter John Rhodes.Thomas Hooper - 2019 - Polis 36 (3):590-592.
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    The anatomy of knowledge.Charles E. Hooper - 1906 - London,: Watts & co..
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  14.  17
    The fallacies of fatalism.Charles E. Hooper - 1930 - London,: Watts & co..
  15.  38
    De cirkelgang Van theologie en geloven.Nic Schreurs - 1981 - Bijdragen 42 (2):174-202.
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  16. A well-being manifesto for a flourishing society.Nic Marks & Shah & Hetan - 2005 - In Felicia A. Huppert, Nick Baylis & Barry Keverne, The Science of Well-Being. Oxford University Press.
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  17. Whitehead's Philosophy: The World as "Process".Sydney E. Hooper - 1948 - Philosophy 23 (85):140 - 160.
    This paper will endeavour to present an outline of the Organic Philosophy associated with the name of Whitehead. Whitehead resembles Spinoza and Leibniz in that he is a philosopher who has tried to construct a world-outlook that will do justice to science and to the other aspects of life and knowledge. Moreover, just as in his day Leibniz was an eminent mathematician and scientist, so Whitehead in our day enjoys the same distinction. But Whitehead's philosophy differs both from that of (...)
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  18. New wave deflationism.Nic Damnjanovic - 2010 - In Cory Wright & Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen, New Waves in Truth. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 45--58.
    For many, the paradigm of a deflationary theory of truth is the redundancy theory, which is typically taken to consist of two claims: namely (i) that sentences containing the truth predicate are synonymous with sentences not containing the truth predicate (and so the truth predicate is redundant) and (ii) that there is no property of truth.1 The redundancy theory is not an attractive theory of truth since neither of its claims is particularly plausible on its own, and the combination of (...)
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  19.  5
    The essential mystics, poets, saints, and sages: a wisdom treasury.Richard J. Hooper (ed.) - 2013 - Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads.
    The Essential Mystics, Poets, Saints, and Sages is a treasury of quotes and passages from the great Sufi mystics, Buddhists, Hindus, Taoists, Jews, and Christians throughout the centuries. This collection, curated by religious scholar Richard Hooper, stresses the beauty of religious language and mystical experience, including hundreds of entries from world’s major religious traditions, the greatest poets, mystics, sages, and saints of all time. Included are selections from William Blake, Ramakrishna, Rumi, St. John of the Cross, Osho, Tagore, Chuang (...)
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  20. Revelation and Physicalism.Nic Damnjanovic - 2012 - Dialectica 66 (1):69-91.
    Revelation is the thesis that having an experience that instantiates some phenomenal property puts us in a position to know the nature or essence of that property. It is widely held that although Revelation is prima facie plausible, it is inconsistent with physicalism, and, in particular, with the claim that phenomenal properties are physical properties. I outline the standard argument for the incompatibility of Revelation and physicalism and compare it with the Knowledge Argument. By doing so, I hope to show (...)
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  21. Deflationism and the success argument.By Nic Damnjanovic - 2005 - Philosophical Quarterly 55 (218):53–67.
    Deflationists about truth typically deny that truth is a causal-explanatory property. However, the now familiar 'success argument' attempts to show that truth plays an important causal-explanatory role in explanations of practical success. Deflationists have standardly responded that the truth predicate appears in such explanations merely as a logical device, and that therefore truth has not been shown to play a causal-explanatory role. I argue that if we accept Jackson and Pettit's account of causal explanations, the standard deflationist response is inconsistent, (...)
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  22.  23
    (1 other version)Philosophy for Everyone: Considerations on the Lack of Diversity in Academic Philosophy.Nic R. Jones - forthcoming - Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences.
    Nic R. Jones ABSTRACT: The The lack of diversity in academic philosophy has been well documented. This paper examines the reasons for this issue, identifying two intertwining norms within philosophy which contribute to it: the assertion that the Adversary Method is the primary mode of argumentation and the excessive boundary policing surrounding what constitutes “real” ….
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    Conceptual Analysis and Philosophical Naturalism.Nic Damnjanovic - 2011 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 89 (4):735 - 738.
    Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Volume 89, Issue 4, Page 735-738, December 2011.
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  24. No route to origin essentialism?Nic Damnjanovic - unknown
    In a famous footnote in Naming and Necessity, Kripke offered “something like a proof” of the thesis that material things have their material origins essentially (EMO). Although the sketch of a proof Kripke gave was incomplete in important respects, many philosophers have since endeavoured to develop Kripke’s style of argument so that it reaches its intended conclusion.1 In particular, a number of philosophers have attempted to complete Kripke’s argument sketch by appealing to some sort of “sufficiency principle” – a principle (...)
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  25.  31
    Correspondence.Sydney E. Hooper, H. J. Paton & B. M. Laing - 1945 - Philosophy 20 (75):94-94.
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  26. The Fallacies of Fatalism; Or, the Real World and the Rational Will.Charles E. Hooper - 1930 - Humana Mente 5 (20):636-638.
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  27. The Orgasmic Brain.Judith Hooper - unknown
    '...If New Orleans is a city with an overripe id, it is also home to Tulane University Medical School and its unique department of neurology and psychiatry.... In 1950, [Dr. Robert G.] Heath first put depth electrodes into the brain of a human mental patient.... His electrodes charted the circuitry of pain in some of the illest brains in Louisiana. It was the first time electrodes had been used inside human brain tissue, and so Heath's operations were controversial, to say (...)
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  28.  14
    The relation of personal to cultural ideas.Charles E. Hooper - 1916 - Philosophical Review 25 (6):818-836.
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    Racionalizacija nastave i učenja: ogledi i rasprave.Radisav Ničković - 1975 - Novi Sad : Radnički univerzitet Radivoj Čirpanov,:
  30.  43
    J. S. drey en F. Schleiermacher aan het begin Van de fundamentele theologie oorsprongen en ontwikkelingen.Nic Schreurs - 1982 - Bijdragen 43 (3):251-288.
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    Computational techniques for a simple theory of conditional preferences.Nic Wilson - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (7-8):1053-1091.
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  32.  56
    Scaling the Ladder. Why the Final Step of the Lover’s Ascent is a Generalizing Step.Anthony Hooper - 2015 - Plato Journal 15:95-106.
    The ‘Scala Amoris’, or ‘Ladder of Love’, constitutes the philosophical and aesthetic centrepiece of Socrates’ encomium of Eros in Plato’s Symposium. Here Diotima describes how a lover ascending up the Ladder directs his erotic attention to a number of difference kinds of beautiful objects, first bodies, then souls, just institutions and knowledge, until he catches a glimpse of Beauty itself. In this paper I advance an ‘inclusive’ reading of the lover’s ascent – to use Price’s 1991 terminology – with a (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Correspondence.Charles E. Hooper - 1931 - Humana Mente 6 (21):145-146.
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  34. Common Sense and the Rudiments of Philosophy.C. E. Hooper - 1921 - Mind 30:254.
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  35. (3 other versions)The Meaning of the Universe.C. E. Hooper - 1917 - Mind 26:273.
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  36.  42
    Whitehead's Philosophy: Propositions and Consciousness.Sydney E. Hooper - 1945 - Philosophy 20 (75):59-75.
    In earlier articles I explained the fundamental entities in the Organic Philosophy, namely: actual entities or actual occasions, and eternal objects. But there is also a third type of entity called “propositions,” very important for the introduction of novelty into our world, and indispensable for “consciousness” and the higher phases of experience. Before discussing Consciousness and these higher phases, it is necessary, therefore, to give an account of propositions.
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    A realistic outlook (V).Charles E. Hooper - 1925 - Philosophical Review 34 (4):360-379.
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  38. Freedom: The Editor.Sydney E. Hooper - 1927 - Humana Mente 2 (6):212-219.
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    Mammonymy, Maternal-Line Names, and Cultural Identification: Clues from the Onomasticon of Hellenistic Uruk.Stephanie M. Langin-Hooper & Laurie E. Pearce - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 134 (2):185.
    The onomasticon of Hellenistic Uruk demonstrates that, in some cases, individuals with Greek names were included in otherwise Babylonian families. Often, such Greek names have been interpreted by scholars as evidence for Hellenization. This article suggests an alternate explanation, based on evidence throughout the family trees for a series of naming practices that focus on the perpetuation of names of female relatives and transmission of preferred family names through maternal lines. Particularly important to this discussion are the practices of mammonymy, (...)
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  40.  36
    Correspondence.Sydney E. Hooper - 1945 - Philosophy 20 (75):94 - 95.
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  41.  67
    Whitehead's Philosophy: "Space, Time and Things".Sydney E. Hooper - 1943 - Philosophy 18 (71):204 - 230.
    In earlier articles an account has been given of some of the chief notions in the Organic Philosophy, namely Creativity, Actual Entities, Eternal Objects, God. In the present article the writer will endeavour to present Whitehead's doctrine concerning the space-time continuum and the nature of enduring objects implicated therein.
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  42.  39
    Whitehead's Philosophy: "Theory of Perception".Sydney E. Hooper - 1944 - Philosophy 19 (73):136 - 158.
    When the weather is fair, it is the custom of the writer to take a walk across the common which abuts on to his house and garden. This morning he observed the fresh green of the spring grass, and at the same time heard from an adjacent hawthorn bush the cheerful song of the thrush. As he proceeded, the scent of burning brushwood in a clearing near by was smelt. He picked up a stick lying on the grass and used (...)
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  43.  15
    Host–microbial symbiosis in the mammalian intestine: exploring an internal ecosystem.Lora V. Hooper, Lynn Bry, Per G. Falk & Jeffrey I. Gordon - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (4):336-343.
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  44. God in the Dock: Essays on Theology and Ethics.C. S. Lewis & Walter Hooper - 1970
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  45. The contemporary deflationist.Nic Damnjanovic - manuscript
    The most important contemporary debate in the theory of truth is that between inflationists and deflationists.1 But although the debate is of fundamental importance, we do not have a clear, unproblematic formulation of the difference between the two camps. Part of the reason for this is that contemporary deflationists have given up many of the distinctive positions that their predecessors endorsed: typically, they no longer claim that the truth predicate is redundant, that there is no property of truth, or that (...)
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    Copyright Licensing.Richard Hooper - 2013 - Logos 24 (2):33-40.
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    Ontološkiot dokaz i germanskata klasična filozofija.Dejan Ničevski - 2007 - Skopje: Az-Buki.
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  48.  29
    Music and the Ineffable.G. C. Hooper - 2004 - British Journal of Aesthetics 44 (3):309-311.
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  49. The Anatomy of Knowledge an Essay in Objective Logic.Charles E. Hooper & Rationalist Press Association - 1906 - Watts & Co.
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  50. Telepathy in the light of Whitehead's philosophy.S. E. Hooper - 1944 - Hibbert Journal 42:248-253.
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